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Against All Odds

Page 15

by Alexia Vella Deguara

  “Julian,I know you didn't do it on purpose but it was a terrible experience for me. I forgive you but maybe it's better if we take a break for the moment,” I said calmly. His eyes grew wide and stared at


  “No Cas,I love you, you know I do,please give me another chance. I have a surprise for you. Something I know you really wanted,” he said as he put his hands in his pocket to get something out. I looked at him surprised,what was he talking about?

  "Remember when we saw that advert about your favorite band? When they said that they were having a concert in our area, well I managed to get 2 tickets and I want you to come with me," he said as he pulled out the tickets and showed them to me.

  I looked at him in silence. It was true that I had wished to see them.

  “So Cas, what do you say? Will you come with me?”he asked impatiently.

  “Jul. I don't know, when?”

  “Tomorrow Cas,” he responded looking at me with hope.

  “And where is this going to be held?” I asked.

  “In a nightclub just out of the city.”He replied.

  “What?! They will never let us in.”

  “Cas I know the bouncer, we won't have any problems,” he assured me.

  “I don't know,my mother won't let me for sure and the following day we have school,” I said trying to find an excuse. I wanted to see the band but the idea of going to a nightclub out of the city frightened me.

  “Listen Cas, tell your mum that you'll be sleeping at Lucy's house,as soon as the concert is finished I will take you to her house. Lucy's mum works the night shift so we won't have any problems with her. So? Will you come?” he asked again insisting.

  I thought for a second, still undecided on what to do. This was a one time occasion I thought, they weren't going to come again.

  “OK I'll come,” I said although I wasn't sure I was doing the right thing. Julian smiled at me but changed expression immediately.

  “What's wrong Jul?” I asked,he was pale all of a sudden. I turned around to meet Mr Spencer's gaze. I froze for a moment, was he listening to our conversation?

  “Is this your luggage?” He asked me.

  “Yes Sir,” I replied. “Thanks.”

  He looked at me and then at Julian. “OK, see you tomorrow.” and saying that he walked away.

  “What's wrong with that guy? He's a freak.” Julian murmured.

  I felt hurt by this remark, Mr Spencer was no freak, he was my hero.

  “Don't talk about him this way,he saved my life have you forgotten?!" I asked angrily.

  Julian looked at me strangely.

  “No but I don't like the way he looks at you. He hates me but I don't think that it's because of the accident. He hates me because he wants you.”

  I felt a shiver running down my spine. I tensed but tried to look calm.

  "What the hell are you saying Jul? He's my teacher,” I said trying to persuade him he was wrong.

  “That does not change the fact that he's a man. Cas I know what I'm saying, he wanted to kill me on the beach,he was so angry with me, he wanted me to stay away from you,” he said as he kept looking at him walking away.

  “You're wrong,he was just angry and he's Ms Leighton's boyfriend don't you remember that?” I said feeling my heart in my throat.

  “That doesn't mean anything. Anyway I will keep an eye on him, no one takes what's mine.”


  The next day while I walked to school I thought about Julian's words. After what he had told me I didn't know if I could still leave him. Lucy's voice interrupted my thoughts.

  “Cas, wait for me!” She shouted from behind me.

  I stopped and turned around and saw her

  running towards me to reach me.

  “Hey Cas, what happened yesterday with Julian? I'm sorry I had to go but my mum was waiting for me in the car,” she said catching her breath.

  I looked at her with a sad expression.

  “I'm going out with him tonight,"I informed her. "And I need your help.”

  Lucy looked at me for a second maybe trying to figure out if I was talking about Julian.

  “With Julian? But weren't you going to leave him?” she asked surprised.

  “Yeah I was but now I don't know if I still can, there is problem,” I said as I pulled her in a corner where I was sure no one was listening.

  “What?” she asked curiously. I leaned against the wall and told her everything.

  “Oh.. that is a problem," she said as soon as I finished. "Julian isn't stupid,although Cas to be honest I think that with the way he acted when he saved you anyone could suspect there is something going on.”

  "I don't love him Luc.”

  “I know,but listen if you leave him now he would think you did that because of Mr Spencer,he hates him and could get him in serious trouble. He said he will keep an eye on him,so be careful how to act when he's near you.”

  She was right. I knew that.

  “Listen Cas, tonight go out with him and try to have fun. After all you really like this band and then we'll see. Maybe you can break with him later,” she suggested. I nodded in agreement.

  “Yes,that is the only solution but I don't think I'll have fun.”

  We arrived at school, English was our first lesson. At least I would have seen Tyler, I entered the class and went to sit down. He wasn't there yet. After a while he arrived, said good morning and began the lesson. He didn't look at me,not even once. I felt hurt, he was completely ignoring me. Lucy noticed and kept looking at me questionably.

  “What's wrong with him this morning?”She whispered.

  “I don't know, he's acting like I'm not even here,” I replied sadly. I felt so bad, why was he doing this to me?

  We continued the lesson and I tried to catch his attention many times but it was useless. I felt sad but then I thought that maybe he was doing this not to attract attention after what had happened on the beach. Probably during Art he would act differently since we will be alone. But I was wrong,when I entered the classroom he was writing some things on the board. He looked at me briefly and began to explain the work of the expressionists, then he told me how to apply colours and how to create similar works. He gave me instructions on what to do and went to sit down at his desk doing some markings.

  “Sir?” I called him hesitant after some time.

  He lifted his head and looked towards me.


  “Are you angry with me by any chance?” I asked.

  “No,why should I be? Have you done something wrong?” He asked passively.

  “No, but you're different today,you're acting strange.”

  He looked at me in the eye with a look that made me shiver.

  “I'm not acting strange. I'm acting like a teacher should do. Cassy I'm sorry I gave you the wrong impression but from now on that is how I shall be,” he said a little harshly.

  I felt my stomach aching,how could he say this after what we have been through together?After telling me about him?

  “I thought,we were friends,” I sad sadly.

  “Cassy,we can't be friends. I'm sorry,I'm here to teach and for no other reason,” he replied.

  I didn't say anything else. I continued to paint and tried not to cry. I was losing him before I even had managed to be with him. I didn't look at him again but could feel his gaze on me. When the bell rang I put my drawing on his desk and left without even looking at him. I was really sad. When I met Lucy at the canteen,she immediately realized that something was wrong,my face told it all. Maybe I should forget him after all. Maybe I should try to love Julian, I thought but I knew this was not going to happen.

  “Cheer up Cas... I don't believe for a moment what he has told you.”Lucy told me after I finished to tell her about Mr Spencer's behavior.

  “You don't, why? I asked looking at her.

  “Because I know he's doing this because he's afraid to lose his job but I'm sure that as soon as things will calm down h
e will return to be the same Mr Spencer with you. So don't lose hope if you if you really love him,” she said as she patted my back to encourage me.

  “I do and a lot. Oh I wish I haven't accepted Julian's invitation. I have to lie to mum which I don’t usually do and for what?To see the band? To be with him? Oh how I wish I was going to be with Tyler instead,” I said with regret. That evening after kissing my mum, I left for Lucy's house. Julian had to come for me at around seven thirty. When I arrived I found her waiting for me outside.

  “Hi Cas,Listen about tonight," she began."I have a date with Logan and I was thinking, would it be a problem if you tell Julian to bring you back at midnight? I'll be here by that time or else If you want I can give you the keys.”

  “What? No Luc, I'll wait for you. I won't feel comfortable having your house keys. Thanks anyway,” I said although I didn't like to stay with Julian till that time. Anyway I couldn't do otherwise. I got in and Lucy and I got ready. I wore a black dress which probably was too sexy.

  “Oh Cas, wow you really look hot in that dress.”

  “Probably it's better If I change. Julian will think I dressed up like this for him and I don't want him to think that I changed my mind regarding sex,” I said as I looked at myself in the mirror.

  “No you really look good. Don't worry you're going to a concert and not his house anyway. Lucy added to reassure me.

  “Yes but we're going in his car,” I said worried.

  “He can't force you to do things you don't want” she told me. I wasn't so sure. Anyway I didn't change and when Julian came for me I immediately understood that I had done a mistake. He whistled while he looked at me with lustful eyes. He wrapped his arm around my waist and let it slip down to my butt.

  “My Cas, you look so hot. I wish we weren't going to that concert. He said with a deep voice. I didn’t but I didn't say anything. I avoided his lusty look as we walked outside, I was very quiet in the car. I wasn't feeling comfortable with him.

  “Is anything wrong Cas? “You didn't say a thing since we left Lucy's House,” he said as he shifted his gaze from the road to me.

  “Are you still angry with me ?” I looked down,“No,I just don't feel like talking much that's all.”I lied.

  “What's happening Cas? I noticed you this week,you seemed so far from me. Is there something I should know?” he asked seriously. I shivered and shifted nervously in my seat.

  “No,what are you talking about?” I asked.

  “I don't know Cas,is there someone else?” I wanted to die. I tried to remain calm but I wasn't succeeding much and after some hesitation I replied.

  “No Jul, what makes you think that? Well this wasn't a simple week for me. We started school. I nearly died and-.” What I fell in love with my teacher? Was this what I was going to say? Thank God I shut up in time.

  “And what ?” He asked looking at me with narrowed eyes.

  “Nothing but there is no one else so stop saying stupid things,” I uttered nervously.

  “OK, I hope that this is the truth. Cas I love you but sometimes I think you don't.” My heart skipped a beat as I gazed up at him.

  “I'm sorry Julian it's just that I'm stressed at the moment but things will change I promise.”I said finally and I was going to keep that promise, only not in the way Jul thought.

  Finally we arrived at the Club,it was kind of isolated. He parked the car and then got out. I shivered when I felt the cold breeze against my bare back and shoulders.

  “You should have brought a jacket,” he said and then wrapped his arms around me. “Although I will do my best to keep you warm sweetie.” Saying that he pressed me against him and then lowered down and put his lips on mine. I wanted to pull back but I couldn't. I had to pretend so I kissed him back. I had to make an effort not to show the disgust I felt. We entered the Club and as Julian had promised, the bouncer let us in without any problems. It was so dark in there that I nearly tripped. Julian laughed and held me tight to him. Then we sat down on the sofa and waited for the band to begin the show. He left me alone for a moment to go and get some drinks and I was feeling really uneasy. There were a lot of people and some of the guys were already drunk. The show began and after a while Jul came and sat down near me. He had brought me a beer. “Jul I don't drink beer,” I said as he handed it to me.

  “Oh come on Cas, it's the least alcoholic thing I could get you. We're in a club and not at the canteen of the school,” he said sarcastically. I took it regretfully and drank a little. I looked at Julian and got really worried when I saw that he was drinking Vodka.

  “Jul don't drink too much,you have to drive don't forget,” I reminded him. He shot me a hard look and sighed.

  “I know Cas, now relax and enjoy the show,” he said touching my thighs. The more the time passed the more I regretted coming. People were getting up and began to dance to the beat. Julian pulled me up and dragged me to the dance floor. He kept touching me everywhere and then pulled me to him and kissed me passionately putting his hands on my butt. I pulled back.

  “What the hell are you doing?we're in the middle of the dance floor! I shouted shocked.

  “What's wrong with you? Can't you just have fun? Take a look around do you think anyone would care If I had to take you here on the floor?" He said laughing,he was drunk.

  I looked around me and I was shocked to see people kissing and touching and there were one or two who were making out on the sofa. He was right. What mess did I put myself into? In that moment a guy came from behind me and grabbed me from the waist. He was drunk. I tried to push him but I couldn't .I saw Julian's eyes flash in anger and then he pulled me away from him and punched him in the face. In few seconds they were both on the floor fighting. I screamed and began to cry. Then I saw the bouncer who had let us in getting near us. He grabbed Julian and pulled him from the shirt. “Out!” He shouted.“I don't want trouble here!”

  Julian had blood on his lips and yelled angrily at him.

  “He started. He touched my girlfriend.”

  “I don't care, just get out,” he ordered angrily. We were literally thrown out. I shivered, it had become really cold. Julian looked angrily and me.

  "It's all your fault,” he snapped. I stared at him incredulously.

  “My fault? Why? I did nothing,he touched me,” I said quickly.

  “Why the hell you did you dress so sexy," he growled, " You knew where we were going, let's go.” And saying this he began to walk, unevenly, I stared at him worriedly.

  “Jul, maybe it's better if I call a taxi. I said, I knew he was drunk and couldn't possibly drive in that state.

  “A Taxi?” Why? I can drive Cas now come and stop worrying,” he ordered. I followed him. I was frightened and sad and prayed that we won't have an accident. He arrived near his car, opened the door and waited for me to get in then he started the engine. “Don't worry. I'll drive slowly,” he said looking at my desperate face. Which he did but after a few minutes he stopped the car in a dark place. I thought he wasn't feeling well,maybe he wanted to throw up but I was completely wrong. He leaned towards me and kissed me. “I'm sorry if I shouted at you,” he said. “No wonder that guy wanted to touch you,you're so sexy,” he whispered huskily. Then his hand ran down my back and got under my dress pulling it up a little until his hands reached my pants. What was he doing? I panicked and my hands grabbed his trying to pull them away.

  “Julian wait,” I pleaded.

  “No I have waited enough I think, tonight you'll be mine,” he said as he kissed me again. Then he moved on my side and crushed me with his weight. I could feel him getting hard. I felt his hands on my breast and the other in my pants. No! I didn't want. I pushed him trying to break free.


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