You'll Answer To Me

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You'll Answer To Me Page 14

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  “Damn it! I don’t need you to do this to me again!” she shook her head despondently.

  “Do what? Take care of you like I did this afternoon?”

  “It should never have happened.”

  His face soured.

  “What should have never happened?” Alexa heard Luke’s voice and jumped.

  “Ohmygod!” she gasped.

  Luke looked back and forth from Alexa to Bo. “Interrupt something?” he asked.

  “Not at all.” She turned back to the sink full of dishes and a stack of plates on the counter. “I’m just keeping things cleaned up.”

  “And I’m here for that machine part I ordered,” Bo said. “Should have come by FedEx this morning. Have you seen it?”

  “Sorry no,” Alexa answered, “maybe by the front door.”

  Bo nodded and left, while Alexa continued to fuss with the plates. Finally, Luke moved in close behind her, cooing in her ear. “So, nanny, you’ve played your part well.”

  She hadn’t expected him so close, nor the feel of his hands to unsettle her. He touched her waist and she jerked, almost dropping the plates, “For crissakes, Luke, not right now!”

  “Is that any way to talk me?” he snarled. His hands were all over her, and his stiffened cock pushed against her ass between her cheeks, heading for her back door. She could feel the head of it already jabbing at the taut rosette…

  “Here? Now?” she whispered heatedly.

  “Anywhere, anytime I want you, slut,” he whispered back. She quaked to hear him speak this way, aware that despite her mental objections, her body so often craved what he gave her. He bent her forward over the sideboard, and after prying her ass cheeks wide, he lunged forward, impaling her ass on his cock. “Now, ride me, nanny!”

  The fit was tight and her body attempted to revolt at the unwanted intrusion, but the more Luke pressed his advantage, and the more he drove himself into her, the more her body responded. Before long, she was wiggling back with her hips doing a gyrating tango that massaged the organ within, and quickly brought the boy to the brink. She kept on, eager to come herself, and held back only to extend the moment. With every thrust her body shivered anew, then suddenly there was no holding back and she began to spasm, clenching and seizing up at a furious rate, until she realized that he was cumming, too. Holding her ass tight against his groin, he shot his seed deep into her entrails, then finally pulled out collapsing with exhaustion against her back.

  “Nice,” he said. He left her still bent over the kitchen counter, with their comingling sex juices dripping down her thighs. “It’s time we go on with the main event, Alexa. Your façade comes crumbling down piece by piece. By the end of the night, they’ll all have had a piece of you and be hungering for more.”

  “Luke, really? Must you? Why can’t this be between you and me and no one else?”

  The question must have startled him because he had no snappy rejoinder on the tip of his tongue. He paused for moment, a wave of uncertainty passing over his face, then he looked at her smiling. “Because I want the world – at least my world – to know the woman you are. I want them to see your dark heart, and the truth you bury so deep. I may sound like a crazy man speaking, but this matters to me. You may not understand the motivation. I hardly do myself. But about this I will not back down. If your aim is to sway me with your sad, sorry whining, you’re wasting your time. You’ll only embarrass yourself more than you already have.” He let the message sink in then added, “So, my lusty slave, time to prepare for round two.”


  “How about we just fuck her now?” James sounded off. The comment broke the tension in the room, but only briefly. Soon the air was swallowed again in dancing shadows and flickering candlelight, looking nothing like the cheery space it had been during the sunny afternoon. Drapes had been drawn. Candles lit. Everything glittered in shadows. Even Alexa.

  Earlier, Luke had cuffed his slave in tight leather cuffs, then lifted her arms into the air and attached her wrists to a bar that hung suspended before the fireplace in the center of the room. She was there as Luke’s friends emerged from the corners of the house, dangling in an iridescent black corset, lifted high by a pair of tall stilettos, her tiptoes just barely grazed the floor. Her eyes were heavily made-up in violets and greens, with the dramatic colors extending out to the sides of her face like a Mardi Gras mask. Her cheeks were pale, her lips blood red, and her streaked hair was swept up atop her head in a loose bun secured with black enamel chopsticks. Luke had stood in the master bathroom for nearly an hour, directing the step-by-step transformation as he reinvented his slave. She was more creature than woman when the makeover was finally complete. Everything about her look was designed to sexually stimulate. Far more severe than the corset she’d worn in the afternoon, the cinching black brocade lifted her breasts far higher than before making them look bigger and prouder and more obvious to the observing eye. To top that off, Luke used her red lipstick to garishly rouge her nipples. Like a graffiti artist on a manic streak, he stood back thrilled by the vision he created; and so wildly inspired, he smeared her slit below with the same bright color. “Like it, nanny? Like what you are now?”

  He pushed her in front of a standing mirror and made her look at the gaudy sight of herself. How pretty her ass was from behind, her smooth round cheeks framed between lacy black garters. Though from the front the sight was similar, with her pussy framed in black much like her ass, there was nothing subtle or sweet about the look of her sexual assets. They were painted to provoke – discussion, sexual arousal, controversy. If his intention had been to inflame his guests already aroused sensibilities, he’d certainly hit the mark.

  The first glance was the toughest. She winced seeing the bold make-up, such a startling contrast to her normally understated appearance. She felt like the slattern woman he’d made her become. But regardless of how ridiculous she might appear, there was some strange satisfaction in what she saw. After getting over the initial impact, she stood back for another longer look. The dark woman within her emerged from the mirrored glass, a wraithlike image, startlingly beautiful and erotic – not garish and inappropriate, but a true reflection of her deeper spirit as a sex slave. Yes, slave. Maybe she should quit fighting it, and admit the truth. But as soon as that word ‘slave’ passed through her brain, she drove it out. No, no, no! She had to keep her wits about her if she was ever to be free of Luke.

  She could only stand to glance at herself for a second and her fear rose up threateningly.

  She thought about the night. Whatever did he have in mind? she wondered. Her mouth grew parched, and she began to sweat.

  Chapter Ten

  By the time Luke had Alexa’s painted body swaying before the fireplace like an exotic bird, she was trembling and shaken and so aroused that she feared even the slightest touch would bring on an orgasm she couldn’t stop. She closed her eyes afraid to see the faces of Luke’s gawking friends, afraid of Luke, afraid of what she’d reveal about herself once these perverted little boys and girls got started on her body. She could feel their lust pouring out on her. Ah! Luke had exactly what he wanted. Like a pack of hungry wolves his friends gathered around her dangling body. Their clothes had changed to what was fit for an evening of debauchery though she’d hardly taken the time to note the details of their attire. With her eyes closed, she felt them instead…as if she were about to be charged by that pack of hungry wolves and devoured.

  “Work her over, and don’t be nice,” Luke snapped as if he were giving them a command. They were all in his clutches, inebriated by his lust and the sound of his voice and the intoxicating concoction of fantasy he wound around them since they arrived. In this respect, he was much like his father, devising a depraved and kinky orgy, just like his father, and setting it into motion.

  James moved to her front, Brendon to the rear, and the beating began. She was almost glad for it, a place to put the noxious desire that had arisen so strongly during the day, and on cue – Luke r
eally was clever with this – she peaked now.

  “Ohmygod!” she heard herself gasp again and again as the floggers and whips they used rained down on her body, on breasts, and crotch, shoulders and ass. “Oh, yesyesyesyesyes…” she hissed, and encouraged by her eager response the two men heaped on more. They’re cutting me, she silently exclaimed as the pain in her body mounted, and she felt certain they would break skin.

  So harsh. So harsh. She wanted to warn them about so many things that they, in their naïveté didn’t understand. But they kept on without a protest – in fact, quite the contrary, she seemed to egg them on. That, however, may have saved her. They could see how hot she had become, and suddenly the beating stopped, the whips dropped to the floor and they were on her, mauling her, fishing about in her crotch for a place to bury their erections. They found her dripping wet, enough to coat both cunt and asshole, and make them slick enough for entry. The first cock was in her ass, pounding away, until James from the front, roared to his friend. “Hold up, you bastard! I’m taking her cunt.” The pause in the action was enough to allow James to have his way, and though the positioning was awkward, the two cocks managed to impale her at the same time, their hands, their mouths tearing at her body while they drilled her end to end. Brendan came first, James not far behind. Her mind quickly skipped out, there was no place for it amid this hard action. She was cumming as they came, unable to stop herself, unable to keep anything in check at all. And when the two men finally withdrew from her exhausted, she was cumming still, this time less obviously. Maybe they noticed, maybe that didn’t see how her body jerked with spasms until they, too, finally dwindled away.

  The world went quiet for a time. No one said a word in that still moment, giving rise to a silence so peaceful and so pure that she hoped the mood would last – last all night long if she’d had her way. But of course, it wouldn’t last. Of course, there would be more sex, another round of endurance, and another reminder that there was something genuine taking place inside her that she’d have to admit to and accept was true…even if it were only to herself.

  After the fierce fucking was over, Alexa lay in a heap at their feet, waiting, anticipation blooming all round her. She could feel the expectation and hear a titter or two, high-pitched, female. At last, the trio of women were slowly circling around her, making decisions as they viewed her from above with mocking disgust. For a moment, Alexa’s eyes opened, absently at first, then she became aware that Bo was standing in the doorway, leaning against the jamb, his eyes dark as if he too were taken in by the scene and the long, tedious wait. She knew he’d been there all along – the last she’d seen when she closed her eyes was his shadow. It didn’t take any more than that single glimpse to know he witnessed the sex with Brendon and James. Protecting her? She liked to think so, but he was certainly no knight in shining armor there to whisk her away from this debauchery. He could have stopped it. Of course, he could have stopped it. Luke was half the man he was, and would have crumbled if Bo were to intercede for her. Ah yes! She remembered, something about keeping his job. The ass! She could have spit in Bo’s face at the moment, but obviously that was impossible. Instead of dwelling on the man, she closed her eyes, making herself ready to accept what came. This was what she’d learned to do to survive Luke’s nastiness. There wasn’t much choice in the matter. Then again, this was what she honestly loved in a twisted sort of way. Everyone in the room knew that, even these punk kids.

  So what kind of woman was she? Hate the sinful act one minute only to embrace the very same thing the moment the foul deed began? Damn she was a fucked up slut! But the wild girl was satisfied, happy in fact. She always would be with sex like this. Staring at Bo, unable to break from the fierceness in his dark eyes, was like confessing sins to a priest. She knew and he knew that she must have orgasmed a dozen times while those two young men turned themselves into snarling brutes and used her like a piece of meat. She’d been fucked. She’d been conquered. She’d been exposed.

  And now, she felt the leather playing light against her skin, she smelled the scent, and she pulled her eyes away from Bo at the doorway, and watched as three beautiful pairs of feet with beautifully painted toes moved around her in a circle. Ashley held a long flogger that she danced about her wounded backside. It tickled her privates from behind, producing sensations that made her jerk fitfully – as if the girl really knew what she was doing – though the tentative flogging was just sensuous teasing. On the other hand, there was Miranda with cane in hand, erratically and without warning, smashing it down against her thigh.

  She howled when it landed, and her entire body abruptly wrenched itself into another position. It hardly mattered, though, what position she was in. They didn’t know what they were doing, but they certainly knew enough to have her miserable and wanting once again. When she finally had the courage to open her eyes and look up there was Brett, big, bold, beautiful Brett staring down at her with a ghastly smirk, while a fat, fake prick bobbed between her legs. Obviously, Luke had a strap-on handy there to accommodate Brett’s need to screw her.

  “What’s another fuck matter when you’ve already been so thoroughly used,” she drawled in that smoky Southern accent. “You’re my fantasy come to life.” Her smile got bigger. “Just think, in years to come, I’ll be telling this story to my martini drinking friends, about how I once fucked a slavish whore, in the ass no less – oh, yes, I’m gonna fuck your ass after I ride your cunt. They’ll be wide-eyed in wonder, trying to figure out why they weren’t so lucky. You are a blessing, aren’t you, Miss Alexa?”

  Alexa shuddered as the humiliation hit home and was grateful that the bitchy female finally stopped talking and got on with what she had in mind. Brett had a lounger pulled to the center of the room – because she sure as hell wasn’t gonna get on the floor – then she had the boys drag the languid slave atop so Alexa could be stretched out on her back, arms tied overhead, legs wide open with a pillow stuffed beneath her ass.

  “I ride you until I get off, so you’d better put some action into this, slave. Don’t just lay there like a dishrag.”

  Alexa looked her in the eye, unable able to hide either the lust or the defiance. She liked both at the moment, and was clearly ready to be fucked again. ‘Bring it on,’ she could hear the wild girl inside her answering Brett’s mocking threat.

  The fake prick wasn’t all that big, which was a blessing, since she was already sore from being used in both holes. But the girl was as nasty as any man Alexa had ever known. If she had no firsthand experience screwing women with a strap-on, then she came by the knowledge instinctively. She’d have made a fine Domme, not that Alexa planned to point that out.

  Alexa’s cunt felt sore and bruised by the time Brett finally pulled out, and flipped the recumbent Alexa onto her stomach with the pillow shoved beneath her crotch this time, leaving her bare ass high and wide open.

  “Oooo, this is nasty, really nasty,” Brett exclaimed, awed by the moment the pussy-slicked dildo was poised to enter Alexa’s behind. The revealing split second of wonder passed quickly as the dark side of Brett’s character, the inner Domme, took over, and she rammed the first thrust home as if Alexa was no more than a toy – of course, that’s what she was. Wasn’t that exactly what Luke said of her?

  Brett paid no attention to anything but Alexa’s ass and her fake prick, not even a glimpse at what was going on right in front of her. Miranda, having decided that she wanted to be in on the pleasure, had wriggled her crotch beneath Alexa’s face, demanding that the sexy slave lick her pussy. There was no quarrel in Alexa, she was completely mindless at the moment, though there was a bit of difficulty with her body as it rocked and jerked from the fierce jolts inside her ass. For a few lovely moments she enjoyed the sweet, salty brine at Miranda’s center, the hard clit and the fact that the slutty female didn’t mind at all that she used her teeth – lightly enough not to really hurt, but hard enough to stimulate. Alexa reveled in the sounds of Miranda’s groans and yelps, but was
distracted from her pussy-licking, slurping, sucking activity by what was going on in her back door.

  The ruthless Domme had fired up, and Brett kept up a frenzied pace without stopping until friction, caused by the unique construction of the strap-on, stimulated her pussy and she came and came hard. She drilled the grunting slave even faster, then finally collapsed forward, hard against Alexa’s backside.

  Once the girls withdrew, the boys were back again and ready for more.

  “Oh, no!” the gasp heard from Alexa’s mouth was enough to make them pause. James was too rock hard to stop, but Brendon begged off before he could even get started.

  The night ended there, the players done, leaving Alexa alone in the center of the room.


  Alexa awakened to a silent room and the sound of an occasional snore. Someone was sleeping nearby. In need of a toilet, she struggled off the lounger and to her feet, thankful that somewhere in the melee of sex she’d lost the stilettos and could walk without a need for the balancing act. She took off for the upstairs bathroom, well away from Luke’s sleeping friends. After peeing, she looked in the mirror and immediately stood back in shock. The elegant sight she envisioned was now a disheveled mess of ratted hair and smudged make-up. The corset was twisted out of place and dreadfully uncomfortable. She removed it first and breathed deep, glad to be free of the confining garment. After she washed her face of the dark mascara, she went on to sponge away the body juices that were now dried and caking on her skin. Though still a little roughed up in places, for the most part the leftovers of her night of excess and debauchery had been stripped away, much of it washing down the drain. She felt like a newborn in clean skin. She grabbed one of Warren’s old t-shirts from the hall closet and tossed it over her head. For a moment, she paused, thinking she heard voices and moans from somewhere on the second floor. Rattled by the noise, she dashed downstairs to the living room where she gingerly tiptoed her way through the night’s debris and saw that everyone was crashed on couches – all but Luke and Ashley, who were nowhere to be seen.


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