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Hank & Fallon: Something Wonderful [Silver's Studs 8] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 12

by Lynn Stark

  It was just the beginning as Hank hugged and was hugged in return. He felt tears sting his eyes. It wouldn’t take much to get him balling like a baby. Noah and Reagan were the last two. Their warm smiles said everything.

  “Thank you,” Hank told him. “If it wasn’t for you guys, I don’t know what would have happened to me. You pulled me out of a very dark place.”

  “Hey, you needed help, and we were there,” Noah told him quietly. “We helped because it was the right thing to do, and we will never regret it.”

  “Because of you, I’m here and happy.” Hank leaned back against Fallon. Strong arms wrapped around him. “And you’re all invited to the wedding. Fallon,” he said as he tipped his head back to look up at the taller man, “has asked me to marry him.”

  It was almost another two hours before they left. Noah and Reagan insisted they stay for a celebratory supper. Neither Hank nor Fallon had any desire to put a stop to their friends’ need to express the happiness they were feeling.

  That evening, Hank was stretched out on one of the two long sofas in the living room, the phone in his hand. Fallon was behind him, an arm holding Hank securely in place. One wrong move and he could be face down on the floor, but he enjoyed the position, the closeness. Fallon loved to cuddle. Hank was not about to stop him.

  A voice in Hank’s ear caused him to grin until his face hurt. “Hi, Mom. I have some news you and Dad might like to hear.”

  His parents didn’t disappoint Hank. They never had, and he doubted they ever would. They were thrilled to hear that Hank and Fallon were getting married in December. They had planned to make a trip out to visit Hank at the end of the summer. Hank learned they would visit then and they could also come out with Hank’s brothers and sister for the wedding. Although his siblings didn’t know about the wedding yet, he knew they would be there, too.

  When his father asked to speak to Fallon, Hank handed the phone to him and twisted around on the sofa so they were facing each other. He hooked his leg over Fallon’s hip, grinning when the man’s groin thrust forward. Because Fallon was now holding the phone, he wasn’t holding Hank. Hank made a wild grab for the other man when he began to roll backward over the edge of the sofa. Fallon’s T-shirt stretched, but Hank managed to right himself. He stuck his tongue out at Fallon when Fallon chuckled and winked. Fallon’s smile disappeared a moment later. He didn’t appear distressed, just serious. As Hank listened to Fallon’s responses, he guessed his father was asking for information about Fallon.

  Closing his eyes, Hank snuggled close to Fallon, his arm around the larger man. He inhaled the warm body beneath the cotton. The scent of soap still clung to Fallon, reminding Hank of the shower they had enjoyed earlier. He never knew sex in the shower could be so erotic.

  The thoughts vaporized as Fallon tapped him, holding out the phone. “Your mom wants to talk to you.”

  With his cheeks burning, and Fallon laughing, Hank took the phone. He spoke with his mother for a few minutes before they ended the call. It was just in time, too. Fallon had slid a hand into the back of Hank’s sweats so he could massage the cheek of his ass, his fingers inching closer to the cleft and the prize between. With Fallon’s naughty play, and his reaction to it, it had been all Hank had been able to do to keep the conversation with his mother going.

  “You really are rotten,” Hank told him, helping Fallon to push Hank’s sweats down. He kicked them off, moaning when Fallon shifted so that Hank was beneath him on the sofa.

  Fallon dropped a kiss on the tip of Hank’s nose before grinning. “Complaining?”

  Shaking his head, Hank returned the grin. “Not in this lifetime. But I can’t remember now if my mom was talking about bagels or begonias. Heck, it might have been beagles.”

  Strong fingers wrapped around his throbbing erection. “What if I had been doing this?”

  “I would have started drooling. Now, can we stop talking about my mother while you have my boner in your hand?”

  “Anything for you, baby. Why don’t we go to the kitchen to see if the island is as functional as I think it is?”

  Hank was all for that. One thing was certain, he doubted if there would be many boring moments with Fallon during the next few decades.

  Chapter Eleven

  Fallon held Hank’s hand tightly as the charges against him were dismissed. He felt Hank’s body sag as those in the courtroom cheered. Although both Brodie and Fallon had reassured him that the charges wouldn’t stick, Fallon knew Hank had worried that he would still have to go to trial if the surveillance tapes hadn’t been able to be cleaned up and restored by experts. And those experts had been fortunate enough to have been able to sort out two images of the guilty parties, two men Silver’s sheriff’s department knew all too well. Their suspicions were correct, and there were now warrants out for the two men.

  With the formalities over, and the judge leaving the courtroom, Fallon shook Brodie’s hand, thanking his friend. Hank did the same, throwing in a huge hug. Brodie accepted it graciously, patting Hank on the back.

  “See, I told you that you had nothing to worry about,” Brodie said as they separated. “No one here was out to string you up.”

  “I know,” Hank admitted. “Still, it was very stressful. Can I get Zippy back now? I want to give him a good cleaning.”

  “There won’t be any problem with that. I’ll see you at the wedding.”

  “But that is months away yet!”

  Brodie laughed and picked up his briefcase and Western hat from the table. “Remember, I’m working hard on being a hermit. Seriously though, if you ever need my help, I’m here for you guys. You’re both good friends.”

  As they watched Brodie walk away, Hank said, “He really is a nice guy. I like him.”

  “Yes, I knew you would. I think someone else does, too.”

  Fallon tipped his head in the direction behind them, to where Brodie was walking toward the doors. He knew Hank saw their friend Ricky, another of Hank’s former housemates, staring after the tall cowboy/lawyer. “Wow, I didn’t see that coming. I hope Ricky doesn’t get hurt.”

  “We’ll hope for the best for them both, no matter what happens, okay?”

  Hank nodded. “I guess that’s all we can do. It’s just Ricky has been through so much, I’d like to see the guy happy. Can we go get Zippy now?”

  “We can. He’ll be parked in the garage from now on.”

  There was a surprise for them when they went outside. Zippy was parked at the curb in a no parking zone, the sheriff standing beside it. There was a wide grin on Grayson’s face, then laughter when someone in the small crowd shouted “citizen’s arrest!”

  Grayson held out the keys when Hank rushed forward. “It looks like Zippy has been washed and waxed. He looks great!”

  “The inside was detailed, too,” Grayson said. “Hank, I’m glad you weren’t involved in this mess. I know it was rough on you, but I couldn’t just let it go until I had all the facts.”

  “I understand, Sheriff. But I had Fallon to lean on. He kept me from going nuts. I hope you catch those losers who set me up.”

  The sheriff nodded. “Arrest warrants have been issued. Don’t worry, we’ll get them. We’ve finally got something on them. When we catch them, I hope they will have more for us to charge them with. I want them gone for a very long time. We don’t need lowlife scum like that in Silver. This has always been a good place. Drugs haven’t been much of a problem. With everyone working together, hopefully we can put an end to it.”

  “I hope we can,” Hank agreed. “I’m here to help with anything you might need, Sheriff.”

  “Good to know. I’ll let you guys go. I’m sure you have some celebrating to do. And get Zippy moved before I give you a ticket.”

  Fallon laughed when Hank shouted incredulously after Grayson. “But you parked it there!”

  Leaning down, Fallon kissed Hank. “Come on, baby. Let’s move Zippy.” They got in the small, blue car, Fallon laughing again when Hank sat in the
seat and his feet didn’t reach the pedals. Obviously Grayson had adjusted the seat for his own large body but hadn’t returned it to its original position for Hank. Fallon suspected Grayson had done it purposely. “Did you shrink?” he teased, reaching for the seat belt. He pulled it across and clicked it into place.

  “What did I ever do to that guy?” Hank asked as he slid the seat forward. He put on his own seat belt and then started the car. Zippy hummed to life. Fallon noticed that Hank was very careful about following every driving rule as he hit the arm for the turn indicator, signaling that he was about to pull away from the curb. “I’m not taking any chances,” he said as he drove around the square. “I know Grayson is just lurking somewhere, ready to write out a dozen tickets.”

  “You’re getting paranoid. Why don’t we go for a milkshake and fries?” Hank had introduced Fallon to dipping fries into a chocolate shake. He had quickly become addicted to the fattening treat. It was something he figured he could enjoy occasionally, without doing too much damage to his arteries, so he was planning to limit himself to a shake and fries once a week. “Then we can go up to see how construction is going on our new rooftop garden.”

  It hadn’t taken long for them to decide what they wanted, and that was a place where they could relax, garden, and entertain family and friends. The rooftop was large enough to accommodate their wishes and then some. The plans had been submitted to the appropriate department, examined closely, and finally approved. The town had a very stringent criterion that had to be met. As far as changes in Silver went, not all were considered good when they were proposed. The overall historical integrity of the town had to be maintained. Because no one would be able to see the greenhouse from the street, it had been approved, as had the patio and green space. The height and quantity of the trees had been limited, of course. That only made sense. Someone on the planning committee had felt the need to question the detailed plans, which had included the size of the trees. Fallon had responded by telling them that Hank and he were planning a simple garden and entertainment area, not a forest.

  Now Fallon sat back and relaxed as Hank took them out of town, driving along the road that would take them to the highway. He knew what his lover was planning. Hank claimed Zippy loved the highway because they could go fast. Reaching out, Fallon turned on the radio. Music filled the car’s cabin. He smiled when Hank’s head began to move in time to the music. Fallon would have liked to have held Hank’s hand, but decided against it. He settled for resting his hand on the man’s thigh.

  “I don’t know if I can drive while horny,” Hank warned, laughing and throwing Fallon a playful glance. “If you value your safety, you won’t move that hand any higher.”

  Chuckling, Fallon said, “I wouldn’t think of distracting you while you’re driving. Not that much.”

  One fast drive and a tasty snack later, Fallon and Hank returned home. After having to restrain himself for so long, Fallon was ready to play. When Hank got a look at his face, he yelped and ran. Fallon was all for chasing. The reward for capturing his playful lover was one of his favorite things.

  When Hank disappeared, seemingly in thin air, Fallon stopped and considered the options. There was a wide grin on his face as he looked around, remaining quiet and listening for a moment.

  “I hope you found somewhere comfortable,” Fallon shouted finally, “because I’m going to fuck you wherever I find you.”

  There was some muffled laughter in response to this. Fallon didn’t hear the door open, but he did hear it being closed. He headed in the direction of the laundry room and caught a glimpse of a bare ass just before Hank disappeared around the corner.

  Fallon pulled the tail of his shirt from the waistband of his slacks and began to unbutton the front. His jacket and tie had been removed hours before. He kicked off his shoes as he headed in the direction Hank had disappeared. Fallon was completely undressed by the time he located Hank on the balcony. His eyebrows shot up as he saw that Hank was on his knees on the sisal rug and bent over the low coffee table, presenting his perfect ass for Fallon’s viewing pleasure.

  They hadn’t made love on the balcony before, although he had had plans for doing so. Fallon paused beside an end table and took a small bottle of lube and a condom from the drawer, all the while admiring Hank’s beautiful ass.

  Fallon nearly swallowed his tongue when Hank reached back with both hands and spread the cheeks of his ass. Moving swiftly forward, he kneeled behind Hank. He didn’t waste time on preliminaries. Leaning forward, Fallon buried his face between those two sweet cheeks and stabbed at the stretched hole with the tip of his tongue. Hank’s moans were all the encouragement Fallon needed to continue. He licked and nibbled until Hank’s hips began to buck. Reaching around the man’s thigh, he grasped Hank’s cock and began to stroke vigorously.

  Hank came within seconds with a muffled shout. Fallon straightened, put on a condom, and lubed his fingers. It didn’t take long to prepare Hank. The man pushed back on Fallon’s fingers, fucking himself on them, and begging for more with each stroke. Fallon found and stroked Hank’s gland, increasing his lover’s pleasure until Fallon’s own control was nearly lost. Removing his fingers, he added lube to his latex-covered cock before tossing the bottle away and guiding the head to the twitching hole. Within seconds, Fallon was buried in Hank’s dark channel and grabbing the man by the hips.

  Fallon wasted little time in getting to fucking Hank as hard and as fast as he could. Hank enjoyed it rough, and Fallon was all about giving his man what he wanted in bed—or on the balcony.

  The tips of Fallon’s fingers pressed hard into Hank’s firm muscles as Fallon drove his hips forward and withdrew his cock, repeating the action over and over, until he had Hank begging. Hank protested when Fallon pulled out completely.

  “Get on your back on the table,” Fallon commanded. He watched as Hank did as he was told, spreading his legs wide and pulling them back. Fallon admired the gaping hole his cock would soon fill.

  It took every ounce of Fallon’s control to keep from coming too soon. Hank was the epitome of raw sensuality. They were well-matched. There were times when all Fallon could think about was fucking Hank. It was very distracting while he was at work. Hank had begun visiting Fallon’s office during his breaks. A quick fuck over the desk was always a good way to relieve the monotony of work. Twice, Fallon had watched the clock. When it was almost time for Hank’s break he would undress and prepare his ass for Hank to fuck. Then he would wait. If the first time Hank had found him prepared to be fucked, the second time had been scorching hot. Hank had “punished” Fallon for leaving his socks on by spanking him as he bent over and held his ankles. Hank had continued the punishment until Fallon’s ass had felt as if it had been set on fire. The spanking had been followed by some of the best sex Fallon had ever experienced. But it was like that with Hank. It only got better each time they were together.

  Fallon came hard, filling the condom with powerful spurts of cum as he watched the expressive face of the man he loved. The emotions he felt overwhelmed him when Hank opened his eyes and looked at Fallon with so much love and joy he knew he could never give up something so wonderful.

  Collapsing over Hank, Fallon pressed their sweaty torsos together as he went in for a kiss. It was long, lazy, and very satisfying. When he lifted his head, he whispered, “I love you.”

  Wrapping his arms around Fallon’s neck, Hank smiled. “I love you, too.” He sighed, knowing there was a goofy, likely dreamy expression on his face. Then he snickered. “Do you think anyone heard us?”

  “Do you really care?”

  Shaking his head, Hank’s smile spread into a grin. “Not in the least. Why don’t we take this inside? I’m ready for a shower and supper.”

  Fallon moved away from Hank after giving him one more quick kiss. They held hands as they wandered into the apartment and closed the French doors behind them. They both turned when he heard pecking on the glass. Hank saw the crow and wondered what the crazy bird coul
d possibly want. He normally only showed up around breakfast time. The thing was a mooch and a thief.

  “That’s one weird bird,” Hank commented and began to turn when the bird hopped away from the door.

  Fallon swore and pulled his hand free. Hank then saw what Fallon had seen. The crow had the small bottle of lube in its beak. He took flight just as Fallon opened the door, but dropped the bottle above the sidewalk soon after take-off. Hank winced, wondering what they should do. On one hand, he didn’t really want some unsuspecting person to find it. And on the other, he didn’t want to be caught searching for it on the street below.

  “I’ll go down to look for it,” Fallon offered, laughing and closing the doors again.

  Relieved, Hank nodded. “Don’t forget to put some clothes on.”

  Following Fallon through the apartment as he collected his clothes and put them back on, Hank took the time to admire Fallon’s body. Fallon was almost dressed when his phone rang. He answered it, but gave no clue as to who it was calling him. Hank watched the color spread across Fallon’s high cheekbones. He ended the call.

  “Who was that?”

  “Grayson. We won’t have to go down to look for the lube.”

  Groaning, Hank shook his head. “You can’t mean that he found it?”

  “Actually, it hit him in the head. He said he would have called sooner, but it took him a while to stop laughing.”


  “Seriously. He said he didn’t want the details, just said that we should keep our sex life off the balcony.”

  Scowling, Hank shook his head. “But I don’t want to. Sex on the balcony is fantastic.”

  “It is. We won’t stop. We’ll just be more careful next time. Let’s go get that shower. Then we can order pizza to be delivered.”

  They walked to their bedroom, Hank heading to the bathroom as Fallon began removing his clothes again. He showered quickly as his stomach growled. His needs were shifting. Pizza for supper sounded great, because after the long day, making love with his beautiful man, and a hot shower, Hank doubted he would have the energy to cook anything. Even helping with the cooking didn’t seem like something he could manage.


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