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Hank & Fallon: Something Wonderful [Silver's Studs 8] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 8

by Lynn Stark

  That wasn’t going to happen, Hank thought, squirming in the seat as he tried to relieve the pressure of throbbing dick against his jeans.

  “Is there a problem, Mr. Wells?”

  “Just have to pee.”

  The sheriff laughed. “That’s not exactly original, and I doubt it’s anywhere near the truth, but I’m going to let you off with a warning.” A large hand came in through the open window, returning Hank’s license to him. “Try not to do it again. Remember, the turn signals are there for a reason.”

  “Thanks, Sheriff,” Hank said, nodding even though he knew the man couldn’t see him. “I’ll be more careful in the future.”

  “Are you finished screwing with him, Gray?” Fallon asked.

  “Yep. Hey, Fallon, do you need to borrow my handcuffs?”

  Hank sucked in his breath, then shifted Zippy into gear when he heard Fallon’s smooth reply. “No, thanks. I have my own.”

  Pressing his foot to the accelerator, Hank sent Zippy shooting forward. He headed for the alley. He drove by the garage to the parking lot beside it, where the store’s employees parked, along with other people who worked in nearby buildings. He jumped out, cursing when his bare feet were pricked by sharp gravel. Opening the rear door, he took his shoes out and put them on. With his mind now only on one thing, and that was to get to Fallon, he closed the car’s door before heading to the store’s entrance. He punched in the lock code that would let him in without activating his employee sign-in. The door clicked into place behind him as he headed for the elevator that would take him up to Fallon’s apartment. His heart was hammering in his chest, and his mouth was dry. His dick was still as hard as he could ever remember it being. Fallon was the cause, of course. The man was sexier than anyone Hank had ever known.

  By the time the elevator reached the top of the building, Hank wished he had used the stairs. As it was he shot out of the elevator as soon as the doors opened and ran around the apartment, looking for Fallon.

  Hank found him. Fallon was just leaving the elevator that he used to get to his office or down to the ground floor at the front of the building. There were stairs, too, which Fallon claimed he usually used coming up, but Hank guessed that the man’s leg still hurt him.

  “Hi,” Hank said, wondering if it was too soon for him to begin stripping off his clothes.

  “Hi. Want something to drink or eat?”

  Hank shook his head. “Maybe later. How’s your leg?”

  Fallon moved closer. “I don’t think you’ll have any complaints.”

  “I doubt that I will. But it was you I was worried about. I don’t want you to strain it.”

  Hank began to back up. The bedroom was close, although he wouldn’t complain if Fallon wanted to fuck him elsewhere. But Fallon was following with a grin on his face. Hank noticed that Fallon needed a shave. The dark, new growth of beard covered his jaw. Hank trembled as he thought about how those bristles would feel against his skin. He backed up until he was inside the door to Fallon’s bedroom. Then he was turning and pulling off his clothes, tossing them in every direction, his shoes included.

  Turning back when he heard Fallon’s soft laughter, something Hank thought was the sexiest sound on earth, Hank gave him a questioning look. “Something wrong?”

  “No. I was just wondering what the hurry was. We have all night.”

  Hank nodded. “And I plan on using each minute of it to the best of my ability. I hope you brought your ‘A’ game.”

  When Fallon reached for Hank, his heart fluttered in his chest. There was no misinterpreting the expression on Fallon’s face. The last item of clothing he held dropped from his fingers. Naked, Hank was pulled close to Fallon’s bigger body. He was suddenly very conscious in the differences in their sizes. Where Fallon was muscular, Hank was rather wimpy. Fallon was a head taller, too. But Hank liked all that. He loved that Fallon was larger than he was.

  “Do you really have handcuffs?” he asked, peeking up at Fallon through his lashes.

  Nodding, Fallon gave Hank a grin that had his blood racing hotly through his veins. “I do. Does that mean you want me to handcuff you?”

  Shrugging his shoulders, Hank said carefully, “I don’t really know. I’ve never tried anything even remotely kinky. Why do you have handcuffs? Do you like kinky stuff? If you do, I might turn out to be a disappointment.”

  Long fingers brushed Hank’s hair away from his face. “There will never be any disappointment. I’m good with whatever you’re comfortable with, okay?”

  Hank nodded, feeling relief rushing through him. It was always tricky with a new lover, not that he had had that many of them. Still, even as comfortable as Hank was with Fallon, he was a little nervous about what was to come. The one thing that made it easier, however, was trust. Hank trusted Fallon completely after getting to know him these past weeks. It was different than just working for the guy. That had been employee and employer. Taking care of Fallon, spending so much time alone with him, had given them both a chance to learn things about each other they might not have otherwise.

  Strong hands skimmed down his body from shoulders to the curve of his ass as Fallon watched Hank closely. Hank inhaled the man’s scent. It was wonderful and gave him great pleasure to be this close. Leaning in, he inhaled again, knowing he wanted a taste of the skin beneath the T-shirt. Would it taste as good as it smelled?

  Feeling particularly bold, Hank lifted the hem of Fallon’s shirt and slid his hands beneath. He grinned when he touched Fallon’s warm skin and the man sucked in his breath. Sliding his hands upward, caressing sleek skin and crisp hairs with his palms, he paused when he reached taut nipples. They were as hard as pebbles. Hank pressed them between his thumbs and forefingers, tugging gently before releasing them and moving on. Fallon had just the right amount of hair on his chest. It tickled Hank’s sensitive palms. He made a mental note to play later.

  Fallon let go of Hank, which was disappointing as Hank pushed the shirt upward. A moment later, it was off and being tossed across the room. Because Fallon was such a neat freak, Hank almost expected the man to run around and pick up the scattered clothes. Instead, Fallon toed off his shoes and pushed the sweats down to his ankles, stepping out and kicking them away as he did so. Hank’s gaze skittered away from the pink scars on Fallon’s thigh. He didn’t want to stare, and he didn’t want to think about what had happened to the man. Not at that moment. He would investigate it later, he thought as his gaze shifted. Maybe he would even kiss them better.

  Hank’s breath caught in his throat as he got his very first look at the totally gorgeous hunk of flesh thrusting out from Fallon’s groin. There, its root surrounded by a triangle of dense, black curls, was the most tempting cock Hank had ever seen. It was reasonably long and thick, but what he liked most was that it looked like it was covered in velvet. He whimpered as his own dick pulsed, pre-cum leaking from the tip. He needed to touch it. He needed to taste it.

  As Hank was about to drop to his knees so he could properly worship Fallon’s cock, Fallon reached for him again. Hank was pulled close and he sighed with pleasure as Fallon lowered his head to capture Hank’s mouth with his. Hank’s toes curled into the plush carpeting as his lips were teased open by the tip of Fallon’s tongue before he plunged it into the depths of his mouth as Hank opened eagerly for the beginning of the seduction.

  It was absolutely the most perfect kiss Hank had ever experienced. Boyfriends of the past faded away. This was a new beginning for him in yet another way. Moaning, Hank gripped broad shoulders and held on for dear life as Fallon masterfully controlled the kiss, dominating Hank’s mouth with his own, wrapping his strong arms around Hank’s lean frame.

  Hank’s cock pressed against Fallon. Hank wasn’t above trying to find some relief as he rubbed himself against the hard body, but only managed to intensify the need. Moaning, Hank melted. Strong arms were the only things keeping him upright.

  Fallon’s cock was imprinting itself on Hank’s belly. There were better
places for it, however, places Hank had only fantasized about up until this point. The fact that his fantasies were about to become realities was nearly mind-blowing.

  When Fallon finally raised his head, Hank rested his on Fallon’s chest. The pounding of the man’s heartbeat was strong in his ear. It was good to know the man wasn’t just going through the motions to get a piece of ass. He was as affected as Hank was.

  “Get on the bed, sweetheart,” Fallon told Hank, his voice deeper than was normal.

  The sound yanked on Hank’s desire and gave it a twist. Groaning, he nodded as Fallon’s arms fell away and he moved toward the huge bed. There was plenty of room to play on it, and he hoped that Fallon wanted to do a lot of playing.

  Hank climbed up onto the bed after peeling back the covers. Conscious of the fact that Fallon was watching him, he pushed the decorative pillows off onto the floor on the opposite side, before spreading himself out in the center of the bed. Looking up, he watched as Fallon followed him with a smile and burning passion in his dark gray eyes. Hank trembled as his desire intensified.

  As soon as Fallon was on the bed with him, he pulled Hank back into his arms. Hank needn’t have been worried about a lack of play in bed. Fallon began to nibble on Hank’s neck, nipping and licking his way along Hank’s body, only pausing when something caught his attention. Hank’s nipples were first. Fallon’s mouth latched onto one as Hank moaned and sank his fingers into Fallon’s thick hair. He held on tight as Fallon sucked hard, leaving it with a sharp nip, before moving to its twin. By the time Fallon released the second, Hank believed he would lose all rational thought. His mind was spinning as his senses were overwhelmed by Fallon’s sensual ministrations.

  Hank didn’t want to compare past lovers with Fallon, but there really wasn’t a comparison. None had caused his blood to flow through his veins like lava. None had ever made him want to cry out or beg for the sensual torment to stop—and go on until the end of time. None had ever made Hank want to freeze a moment in time so he would always have it.

  Now Fallon worked his way down Hank’s body, drawing a wet line from Hank’s breastbone to his belly button with his tongue. Laughter erupted from Hank as the tip of Fallon’s tongue twirled around it and he nearly folded in half on the man’s head, his dick smashing into Fallon’s cheek, as Fallon found a particularly ticklish spot and concentrated on it.

  Strong hands flattened Hank out. Fallon pressed on Hank’s chest and his thighs, holding him down as he continued to torment Hank. Hank’s moans and pleas blended with Fallon’s chuckles. The man was evil.

  The man was magic. Fallon’s head moved, and his mouth slid over the head of Hank’s painfully hard dick. Whimpering, he gripped Fallon’s hair again. Opening his eyes, he stared at the ceiling. Even as distracted as he was, he saw how beautiful the brick, barrel-vaulted ceiling was.

  The downward slide of Fallon’s mouth on his length made Hank forget about ceilings and every other thing beyond the bed. As far as he was concerned, he was floating on a cloud with the most delectable man this side of heaven.

  Fallon’s head bobbed as he pleasured Hank’s dick. With a long-fingered hand, Fallon cupped his tight balls, stroking them as the head of Hank’s dick hit the back of Fallon’s throat. Fallon swallowed, the muscles tightening around it. He couldn’t help it. He came, his balls emptying as spurt after spurt of cum shot out against the back of Fallon’s throat. The man’s moan vibrated his throbbing flesh.

  With his hips jerking and golden stars exploding behind his eyelids, Hank cried out and rode the wave for all he was worth. He would savor every second. Fallon and he liked each other, they were certainly attracted to each other, but there was no telling how long this thing between them would last. It could burn out as quickly as it had flared. Hank wanted something to hold onto memories that would keep him going.

  Fallon’s mouth leaving Hank’s softening flesh was enough to get his attention. The air was cool on his damp skin. Opening his eyes, he watched as Fallon moved around the bed until he was able to reach the nightstand beside it. He slid open the top drawer and reached in. Hank watched as a small bottle of lube and a condom were extracted. Fallon tossed them onto the bed beside Hank and grinned at him as he opened the bottom drawer. Curious, Hank pushed up onto his elbows, trembling when he saw a pair of handcuffs dangling from Fallon’s fingers.

  “Ready for these, baby?” Fallon asked, his grin widening. There was a devilish glint in his gray eyes.

  Was he? Hank had never tried anything remotely kinky. Were handcuffs as kinky as Fallon got? Or was he into all that BDSM stuff? Hank didn’t know much about it, but didn’t feel it was something he wanted to participate in.

  “Do you always want to handcuff your lovers?” Hank asked curiously, really needing to know. The idea of being handcuffed was more than slightly titillating. The idea of it being necessary to what would happen between them in the future, was disappointing. “I mean is it something you need to do?”

  The handcuffs were tossed to the floor as Fallon shook his head and smiled. “No. I’ve had them a long time. Someone gave them to me as a joke.”

  Relieved, Hank sagged into the mattress. “Okay. I just wanted to know what to expect. I mean, I didn’t want to disappoint you because I wouldn’t want to be tied up and whipped or something.” He shrugged. “I don’t really know that much about it. Still, the idea of being handcuffed is a little thrilling.”

  “Good to know. We’ll save them for another time.”


  Fallon was all business after that. Hank watched as Fallon opened the foil packet and extracted the condom. Sitting up, Hank held out his hand for it. There was no hesitation as Fallon placed it in his palm. It only took a few seconds to roll the condom onto Fallon’s beautiful cock. Rolling the condom down the length of it seemed a very intimate action, making Hank feel very close to the other man. This was it. They were about to become as intimate as two people could get. Was he ready? No man had ever affected Hank the way Fallon did.

  When Hank was finished, he picked up the bottle of lube and handed it to Fallon. Then he stretched out on his back once again and pulled his legs to his chest, offering the man his ass. He wanted to watch Fallon as he claimed him this first time. After this, they would do it whichever way felt right at that moment.

  “I’ve never seen anything so hot,” Fallon told him as he poured lube over his fingers. “You’re one sexy man, Hank Wells.”

  Hank felt the heat spread through his cheeks. “Thanks. You’re pretty hot yourself.”

  Lube was dribbled over his puckered hole, causing Hank to jump. They both laughed at his reaction. Then Fallon was pushing a slick finger through the ring of muscles and all coherent thoughts scattered to the winds. He focused solely on Fallon, preparing him for the next step in their coming together. Anticipation buzzed through his body like a million tiny, electric fireflies, jolting him whenever they lit up.

  Hank was completely fascinated by the intense expression on Fallon’s face. Hank watched him, taking note of every minute change as his body reacted to what Fallon was doing to it. His dick had revived, something that was mildly astonishing, yet he knew he shouldn’t be surprised at all. Fallon was incredible. What they were about to do together would be nothing less than fantastic. He was sure of it.

  When Fallon finished stretching him, Hank’s heart began to beat a little faster. Perspiration beaded on his skin as he watched Fallon guide the head of his cock to Hank’s twitching hole. His breath caught in his throat when the head popped through and Fallon buried himself in one smooth push forward, filling and stretching Hank’s dark channel until Hank lost all ability to think and breathe. The only thing he could do was feel. He closed his eyes and focused on where their two bodies were joined.

  The tempo of their lovemaking was slow at first. Hank was grateful for that. It gave him time to adjust. Nearly a year had passed since he had been with anyone. Being with a lover, with Fallon, was an intense experience because it
offered him things that were new. The scents, the sounds, the very touch of the man, were incredibly vivid.

  “Fallon,” Hank whispered, opening his eyes to look up at the other man. “I feel you so deep inside me.”

  Releasing his hold on his legs, Hank slid them around Fallon’s waist. For his part, Fallon nodded and moved so he was braced above Hank, muscular arms supporting him. Now that he had his hands free, Hank began to investigate the sculpted torso above his.

  It didn’t take long to discover Fallon’s erogenous zones. Hank’s punishment for exploiting them was to have the thick flesh in his ass push powerfully forward before it was withdrawn and thrust forward once more. It was a win-win situation. Shuddering, Hank rubbed the stiff nipples and tugged at crisp whorls of black hair. He cried out against warm skin as the head of Fallon’s cock struck his gland, sending shockwaves of pleasure throughout his body.

  It was a fun game, one they played for long minutes until they both seemed to reach the breaking point. Then it was as if a switch had been flipped. Hank wound his arms and legs tightly around Fallon’s larger body as the man began to pound away at his ass, their mouths locked passionately together, sharing breaths, moans, and swallowing the desperate pleas of the other, until their passion exploded. Fallon’s cock throbbed in Hank’s ass as cum was pumped from the man’s balls. Hank came seconds later and felt his eyes roll back in his head as pleasure flowed over and through him.

  Flattened under Fallon’s larger body, Hank was without complaint. He knew there was a smile on his face. Fallon nuzzled his sweaty neck as they remained together as long as possible.

  “Sweetheart, that was fantastic,” Fallon murmured against his skin.

  “Yes, it was,” Hank agreed.

  The best part of it was that no one had knocked on the door. Privacy was a wonderful thing.

  Chapter Eight

  Hours later, Hank was whistling as he headed out to his car. Although Fallon hadn’t suggested he leave, Hank felt he should do so before his coworkers showed up for work. He wasn’t quite sure how they would feel if they learned he was sleeping with the boss. It might make things very uncomfortable for everyone concerned. Hank didn’t want anyone to resent Fallon if they believed he was playing favorites among his employees. After all, they hadn’t exchanged any words of love, commitment, or permanency to their relationship. For all Hank knew, last night had been the one and only time they would ever be together. If that was the way it was going to be, he didn’t want his work experience to be a bad one.


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