The History of the Renaissance World: From the Rediscovery of Aristotle to the Conquest of Constantinople

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The History of the Renaissance World: From the Rediscovery of Aristotle to the Conquest of Constantinople Page 73

by Bauer, Susan Wise

  19. Prutz, p. 160.

  20. Schaff and Schaff, pp. 380–382; Hus, p. 279.

  21. Emmerson and Clayton-Emmerson, p. 664.

  Chapter Eighty-Eight The Taking of France

  1. Froissart (1901), vol. 2, p. 211.

  2. Ramsay, p. 43; Usk, p. 145.

  3. Jams Grant, British Battles on Land and Sea, vol. 1 (1897), pp. 76ff.

  4. Usk, p. 243.

  5. Enguerrand de Monstrelet, The Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet, trans. Thomas Johnes, vol. 1 (1877), p. 34.

  6. Ibid., pp. 53–54.

  7. Ibid., pp. 53, 56.

  8. Richard Vaughan, John the Fearless (2002), p. 70.

  9. Moreton-Macdonald, p. 271; Vaughan, pp. 80–82.

  10. Usk, p. 243; Walsingham, p. 389.

  11. Moreton-Macdonald, pp. 272–273; Walsingham, p. 397.

  12. Jervis, p. 238; Walsingham, p. 397.

  13. Walsingham, pp. 407–409.

  14. Jervis, p. 239.

  15. Walsingham, p. 410.

  16. Ibid., p. 412; Monstrelet, vol. 1, p. 342; Usk, p. 257.

  17. Monstrelet, vol. 1, p. 343.

  18. Moreton-Macdonald, p. 276; Ramsay, pp. 243–244.

  19. Ramsay, pp. 267–270.

  20. Moreton-Macdonald, pp. 280–281.

  Chapter Eighty-Nine After Timurlane

  1. Brian M. Fagan, From Stonehenge to Samarkand (2006), p. 244; Ruy González de Clavijo, Embassy to Tamerlane, 1403–1406, trans. Guy Le Strange (1928), pp. 146–152.

  2. Kulke and Rothermund, p. 170.

  3. Rabbat, pp. 16–17, 136–137; Nezar AlSayyad, Cairo (2011), pp. 122–123, 127.

  4. Marozzi, pp. 291–292.

  5. Levi and Sela, pp. 171–175.

  6. Nicol, The Last Centuries of Byzantium, p. 314.

  7. Finkel, pp. 28–29.

  8. Jackson, The Mongols and the West, p. 314; Finkel, p. 29.

  9. Finkel, p. 31.

  10. Grousset, p. 434.

  11. Jackson, The Mongols and the West, p. 314.

  12. Jackson and Lockhart, pp. 81–82.

  13. Spuler, pp. 74–75; Ana Serrano et al., Ibn Khaldun (2006), pp. 110–111.

  14. Norwich, Byzantium, p. 375.

  15. Ibid., pp. 376–377; Finkel, pp. 35–36.

  16. Norwich, Byzantium, pp. 376–377.

  Chapter Ninety The Withdrawal of the Ming

  1. Kenneth Chase, Firearms (2003), p. 41.

  2. Timothy Brook, The Troubled Empire (2010), pp. 90–91.

  3. Ibid., pp. 91–92; Timothy Brook, Jérôme Bourgon, and Gregory Blue, Death by a Thousand Cuts (2008), pp. 117–118.

  4. Ma-Huan, Ying-yai Sheng-lan, trans. and ed. J. V. G. Mills (1970), pp. 6ff.; Brook, pp. 92–93; Chase, pp. 50–51.

  5. Wang, pp. 153–154.

  6. Ibid., pp. 155–156.

  7. Gernet, p. 398; Denis Sinor, Inner Asia (1969), p. 205; Chase, pp. 46–47.

  8. Chapuis, p. 101.

  9. Julia Lovell, The Great Wall (2006), pp. 190–191.

  10. Wang, p. 154.

  11. Chase, p. 51.

  12. Gernet, pp. 403–405; Chase, pp. 52–53.

  13. Lovell, pp. 192–193.

  14. Ibid., pp. 198–199.

  15. Gernet, p. 405.

  Chapter Ninety-One Failure

  1. Sismondi, p. 203.

  2. John Addington Symonds, Renaissance in Italy (1883), pp. 152–153; Machiavelli, pp. 44–45.

  3. Sismondi, pp. 210–211; Symonds, p. 152; Machiavelli, p. 159.

  4. Creighton, vol. 2, pp. 40ff.

  5. Robert Bideleux and Ian Jeffries, A History of Eastern Europe, 2nd ed. (2007), pp. 147–148; Emil Reich, Select Documents Illustrating Medieval and Modern History (1905), p. 630.

  6. Bideleux and Jeffries, p. 150; Craig D. Atwood, The Theology of the Czech Brethren from Hus to Comenius (2009), p. 115.

  7. Creighton, vol. 2, p. 69; Hans Ferdinand Helmolt, The World’s History (1901), p. 199.

  8. Creighton, vol. 2, pp. 81–82.

  9. George Frederick Young, The Medici, vol. 1 (1911), p. 36.

  10. Helmolt, p. 198; Creighton, vol. 2, pp. 105ff.

  11. Hugh L. Agnew, The Czechs and the Lands of the Bohemian Crown (2004), pp. 49–59.

  12. Creighton, vol. 2, p. 162.

  13. Ibid., p. 176.

  14. Ibid., pp. 179ff.

  15. Kenneth Meyer Setton, The Papacy and the Levant, 1204–1571, vol. 2 (1978), pp. 65–66.

  Chapter Ninety-Two Perpetual Slavery

  1. Pierre Bontier, Jean Le Verrier, and Richard Henry Major, The Canarian, or Book of the Conquest and Conversion of the Canarians in the Year 1402 (1872), pp. 4, 41–44.

  2. Felipe Fernández-Armesto, Before Columbus (1994), pp. 181–182.

  3. C. Raymond Beazley, Prince Henry the Navigator (1911), pp. 149–150.

  4. Malyn Newitt, The Portuguese in West Africa (2010), pp. 26–27.

  5. Bailey W. Diffie and George D. Vinius, Foundations of the Portuguese Empire, 1415–1580 (1977), p. 55.

  6. Gomes Eanes de Zurara, The Chronicle of the Discovery and Conquest of Guinea, trans. Charles Raymond Beazley and Edgar Prestage, vol. 1 (1896), p. 27; Malyn Newitt, A History of Portuguese Overseas Expansion, 1400–1668 (2005), p. 19.

  7. Zurara, pp. 30–31.

  8. Ibid., pp. 33.

  9. W. A. Salisbury Portugal and Its People (1893), pp. 98–99.

  10. Zurara, pp. 40ff.; Newitt, A History of Portuguese Overseas Expansion, p. 24.

  11. Diffie and Vinius, p. 79; Newitt, The Portuguese in West Africa, pp. 49–50.

  12. Diffie and Vinius, pp. 80–81.

  13. Arthur Helps, The Conquerors of the New World and Their Bondsmen, vol. 1 (1848), pp. 33–36.

  14. Diffie and Vinius, p. 82; Newitt, The Portuguese in West Africa, p. 151.

  15. Newitt, The Portuguese in West Africa, p. 44.

  16. Salisbury, p. 105.

  17. Stefan Goodwin, Africa in Europe (2009), p. 128; A. J. R. Russell-Wood, “Iberian Expansion and the Issue of Black Slavery,” American Historical Review 83, no. 1 (Feb. 1978): 27–28.

  18. Francis Gardiner Davenport, ed., European Treaties Bearing on the History of the United States and Its Dependencies to 1648 (1917): 22–23.

  Chapter Ninety-Three The Loss of France

  1. Walsingham, pp. 442–443.

  2. Holinshed, p. 136; Rushton, p. 80; Enguerrand de Monstrelet, The Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet, vol. 6, trans. Thomas Johnes (1810), pp. 3–4.

  3. Malcolm G. A. Vale, Charles VII (1974), pp. 27, 35.

  4. Holinshed, p. 137.

  5. Ibid., p. 143; Vale, p. 33; Monstrelet, vol. 6, pp. 49–51;

  6. Prutz, pp. 215–216; Monstrelet, vol. 6, p. 248.

  7. Monstrelet, vol. 6, p. 254.

  8. Régine Pernoud and Marie-Véronique Clin, Joan of Arc, trans. Jeremy duQuesnay Adams (1998), p. 23.

  9. Monstrelet, vol. 6, p. 255.

  10. Clayton J. Drees, The Late Medieval Age of Crisis and Renewal, 1300–1500 (2001), p. 252.

  11. Donald Spoto, Joan (2007), p. 111.

  12. Ibid., p. 118; Holinshed, p. 170.

  13. Spoto, pp. 121ff.

  14. Daniel Hobbins, trans., The Trial of Joan of Arc (2007), p. 20.

  15. Pernoud and Clin, p. 135.

  16. Ibid., pp. 136–137.

  17. Jervis, pp. 251–252; Enguerrand de Monstrelet, The Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet, vol. 2, trans. Thomas Johnes (1853), p. 24.

  18. Monstrelet, vol. 2, pp. 3–4, 6.

  19. Ibid., pp. 28–29.

  20. Jervis, pp. 253–254.

  21. Vale, pp. 116–117; Holinshed, p. 229.

  22. Holinshed, pp. 235–236; Hooper and Bennett, pp. 134–135.

  23. Vale, pp. 173–175; Rushton, pp. 78–80.

  Chapter Ninety-Four The Fall

  1. Finkel, pp. 41–42.

  2. Pero Tafur, Travels and Adventures, 1435–1439, trans. Malcom H. I. Letts (1926), pp. 217–219.

  3. Thomas Henry Dyer, The History of Modern Europe, vol. 1 (1861), pp. 14–15.

  4. Tafur, p. 222.

  5. Dyer, pp. 15–16.

  6. Bertrandon de la Brocquière, The Travels of Bertandon de la Brocquière, trans. Thomas Johnes (1807), pp. 281–282; Peter Purton, A History of the Late Medieval Siege, 1200–1500 (2010),

  p. 245.

  7. Stephen R. Turnbull, The Ottoman Empire, 1326–1699 (2003), pp. 32–33; Finkel, pp. 44–45; Theoharis Stavrides, The Sultan of Vezirs (2001), pp. 53–54.

  8. Hazard, pp. 655–656.

  9. Turnbull, The Ottoman Empire, pp. 31–32.

  10. Nicol, The Last Century of Byzantium, p. 363; Stavrides, p. 53; Dyer, pp. 17–18.

  11. Norwich, Byzantium, pp. 414–415; Donald M. Nicol, The Immortal Emperor (1992), p. 52; Hazard, p. 657.

  12. Norwich, Byzantium, p. 414.

  13. Finkel, p. 49; Norwich, Byzantium, p. 415.

  14. Nicol, The Immortal Emperor, p. 56; Norwich, Byzantium, p. 415.

  15. Setton, p. 114.

  16. Monstrelet, vol. 2, p. 229; Setton, p. 114; Nicol, The Immortal Emperor, pp. 64–65.

  17. Monstrelet, vol. 2, p. 229; Setton, p. 116.

  18. Nicol, The Immortal Emperor, p. 65.

  19. Hazard, p. 659; Setton, p. 130.

  20. Stavrides, p. 54.

  21. Finkel, p. 49.

  22. Ibid., p. 51.

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