Against All Odds

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Against All Odds Page 27

by Alexia Vella Deguara

  “This hot chocolate is really good Ms Carson,” I said.

  “Oh call me Lizzy dear. It's really freezing today. You must have froze while you walked here. I'm sorry probably I should have come for you,” she added.

  “Oh no Auntie don't worry, we will go out soon anyway. We have to go sightseeing.” Lucy said winking at me.

  “Oh that will be nice,there is a lot to see here. Girls I'm sorry I can't spend a lot of time with you but I soon have to leave. Today we have a group of students coming for lunch and I left Uncle Mark alone.”she said.

  “No problem aunt.”Lucy said. For us it was even better that she won't be there too much since we intended to spend most of the time with our boyfriends.

  “Make yourself at home Lucy, you too Cassidy. Hope you enjoy your short holiday.”

  “Thanks for your hospitality Lizzy,” I said.

  She laughed,she really looked like Stella, Lucy's mother,you could tell they were sisters.

  “You're welcome.”

  Auntie Lizzy left half an hour later. Lucy and me went to our rooms,we had one each. The house was very big. We unpacked and arranged the clothes in the closet . Just at that moment my mobile rang.

  “It's Ty,” I told Lucy before putting the mobile to my ear.”Hi Ty. Oh you're here already, I will be soon there. No,no need to come for me. Wait for me there OK. I love you too. see you soon.”

  Lucy was looking at me and smiling.

  “Does he tell you often that he loves you?” She asked.

  “Yes, why?”

  “No nothing,usually guys are not that way but he's older that makes a difference,” she said. "You know, I'm starting to regret that I haven't found an older guy like you."

  I smiled, I knew I was lucky to have Tyler.“ Luc I'm leaving, is it OK for you?”

  “Sure, but wait I'll come with you. I have to catch a bus to go to Logan's hostel, unfortunately he couldn't afford to rent a house like your lover.”

  “Another advantage of dating an older guy,” I teased.

  We left and she walked with me till the front gate.

  “Oh Cas, this house is beautiful. Lucky you,” she said jealously.

  “Yes it is,but anyway we won't stay too long in it anyway.”

  “Sure, hope the bed is comfortable though,” she said laughing

  “Lucy” I said feeling my cheeks growing warmer.

  “Anyway, have fun. I'm going. Cas remember at seven we have to be both at home. Aunty returns at about 7.30 OK. Don't be late,I'll give you a call later.”She said as she began to walk away.

  “OK Luc. See you later," I said waving at her.

  I opened the gate and ran quickly to the door. He was there expecting me. I ran into his arms.

  “Good morning sweetheart, you're beautiful. I missed you.“He whispered in my hair as he hugged me.

  “I missed you too,” I replied as I looked at his handsome face.

  “Want to take a look at the house before we leave?” He asked.“ It’s really nice, it has a fire place and a beautiful living room and the bedroom is spacious and looks comfortable.”

  I looked narrowly at him.

  “What?” He said smirking.

  “Was this some kind of invitation to try and find out if the bed is comfortable or not?” I said smirking back.

  “Could be.. who knows," he said planting a kiss on my nose.


  He gave me a tour of the house and then we left. The house was lovely.

  "So Ty, where shall we go first?” I asked happily.

  “Wherever you want,” he said without looking at me.“Cas there is a piece of paper on the back seat,can you get it? I've selected some of the best places to visit, choose three or four of them.”

  I did as he told me.

  “Oh Ty,I'm so excited,this is the first time we go out somewhere together,” I said looking at the things he had written down.“ Ty can we go to the Art gallery first, please?” I asked pleading.

  He smiled.


  After about half an hour we arrived at our destination. Tyler parked his car and we went in. It wasn't very big but there were various types of paintings. Figure drawings, landscapes, still life. I ran from one painting to an other feeling in paradise. Ty gave me a good explanation of what I was seeing, he explained in detail what techniques were used and how I could apply them in my paintings. He also talked about the history of Art and about the periods from which they were inspired. I listened enchanted. He was really intelligent.

  “How lucky I am to have you with me not even an expert would have given me so much information,” I said grabbing his arm.“ How come you know so much about this? I mean you're an English teacher you are not graduated in Art are you?” I asked curiously.

  “Not really but I use to work in an Art gallery so I know a lot about the subject,” he said.

  After the Art gallery we went to visit some museums and than we went to eat in a pizzeria. Although the place wasn't so nice I never felt happier,everything seemed nice, even the pizza

  tasted delicious and this because he was with me. We were a normal couple for once,although I still feared someone could see us. In fact I kept looking around me.

  “Cas, relax and stop looking around. For once try to have fun.“ He said capturing my hand in his.

  “I'm sorry Ty, it's that I'm afraid someone would see us.”

  “Don't worry we're far away from home,” he said trying to calm me down, but I knew that deep down he was frightened as much I was. After lunch we went to play bowling and we had the time of our life, he kept teasing me as I didn't have a good aim and never managed to do a strike,while he seemed good in everything he did. We laughed so much. I would never forget these past few hours with him. It was so nice to do things together. How I wish life could always be like this. Unfortunately I knew that once we returned home everything was going to return as it was before, secretive,forbidden and illegal. Another 8 months, that was a long time. How were they ever going to pass?

  “Cas,it's raining.” Tyler's voice interrupted my thoughts. “ And quite heavily. Maybe we should go back. It's already five o'clock.”He said looking worriedly at the dark sky.

  “OK let's go.”

  We ran to his car,although it wasn't parked far we got wet. I hurriedly opened the door and jumped in. Tyler did the same.

  “What terrible weather, hope it does not get worse,” I said.

  “Don't worry Cas. I'll drive slowly OK.”He said as he started the engine.

  Tyler had been very careful,the streets were very slippery and I felt terrified. All I could think of was that if we had an accident we would have been discovered. Thanks God we arrived to his house safe and sound. It still rained cats and dogs and when we got out of the car we ran to the door. Ty opened the door quickly and we went in.

  “Brr it really got cold. Good thing we came back, here the weather is really unpredictable,” he said.

  “Yeah, who could tell it would have changed this much? This morning It was so nice,” I agreed.

  Tyler came near me and kissed me...

  "It's been all day that I wanted to kiss you but was too afraid someone would see us,” he said looking sadly at me.

  “I wanted that too,” I said, he caressed my face and was going to kiss me again when my mobile rang. It was Lucy.

  “Hi Luc.”

  “Casy I'm already home,where are you? She asked me “When I saw that bad weather Logan and I decided to come back early.”

  “I'm at Tyler's house,” I told her.

  “Oh OK. Listen Cas,remember to be here by seven OK?”

  “Sure Luc, don't worry I'll be there on time,” I said and I hung up the phone.

  Tyler was looking at me..

  “Listen sweet,do you think I could take a shower before I take you to Lucy? He asked as he passed his hand through his hair, it had gotten wet and looked messy but it made him look really sexy. I smiled at him and nodded. He went away while
I lay on the bed. I felt really tired. It had been a really hectic day although I had had the time of my life with Tyler. I had closed my eyes a little to rest when I heard Tyler's mobile ringing, he had left it on the bed in his jacket.

  "Ty,your mobile is ringing,” I shouted.

  He didn't reply probably he didn't hear me. The mobile continued to ring for a long time before it stopped. After few seconds it rang again. I decided to answer it,maybe it was important. I looked at the screen and my eyes widened as I saw the name Denise,who was Denise? I pressed the button and put the mobile to my ear.

  “Hello Lover-boy, how come it took you so long to answer, did you miss me?” The voice asked on the other side. I felt dizzy and nauseous. Who was she? I hung up abruptly. I trembled, my stomach ached so much that I couldn't breathe. Did he have a girlfriend? Was he betraying me? The mobile phone rang again. I pressed the button again.

  “That wasn't very polite Tyler ,why did you hang up on me huh? She asked angrily.

  “I.. I' m not Tyler,” I said finally.

  “What, then who are you and why are you answering his mobile?” She asked.

  “He's in the shower and I'm his girlfriend. Who are you?” I demanded.

  “His girlfriend? She said laughing.“Oh I didn't know he had a new girlfriend. I'm his ex girlfriend, ex, it's just a matter of time. I'm sorry honey to kill your hopes but he will return to me. Probably you're just a distraction,a girl to warm his bed until he realizes that it's my bed that he wants to keep warming,” she said. I was shocked. I couldn't breathe, my God who was this person? What did she mean to him?

  “You're wrong!He loves me!" I shouted as tears filled my eyes. My hands trembled as I pressed the mobile against my ear.

  “Love you? Oh my God this is hilarious," she laughed.“If he loves so much why didn't he tell me about you? I just saw him yesterday. Now can you please call him as I need to talk to him. Didn't he tell you he was going to marry me?”She asked then.

  My blood froze in my veins. This was too much. I hung up. I sat down and cried. I picked up his phone and looked in his massages desperately. There were about 50 messages ,some mine,some from Denise. Love messages. No this couldn't be true.

  At that moment Tyler arrived...

  “Cas,I thought that tonight we could-" He stopped and stared at me.

  I looked at him my eyes filled with tears. I was shocked.

  “Cassidy, what's the matter?”

  He came near me and was going to touch me, I made a step backwards.

  “Don't touch me,you're a liar,you're a bastard! I shouted breathless.

  “Cassy,I can't understand," he said looking at me stunned.

  "Who the hell is Denise eh??When were your going to tell me about her?” I asked furiously.

  I saw fear in his eyes, he froze for a second.

  “How do you know about her?” He asked.

  “She called you.”

  “You answered my mobile phone?”

  “I didn't want to but it kept ringing. You're a fucking bastard. I hate you!! I yelled.

  “Cassy,it's not what you're thinking, she's not my girlfriend,she's my ex," he said desperately.

  “You were going to marry her. Why didn't you tell me about it,why?”

  “It was in the past. I don't know what she told you but we are finished. I left her months ago. Please Cassy listen to me,"he said as tried to come near me again.

  “You kept all her messages,why? You still love her that's the truth" I cried.

  “What? You saw my messages? Listen I don't know why I left them there, but definitely not for the reasons you think, it just carelessness. Please Cas believe me, I don't love her. I never did."

  “You're lying, you lied to me all the time. Why? You never loved me. Why are you with me? You saw her yesterday, have you slept with her?!!” I asked him angrily.

  “What? No,Cassy you're getting it all wrong. Please let me explain,it's definitely not what you're thinking. Please.”He begged.

  “You're a liar, there were no meetings. You went out of town to see her,you didn't even tell her about me.”

  “Cas I swear it's not like that. Listen sit down and let me explain."

  He said while he tried to hug me. I pushed him.

  “Don't touch me. I don't want to see you anymore. Leave me alone!" I shouted while I ran out of the room. I just wanted to get away from him. I didn't care it rained so much. I just wanted to go to Lucy. I needed her comfort right now. The pain I was feeling was unbearable,the

  man I loved was betraying me.

  “Cassy!! Wait, Cassy please I love you. Please!” He shouted coming after me.

  I opened the entrance door and ran away in the rain. It was really raining heavily and when I arrived at Auntie Lizzy's house I was completely soaking wet. I knocked hurriedly on the door and when Lucy opened I hugged her and I cried out. Lucy was shocked.

  “Cas, Oh my God what happened? Cas, why are you crying? You're all wet,you'll get sick!” She said panicking. I didn't answer and kept crying.

  “Have you argued? You seemed happy when I called you. What happened after that?”

  “Oh Lucy,he has another girl. He cheated on me,”I told her between sobs.

  “What?” She looked at me in disbelief.

  Still sobbing I told her what had happened, about the call and Denise. I thought she would have been mad at him but surprisingly she stayed silent for few minutes and then...

  “Cas you shouldn't have gone away like that. Why didn't you talk to him? Probably there's an explanation for all this,” she said.

  I was scandalized to say the least, my best friend defended a traitor?

  “What? Are you mad? My God I'm telling you he has been with another girl and you defend him?” I shouted.

  “Listen. I know you're angry but I can't believe what you're telling me. He loves you, why would he do this to you?”

  “I don't know. I thought we had something special. He lied to me, he was going to marry her. My God, he must have been very serious with her. Why was he seeing her if they had broken up? He's a liar!" I cried. "He slept with her.”

  “What? who told you that?” Lucy asked.

  “Well, from what she said it's clear he has been sleeping with her. That's why he didn't want to have sex with me,he didn't need me.” I grabbed a tissue from my bag and blew my nose.

  “Stop it Cassidy! This doesn't make sense, he loves you,” she insisted.

  “Stop saying that,he does not OK?!I've been a fool and I should have never fallen for him. A teacher?What was I expecting? He used me.”

  “This is not true,listen Cas he didn't take advantage of you if that's what you're trying to say. If he didn't love you why the hell would he have gone into so much trouble? If he wanted to use you he would have had sex with you and dumped you right away but he wanted a relationship. Try to reason !”

  I shook my head.“No,he didn't have sex with me because he's afraid of going to prison.”

  “You're wrong, he can already go to prison for just being here with you, for what you already did. Can't you get this? He crossed the border line with you a long time ago. Sex would be just the cherry on the cake,” she insisted.

  I didn't say anything. I knew she was right. He was already in trouble. My mobile rang in that moment.


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