You'll Answer To Me

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You'll Answer To Me Page 13

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  Alexa might have glared at the woman, but her previous experience in such situations had taught her how to guard her feelings, close in on herself, and deflect any show of emotion. She might have been a bit lax when Luke reconvened in the living room. But now that Brett had joined the humiliating melodrama, she’d begun shoring up her defenses. Putting a tight rein on her emotions, she became little more than a pretty figurine with steely resolve.

  Her steely nerves would buckle soon. Luke and his five friends would see to that. He’d been building up to this, with his use of her increasing and more dramatic over the last couple weeks. The punishments had been harder, and all over trifles. She rarely did anything serious enough to be punished for, which made punishment almost laughable. Still, she didn’t fight him. The sexual results of a beating were the reward she sought and she needed nothing more to make the punishment right in her mind than a savagely beaten bottom. But six tormentors? Six whips, three cocks, three pussies, and a naïve exuberance for this newly discovered kink? That was truly frightening.

  “Here I thought it would be Miranda playing the Domme. But you, Brett?” Luke said. “If you have frustrations to work out, she’s all yours—” he paused, “but not until I say so.”

  “Oh?” Brett pursed her lips. “I need your permission? Really?” She thought a moment, slightly amused. “How about you just tell me when I can pick up a whip. In the meantime, I’ll just be a friendly observer.” She gracefully stepped away, leaving her mystified friends to ponder what she’d just revealed about herself .

  “Be anything you like,” Luke told her. “When it’s time to lay a hand on my slave, you’ll know.”

  “You know, you’re right about this, Luke.” Miranda could hardly contain her excitement. “This is the most absurd thing I’ve ever seen, but it’s making me so goddam horny. What do you say we stop talking about it and get on with things?”

  “Exactly what I was thinking,” Luke announced. “Alexa! Off with the blouse. You’ve teased my friends enough. It’s time they had an unimpeded look at those pretty tits.”

  He waited before her; they all waited.

  The suddenness of his demand surprised her – not the demand itself since she expected as much.

  But she greeted the order with far more anxiety than she expected. She and Luke had shared a secret world that no one, not even Bo, had entered, and in that place she could safely navigate her submission and not be totally consumed by it. This was her last vestige of control, and likely something of which the naïve Luke was unaware. But such tenuous control was bound to eventually shatter, and in the company of his friends, he’d finally worn her down. He opened her secret world to their scrutiny, and this loose-living pack of twenty year olds marched right in, having an effect on her libido she hadn’t counted on. Her arousal was strong, and the fire in her belly burned hot. Could she possibly want them too? She could feel any remaining resolve about to crumble. Was she that easy, that needy, her psyche so twisted as to crave the next installment of her defilement with such eagerness?

  She hated herself for being so weak. But from the midst of her troubled thoughts, she plucked one obvious truth: Luke had won. Their game was over and he had her now. Even if she liked to claim one small corner for herself, the boy had every right to claim her if she was so weak against her own dark side.

  Angered by this fact, she rashly pulled her blouse from the waistband of her skirt and tugged it off over her head, letting Luke’s five guests have a first look at her naked tits. In the same hasty fashion, she undid the zipper on the skirt and let it drop to the floor. She stood before the six, her chest out, her chin high, proud in her defiance, but quaking inside all the while, wondering how long such a feeling of pride could last.

  “My you do that as if you’ve done it before, Alexa?” Luke spit out. “I wonder how many times, how many parties you served my father’s lewd lust with the same irreverent boldness.”

  This wasn’t a question she needed to answer, just another way for Luke to mock her before his guests and keep her hungry libido stoked for what would happen later in the evening.

  “Now get on with you, slut. I think my friends could use a round of drinks.”

  Alexa moved gracefully in the corset and stilettos as she went the rounds of Luke’s friends and served them from the drink cart whatever they ordered. She endured the eyes of the men and the cryptic put-downs from the girls, hardly showing any discomfort. At one point, Brendon’s hand ran up her thigh with a finger poking into the wet center of her crotch.

  “Make her lick it,” Brett suggested, and with a sly smirk, the young man stood up and offered his wet middle finger. When her tongue reached out to lick it, Brendon kept pulling it back, laughing as he taunted her. The girls giggled, Luke smirked. At last he stuffed it in her mouth, along with two other fingers. At that point she backed up almost touching Brett’s knees.

  “Oh my, are you offering this tight ass to me?” Brett ran her palm along the perfect skin. “You say she likes being beaten?”

  “You’ll get a chance soon enough,” Luke chimed in.

  “Oh, but I’m ready for her now. I can’t believe how hot this makes me.” She ran her hand along Alexa’s anal crack shoving her fingers all the way to the puckering asshole in the middle. “You suppose you have strap-on dildo amongst your toys so I could fuck her ass properly?” Her voice seemed to drop an octave, as her mind moved into a dark sexual place. The rest of the room followed, including Alexa, who could barely contain her own lust, in spite of, or maybe because of, the humiliation that was heaped on her now.

  “Dammit, Brett, you are nasty,” Miranda suddenly spouted, and the odd spell seemed to break for a moment.

  Brendon and James waited for Luke to give the word. They would have fucked the slave right then without a single misgiving. Alexa’s wet lips, sultry eyes and smoldering body almost begged them to take her, but Luke wasn’t ready.

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, we’ll have plenty of time to use her – any way you want, in fact. But let’s let the juices build, huh? I’m gonna show you to your rooms. We need to rest up for the main event. It’s all been planned and I’m sure you won’t want to miss a single act.”

  The six scattered. The girls retired to their rooms, then joined the guys by the pool, where they cooled off in the water then sunbathed for nearly an hour until the heat drove them back in the pool for a dip and then finally inside.

  As soon as Luke and his friends had dispersed, Alexa dressed and headed out to clear her head. At first, she just wanted to walk, anywhere away from the house, anywhere she could find that wouldn’t remind her of Luke, Warren, or anything else about what she now faced.

  However, rather than wander the extensive grounds, she found herself heading off in a familiar direction, just one thing on her mind.

  Chapter Nine

  Alexa stood at the winery door, contemplating whether to enter or continue her walk.

  “You holding up okay?” Bo stood close behind her, and at the sound of his voice, she jumped then quickly turned around.

  “Where did you come from?” She looked flustered and cross.

  “Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you. You okay?”

  The night before, she’d heard the welcome sound of his music rising through the warm night air. This made being mad at Bo difficult. He smelled of dust, earth, grapes and warm fresh breezes. His boots creaked, and his jeans rustled. Though his fingers were stained dark, they could still move across a fret board with ease, and strum a guitar with a delicacy that could make her cry. She remembered studying his face after they had sex, inspecting the craggy lines, dark brows, trimmed goatee, and running her hand through the unruly mop of short hair. A sudden wave of desire rattled her deeply and she blushed.

  “No, no, I’m not okay,” she shook her head vehemently and looked away.

  “Hey, I’m not here to hurt you,” he said with some gentleness. He reached out and took her chin in his hand and carefully gui
ded her gaze back to him. The warmth of his fingers sent a shock of energy rocketing down her spine, and her loins fired with a familiar desire. His sure and steady demeanor immediately brought to mind the steely authority behind Bo’s kindness. Tears started to roll down her cheeks, and for a moment she thought she would fall apart at the seams. Without invitation, he drew her to him and she collapsed into his chest.

  “Dammit! Why is this happening again?” she cried. “It’s been weeks, Bo, and he’s only digging in harder.” She looked up seeking an answer.

  “It won’t last, Lexy. I swear it won’t.”

  “And if you’re wrong?”

  “Then you have me to console you.”

  “I don’t want you consoling me!” she spit back – yet she made no move to extricate herself from Bo’s comforting arms. “I want my life back.”

  “And you’ll have it back in time.”

  “That’s easy for you to say.” Although there was a tenacious resolve in Bo’s claim that, at least for the moment, gave her a degree of hope.

  The caress of his hands, the smell of his breath, the rock hard substance of his character were unavoidable in her fragile state. She slipped easily into the submissive role she’d once played for him in their shared past. Kissing him was easy, natural, as if she’d never stopped kissing the man in all the years she’d been away. When he nudged her through the winery door, there was no resistance. No resistance when he unbuttoned her blouse and for the second time that day the diaphanous cloth fell to the floor. The powerful aphrodisiac of the afternoon’s display had awakened desires long kept sleeping in the background of her days, and thus their first tentative moves were soon replaced by the feverish heat of their excitement. Tugging at clothes like teenage lovers in the throes of verboten passion, they scrambled from the winery entrance toward the back of the building and into his private office, the door shutting firmly behind them.

  They landed on his old leather sofa, Bo wearing nothing but his black t-shirt, Alexa in her fancy corset. Their crotches locked together, and the caressing went on at a furious pace. She felt the pulse of his organ between her thighs, and aching for him she opened her legs, awaiting the first vigorous thrust. “Yes, yes yesssss…” she hissed. Being fucked by Luke was too filled with doubts and shame to be the joy this uninhibited romp with Bo was for her now.

  Soon she was crying, “Fuck me…fuck me harder…” and lunging back at him. He suddenly paused the frenzied fucking and slapped a hand over her mouth. “Unless you want the whole winery to know we’re fucking,” he quietly seethed, “I’d suggest you keep your cries to yourself.” He smiled wryly, then smashed his lips against her for another forceful kiss.

  The kiss did nothing but make her want him more. “Oh, I wish you could whip me now!”“I’d do that in a heartbeat, sweetheart, but this will be enough for now.” He grabbed her breasts from the top of the corset and mauled them with his heavy hands. Then for a moment he pulled back and began a long trail of kisses, starting at her neck and moving down her corset, along her abdomen until he reached her crotch. He sucked her pussy lips and bit her clit until she began to whimper from the pain. When she flinched, he bit down even harder, and took a moment to relish the twisted grimace the pain produced.

  “That’s it, that’s what I like to see.”

  She panted hard, her belly and crotch already convulsing with spasms.

  He was about to stop, when her heated whisper drew him back. “Yes, more, do that more!”

  Smiling, he lifted her clit in his teeth and began shaking it back and forth as a dog would a bone. She arched her back as she rode the wave of pain, exalting in its fierceness.

  The wild savagery continued until he finally flipped her over, raised her hips, and drilled her pussy from behind. As an errant finger found its way to her rear hole, be bent low to her ear whispering, “Next time, I’ll take your ass.”

  She shuddered visibly at his remark, which only seemed to arouse him more. He came within seconds, and though his guttural cry was stifled, she felt the vibration of it add to the miraculous joy of her own orgasm. Not since she’d fucked Bo before Warren’s death had she fucked so freely.

  “Damn, you’re as fine as ever, girl!”

  He collapsed back in his desk chair, catching his breath and watching as the spasms continued to make her body shudder with pleasure. Finally, she sank into the leather, and offered him a troubled smiled. “And here I thought you were going to wait for me to ask for it,” she said.

  “Your arrival in my winery was invitation enough,” he snickered.

  The sudden noise of hoof beats coming through a crack in the office window roused them both.

  “Oh, fuck! Gotta go.” In a sudden panic she popped from the sofa and began searching through the pile of clothes for her skirt and blouse.

  “You did nothing wrong,” he reminded her.

  “I wouldn’t bet on it,” she returned. Whatever satisfaction she’d gained in the act of fucking seemed to have fled as her fears rushed in. With Bo watching, she hurriedly dressed. She fumbled through her hasty attempts to right the skewed corset. Moderately satisfied, she took a quick look in Bo’s dirty shaving mirror and spent the next few seconds running a hand through her hair to smooth the disheveled locks. “Bet you haven’t cleaned this up since I left,” she said of his makeshift lavatory. But not waiting for an answer, she headed for the door and was on her way before he could say another word.

  “Nice fucking, Alexa,” she heard him say as she walked out. “Come back anytime.” She imagined him shaking his head in wonder, much as he had so many times Warren’s vulgar demands sent her running to him in the past.


  Early in the evening, Alexa served Luke’s party another round of drinks and some snacks she’d prepared, then she waited idly by for further instructions. Unless he was craftily hiding the truth, which she doubt he could, Luke had no knowledge of her sex with Bo. She’d managed a few moments in the bathroom, attending to her attire before he saw her and began rifling off orders. Far too absorbed in his own plans, he seemed clueless to her nervous jitters. In addition to the refreshments he ordered, he required that she remove both her blouse and skirt, and serve his friends wearing only the corset, panties and high heels as she had earlier in the day. Though she had even more reason to blush with embarrassment, she managed the feat with little incident. Apparently, her near nudity was no longer new to this jaded group of young people.

  She waited now as she often waited, silently on the sidelines, ready to move immediately at Luke’s next command. Feast or famine…seemed to be the lot of a submissive. Either all the attention was focused on her, or none at all. For a while ‘none at all’ was perfectly fine; she needed the break from the wildness of the early afternoon and her later romp with Bo, and she was in no way eager to start another scene so soon on the heels of the dreadful initiation before Luke’s friends.

  However, she knew there’d be no peace for long. Her mind played back the events of her day in perfect detail, and she saw how her body betrayed her as her memories of Bo converged, beginning with a tickle in her crotch and expanding quickly to envelope her entire body in the tingling eroticism.

  Although she tried hard to maintain her poise and hold back her rising lust, the effort was hampered by her attire – or lack of it. How could she possibly hang onto her dignity when what little she wore was designed to arouse? Her presence in a room with six clothed young people provided a degree of unspoken titillation that infected the entire group. Although Luke and his guests pretended to ignore her, as if a scantily clothed female servant was something they lived with everyday, the novelty of her nakedness was soon difficult to overlook. Her breasts bounced before their eyes, and when she walked her hips swayed with a lewd come-on that invited the eye to stare—and so they did, in stolen glances, and not-so covert ogling from the horny males. Her natural pheromones infused the room with her sexual scent, and they breathed in, letting her powerful allure inspire fan
tasies that had begun with the unveiling earlier in the day. For as sophisticated as they professed to be, Luke and his guests displayed all the naiveté and eagerness of their youth. The furtive giggles and sly smirks were as telling as their butts wiggling against the seat of their chairs. The steamy atmosphere became electric. Voices were hushed, and a palpable tension left each of them anxious to begin again, though none volunteered to start.

  Alexa was thankful when she was not in the room, and found herself spending as much time as she safely could puttering about the kitchen. When Bo came in through the back door, the rattling noise ripped her from her private thoughts and she stepped back, shaking almost violently. Her nerves were shot, her breathing labored.

  “Thank God, it’s just you!” she gasped, and she leaned back against a cabinet door to regroup.

  “Your day not getting any better?” he asked.

  “Maybe the worst.” She thought again, adding, “Other than my time with you.”

  “I hoped I’d help,” he said.

  “Oh, you did, you really did. It’s just Luke and the others…”

  “They’re just kids.”

  Kids. Exactly the way she thought of them…but she had only to look down at her bared breasts, or take a moment to feel the draft of air tickling her naked crotch, and the reality of who she was yanked her back to reality.

  She blushed for Bo and could feel herself about to cry. “This is so embarrassing.”

  “I’m sure,” he said. Though he couldn’t have failed to notice her scanty costume and exposed body parts, his eyes were on her face alone and the expression of woe that drew her pretty features into a terrible scowl. A strange tug-of-war had been taking place between them since her return, and she could see that clearly now. It had only been made worse with sex that afternoon – as wonderful as it was. She was drawn to him again in all the worst ways…as if any second her romantic dreams may come true. She’d fly to his arms in a wild spurt of passion and he’d whisk her away to some place safe, far far from the winery and Luke and her unlucky past.


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