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Shamrock Kisses

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by M. K. Moore


  Shamrock Kisses

  By KL Fast & MK Moore

  © KL Fast & MK Moore 2018 Flirty Filth Publishing.

  All Rights Reserved

  By the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for brief quotations used in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  The use of actors, artists, movies, TV shows and song titles/lyrics throughout this book are done so for storytelling purposes and should in no way be seen as an advertisement. Trademark names are used editorially with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark.

  This book is intended for adults only. Contains sexual content and language that may offend some. The suggested reading audience is 18 years or older. We consider this book as Erotic Adult Romance.


  Cover created by KL Fast using Picmonkey.


  Anamchara (pronounced ann-am kara) Gaelic for “soulmate”

  mo bhean chéile (pronounced Muh vyan khay-leh) Gaelic for “my wife”

  The Claddagh (pronounced klad-uh) ring is a traditional Irish ring which represents love, loyalty, and friendship (the hands represent friendship, the heart represents love, and the crown represents loyalty)

  Chapter One


  Working in this hospital is depressing. Some shifts are easy, but most of the time they drain the life out of me. At twenty-three, my calling came to me early in life.

  I just wish it had been something more glamorous. Most days I am covered in mystery fluids and the antiseptic smell that the hospital must pump through the air vents.

  Is it any wonder I haven’t felt the confidence to go after the one and only guy I’ve wanted? There is no way he wants a crazy lady who looks and smells like death. I have seen the woman that fawn over him and I know that I am way out of his league when it comes to Ryder.

  He is perfection, even if he is a man whore. All I would ever be to him is a one-night stand and I refuse to be that, so I have kept my legs shut and my mouth at full sass when I am around him.

  I just got off my shift at the hospital and now I have to get ready for Jules and Matt’s wedding.

  My feet are killing me, and I have the worst migraine in the universe and no amount of makeup can cover the dark circles under my eyes. Fuck my life, this is going to be one hell of a night.

  When I get home, I go straight for the shower leaving a trail of clothes behind me. I turn it on as hot as I can stand it before getting in. The hot water stings my skin as I let it run over me. I want nothing more than to stay in here until the water turns cold, but I only have a half hour to get ready.

  Sighing, I quickly wash my hair and body. I look down at my legs in disgust as I realize that I have to shave, fuck my life. Here's to hoping that I don't cut myself on the way because no matter how many times I shave I magically end up cutting myself. It never fucking fails.

  Since I have to shave anyways I might as well shave everything.

  It's not like anyone's going to see it but there's just something about the way it feels when you are cleanly shaven that makes you feel empowered and sexy like you have a secret that no one else gets to know.

  By the time I'm out of the shower, I have ten minutes to get ready. Shit, luckily my curls don't require a lot of work. All I have to do is a quick brush through and add some mousse and they're good to go. Now my outfit is an entirely different situation.

  I love dresses, but they don’t love me. I can never seem to find one that fits my boobs, they're either flowing out or so squished that I feel like I'm being smothered.

  I have four dresses that I got from Lane Bryant and I absolutely love them. I settle for my red, thigh high wrap dress with a pair black strappy heels. I don’t plan on wearing a lot of makeup. I never do. What’s the point? I’m going to sweat it off anyway.

  When I’m ready, I have to run to my car. I am four minutes late and I have to break almost all the speed limits to get to the little chapel. By the time I get there, I am fifteen minutes late and I have to sneak in.

  I quickly slide into a pew in the back. When I look up, I have to bite my lip. Ryder is sitting right next to me and has his arm slung over the back of my seat. He leans close to me.

  “How did I know you were going to be late, Anamchara?” He asks with his trademark smirk.

  I fold my arms and turn to look at the happy couple who I am only seven percent jealous of.

  “I am not late, Jackass. I am simply fashionably late.” He leans in closer until his mouth is almost touching my ear.

  “You know how I love that sassy mouth of yours.”

  Hell, just the sound of his voice somehow always gives me goosebumps. I bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from moaning out, the ceremony was beautiful, and I may have cried but as far as Ryders concerned I got something in my eye.

  Everyone piles out of the chapel and heads to their cars. The wedding reception is at Shamrocks and I could really use a drink.

  Being so close to Ryder with his masculine scent and deep voice has my nerves fried and I don't know if I want to pounce on him or slap him.

  I follow the long lines out of the parking lot and follow them into Shamrocks. I sit back and close my eyes, taking a few deep breaths. When I open them I scream, “What the fuck Ryder? Why the fuck are you standing there?”

  He’s standing next to my door with his head almost plastered to the window. I shove open my door almost hitting him with it and get out of my car.

  He holds up his hands and steps back. “Whoa there tiger, I was just coming to make sure you were okay.” Damn him and his constant need to make sure that I’m okay.

  “Well a normal person wouldn’t just stand there and stare, you almost gave me a heart attack.” I say with a huff. He laughs and shuts my door.

  “Duly noted. No more staring at you through windows.” I start walking toward the bar and he falls into step with me. I go straight for the open bar and ask Eddie for a White Russian.

  Ryder goes behind the bar and starts taking orders and I am left to my own thoughts. One drink turns into three and I am feeling amazing. I’m in the middle of laughing at something Teagan is saying when I see some stupidly hot bitch hug Ryder pushing her huge tits all up on him.

  My heart breaks a little when he hugs her back. I excuse myself and go to the bathroom, needing to cool my head. I splash some water on my face and look at myself in the mirror.

  “Okay, get it together, it's not like he knows you are in love with him. Not with the way you have been keeping him at arm’s length for the last four months. You need to pull up your big girl panties and finally tell him how you really feel.”

  I am in the middle of my pep talk when JoJo walks in. I feel myself flush for being caught talking to myself.

  “What’s up, Suzy?” She asks as she applies her lip gloss.

  “Ryder is going to hook up with that girl. I just know it.” The words are out of my mouth before I can pull them back.

  “Trinity?” She asks with a raised brow.

  “Yes, Tiffani’s sister.” That stupid bitch is touching my man, I hate her.

  “He is not interested in her and she isn’t interested i
n him, I assure you. You haven’t seen the way he looks at you, have you?” She says as she turns to look at me. What the hell is she talking about?

  He looks at all the girls the same way. Like a conquest. The only reason he hasn’t given up on me sleeping with him is because I am the only woman that has ever said no to him. How the hell can she be so sure?

  “Well, no. Are you sure?”

  “Trust me. You should go after what you want. If that’s Ryder, I know he won’t be able to resist you. That dress is fucking killer.”

  “Thanks JoJo. I’m so glad you and Thomas are a thing now.”

  She is amazing, and I really couldn’t be happier for them.

  “Me too.”

  I give her a quick hug and we step back out into the bar. Ryder is still behind the bar and is now talking to Eddie, my amazing big brother.

  He is one of my favorite people. When he sees me sit back down he leaves Ryder and brings me a shot of whiskey without me even having to ask.

  “You really are my knight in shining glitter, bro.” I say.

  As I shoot it back he laughs and leans against the bar.

  “So Sis, how was your shift?”

  “OhMiGod don’t even get me started there is this new douche hole of a Doctor that started two days ago, and he will not leave me alone.”

  His face goes from sweet to instant big brother.

  “Am I going to need to come kick his ass?” I just give him a dull look.

  “I can kick his ass just fine thank you very much. Now get me a very strong drink so I can wash my sorrows away.”

  I say overdramatically like I'm about to faint. He laughs and goes to get me one. I look down at my phone and reply to Teagan’s text.

  I look up when I see my drink slide towards me only to see Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome standing in front of me with a curious look.

  “What's the matter, Anamchara?”

  “Why do you always call me that, what does it mean?” He tucks my hair behind my ear before leaning against the bar. “I will tell you when you are ready.”

  “You know I could just look it up on Google, right?” I say as it takes everything in me to not lean into his touch. He leans in close to me and whispers seductively. “Yes, but you won't because I know how much you love surprises.”

  Oh God! Can you come just from the sound of a man's voice? Because I am pretty sure I just did. I open my mouth to say something.

  When we hear a commotion and I quickly turn around Trish has a bloody nose and JoJo is holding her hand to her chest while glaring at her. All of the sudden Josephine hollers at Ryder to take the trash out aka Trish the bitch.

  He walks around the bar and I follow his sexy ass with my eyes as he leads her out of the bar. I am picturing his fine ass naked when I hear someone clear their throat. I turn over to see Trinity looking at me.


  “Uh… Hi?”

  “So, I have a question and I was wondering if you could help me out?”

  Why the fuck is she talking to me and I swear to God if she asks me about Ryder, I will kick her ass.

  “Sure…” I say with a forced smile.

  “You work with Magen Stephenson, right?” I quirk my brow. “Yeah… why?” She blushes a little and looks down at her beer. “Uh… Do you know if she is seeing anyone?”

  “I don't think so.” I lean back on the bar looking over the room. “Why do you ask?” She clears her throat again and looks over at Magen standing at the other side of the bar. “I wanna ask her out.”

  My drink almost comes out of my nose. Damn, I wasn't expecting that to come out of her mouth. No wonder JoJo was so keen on her not liking Ryder.

  “Oh…” We sit there in silence for a few minutes before she leans back against the bar.

  “Anywho, I am Trinity and you are Suzy, right?”

  Oh, I am definitely going to like her. I hold my drink up for her to clink.

  “Yep, here's to going after what we want.” She laughs and clinks her drink with mine.

  “And who do you want?” I turn my head and look over at Ryder walking back into the bar.

  “Someone who has the potential of breaking my heart into a million pieces.”

  “You know that there is always a chance of that, but do you really want to live your life based on what ifs and maybes?”

  “No, no I don’t.”

  Chapter Two


  Suzy St. James gets more and more beautiful every time I see her. Tonight, is no fucking different. She makes my mouth water and it is getting harder and harder to not claim her. Jesus, even her voice makes me hard. She is the total package.

  Don’t get me wrong, she is thick as fuck with ample curves that I want to run my tongue over, but I am interested in more than just her looks.

  Her sassy ass mouth is going to write checks she can’t cash, and when she does I’ll be waiting. Lord knows I am not the man she needs, but fuck if I can care at this point. I am too gruff, tatted beyond belief, and I’ve been in trouble with the law before.

  There are a few things I can give her. I am already halfway in love with her. Loyalty and babies. Lots of babies.

  When I met her at Thanksgiving, I just knew this woman was meant to be mine. I feel like we have been dancing around each other for months and I can’t take it anymore. I have reached my breaking point and for the first time in my life I am not sure what the best course of action is.

  My pub, On the Shamrocks, used to be the only thing that mattered to me besides my sister Verity, but since meeting her my focus has shifted significantly. My parents died, ironically in a drunk driving accident, when I was eighteen and Verity was six.

  That was twelve years ago now. We moved to town about four years ago when I bought the pub. Before that I worked two jobs in Dallas to make ends meet.

  My father’s family owned one in Dublin where they are from. My father came to Texas for college and then opened one in Dallas. I feel like running a pub is in my blood and it has always been my passion. I remember making my allowance by polishing the floors in my father's place, The Crooked King. Verity would be running around, messing up my hard work. Little did I know that the last Saturday I spent in there would be the last time we were allowed in there. My parents hadn’t made any provisions for us, I am sure they thought they still had time. The bank took it back after a few weeks. As I was eighteen, I had to work my ass off to show the state of Texas I could care for my sister. The rest of my family was still in New York on my dad’s side and Ireland on my mom’s. It was just us and there was no way I could be separated from her. I had to grow up quickly, so I could be a parent to Verity.

  Now that she is grown, we are slowly getting back to a brother sister relationship. I still remember the first time I had to ground her. She was always very smart, but when she did math problems on the window with a Sharpie, I had to put my foot down. I had just told her to clean it up, but when she chucked her abacus at the window, breaking it, I had to ground her. Her temper is legendary. She is quick to anger but even quicker to forgive.

  Verity is in college now and working as a nanny for Victoria, my buddy Donnie’s daughter. I get the feeling that there is something going on there, but she is a grown ass woman. It’s not my place to tell her what to do anymore. I do wish her future husband luck though, she still throws things when she is pissed.

  My thoughts drift back to Suzy. My Anamchara. My soulmate. I am supposed to be tending bar at Matt and Jules’s little reception, but I can’t focus. I toss my apron on the hook.

  “Eddie, I’m taking thirty. You got this?” I ask him.

  “Sure do Boss.” He says with a mock salute. I chuckle and open the bar top and step out into the seating area.

  Making eye contact with Suzy, who is talking to Trinity, I make my way over to them. When I am close enough to hear the conversation, I don’t like what I hear at all.

  “He is so much everything. And hot too.” Suzy says, hiccupping. Damn, my woman is
getting sloshed tonight. I inadvertently let out a growl at her words. She gasps and places her hand over her chest. That just draws my attention to her luscious tits.

  “What’s up Ryry?” Suzy asks me.

  “Just seeing what you are up to over here.” Jesus, I sound like a fucking idiot.

  “I am just drinking with my new friend Trinity. She likes girls, so I don’t have to worry about nothing.”

  “How much have you had to drink, Anamchara?” I ask her. When she lifts both hands to do her counting, I let out a chuckle.

  “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10. Probably 10.” She says, but she looks unsure.

  “Do you think you’ve had enough?” I ask as Trinity steps away from the table and heads toward the bar. I’ll need to make sure she doesn’t drive home but right now my girl is my main concern.

  “I don’t know, maybe. Why do your arms have to be so big?” She asks with a giggle as she reaches up with her hand and squeezes my bicep.

  “Baby, you’ve had way more than enough. I am going to go get my stuff then I’ll take you home.”

  “Ohh… Now? Do I get to see you naked?” She asks me. When she looks up at me with her big gray eyes and bites her bottom lip, I have to grab ahold of the table edge. Her eyes dart to my white knuckled grip, then to my eyes. They get wide and drop back down to the table top.

  “Not tonight.” Fuck, if she wasn’t drunk I would take her in the back and show her just how much I want her. When I reach out to her and she places her hand in mine, I feel this crazy energy flow through me. Then the lights in the bar flicker and eventually go out. There is some yelling, but it is mostly cat calls and laughter I hear.

  “Shit. Stay right here Suzy. I’ll go sort this out.”

  “Sure. Ok, I’ll be here.”

  I give her hand a squeeze and take off towards the back of the bar. Using the flashlight on my phone, I reach the breaker box pretty quickly. After flipping the blown breaker, the lights come back on. I hear some cheers. Closing the box, I head back out to Suzy.


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