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In My Arms (Philadelphia Series)

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by Plendl, Taryn

  In My Arms

  By Taryn Plendl

  In My Arms

  Text Copyright © 2012 Taryn Plendl

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the publisher. You must not circulate this book in any format with exception to Amazon Prime’s Kindle Owners Lending Library.

  To my family and friends whose continued encouragement and support keeps me writing and sharing my work. Thank you.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12


  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15


  Coming in January 2013

  A Part of Me

  Chapter 1


  I should have stayed home, I decided as I watched my best friend Talia dancing like a crazy woman with no rhythm.

  This was the first night I’d been out in weeks and I couldn’t believe it was for this. Really. Of all places to go on my first night out in weeks. We couldn’t start slow, maybe coffee, dinner, even a movie? No. Talia had shown up ready to drag me out of my aunt’s house tonight. I was perfectly happy sitting at home going through my I hate you, screw you, hope you get a serious disease and die or hit by a truck, wish I never met you and hope she's worth it kind of mood, but Talia wasn’t taking no for an answer.

  I couldn’t blame her for wanting to get me out of the house. That’s what good friends do when they know you are beating yourself up over something beyond your control. Right? I knew I was just bitter and nursing a broken heart, but sometimes you just need to suffer in silence. Yeah, that wasn’t happening tonight.

  I’d just broken off a two year relationship with my boyfriend Kyle. I loved him, or at least I thought I did, but I just had a hard time being okay with him screwing other women. Go figure!

  It had really shocked me to come home early from work and find him screwing some bimbo in our living room—so much so that I couldn’t even say anything. I just packed a bag and left. Kyle had the audacity to act shocked that I’d left. He seriously can’t expect me to play the part of the happy girlfriend, when he had other girls auditioning for the role.

  Things with Kyle had been strained this past year. I could feel myself moving away from him and he had become increasingly mean. Yelling at me over stupid shit, putting me down. I don’t know why I stayed. Who does that? I’m better than that. Women can fake an orgasm. Men on the other hand, can fake an entire relationship.

  The club was packed tonight. I knew I shouldn’t have offered to drive Talia tonight. I never was one who liked the club scene anyway, but having to navigate it stone cold sober was killing me.

  I gazed across the room to where Talia was currently feeling no pain as she swung her long blonde hair around, twirling and grinding on random men with wild abandon. Every once in awhile she would catch my eye and gesture for me to get out there and dance.

  Yeah, that wasn’t going to happen. I didn’t dance. I knew my limitations. Trust me, I had danced plenty in the privacy of my own room, and every time I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I was making some ridiculous duck face or doing something awkward with my arms. There is no doubt that my moves weren’t ready for the public arena. Besides, Kyle had always told me how bad I danced. Maybe that was just his excuse so he could dance with random women right under my nose. Bastard!

  “You must be proud.” The deep voice caught me off guard and I jumped.

  “Pardon me?” I turned to find a tall muscular man propped on the stool next to me. When had he shown up? He was smiling at me with one of those I’m sexy-you can’t resist me-you might as well submit now kind of smiles. Not this girl. No way!

  He nodded his chin out to where Talia was still gyrating on people and inanimate objects. Hmmm. Wow. I couldn’t very well not claim her could I? I was like a parent with the kid that was constantly embarrassing them in public. As much as you wanted to leave them there, you knew you still had to take them home. Talia was a little outspoken, exuberant, even animated, but she was still my best friend. Yes damn it! I was as proud as a stage mom!

  “Ah, yes…. As a matter of fact, I am.” I took a sip of my diet soda and raised my eyebrows at the breathtaking specimen next to me. I needed to remind myself that he just insulted my friend. No matter how gorgeous he was. He looked away, so I took a moment to discretely admire his deliciously broad shoulders, muscles that rippled and flexed down his arms, his flat stomach and strong legs. Yummy! Come on, a girl can look right? Raising my eyes back up, I landed on his amused face, obviously taking in the fact that I was totally checking him out. Yeah, guess I wasn’t very discrete.

  “So, do you always make it a habit of insulting random people’s friends?” I challenged as I stirred my dreadfully non-alcoholic drink with the straw. The man was hot, but his arrogance….yeah, not so much. Maybe I could over look that? Focus Ava!

  He threw his head back and let out a low sultry chuckle. Oh my! “No, as a matter a fact I don’t. I just noticed you sitting here watching your friend, and it sure seemed like you weren’t having a good time. Am I right?” He took a long pull from his bottle of beer and continued, “Why would you come with her if you didn’t want to be here?” His green eyes bore straight through me. They were captivating with gold flakes and lashes that were so long it was sinful. He almost seemed genuine, but I was slightly taken aback by his observation. What the hell? Who did this guy think he was? It only infuriated me more that his observation was dead on. I wasn’t having fun, well at least not until now. I was kind of enjoying this banter. Maybe I could take my aggression out on this man. He looked like he could take it.

  “Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you're an expert on my life and how I should live it after sitting next to me for two minutes. Please continue while I take notes.” I quipped and took another sip of my soda, doing my best not to focus on his soft pink lips that were slowly turning up in a sultry half smile. Look away!

  “Are you always this sarcastic?” He wondered out loud, tilting his head to the side.

  “Are you always this rude?” I countered.

  We both stared at each other for a few awkward seconds before Talia took that moment to come bounding back to the bar. She flagged down the bartender and asked for another Cosmo before she turned and quite unabashedly analyzed the man next to me.

  “Wow Ava, who’s your friend?” My tad-more-than-tipsy petite blonde friend blurted out.

  I gave her one of my best annoyed looks before glancing back at the hot muscular guy and nonchalantly shrugging my shoulders. “Oh, we’re not friends, just a casual chat that has run its course.” I shrugged as I stepped down from my stool, “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to the restroom.” I turned and walked away without a second glance back—which I had to literally threaten myself not to do.



  I watched the beautiful young woman walk away. God she was breathtaking—average height with curves in all of the right areas—all woman. Long brown hair, golden brown eyes that—for brief moments—had fire in them as she talked to me. It was obvious that she was independent with a stubborn side. One that I couldn’t help but be drawn to. I was used to women throwing themselves at me, and it was nice to have a bit of a challenge once in awhile.

I always seemed to go the easy route when it came to women. I enjoyed their company, but not for too long. I think that some people aren’t cut out for relationships. I couldn’t stand the jealousy that comes with it. Women could be downright catty and mean when they were jealous. It was a very unattractive quality.

  “So, what’s your name?” I’d almost forgotten that the bouncy blonde was still standing next to me.

  “Uh, Trevor.” I stammered, taking in the highly intoxicated woman.

  “Well Uh Trevor, do you see something you like?” Talia observed, watching as my eyes followed her friend. She raised her eyebrows as she sipped her pink drink.

  “Excuse me?” I faltered, not wanting to give the girl the wrong idea.

  “Please! Not me silly, my friend Ava.” She balked, nodding in the direction of beautiful woman who had basically monopolized my attention for the last hour.


  “Yes, Ava Murphy. The one who has you drooling.” She spoke with a slight slur. “You know, she isn’t always such a bitch. She’s just overly cautious right now. Some dick really did a number on her.” Before I could respond, the blonde was back out on the dance floor. I felt a little awkward with the details I had just been given, I mean who spills shit like that to a stranger about their friend?

  “There you are man.” My friends Nick and Tom bellied up to the bar next to me. “You wondered off so quickly, we there might have been a reason why, but here you are alone. Pathetic.” Nick shook his head in mock disgust.

  “I did find something of interest, but she totally blew me off.” I tried to keep the irritation out of my voice, but I didn’t do a very good job of it, and my asshole friends were extremely amused.

  “I thought you were going to take this new city by storm Trevor.” Tom smacked me on the back as he took another draw from his beer.

  “Seriously Tom, is your ass jealous of the shit that comes out of your mouth? Just wondering.” They both busted out in full fledged laughter, and I couldn’t help but smile. I had really missed these guys.

  Nick, Tom and I had been friends since our freshman year in college at Penn State. After graduation, they had moved to Philadelphia, while I had gone to New York. I spent my first two years in advertising kissing ass, and going nowhere quick. When a job opened in Philadelphia, I jumped on it. There wasn’t anything holding me in New York anyway.

  I had finally gotten moved and Nick and Tom had insisted that I go out and see some of the city this weekend before I started my new job on Monday. They seemed to like the club scene, so that’s what we did. There were certainly a lot of hot women here, but I wasn’t really looking at them.

  I’d like to say that I spent some time scoping out the scene when we got here, but to be honest, I had spotted Ava almost the moment I’d walked through the door. She looked almost sad as she sat at the bar, but god she was still beautiful, and I couldn’t help but want to try to make her smile. I guess I needed to re-evaluate my moves. She wasn’t smiling when she walked away from me, now was she?

  I ordered another beer and kept an eye on the bathroom door for her to make her exit, hoping she would return to the bar, but seriously doubting it. I may have to give it another go. It had taken me way too long to approach her in the first place after I spotted her, and now I risked not ever talking to her again. Yeah, that wasn’t going to happen.

  Just when I was ready to give up, thinking I might have missed her, I saw her walk out and stop suddenly when a tall, thin man stepped in front of her. I slipped off the stool and moved across the floor without hesitation, instinctively wanting to protect her. There was something about the look on her face that caught my attention.

  Before I’d even reached her, I was more than sure I’d been right to worry as the man grabbed Ava’s arm and squeezed, even as she tried to break out of his hold. Taking the last couple strides quicker than I’d intended, I jumped into a plan that I hadn’t even had time to think through—one that could easily blow up in my face. The last thing I needed was to get into a fight my first week in a new city.

  “Hey Ava, I was wondering where you got off to.” I draped my arm around Ava’s shoulders. “I suggest you remove your hand.” I stated simply as I watched his face and movements with precise scrutiny—something I had learned through years and years of mixed martial arts. If I knew how to do anything, it was to watch and anticipate people’s moves, and I was undeniably good at it.

  “I’m Trevor.” I pulled her closer to me as I openly glared at the man. “Her date.” I clarified when the man glared back at me. Wrong move buddy! I could feel Ava tense slightly under my arm, but she didn’t deny it which made my decision to proceed very easy.

  The man reached out and shook my hand firmly. “I’m Kyle, her boyfriend.” He snarled. The man may have been slightly taller than me, but there was no way he would stand a chance if it came to blows.

  “Ex!” Ava snapped as she pulled her arm out of Kyle’s grasp. “He is my ex boyfriend.” Ava stressed as she glared openly at him, absentmindedly rubbing her arm where I could see red finger marks beginning to develop. It took all of my willpower to not pummel the cocky man right then and there. I could see that there was a lot more to this story, but now was obviously not the time to figure it out. I just wanted to get her away from this asshole.

  “Come on babe, let’s dance.” I gently pulled Ava toward the dance floor, stopping when Kyle grabbed my arm. “Ava doesn’t dance.” He said a little too confident for his own good.

  I looked at my arm where Kyle’s hand was holding and then back up to the man. I could see Nick and Tom headed my way out of the corner of my eye, obviously preparing for this to go bad and ready to back me up. I flexed my forearm and looked him in the eyes, daring him to make another move. I guess the menacing look I gave him must have done the trick because Kyle removed his hand before I even spoke.

  “She doesn’t huh?” I looked at Ava who looked like she was almost in shock as she tried to figure out what was happening right in front of her. “Well Kyle, maybe she was just waiting for the right partner.” Asshole! “If you’ll excuse us.” I turned Ava back to the dance floor and led her out, still holding her close.

  When we were far enough away for Kyle to not hear us, Ava whispered, “I really don’t dance.” I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close. “Follow my lead, he’s still watching you.” She trembled slightly and I wondered if she was afraid of me or Kyle.

  She answered my question when she put her arms around me and allowed me to pull her against me. She let me to lead her in soft fluid movements, placing my hands on her hips.

  “You want to tell me what the hell that was about Trevor? That is your name, right?” Ava asked as she plastered a smile on her face for Kyle’s benefit. Ah, there is that confident woman I saw before.

  “I guess I just assumed you needed saving from that guy. Want to talk about it?” I smiled innocently down at her.

  “I don’t need saving from anyone, and besides, I don’t even know you. Why would I talk to you about my personal life?” Ava grumbled even as she seemed to lean more into the safety of my arms.

  I sighed. God, I wasn’t doing the best job with her so far. I was completely off my game with this girl. “Look, I’m sure you don’t need saving, but when I saw him put his hands on you I saw red.” I wrapped my arms tighter around Ava’s waist, pulling her even closer, instinctively feeling very protective of her. I leaned down closer to her and couldn’t help but smell her hair as it lay across her shoulders. I swore she gasped which made me, in turn, almost groan out loud.

  “There is obviously a history there, and if you don’t want to talk about it that’s fine, but no man should put his hands on you, ever.” I growled. Her eyes widened. “I’m sorry Ava.” I was scaring her now.

  “I need to go find Talia. It’s late. I really should go home.” She claimed, not sounding very convincing.

  Before she could pull back, I leaned down and covered her mouth with mine. She l
et out an involuntary moan. I ran my hand up her spine and wrapped her hair around my fist, gently pulling back to raise her face. My tongue moved lightly across the seam of her lips, until it was able to slip gently between her parted lips. I made gentle sweeping, swirling motions inside her mouth, delirious by the sweet invasion.

  When I felt her tongue begin to mingle with mine, I groaned, nibbling and teasing and taking pleasure from the soft caresses of our lips and tongues moving in sync. Before I was ready, we were forced apart by an overzealous dancer. I steadied her before reclaiming her mouth with another quick kiss. God she was amazing!

  Her lips were pink and swollen, and she was breathing in short pants. “Wow.” Ava whispered. Yeah, wow! Holy shit! I don’t think I’d ever had such a hot kiss. I smiled as I looked over her shoulder. “He left.”



  I flinched when I came back to a painful reality. Are you kidding me? The most undoubtedly amazing kiss we’d just shared was no more than part of Trevor’s game to make Kyle jealous. I had just allowed myself to be a pawn in a ridiculous cock fight between to arrogant men. Stupid Ava!

  Stepping back, I put a much needed distance between us. Smoothing my shirt and tucking my hair behind my ear, I looked back up at him, working hard to restore my much needed self control. “Well thanks. Glad you could give him a good show.” I retorted.

  I turned and grabbed Talia just as she moved by me on the dance floor. “Come on. Let’s go.” Thank God Talia was too far gone to put up a fight as she stumbled behind me.

  “Ava wait!” Trevor shouted as he pushed his way through the crowded dance floor trying to get to me. I picked up the pace, practically dragging Talia now. “Slow down girl! Where’s the fire?” She giggled behind me, gripping my arm so she wouldn’t fall as I dragged her through the parking lot.

  I looked back to see Trevor reach the door to the parking lot just as I was shutting my car door. Thank god for the crowd that slowed him down. He jogged toward my car, waving his arms, but I backed out and drove onto the road before he could stop me.


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