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Ill Will

Page 15

by Cate Corvin

  White-hot need shot through me as he sucked my clit, my thighs shaking against his shoulders, only his hands wrapped around my legs holding me upright.

  “I hate you, Will.” My own vehemence, mixed with ragged lust, startled me, like the words had been ripped out of some deep, dark place hidden inside me. “I hate you so much.”

  It was a relief to finally say what I really felt, the black emotions I’d been stewing over for months now. It was all out in the open, and the last of my hopes died when the truth came out between us. He’d never be a brother of mine. That possibility was gone.

  Not now, when he was panting between my legs, doing things to me I’d never felt before, and I felt such twisted glee at finally letting him know how I really felt.

  He circled my clit slowly, jade eyes looking up at me. “Tell me again how you really feel, Tori.” Will’s whisper was muffled, because he devoured my pussy again like he couldn’t get enough.

  My eyes practically rolled back in my head when his lips closed around my aching flesh. “I hate you,” I whispered, breath hitching, finally giving in and falling over the edge.

  The orgasm that ripped through me had my limbs shaking like leaves, loud moans filling the bathroom. Will gripped me hard enough to leave bruises to hold me up while I shivered to pieces on him.

  When I’d stopped shaking, he licked me, long and slow, and sucked his lower lip between his teeth as he rose to his feet like he still wanted to taste me. My breath came in quick pants as he eased his boxer briefs over his hips, eyes feasting on me from head to toe.

  “You know why you really hate me, Tori?” His cock sprang free, thick, long, with a perfectly flared crown. Will twisted the knob and turned off the water, and the sudden silence without the drumming rain in the background seemed deafening.

  “I just told you why,” I said, my abdomen tightening at the sight of my stepbrother completely naked. God, he looked fucking delicious.

  Will picked me up, holding me under my thighs, and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he walked out of the bathroom. He climbed onto my bed and lowered me to the mattress as water soaked the sheets.

  His cock slid over my wet pussy, and I shuddered under him.

  “You hate me because I’m not the perfect little replacement pawn you wanted,” he said, his voice deepening to a growl. “You wanted a new James, and you got me instead. I don’t exist to fill a void in your life, Victoria.”

  His hands were all over me, thumbs gliding over my hard nipples, squeezing the softness of my hips. Will pushed forward again, sliding the underside of his cock against me, and drew a breathless moan from my throat. He pulled back, the thick head poised against my entrance.

  “I will never be your brother.” He looked almost angry, eyes snapping with heat, lip curled. “I’ll never be that for you, no matter how much you hate me for it.”

  “Good, because I don’t want you to be!” I snarled back. That would’ve been a lie before. Now, though...

  Will smiled, devastatingly beautiful with those dark lashes and full lips. “We finally agree on something,” he said.

  He thrust forward and filled me with one strong push, letting out a gasp as I tightened around him. If I’d thought his mouth between my legs felt good, this was like lightning fizzling through my veins, every cell clamoring for more of him.

  Will’s groan was like a shot of adrenaline to my heart. I curled my hips against him, gasping as his flat lower stomach ground against my clit, and he sat up to grip my hips and pull me firmly against his pelvis.

  He rocked his hips towards me, hitting that delicate spot with every push, the slick feeling of his cock sliding in and out driving me mad. I was hardly aware of the sounds I was making, thick, throaty moans every time he pushed forward.

  Will’s teeth sank into his lower lip as his gaze roved from my face to my breasts and back up again, his tempo speeding up as his thumb found my clit.

  I hooked my legs over his shoulders, and he pounded in hard, shaking the whole bed as he gasped. The sensation of being completely pulverized, coupled with the delicate skim of his thumb, sent me back over the edge.

  I arched against him when I came, gasping his name over and over, gripping handfuls of the sheets.

  He pulled my legs from his shoulders and pinned them open, hips smacking against my thighs and ass, and leaned forward to kiss me, tongue plunging between my open lips. “Will,” I whispered, feeling ragged and languid, everything hidden behind a hazy glow, but he silenced me with another deep kiss.

  His cock throbbed and he groaned into my open mouth when he released himself in me, his muscles flexing and loosening under my hands. “Christ, Tori.” His eyes blazed, lips parted. “Holy fuck.”

  When he relaxed, I wrapped my legs around his waist, holding him against me while I ran my fingers through his damp hair. He rested his head on my shoulder, his breath warm against my neck, our hearts both pounding between our water- and sweat-slick skin. Goosebumps rose on my neck when he nudged forward and kissed me.

  I stared up at the ceiling, still burning up for him on the inside, a touch of panic glazing my afterglow.

  What had we done?




  Lucifer shank my ass, but it was almost impossible to keep a grip on my glamour. My veins fizzed and bubbled with the force of their need, spiraling through my entire body and jolting straight to my cock.

  For the first time in three years, I didn’t feel like I was starving or withering away inside. I hadn’t come that hard in months, three orgasms back-to-back, stroking my cock with a painfully tight grip… savoring every bit of their lust and want, so delicious it practically melted on my tongue.

  The only thing that could’ve made it better was being with them, but I might’ve actually exploded from all the sheer pounding lust after so long without.

  Victoria the Luscious smelled like pure sex under her coconut shampoo. Every time she shifted in her chair the scent filled my nose. It was maddening.

  Being around Will wasn’t much better.

  Knightley paced the classroom. After how close I’d come to being caught in the Sugarworks, he still had a glint of suspicion in his eyes when he looked at me. “While we’re on the subject of vampires and political machinations within their courts, you might find yourself taking part in these activities. One older slayer tradition is actually derived from a vampire custom: war-chains, or wearing the fangs of fallen vampires.”

  Victoria straightened in her seat like she’d been hit with an electric jolt.

  Now that was interesting… because no matter what she said about just talking to Càel, she couldn’t lie to my true nature. Somewhere under the layers of denial and hate and prejudice, she’d imagined him pounding into her, but she’d hidden that thought under an ocean of disapproval.

  But if she was willing to entertain fucking a vampire… how might she feel about an incubus?

  Judging from her admission about her brother, not good. To her all demons were the same: vermin to be crushed out underfoot.

  “In this, we are slightly alike. Vampiric tradition holds that combat is the only honorable death. Being drained of blood is a cowardly, weak way to die. Even worse is being staked out in the sun to burn.”

  Victoria’s hand jerked, leaving a scrawl in her notebook.

  “They aspire to die by the blade, and the highest honor is having their enemies wear their fangs as tokens. It is a way of saying that they were worthy foes, deserving of eternal honor.”

  She’d stopped taking notes and was watching Knightley with the sort of intensity she usually reserved for training sessions. I took a deep breath, tasting coconut and desire. If Will hadn’t been at our first training session to intervene, I wouldn’t have minded stripping her down right in the middle of the forest and burying my face between her thighs…

  “Few of the younger slayer generations maintain that tradition. Some slayers- like your father, Will, Lor
d Percival Godalming- have collected impressive war-chains over the course of their careers, but they’re reserved as formal military wear at this point.”

  She returned to her notes, frowning thoughtfully at the words.

  No matter how much I dreamed of her, lusted over her, Will’s seething anger would always be a blockade between us. Still, part of me was slowly breaking away from him, struggling to make room for my desires within the Cords of Fate.

  She’d opened up to me first. She’d trusted me enough to tell me her deepest fear and needs, not Will.

  But for all that, I couldn’t bring myself to tell him no. He was the only reason I’d awakened from my servile, lustful existence at all, and opened my eyes to other kinds of love besides physical pleasure.

  I shouldn’t have been so torn. I wasn’t their kind. I owed them nothing.

  And Victoria’s hatred had been so clear when she spoke of her James. When I returned to Sitri’s court, I’d take a vacation to Satan’s slice of Hell, find the Sathanas demon who’d killed James, and rip its fucking spine out. If it hadn’t been for that fucker murdering her brother, maybe there’d have been a thread of hope for someone like me.

  An incubus without a home. I could no more go back to Sitri’s court and fall into lust again than become a human. I belonged nowhere.

  I leaned in close to Victoria. I’d take what I could get for now. “Got a particular interest in vamps?” She turned her head, looking up at me with those big eyes, honey flecked with green like spring leaves.

  “I grew up around moonspawn,” she whispered. “Vampires didn’t spend a lot of time down in Port Leona. Too sunny.”

  Ah, right. She’d grown up near a beach in the south, according to Will.

  “Guess you should pay attention, with Càel on your ass.” I’d felt his lust loud and clear, and empathized a little too much. Not gonna happen, big guy. She was the perfect slayer through and through. Too bad he didn’t have a thing for Apolline. She was still trying to get a vamp to bite her.

  Tori shot me a look. “Càel’s not getting anywhere near my ass.”

  Lie. She’d thought about it for less than two seconds, but it was just enough to send a jolt of lust through her.

  I plucked that sensation from her mind and savored it.

  “That won’t stop him from trying.” Hell, I knew she hated demons, but that wasn’t going to stop me from trying. The part of me that was becoming more human contemplated how angry she’d be if she ever found out what I was. It was interesting, this twisting sensation of guilt. I’d never felt it until I’d met Tori, and it was growing more unpleasant by the day. “I’d do the same, in his shoes.”

  I shot her a grin, the kind I knew she liked, with crinkles in the corners of my eyes and white teeth. Sergio Enver was one attractive human face.

  Again, that whisper of guilt. If I peeled this glamour off and let her get a good look at my true face, how long would it take her to recover and bury a knife in my chest?

  If she knew that I’d reached into their hearts and minds yesterday, giving them the tiniest nudge to act on their hidden desires, would she skin me alive?

  “Well, he’ll be waiting a long time, then.” She returned my grin. The spray of freckles across her nose should’ve made her cute, but the angles of her features made her beautiful.

  The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them. “Next time we’re in Club Bathory, you’re my date.”

  Her grin faded a little, no longer joking but a little nervous. “Like… a real date?”

  The guilt dissipated, becoming a glowing orb of happiness. I felt her want. She wanted me, and I hadn’t even had to pluck the strings of desire in her. “Yeah. Drinks and dust are on me. I’ll stay with you the whole time- Will doesn’t get to cut in.”

  She looked down at the table. “I… okay. It’s a date, then. This weekend.”

  Knightley cleared his throat. “Again, Mister Enver, do you have something to share with the class?”

  “As a matter of fact, I do, Professor Knightley.” I rested on my arm on the back of Victoria’s chair, enjoying the way her cheeks turned pink. “I have a date with Victoria Holmwood this weekend, and I’m super fucking stoked about it.”

  I was pretty sure I’d seen something like this in human movies- didn’t they like public declarations of love and want?

  Tori had gone past pink, somewhere into crimson. A flash of lust filled the room behind me: Will, at the end of the table, the memory of Tori writhing under him playing through his mind… followed by a quick burst of anger.

  The Cords tugged, trying to pull me back to Will, and I shrugged them away. I wanted this for myself. For once, I wanted to make the choice and pursue what I wanted.

  I needed my idiot bestie to open his fucking eyes and see what he had in front of him.

  “Congratulations, Enver. I’m glad we all got to hear about your hormonal outburst. Now shut the hell up and pay attention, or you’re getting a failing grade for the semester.” Knightley glared at me before turning back to the chalkboard.

  There was no way I was concentrating on this. Will was still tense, and my cock had stiffened at the replay of his memories: Victoria’s clit on his tongue, the sweet taste of her as he sucked her between his lips. I knew that when I got to taste her for myself, the reality would be a thousand times better than a memory that didn’t even belong to me.

  Will cornered me after class, letting Tori and the rest of Tenebris walk ahead to the cafeteria. Knightley had slammed and locked his door behind us, shaking his head.

  “What are you playing at, Sura?” he asked, eyes flashing the exact shade of Asmodeus’s hellfire. He would’ve fit right into Hell himself, with the face of a fallen angel. “A date?”

  “You’re not the only one who’d like to get laid around here. I like her, Will. Not much I can do about that.”

  He was a roiling ball of energy: all that desire, twisted with guilt and rage. It was almost sickening to be this close to the storm of emotions.

  “You can back off until she’s gotten what she deserves.”

  The Cords were strained, so tight I almost felt them fraying. “I’ll always be on your side, Will, but you’re taking this too far.” I’d hoped pushing him into finally fucking her would help clear his head, but he was more torn than ever.

  I’d done this to him, my best friend.

  “Am I? She didn’t even see me, Sura.” His frustration was palpable, fists curled at his sides. “I could’ve been anyone, so long as I was a warm body to take her brother’s place. She didn’t give a fuck that my family was falling apart around me so long as she got her replacement James, she didn’t care how I felt about it, and because of her useless mother’s inferiority complex, every trace of my mother was erased. I have nothing left of her, Sura. Nothing.”

  Will’s lip curled back over his teeth. His grief was still raw, a black cloud overtaking his other emotions. “I figured if I finished this year with accolades, Father might finally look at me with something other than contempt, but thanks to Miss I-Eat-Moonspawn-and-Demons-for-Breakfast, he’s put all his faith in her. He spent all summer practically jizzing himself over her- I don’t see why he didn’t just marry her, too.”

  I opened my mouth to speak, but the words were choked in my throat. Will’s rage was seeping over to me, locking my muscles up tight. I took a deep breath before he realized something was wrong, forcing his emotions out of my head.

  “Ever think maybe you didn’t see her, either? She lost her brother, her mom’s a barely-functioning emotional wreck… you’re not the only one hurting, Will.”

  He gave me a sharp look. “I’m not the one who went out of my way to destroy every single trace of my mother.”

  The guilt was stronger now. Maybe I was becoming more human than I’d realized. “The stunt with the snakes was going too far.”

  I’d seen him slip a thick wad of cash to Beatrice Glover, but his plan wasn’t clear until I felt Tori’s disgust in th
e darkness beneath the pyramid.

  At that point, it’d been too late to interfere. The Cords between us weren’t frayed yet, making Will’s desires my own. His anticipation had overridden my dismay.

  I needed to cut them. We weren’t the same person. I’d never be my own demon as long as I was bound so tightly to Will’s needs… but if I abandoned him, Prince Sitri would drag me home. I’d spend the next thousand years soaking in hellfire for failing my task.

  “I didn’t know there was a Naga in there,” he muttered. He at least had the shame to look down at his feet. He’d fucked up, and he knew it- Tori’s terror and his shame had combined into one sickening emotion that had almost taken me down too.

  “Yeah? So how far are you planning on going? Until she’s actually injured? When do you get to decide she’s suffered enough?” For the first time in our friendship, I wanted to punch him- or play his own game and turn myself loose on him.

  All I had to do was grab his shoulders and kiss him, wrap my tongue around his, and fill his head with images of desire- and he’d make a fool of himself. I could make him fuck Apolline again, even knowing how disgusted he was by her now. Was that fair recompense for sending Tori into a Naga’s arms?

  “I don’t know.” His voice was so quiet it was almost impossible to tell he’d spoken.

  I crossed my arms over my chest. How to get this across to him without giving him more reason to suspect… “You know our walls are paper-thin, right?”

  “Yeah.” His rage was tucked away again, far in his mind where I couldn’t feel it, and crimson need billowed over his crystalline emotional cage. He couldn’t keep his mind off Tori, the way his stomach dropped when he pictured her under him, the feel of her around his cock.

  “Call it quits, then. You’re even. She pissed you off, you forced her into her worst nightmares. Maybe try being happy you got someone like Tori dropped in your lap like an unexpected gift.”


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