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A Fox Between the Bear's Sheets (Wylde Bears)

Page 8

by Jenika Snow

  Ford moved closer toward her, and Talia’s palms started to sweat. She swore she could smell his bear, that wild and untamed scent that drove her absolutely mad. Several other shifters in the coffee shop stopped what they were doing, moved out of his way, and stared at Ford approaching her. The humans might not be able to smell that Ford was dangerously close to shifting, or that he was aroused and angry all in the same breath, but every shifter in there, including her, was drunk off of it. It was all she could smell and feel move through her body since she had been with him. He stopped in front of her, and she could see the vibrant blue of his eyes. He held her gaze, and a flash of darkness from his bear starting to emerge turned the almost unreal color black. Slowly standing, they stared at each other, but as she opened her mouth to say “hello” or maybe even “I haven’t stopped thinking about you since we parted ways” Mina spoke from behind her.

  “Ford.” The way Mina said his name reminded Talia of a lover’s embrace. She took a step to the side so she could see her, and the lust pouring off the other female was potent and suffocating. “It’s been a long time.”

  Mina had since gotten up from her seat and now stood right beside her. She turned back and looked at Ford, but her powerful bear was no longer looking at her, and instead had his full attention on Mina. A muscle under his cheek ticked, and it was then, as she looked between her brother’s fiancée and the male who had consumed her so ferociously she couldn’t even think straight, that everything clicked into place. Their reaction to each other, although subtle, had Talia’s fox bristling. Could it be that they had been lovers, that Mina was the female who had broken Ford’s heart? The very thought sickened her, and her stomach roiled. God, what were the freaking odds of that? Mina took another step forward and now stood directly in front of Talia, blocking Ford’s wide, muscular chest from her view.

  “God, it has been far too long.” Mina’s voice was soft, but there was no mistaking the longing and even arousal that was laced in the words. If Talia could sense it, no doubt Ford did as well. “You wouldn’t believe how much I’ve missed you.” Mina took one more step forward until her and Ford’s chests almost brushed together. Why wasn’t he moving away? He looked uncomfortable, but he had a tight lockdown on his emotions since Talia couldn’t pick up any scent. Talia should say something, anything, but it was like the words refused to come forth. Besides, she was nobody in the grand scheme of things. She thought Ford had been coming over to talk to her, but he hadn’t said anything and now seemed to be ignoring her. She cleared her throat and looked down, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable and out of place. Yes, there was no doubt in her mind they had been lovers, but the question was how close had they been? There was also anger burning right below the surface, causing Talia’s red fox to snarl. This was the human that was to marry her brother in just a week’s time, yet here she was, standing before Ford with so much lust pouring out of her it thickened the air around them like a heavy, strangling blanket. Talia lifted her gaze once more and saw the man that had come with Ford rubbing the back of his neck as if he, too, felt the uncomfortable feeling that surrounded everyone. He still stood right by the door, and it was as if he refused to come any closer. His face was also pretty beat up, with a healing black eye and a cut above his cheek. Had the two males been fighting each other? That was really the least of her worries, but right now she needed the distraction. Feeling Mina’s stare, Talia turned back toward the human. The burning question at the forefront of Talia’s mind was, “who was Mina to Ford?”

  “I’m going to need some privacy, Talia,” said Mina.

  Talia locked her jaw, her anger, hurt, and discomfort a violent wave inside of her. Talia looked back at Ford, and was stunned to see him staring at her with so much raw pain that it actually had her taking a step back. But the truth was he didn’t ask her to stay, didn’t ask her to leave with him, and instead stood there with that ferocious mask on his face.

  “Ford and I go way back, and I would like to catch up.”

  Ford cleared his throat, and a pulse came from him of apology, denial, and truth. He opened his mouth, but Talia didn’t want to hear anything. Besides, there was nothing that could make this situation comfortable for her. She needed to just chalk this whole experience up to one night of bliss with the Wylde bear. Talia had seen and felt enough. She was an unwelcome guest here, and it wasn’t as if she wanted to be here any longer anyway. Nodding once, she turned and grabbed her purse. Keeping her eyes trained to the floor, she mumbled her goodbye and got the hell out of there. She passed the other bear shifter who had come in with Ford, and now that she was close enough that the scent of coffee beans didn’t fill her nose she could tell they were brothers. Some kind of realization came from Ford’s brother, but Talia didn’t stop. She let her feet carry her right outside the café and down the sidewalk until she was far enough away that she could actually take in a deep breath. She knew what she sensed from Mina, could tell the woman still wanted Ford. Talia should reveal this to her brother, although she really didn’t know what good it would do. Wanting a male was not the same as cheating, and even if she wanted Mina out of her brother’s life, stirring the pot when there wasn’t anything that pointed in the direction that Mina didn’t truly love Luke was not something Talia was going to mess with. Although, she really hated the bitch, had told Luke plenty of times, and realized no, she sure as hell wasn’t going to keep this inside.

  She darted behind a smaller building and leaned against the side of it. Closing her eyes she tried to rein in her emotions. She shouldn’t have this kind of reaction to Ford, not only because they were in essence virtual strangers, but because they were also not right for each other. She was not a strong female, not physically or emotionally. She never had been, and had also considered herself the introverted and quiet type. But then there was Ford Wylde, a male that had her pushing all of her reservations aside. She had gone home with him, not caring that her actions were far from what was normal with her. Her human and fox had both wanted him, and although she had been with men before, that had been the first time her inner animal had urged her with tooth and claw to go after him. She had never been in love, didn’t even know what the signs of that emotion were, but what she felt for him went beyond anything she was familiar or even comfortable with.

  Could I be in love with a male that I have just met?

  It seemed ludicrous at every level, but she knew it wasn’t just simply lust. It couldn’t be, not with how much he consumed her. It was a good thing she was leaving after the wedding, because no way in hell did she want to go through something like this again. She and Ford were at totally different ends of the spectrum, and it was best if she left well enough alone. She just needed to understand this experience was one she wouldn’t forget. That was the safe thing to do, and maybe the one that would keep her sane.


  Ford still stared at the door where Talia had just left. His reaction to her was instantaneous when he first saw her, and after speaking with his brothers there was no fucking doubt she was his mate. He had sensed her in the café as soon as he stepped inside. Her scent was a powerful aphrodisiac that had him, as well as his bear, growing instantly aroused. He would have taken her right then and there, and fuck anyone who saw. He had even moved toward her to ease his intense need to kiss her, but then he had seen Mina right behind her and everything had stopped. There were no feelings for her that had come up, but the ugliness that she had inside him by her betrayal had most certainly made itself known. The shock of actually seeing Mina after ten years had made everything come crashing back. At one point in his life she had been it for him. Ford hadn’t thought about another female, hadn’t wanted to have a family or marry anyone aside from her. The image of Talia came to mind, and he couldn’t help but smile. There had been many females in his life, all nameless and faceless, ones that had warmed his bed, and ones that had brought him only pleasure. Talia had brought him more than just a quick fuck, had been more than a female to warm hi
s bed. She made his heart race and his blood sing. She had taken away the darkness that had been his friend and enemy this whole time. His bear roared out to claim her, mark her, and let every other male know that she was his. He had known he wanted to tell her all of that, but it wasn’t until he had seen her at the café that he had known without a doubt that she would be his.

  “God, Ford. It has been so long.” Mina’s voice brought him back to the present, and he realized he much preferred his inner musings to being with Mina in reality. She took hold of his hand, and instantly a low growl left him. Her eyes widened, and she dropped her hold on him. He was surprised his bear rose up that quickly. He hadn’t liked the feel of her touch, and neither had his inner animal, which had been made perfectly clear when it decided to make its presence known.

  She sat down and gestured for him to take the seat across from her. Ford didn’t have time for this, and when he opened his mouth to tell her just that she started speaking.

  “Please, Ford, just talk to me. I know everything ended on bad terms, but it has been ten years. You wouldn’t talk to me when I called you about the wedding, and I know I have grown in the last ten years.”

  The fact she was basically telling him he was immature for holding onto the past pissed him the fuck off. The bear in him wanted to bare its teeth and remind her she screwed him over and broke his heart, but the human part of him did want that closure they never got. He pulled the seat out and sat down, and her smile grew wide.

  “Don’t misunderstand this for something it isn’t. Yeah, it has been ten years, and I’ll be completely honest when I say I just want to keep things in the past.” The words fell from his mouth without emotion. “You fucked me over, Mina, and there is no amount of time that would make that right.”

  “Ford, I understand you still have feelings for me, and I want to talk about that.”

  Hold on just a fucking minute.

  “What?” He was shocked by what she’d just said. “Are you out of your fucking mind?” He hadn’t meant to be so coarse, but fuck, what in the hell was she thinking that he still wanted her? “Let’s get one thing straight, I’ve moved on, Mina, like the moment you fucking walked out of my house for that other man.” Her eyes were wide, but he wasn’t surprised that she was so conceited she actually thought he had been pining over her for all these years. He may have held onto the hatred and pain she’d caused within him, but no way in hell was he going to let her think he had been sitting around Sweet Water just waiting for her to come back.

  “I saw the way you looked at me when you came in, though.” Oh, hell no. There was no fucking way she was going to take what he felt for Talia for herself.

  “I assure you that wasn’t for you.” Her once aroused-filled expression fell, and she looked down. Ford let his gaze drop down to the very thick prenuptial book in front of her. For years after their break-up Ford had thought about this moment, the one where he would see Mina again. The only thing he had felt was the pain that Talia had been there, that she had been mixed in with his sour feelings toward his ex. In fact, why was Talia with Mina in the first place? Before he could broach the question Mina started talking again as if he hadn’t just been totally honest about his feelings for her, or lack thereof.

  Without lifting her eyes from the wedding book she said, “I know what I did was wrong, and I wish I could take it back. I have regretted it for years, Ford.” She looked up at him, but she had to think he was a stupid fucking fool to fall for that. There was no sincerity in her words, not the genuine kind. Her lust was still there, even though she wore a big fucking engagement ring. She looked the same, with her overly made-up face, her too blonde hair that was a bit too perfect, and clothing that showed off her toned body. Those had all been qualities he loved about her, but the only thing he could think of, the only thing he felt aroused by, was the image of a fiery little redheaded fox with curves that went on for miles and wide, light blue eyes. She was the complete opposite of Mina, and everything he wanted.

  “I just...” Mina leaned back in her seat and smiled. He knew that look. It had been one that drove him wild a thousand times, but now all he felt was an empty, disgusting pit in his stomach. “I have missed you so much. Not a day has gone by that I haven’t thought about you.” She reached across the table, and he knew she was about to grab for him, but he moved his hands onto his lap. Her desire for him left a bitter taste in his mouth. She was the one who cheated on him, had called him up only weeks ago after no contact in ten years, and was set to marry another male, but here she was, throwing all kinds of fucked up signals that had him wanting to leave and not look back. If he didn’t want to finally get this closure he would have hauled ass out of the café and gone to Talia. He would have taken her and never looked back.

  Talia. Mina. The wedding she was in Sweet Water for. All of those points came crashing into him. Well, fuck, Mina was marrying Talia’s brother? The fates really could be some fucked-up bitches to throw that on his plate as well. “I’m happy for you, but I’ve moved on to better things, Mina.” Of course Ford kept quiet the fact he had been vicious in the years after their relationship ended, and even though he had grown numb to most things around, well up until Talia had entered his life, he was not about to share any of that with Mina.

  “Ford, I really don’t want any of this tension between us.”

  “There is no tension, not from my end at least. I just don’t care, Mina. You’re a part of my past, and that is exactly where I want to keep you.”

  He had since moved on with his life, had put everything else behind him, and just wanted to get the fuck out of the cafe and go to his mate.

  His mate.

  He had once thought of Mina as his mate, but now thinking back to all of that he realized his bear had never risen as it did with Talia. Perhaps everything that had happened: the pain, anger, and hatred he felt, had all been worth it if it meant Talia would come walking into his life ten years later.

  “I have to go.”

  Mina stuttered out something, but he didn’t give her a chance to call him back. Bram didn’t bother stopping him as he tore out of there. He didn’t know where she was, but she couldn’t have gotten far since he hadn’t been in the café for very long. He had seen her take a right out of the café, so he headed that way. He needed to get to her and tell her that she was his, and nothing would change that. They may have only shared one night together, and they may have only known each other for twenty-four hours, but Talia Landon was his, and he was about to find his mate and claim her.

  Chapter Nine

  Talia pushed away from the side of the building after her heart finally slowed. She looked around, watched the people walk up and down the sidewalk, and realized life went on even when her mind and body were at war with each other. She stepped back onto the cobblestoned sidewalk and tightened her hand on the strap of her purse. Next weekend couldn’t come soon enough, because then she could leave Sweet Water and everything that came with it. She needed to tell Luke what she sensed, and how Mina had been insanely aroused for Ford. Her brother would believe her, no doubt about that, but it was the fact that he seemed to only see the positive and good in Mina that pissed Talia off. If this was what love did to someone she would be content in the life she currently led.

  As that thought went through her mind she realized that she may be already doomed. Her feelings for Ford were far from logical or sane, but maybe when one found her mate this was how it worked? The thought that Ford could be her mate, that he would take her as such, sent a hard wave of emotions through her. The hair on her arms and the back of her neck stood up, and instantly her fox rose. Ford was close, she could sense it, and her body and fox knew that as well. Talia stopped and slowly turned around. Pedestrians parted as he made his way down the center of the sidewalk. Even from where she stood she could see he was more bear than man at that moment. His eyes were no longer blue, but as dark as the night. He even seemed bigger, more muscular, and everything inside of her melted
at the sight of him.

  There was a look of determination on his face, and it was directed right at her. Everything inside of her grew liquid, and when he and stared down at her everything that made her a female sighed in appreciation of his masculinity. Her pussy was soaked, her nipples rock hard, and all she wanted to do was reach out to him, take hold of his massive biceps, and bring him so close their bodies fused as one. She didn’t care if people stopped to gawk at them, or that they were staring at each other as if they were in some kind of trance.

  “Talia?” His voice was harsh like sandpaper, or even a serrated blade. It ran along her body, and she forced her eyes not to close as her pulse beat in her clit.

  “Y-Yes?” She dragged her tongue along her bottom lip and nearly gasped at the way Ford dipped her eyes down to watch the act. He growled low in his throat, and she felt the vibrations come out through his chest and spear right into her body. His chest rose and fell in an almost violent motion, and he moved closer, just an inch. Her breasts met his muscular abs, and she craned her neck back, realizing once again that this male was the epitome of masculinity. She might consider herself overweight, but this male made her five-foot-five height seem so insignificant. He towered over her, taking up her entire view, and all she could think about was having him push all those thick inches inside of her again. Already he was hard, and his erection felt like a steel rod between them. He had yet to answer her, to speak the words that she knew were on the tip of his tongue. She inhaled deeply, and loved that his wild scent filled her lungs. In the next second he wrapped his huge hands around her waist, pulled her impossibly closer, and claimed her mouth like it his and only his. Talia reached up, wound her arms around his neck, and moaned into his mouth. The spicy flavor that was everything Ford filled her mouth, and she moaned again. Ford moved his tongue in and out of her mouth like he owned her. And he did. At this moment she realized it with such clarity it would have brought her to her knees if he hadn’t been holding onto her.


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