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A Fox Between the Bear's Sheets (Wylde Bears)

Page 5

by Jenika Snow

  He took another drink of his beer and watched her over the rim. For several long seconds they stared at each other, and she wondered what had been done to him that just speaking about weddings would throw him off. He inhaled deeply and seemed to be struggling with an internal debate.

  “I just went through a nasty break-up a long time ago and found out my ex is getting married. So talk about weddings and all that leaves a nasty taste in my mouth.”

  Oh. Was he still hung up on this girl years later? She couldn’t help but ask since he did bring it up, and she knew she wasn’t the only feeling this strong connection. “So, you still have feelings for her?” Honestly it wasn’t her business, but he wanted to talk to her, and this was the conversation that had arisen.

  He shook his head and glanced down at the table. “Nah, it was ten years ago.” His posture was relaxed as he threw one of his thick, muscular arms over the back of the chair and kicked one of his legs out straight. “She screwed me over, and I have allowed myself to harbor this hatred in regards to that.” His eyes flared, as if he was surprised by his own admission, and then his jaw locked tight, thus ending the conversation. That was fine with her because it was an uncomfortable conversation to be a part of anyway. She didn’t know anything about this man aside from his name, that he was a bear shifter, and that she wanted him desperately. Learning about an ex-girlfriend that clearly was part of a bad break-up was something she didn’t want to talk about with someone she hardly knew. A switch in conversation was what they needed.

  “So what do you do for a living?” The waitress came by and set down two fresh beers even though she hadn’t even finished her drink and Ford was still working on his. “You mean aside from running into pretty little red foxes and causing them to spill scalding coffee all over themselves?” The corner of his mouth lifted in a smirk, and she couldn’t help but laugh. “I work with my brothers in a family owned construction business. Maybe you’ve heard of Wylde Construction?”

  So he did hard, manual labor? That explained his muscular body.

  She nodded. “Yeah, I actually remember seeing the signs in front of the construction sites on my way into town.” She finished off her drink, which was now turning watery. Ford pushed over a fresh beer, and she smiled in gratitude. She wasn’t much of an umbrella drink kind of girl anyway.

  “So, where are you from, and what do you do?”

  She took a long pull from the beer and liked the hoppy flavor that covered her tongue. “I’m from California and just graduated with my Master’s in education. Although looking for a teaching position in LA is like finding a needle in a haystack.” Holy hell, did she just make that analogy? Her cheeks warmed, and Ford smiled, which made her flesh burn hotter. “In reality I’m jobless.” Talia didn’t mention she was living off her trust that her parents set up for her. At twenty-four years old she had envisioned something more for her life. The past six years had been filled with school and not much of anything else. Now that she was finally done she felt almost lost. There had been this optimistic side of her that saw her getting a teaching job right after graduation, but the reality was a lot sadder than that. Most places wanted experience, but how in the hell could she get experience if she didn’t have a job? She hated the bigger cities and longed to settle down somewhere small, such as an intimate town like Sweet Water.

  “That’s an incredible accomplishment. Congratulations.” She felt herself blush at his compliment.

  Yeah, she might have a degree, but what was the point of owning that piece of paper if she had nothing to show for it in the long run? “Thank you, but it certainly isn’t owning your own construction company. I’m sure you’re the go-to builders in your town.” He smirked and shrugged.

  “It has its pros and cons, believe me. Working with family can be a pain in the ass at times.” She nodded and smiled. Her father and brother worked together, and there had been plenty of times she heard them arguing about patient cases and what the other would do in the situation.

  “Yeah, I know what you mean, although not personally. My brother is a physician, as is my father. They share a practice, and I can’t count the number of times they have argued over things concerning the office.” Looking up at him, she swallowed the lump that suddenly formed in her throat at the look he gave her. His expression was relaxed, but she felt the heat come from it, one of raw, animalistic sexuality. Gone was the awkwardness that had risen from talks of weddings, and back in its place was heady arousal. A ripple passed over him, as strange as that was, and for a split second she saw the wild bear he harbored inside. He slowly leaned in, and Talia found herself frozen to the spot. They were inches from each other once again, breathing the same air, and passing each other’s body heat back and forth. Talia pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, a nervous habit she had done all her life. She noticed Ford’s eyes lower to watch the act, and she instantly let go. Her bottom lip popped out, and blood rushed to the abused area. His pupils dilated, and the pheromones that came off of him saturated her. There was no denying that the bear shifter in front of her wanted her just as badly as she wanted him.

  “Talia…” He said her name deep and low, and the way his lips formed the word had her thinking of him moving his mouth all over body while he fucked her good and hard. He inhaled deeply, and the black of his pupils swallowed the blue of his irises. “I can smell how wet your pussy is.” He slowly lifted his eyes to hers and leaned in another inch. “Tell me how wet you are for me, Talia.”

  Holy shit, did he just say that to her? Yes, yes, he did, and to her surprise she wasn’t offended, but so damn turned on she was shocked she hadn’t burst into flames right then and there.

  Her chest rose and fell from the force of trying to suck enough air into her lungs. He moved in yet another inch, and everything faded in the distance until all she sensed, smelled, and saw was Ford. This whole situation was crazy and her reaction to him crazier yet. “All you have to do is tell me you want me as much as I want you.” His breath was warm and smelled hoppy from his beer. “This doesn’t make sense, but it doesn’t have to for it to be right, yeah?” Her eyes fluttered as his warm breath brushed tendrils of her hair across her cheek. An intoxicating sensation filled her, and it had nothing to do with the alcohol she’d had. “And I want you, Talia. I want you under me, covered in sweat, screaming my name, and knowing that it is me that is fucking you until you scream.”

  Oh God. His words, so wicked, filthy, and erotic, just made her have an orgasm.

  She had never done something reckless, had never wanted to, but when she opened her eyes and stared into Ford’s bright blue irises, all she could think about was spending one night with him, because she knew that was all it would be. For some strange reason she was fine with that, because as shallow and even slutty as it seemed, she didn’t care. Why should she feel shame for wanting to explore the sexuality that slammed into her, wrapped its talons into her and refused to let go until she surrendered completely?

  In the morning she could go on with her life, but if she didn’t at least experience something that stole her breath, made every part of her tingle, and had her inhibitions vanishing, she would forever regret it. That was a fact. Could she actually go through with it, though?

  “All you have to do is ask me to take you home, baby.” His voice was low and laced with lust. “I need to hear you say those words.” His gaze was on her lips again, and his chest rose and fell with such force she grew dizzy from the lack of oxygen.

  She was an adult, but Luke was also her older brother, and always very protective of her. Getting him to be okay with her leaving with Ford, a male she had only known for less than a day, was going to be hard as hell. He would talk her out of it, which may have been the smart thing to do, but certainly wasn’t what she wanted. She would be gone by next weekend, so the awkward run-ins wouldn’t be an issue when it came to one-night stands, although she had no experience with that type of hook-up.

  Quit overanalyzing everything. Just do it,

  “Take me home, Ford.” The words were a fast, breathy whisper, and as soon as they spilled from her mouth her eyes widened. No taking it back now. The low growl that left him had shivers working through her. It was purely animal and very possessive. God, was she hearing him right, smelling the emotions rolling off of him correctly, and knowing he truly wanted her in a possessive, territorial way? Everything next happened so quickly that she couldn’t get her bearings. He downed the rest of his beer, took her hand, and stood. He was hauling her through the club, and only stopped when they reached her brother. The energy that coursed from Ford and Luke was tangible, and for a moment she feared all hell would break loose.

  “What?” Luke looked between them, and what was going on finally clicked into place. He stood slowly, and a flicker of anger passed across his face. “Everything okay, Talia?” Luke asked her but kept his stare on Ford. “I’m about ready to head out, okay.” Her brother said it, but Talia knew it wasn’t phrased as a question, or courtesy information on what his plans were. He was telling her what he was doing, and in the end what she would be doing as well.

  “Everything is fine. I just wanted to let you know I’m leaving … with Ford.” Her heart thundered behind her ribs as she waited for her brother to respond.

  Luke’s expression went thunderous as he looked between her and Ford. “I hope you don’t mean what the fuck I think you mean.” When she didn’t answer his face started to turn red. “You don’t even know him, Talia.” He crossed his arms over his chest and stared down at her. “You’re not going anywhere with him.”

  “She knows me well enough.” Ford took a step closer to her, and the way he positioned himself had him slightly in front of her.

  She had to intervene before there was an all-out shifter brawl going on. She didn’t want to verify what her brother already knew, because hell, it was no one’s business. Talia wasn’t a child and wouldn’t be bullied by Luke. The fact her brother would know anything that had to do with her sexual life had a major ick factor settling inside of her.

  Moving out from behind Ford, because really, that was ridiculous that he felt the need to somehow shield her from her brother, she looked Luke in the eyes and said, “Luke, I understand your worry, but I am an adult and you aren’t Dad. Besides, we are just going somewhere quiet to talk.” It was a boldfaced lie, and she was actually pretty proud of herself for not flinching when she said it. Talia had never been very good at twisting the truth, and even if Luke knew she was lying, which he did by the look he gave her, she wasn’t about to admit that she was going home with Ford to do the opposite of talk.

  Her brother clamped his jaw and ground his teeth. For several long moments no one said anything. His two friends, William and Lincoln, fidgeted behind him, obviously thinking a fight was about to break loose.

  “Luke, I’m going to go whether you like it or not, but I’d like for you not to act like a lunatic.” He didn’t move, just continued to grind his teeth. “I told you I’m leaving as a courtesy, not for permission. Please understand I’m smart enough to make intelligent decisions when it concerns my safety.” Of course this was the first time Talia was going home with a man she didn’t fully know, but then again she trusted her instincts, and they weren’t sending off warning bells.

  After a prolonged moment Luke sighed heavily in defeat. She looked at Ford, anxious to get out of this situation, but instead of leading her away he was reaching into his wallet and handing Luke a business card. “Here is my business card. It has my full name, phones numbers, and address.” This whole situation was starting to go from sexually electrified to awkwardly professional. “You can ask anyone here about me. They know me and my brothers.”

  Luke opened his mouth to say something, but Talia grabbed Ford’s hand, waved to Luke, and hauled ass out of the bar. That conversation had gone on far too long as it was. Once outside she let go of his hand and looked up at him.

  “What?” He smirked, and she had the urge to scowl at him, but instead she smiled back.

  “What the hell was that about?” He looked over his shoulder at the front door then back at her.

  “What do you mean, Talia?” From his smile he knew damn well what she was talking about.


  He held up his hand, and she snapped her mouth shut, wondering what he was doing. He gripped her around the waist, and spun her around until she felt the hard, cold brick of the building meet her back. Ford pressed his chest against hers and claimed her mouth with his. At the first touch of his tongue sliding against hers in an almost brutal way, she instantly felt marked by him, claimed in the most elemental of ways by his dominance and severity. It was an act of possession, one of wild uninhibited lust, and it was everything she wanted and needed. He broke away, his mouth wet and slightly swollen from the force of his kiss, and stared into her eyes. “Say it again.”

  She licked her lips, tasted his flavor coating them, and nearly moaned. “What?” That lone word was low, but he heard her nonetheless. His cock was hard and pressed against her belly. It was like a living entity, and she knew she had never felt anything as large as what was between Ford Wylde’s legs.

  “Say my name again.” He lowered his face to hers until his lips brushed lightly against hers. “When you say my name it makes me think of my cock buried deep inside of you.” He dragged his tongue along her bottom lip then whispered. “It makes me think of you screaming my name as you come all over me.”

  Oh. My. God. He was going to have her climaxing from his filthy words alone. He kissed her again, hard and fast and so very alpha that her toes curled and her heart raced. The noises from the bar filtered around them, but he had them strategically placed so they were situated against the side of the building where the shadows wrapped around them and no prying eyes could see. Ford Wylde gave himself to her, but it wasn’t soft and romantic, but hard and demanding, and wanting everything she was. Filth and drunks surrounded them, but right here, right now, it was just the two of them, and nothing else mattered. He ground himself against her belly, and even through the rough denim of his jeans she felt him swell even further.

  “When I get you under me I’m going to explore every inch of your body with my tongue. There isn’t going to be any part of your flesh that I don’t memorize.”

  Her pussy was so unbelievably wet, and her pulse beat in her clit. She couldn’t lie and not say she didn’t like being pressed against the side of a building with his dirty words filtering around her, but what she wanted the most was to actually have him deliver on all these promises. He gave her one last deep, penetrating kiss and grabbed her hand. They made their way briskly to his truck, and after he helped her in and was seated in the driver’s side they headed down the road. They didn’t speak, but the heat and electricity that filled the interior wrapped around her in an intimate, scalding way. Twenty minutes later and they were pulling into a small dirt road. Another five minutes after that and she was starting to have some serious doubts on what she was doing. There was no doubt that she wanted him, but this was starting to seem like a very dumb move on her part, especially as darkness clawed at the truck like an old friend, and they drove even deeper into the heavily lined forest. Yes, she might have made a mistake.

  Chapter Six

  “You’re thinking too hard.” Talia looked over at Ford, and he grinned but didn’t take his eyes off the road. “I promise you have nothing to worry about. Your animal trusts me, yeah?” He pulled the truck in front of a modest sized cabin and turned off the engine. He shifted his body so he partially faced her and waited for her to respond. Thick trees surrounded the cabin, and even though the sun had already set she could see the beautiful craftsmanship. “Give your brother a call and tell him you made it safe and sound, although I doubt he’d really like hearing that.” He gave her a very wolfish grin, and she felt her unease disappear. Yes, her fox trusted him implicitly, and she trusted her fox. She may have some natural doubts, but she had her animal instincts, and t
hey were telling her that Ford Wylde was not dangerous, well, not to her anyway. She gave her brother a quick call, which only had him cursing and telling her he should have made her stay put. After assuring him she was fine and then quickly getting off the phone, she glanced at Ford through the corner of her eye. He was watching her, but she couldn’t gauge what he was thinking by his expression.

  “Come on, little fox.” Ford climbed out of the truck and made quick work at rounding the front of the truck and coming to the passenger side. He pulled the door open, and before she could get out Ford had his hands around her waist and was hauling her out of the truck. Her bear shifter pulled her right up against his body, and with purposeful movements let her body slide along his until her feet hit the ground. She wasn’t small by any means, but when she was next to Ford, feeling all his bulging muscles press against her softness, she felt tiny and feminine. He was strong, virile, masculine, and fierce. He was everything she envisioned in a male, and she was about to have him.

  With her panties unbearably wet and rubbing with every move she made, Talia shifted on her feet, trying to ease the ache. He took her face in his hands, and without anything being said, he kissed her senseless. For long, drugging seconds all he did was move his tongue along hers, making her drunk from his flavor until she didn’t know where he ended and she began. Breaking the kiss then grabbing her hand, he led them up the three steps it took to reach the porch. He pushed the door open, and as soon as she stepped inside he had her in his arms, his hands on her ass, and was striding down a hallway. It was like he couldn’t get enough of her mouth, because his lips were right back on hers, taking them like he owned them, like he owned her.

  He spun her around until he had her pressed against the wall. Talia felt like she was back at the bar, being possessed by him. The feel of the tips of his fingers skimming along where her shirt had ridden up, sent shivers throughout her whole body. She could feel his nails lengthen into claws, pressing into her bare skin with the threat of breaking her flesh. Her nipples were hard as hell and felt as though they would tear right through her shirt. Seconds later the sound of her shirt being ripped pierced the sexual haze of him taking her mouth, and then the tattered remains fell to the ground around her. He set her on the ground, and before she could even blink he had her pants unbuttoned, unzipped, and pushed down her thighs. Talia stared down at him as he kneeled before her and pulled her pants from her body, tossing them aside. She stood there in her bra and panties, not caring that she was overweight, because this male caressed every part of her like he couldn’t get enough.


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