The History of the Renaissance World: From the Rediscovery of Aristotle to the Conquest of Constantinople

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The History of the Renaissance World: From the Rediscovery of Aristotle to the Conquest of Constantinople Page 79

by Bauer, Susan Wise

Black Sheep “Qara Qoyunlu” Turkomans, 632–33

  Blanche of Castile, regent of France, 254, 259, 303–4, 332, 353–55

  Blanche of Lancaster, 591

  Blind Harry, 400

  Boccaccio, Giovanni, 507

  Boccanegra, Guglielmo, 370

  Bo Dala, crown princess of Champa, 301

  bodhisattva, 111

  Boethius, 5–6

  Bogğazkesen (“Cutter of the Strait”), 678

  Bohemia, xxiv, 275, 465, 613, 615–18, 645, 646–50, 673–74

  Bohemian Diet, 647

  Bohemund, prince of Antioch, 13–14, 17, 135, 182

  Bohemund II, prince of Antioch, 17, 35

  Bohemund III, king of Antioch, 170

  Bohemund VI, prince of Antioch, 351, 374

  Bojador, Cape, 655–56, 658

  Boleslaw, king of the Polans, 284

  Boleslaw I, duke of Piast, king of Poland, 552

  Bolingbroke, Henry, see Henry IV, king of England

  Bologna, 85, 415, 572, 575

  Bonaventure, 277

  Boniface, marquis of Monferrat, 217–19

  Boniface IX, pope, 612, 617

  Boniface VIII, pope, 410–13

  Bonsmoulins, 167

  Book of Highways and Kingdoms, 99

  Bordeaux, 308, 462, 578

  Boril, ruler of Bulgaria, 221

  Borjigid clan, Mongol, 185

  Bornu, 588

  Borommaracha of Suphanburi, king of Syam, 532

  Borte, 195–96

  Bosnia, 137–39, 141, 168, 170, 424

  Bosphorus Strait, 3, 13, 221, 370, 630, 678–79

  Boulogne, count of, 303

  Bourbon, duke of, 579, 592, 623

  Bourges, 354, 663

  Bouvines, 249n, 250, 252

  Braga, 367

  Brahmans, 113, 120–21

  Bram, Crusader attack on, 240

  Brentwood, 583

  Brescia, 415, 613

  Breslau, 673

  Bretigny, 520

  Bretigny,Treaty of, 521–23

  Brindisi, 135

  Brion, Simon de, 389

  Bristol, 205, 397

  Brittany, 49, 151

  Brittany, count of, 304

  Brittany, duke of, 399, 594

  Bruce, Robert, the Fifth, 398

  Bruce, Robert, the Sixth, king of Scotland, 398–99, 434–38, 466, 497

  Buda, 315

  Buddha’s Tooth temple, 111, 271

  Buddhism, 27, 70, 198, 383, 470, 565

  Amitabha (Pure Land), 525

  in Dai Viet, 299–300

  in Goryeo, 74

  in India, 117–19, 121

  kings in, 111

  Mahayana, 118n

  sanghas in, 271

  in Sri Lanka, 108, 110–12, 113, 270–72

  Theravada, 118n

  of Uijong, 72

  Buddhist monasteries, 62, 111–12

  sohei in, 62, 63, 119

  Buddhist temples, 69, 71, 118, 197, 383

  Bughra Khan, sultan of Gaur, 403, 479

  Bukhara, 263

  Bukka, 480

  Bukka Raya, sultan of Vijayanagara, 546–47

  Bulala, 587

  Bulgaria, 220–21, 367–69, 424, 539, 598, 600, 676

  timelines, 224, 232

  Bulgars, 341

  Burgundians, 624, 662–63, 665, 667

  Burgundy, 521, 673

  Burgundy, dukes of, 152, 521, 577, 579, 601, 621, 623, 625, 662–63, 667, 669, 673

  Burji Dynasty, 628

  Burkhan Khaldun, 195, 197

  Byzantium, 13–16, 35, 103–6, 134–39, 141–46, 142, 168–70, 178, 179–80, 217–22, 219, 222, 375, 389, 424, 450, 506, 529, 537–42, 540, 598–602, 645, 650–52

  civil war in, 422–24

  Latin Empire in, 180, 217–23, 367–70, 389

  ongoing decline of, 221

  restoration of, 367–70, 419–25

  timelines, 18, 24, 42, 48, 140, 147, 154, 165, 175, 183, 194, 201, 224, 232, 280, 286, 292, 371, 378, 393, 402, 418, 426, 432, 543, 550, 556, 603, 610, 619, 634, 644, 653, 682

  Turkish overthrow of, xxiv–xxv, 14, 673, 677–81

  Cadiz, 654

  Cadmus, Mount, 39

  Caen, 501–2

  Caesarius of Heisterbach, 239

  Caffa, 506

  Cairo, 97, 106, 155, 273, 276–78, 335, 337, 339, 342, 347–49, 351, 376, 450–52, 456–57, 458, 548, 628, 629

  Old, 456–58

  cakravartin, 111

  Calais, 515, 517, 521, 577–78, 593, 624, 625

  Calixtus II, pope, 11

  Callixtus III, antipope, 86

  Camões, Luis Vaz de, 90

  Campo de Montiel, Battle of, 522

  Canary Islands, 654–56

  Cancellieri family, 411

  Cane, Facino, 645

  Cantacuzenus, John, see John VI, emperor of Constantinople

  Canterbury, archbishop of, 5–8, 22, 127–32, 204–5, 583

  Canton, 505

  Cao Tong, king of Dai Viet, 298

  Cape Blanc, 658

  Cape Bojador, xxiv

  Capet, Hugh, 499

  Capetian dynasty, in France, 20, 76, 235n, 499, 515

  Carcassonne, 239, 240, 463

  Caribbean Sea, 455

  Carinthia, 321

  Carinthia, duke of, 321

  Carlisle Castle, 399

  Carmagnola, Francesco, 646

  Carpathian mountains, 283, 315

  Carpini, Giovanni de Plano, 339–40

  Carthage, 373

  Casimir III “the Great,” king of Poland, 551–55

  Casimir IV, king of Poland, 674, 677

  Caspian Sea, 226, 263, 264, 267, 310, 313, 349, 558–60, 632

  Castelnau, Pierre de, 237

  Castelsarrasin, 462

  caste system, 120–21

  Castielfabib, 243

  Castile, 43, 44, 88–89, 89, 237, 242–46, 306–7, 522–23, 570, 591–93, 627, 654, 673

  timelines, 524, 530, 536, 597, 603, 661, 672, 682

  Catalan Atlas, 457, 458

  Catalan Company, 420–22

  Catalonia, 420

  Categories (Aristotle), 6n

  Cathars, 236–40, 257, 259, 354, 486, 582, 647

  Catherine (daughter of Charles VI), 623, 625

  Caucasus range, 313

  Cauchon, Pierre, bishop of Beauvais, 668

  Celestine III, pope, 172

  Celts, 22

  Central America, 187–88, 188, 192, 491

  timelines, 194, 201, 206, 496, 504

  Central Asia, 310, 505n

  Ceos, 420

  Ceprano, 364

  Ceredigion, 394

  Cesena, 574

  Ceuta, 655, 657–58

  Chad, Lake, 94, 97, 289–90, 587–88

  Chagatai (son of Genghis Khan), 267–68, 310, 339, 343

  Chagatai khanate, 343, 405–6, 557–60, 630

  timelines, 564, 570, 576

  Chalkokondyles, 599, 678

  Chalukya, 429

  Eastern, 112

  Western, 112, 115

  Champa, 28, 29–31, 300–301, 301, 385, 533–35, 533

  timelines, 33, 42, 60, 302, 309, 536, 543, 550

  Champagne, count of, 36

  Chan Chan, 192

  Chandrabhanu, king of the Javakas, 274

  Chao Phraya river, 300, 532

  Chapultepec, 491

  Charente river, 308

  Charlemagne, 20, 85, 282

  Charles I of Anjou, king of the Two Sicilies, 333, 335, 337, 364–65, 373–75, 390–91, 410

  Charles II of Hungary, king of Naples, 553

  Charles II “the Lame,” king of Naples, 391–92, 410, 413, 416

  Charles IV (Charles of Bohemia), Holy Roman emperor, 503, 551, 553, 571–72, 611

  Charles IV, king of France, 463, 464, 466, 616

  Charles V, king of France, 517, 520–23, 551, 577–79

  Charles VI, king of France, 579–81, 580, 592–94, 601, 612, 62
1–23, 625, 646, 662, 671

  Charles VII, king of France, 662–67, 666, 669–71

  Charles of Navarre, 516–17, 521

  Charles of Valois, 411, 415

  Charles the Simple, 308

  Chartres, 52–53

  Chastellain, 663

  Chatillon, 152

  Chauhan clan, 428

  Chauhans, 123

  Cheapside, 578

  Che Bong Ng, Red King of Champa, 533–34

  Chen Fu, 56

  Cheng Ho, 638

  Chengzong, emperor of the Yuan dynasty, 386

  Chen Liang, 26

  Chen Youliang (Emperor Dahan), 527

  Chernigov, 266

  Chichen Itza, 187

  Chieu Hoang, queen of the Dai Viet, 298–99

  Chimu people, 192

  China, 28, 59, 69, 97, 119, 134, 195, 282, 291, 301, 343, 382, 505, 529, 531, 546, 565–68, 627, 630, 637–43

  climate conditions in, 525

  Dai Viet and, 27

  Imperial Commissioner’s Office for the Control and Organization of the Coastal Areas, 26

  Jin dynasty in, see Jin dynasty (Jurchen)

  Ly dynasty in, 29

  Mandate of Heaven in, 25, 29

  Ming dynasty in, see Ming dynasty

  Mongol dynasty in, 380–86, 405

  Mongols conquest of, 262

  plague in, 525

  Song dynasty in, see Song dynasty

  timelines, 530, 536, 543

  Yuan dynasty in, 383–86, 384, 470, 503, 525–26, 528–29, 565–67, 630–32, 637

  Chinon, 251, 664–65

  Chioggia, 575

  Chios, 143

  Chittor, 428

  Choe Chung-heon, 73–74, 310–11

  Choe Chung-su, 73–74

  Choe-U, 311, 342

  Chola, 270, 272–73

  Chola empire, 108, 112–15, 113

  Chormaghan, 313

  Christianity, 340, 489, 601, 630

  in Africa, 287–88

  Dante’s and Marsilius’s contentions about, 485–86

  early, 233

  Greek thinkers and, 6, 50–53, 76, 356

  heresy and, 233–40

  Mongols and, 340, 341, 348–49

  power and, 3

  as pretext for slave trade, 659–60

  in Spain, xxiii

  see also Greek Orthodox Church; Roman Catholic Church

  Christian of Oldenburg, king of Denmark and Norway, 609


  in Jerusalem, 296

  Jews and, 153

  Christopher of Bavaria, king of Scandinavia, 609

  Chronica Adefonsi Imperatoris, 45–46

  Chronica Maiora, 578, 581–82, 591, 623, 662

  Chronicle of Canterbury, 521–22

  Chronicle of Ibn al-Athir, 105

  Chronicle of Lanercost, 398–99, 437, 463, 497–98, 501

  Chronicle of Melrose, 252, 254

  Chronicle of Novgorod, 266

  Chronicle of Pluscarden, 434, 445

  Chronicle of St. Evroult, 447

  Chronicle of the Crusade (Joinville), 226

  Chronicles of Lanercost, 397

  Chrysanthemum Throne, 214–215, 470

  Chung-hsing, 199

  Chungnyeol, king of Goryeo, 382

  Chupan, 450–52

  Church, conflict between Aristotelian logic and, xxiv

  churches, east African, 287–88

  Church law, 53, 323

  Church of the Holy Sepulchre, 296, 333

  Church of the Tithe, 315

  Cicero, 489

  Cilician Armenia, 15, 17, 136, 339, 340

  timelines, 18, 24, 140, 147

  Circassians, 628

  Cistercians, 354

  Citadel of Cairo, 628

  civilians, 70–74, 153, 538

  war and, 263, 321, 391, 501, 547, 574, 578

  Clarendon, 129

  Clear Mirror, 472, 473

  Clement IV, pope, 364–65, 374

  Clement V, pope, 413–14, 416

  Clement VI, pope, 507, 510, 539, 572

  Clement VII, pope, 574, 579, 612

  Clifford, Rosamund, 151

  Cloistered Emperors, 63–67, 63, 471–72, 569

  cloth, satin, 56

  Clovis, king of the Franks, 665

  Cluny, 52

  Cocherel, Battle of, 521

  Col de Panissars, Battle of the, 392

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 380

  Colhuacans, 491, 494–95

  Collationes (Abelard), 51, 57

  College of Cardinals, 615, 617

  Cologne, 85, 235, 235n, 356, 447

  Colomon, king of Hungary, 137

  Colonna, Sciarra, 486

  Como, 324

  Compacts of Basel (Compactata), 649

  Compiègne, 663, 667

  Concordance of Discordant Canons, 53

  Concordat of London, 8, 11

  Concordat of Worms, 11

  Confucianism, 56–57, 197, 299, 341, 470, 529, 565, 640

  Confucius, 29, 56

  Congress of Krakow, 551–53

  Conrad III, king of Germany, 39–40, 82

  Conrad IV, king of Germany, 295, 321, 323–24, 359–60

  Conradin, 360, 364–65

  Conrad of Hohenstaufen, 410

  Constance (German town), 616–17

  Constance (mother of Frederick II), 318

  Constance (wife of Geoffrey, son of Henry II), 202

  Constance of Antioch, 135, 137

  Constance of Castile, 591

  Constantine, emperor of Rome, 3, 254, 287, 680

  Constantine, king of Georgia, 632

  Constantine XI Palaeologus, emperor of Byzantium, 677–80

  Constantinople, 13, 15, 16, 103, 134, 136, 141–45, 170, 178–79, 220, 221, 223, 257, 367–70, 389, 405, 507, 537–39, 542, 598–602, 650–52

  Crusaders in sack of, 179–80, 181, 278

  fall of, 235, 242

  Latin patriarch of, 257

  as Ottoman goal, 419–20, 425

  Ottoman overthrow of, xxiv–xxv, 14, 600–602, 629–30, 673, 677–81

  Patriarch of, 423, 651

  sacred relics of, 368

  Constitutions of Clarendon, 128, 130

  Conway, Treaty of, 395

  copper, 95

  copper mines, 443

  Corbeil, 303

  Córdoba, 45, 244, 306, 307

  Corfu, 178

  Corinth, Isthmus of, 633

  Cortenuova, 321

  corvée labor, 526

  Coucy, 663

  Council of Basel, 649–50

  Council of Constance, 617, 646

  Council of Florence, 650

  Council of Toulouse, 260, 319, 320

  Courtrai, 412

  Crécy-en-Ponthieu, 502

  Cremona, 323

  Croatia, 137–39, 141, 168n, 316

  Crusaders, 40, 102, 104–6, 155, 156, 157–59, 171, 172, 217–19, 226, 237, 238, 240, 248, 275–78, 348, 374, 376, 538

  Crusades, xxiv, 236, 258, 283, 296, 372, 461–63, 551, 673, 676, 677

  First, 3–5, 13–17, 29, 36, 104, 134, 153, 182, 420, 650

  Second, 39–41, 76, 81, 135

  Third, 159, 166–74, 169

  Fourth, 176–82, 240, 367

  Fifth, 275–79, 276, 281–82, 293, 335

  Sixth, 295–96

  Seventh, 333–37, 334, 353–55, 364

  Eighth, 375

  Ninth, 375, 398

  Albigensian, 238–40, 239, 242, 244, 258, 259–60, 273, 275, 319

  Baltic, 284–85, 285

  Christ vs. gain in, 82

  end of, 375

  against the Hafsids, 372–74

  Holy Land Kingdoms of, 13–17, 15, 35, 36, 134n, 173, 180, 217–23, 257, 333, 351, 367–70, 376–77, 389, 449

  Reconquista as, 43

  in Spain, 244–46

  Wendish, 81–82, 238

  Cuacuauhpitzahuac, king of Tlatelolco, 495

  Culavamsa, 270072r />
  Cumans, 282

  Curia Regis, 253, 361

  Cuzco, 192–93

  Cyprus, 135, 136, 171, 173, 275, 333, 335, 374

  Dadu, 380–81, 526–28, 565, 640

  Daftary, Farhad, 226n

  Dafydd ap Gruffudd, prince of Wales, 395–97

  Dai Viet, 27–30, 28, 298–301, 301, 342, 385, 533–34, 533, 535, 640–42

  timelines, 33, 42, 60, 68, 75, 302, 309, 536, 543, 550, 644, 653, 661

  Dai Viet su ky, 299

  Dali, 341

  Dalmatia, 137, 139

  Dalry, 434

  Damascus, 34, 40, 103, 156, 173, 333, 342, 348, 450, 628–29

  Dambadeniya, 271, 273, 548

  Damietta, 106, 276–78, 293, 335–36, 348, 364

  Danishmends, 34

  Dan-no-Ura, Strait of, 163

  Dante Alighieri, 364, 389, 411, 485–86, 488, 500, 582

  Danube river, 139, 168, 220, 315, 388, 419, 673, 676

  Danzig, 608

  Dardanelles, 217

  Dartmoor, 443

  Dartmouth, 579

  Datong, 643

  Daulatabad, 479–80, 481, 546

  Dauphiné, 517n

  Daura, 588, 589

  David, king of Israel, 348

  David, rumored Indian Christian king, 279

  David I, high king of Scotland, 22, 398

  David II, king of Scotland, 497–98, 501, 519

  David the Builder, 264

  Deccan, 405, 429, 480, 546, 627

  de Cernay, Pierres des Vaux, 236, 239–40, 258

  de Clare, Richard “Strongbow,” 149

  Defensor Pacis, 485

  Degrees of Union, 651

  Deheubarth, 394

  Delhi, 228–31, 229, 270, 326–30, 328, 478–82, 505, 544–49, 561–63, 627

  Mongol Invasion of, 406

  second sultanate of, 403–8, 427–31

  timelines, 550, 556, 560

  Timur and, 563, 627–28

  Demetrius, 632

  de Molay, Jacques, 414, 420

  de Montfort, Simon, 205, 207

  Denis, Saint, 250

  Denmark, 81, 604–9, 607

  timelines, 610, 619, 626

  Descriptiones Terrarum, 284

  Despenser, Hugh, earl of Winchester, 463

  Despenser, Hugh the Younger, earl of Winchester, 463–65, 468

  Despenser, La, 464

  Devagiri, 405, 429, 479

  Devon, 582

  dharma, 111, 119n, 120

  dialectic, of Aristotle, 5–7, 49, 53, 57

  Dialogue of Miracles (Caesarius of Heisterbach), 239

  Diara Kante, 100

  Dibalemi, Dunama, king of Kanem, 288–90

  Didymoteichon, 540

  Dirgham, 104n

  Divine Comedy (Dante), 389, 411

  Dlugosz, Jan, 554

  Dnieper river, 266

  Do Anh Vu, 30

  Dome of the Rock, 158–59, 296

  Domesday Book, 4

  Dominicans, 258, 319–20, 356, 367, 373, 436, 462, 494, 629

  Domrémy, 664

  Donatists, 234

  Dorylaeum, 39

  Dover, 254, 579, 593

  Dublin, 149

  Duklja, 137


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