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Against All Odds

Page 34

by Alexia Vella Deguara

  “Come on Cas. I'll come with you to the History room, it's not far from my class,” she said.

  “Thank you.”

  I was so glad I had her. What would I have done without her? She was my only friend. We walked to the History room and we found Mr Bayne in the corridor.

  “Hello girls,” he said.

  “What's happening?” Lucy asked.

  “Well Mr Daniels wants us all in the hall for a meeting,” he looked at me and then.

  “Probably he wants to talk about Mr Spencer.”

  My heart missed a beat,we followed Mr Bayne to the hall where all the students were. Mr Daniels began the meeting and he said a lot of things about a concert that was going to be held for Christmas, about exams and other things. Then he informed us that Mr Spencer had resigned. The reason he gave was that he had had a promotion in an other school. The students grumbled, some girls even cried. I knew he was loved, he was popular and I was feeling really bad right now. It was all my fault. I knew he loved this school and I had ruined everything. I looked around me to see if anyone was looking at me, the students were talking amongst themselves. I was relieved, but then I met the gaze of two teachers. Ms Larson was looking at me disapprovingly and Ms Leighton was looking at me with anger and hatred. Did she know? Did Ms Larson tell her? I thought she might have, they were good friends. The meeting ended and whilst we were returning to our class someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me, dragging me into an empty class. It was Julian. I felt my blood draining.

  “I can't believe this, he resigned. But you won't get away with it Cassidy,” he said angrily.

  “Julian,leave me alone,” I shouted as I snatched my hand away from him.

  “So, what have you decided?” He asked.

  “There is nothing to decide, he's not my teacher anymore and he's not here anymore either.”

  “No but you are still here and you're alone now. He isn't here to defend you. Cassidy If I don't get what I want, I can always tell everyone the reason why he left. I can make your life miserable, you know I'm a bad looser so don't provoke me,” he said in a harsh tone as he looked at me. My mouth felt dry, his eyes were like points of steel but I couldn't let him terrify me, I couldn't surrender to his threats.

  “I won't sleep with you, not now not ever," I shouted.

  “OK but you'll regret this I promise.”


  I returned to Mr Bayne's class, everyone was already sitting down. He looked at me but didn't say anything. I sat down and he started the lesson. I was very depressed. I kept thinking about Tyler. Where was he now? How I wished he was here with me, and I was also worrying about what Julian had told me. I wondered what did I ever see in him. I've been with him for 5 months and I really didn't know him. I never thought he could be so mean. The lesson passed. I still had 3 more lessons, which I attended,physically at least, since I couldn't stop thinking about all the things that happened today. When school finished I decided to go to Tyler's apartment. I know I shouldn't have but I had to see him. I missed him so much. I really needed to hug him and talk to him. I can't explain my disappointment when I found out he wasn't there. I had came all this way in vain. I tried to call him again, that damned mobile was still switched off, why? I felt my eyes welling up with tears again. I had to stop crying, it was useless but I couldn't control myself. When I returned home my mum wasn't there. I felt relieved. I didn't want her to see my swollen eyes. I went up to my room and tried to finish some homework. I couldn't concentrate so I stopped and lay down on my bed and closed my eyes. I needed to escape from this reality that was killing me,at least for an hour or so. I slept and was woken up by mum.

  “Honey,Cassidy are you OK? It's nearly 6. If you sleep more, then you won't be able to sleep at night."I looked at her, confused for a moment .

  "Oh mum you're right.”

  “Come on down and eat something.”

  “No,I'm not hungry.”

  “Honey is anything wrong,you seem so sad. Cassidy-," she stopped."Today weren't you suppose to go to Mr Spencer's house? Hope you told him you weren't going,” she said concerned.

  Mr Spencer. She had reminded me again of my pain. I grabbed my mobile hoping to see a message or a missed call from him,but there was nothing. I felt I was going to cry again but I couldn't, not in front of mum.

  "Yes I did,” I lied.“Mum I'm going to take a shower and then I'll do some homework,” I said getting out of bed. I went into the shower and let the water run down on me, it felt so nice,it made me feel better. That night I couldn't sleep. I continued to try to call Tyler but it was useless, the following day I felt very weak. I hadn't eaten anything the day before. Mum had prepared me a big breakfast but I only managed to sip some milk and eat 2 biscuits. Mum looked at me worried.

  “Cassidy what's going on? You haven't eaten anything. You can't tell me nothing is wrong. Do you have a problem? Is it that boy you spoke to me about, Ty. Do you have problems with him?” She asked.

  “It's nothing really,it's just that I'm not hungry. I'll eat something at school OK?” I told her grabbing my bag. I wasn't very eager to go to school. There was nothing I looked forward to now. I tried to call Tyler again, this time the phone rang but he didn't answer. Why was he doing this to me? Was it because of Mr Daniels? Or was he changing his mind? I felt so sad. If I could only hear his voice. When I arrived at school Lucy was still not there. I looked at my watch it was nearly 08.30, how come she was so late? As I walked in the corridor I saw students looking at me strangely and whispering. My heart sank. Were they talking about me? I arrived near the lockers and I saw a group of students who stopped talking as soon as they saw me. What was going on? I heard two boys giggling and the girls looked at me with hatred. When I arrived in front of my locker, my stomach twisted in a tight knot. On my locker there was written in big Red paint “Cassidy is Mr Spencer's Slut.” I was going to pass out. I stayed there staring at the words. Oh my God. I knew who had written them, Julian. His revenge had started. I felt tears rolling down my face. No I couldn't cry ! Not when about 50 students where looking at me. A girl passed near me and called me a slut ,another told me that I should be ashamed of myself, another told me that to obtain high marks I should study and not sleep with my teacher. I couldn't take it anymore. I opened my locker and remained there silent listening to all the insults. I was trembling. I wanted to shout, to tell them that I loved him and that the grades had nothing to do with our relationship but I didn't. If I did they would have a confirmation. I let them laugh and say whatever they wanted but I couldn't help it not to cry. Just at that moment an angry voice interrupted them.

  “What's going on in here?”

  I looked back and saw Mr Bayne looking at me. I then saw him reading the phrase on my locker. He got angrier. He told everyone to go to their classes and came near me.

  “Cassidy are you OK?”He asked gently.

  I shook my head. I wasn't.

  “Come on try to stop crying. It's what they want, let's go in class,” he said grabbing me by my shoulder. Just then a voice which I recognized to be that of Julian said.“Maybe an another name should be added to that of Mr Spencer.” At this comment all the students began to laugh and Mr Bayne yelled at them furiously. I never saw him this angry,usually he was a very calm person. We went in class and I sat down. Mr Bayne put his things on his desk and came near me.

  “Cassidy don't let others put you down like this.”

  “They're not putting me down. They are making my life miserable. My God everyone knows the reason now and Tyler, could anyone report him or anything? Oh I'm so worried.”I cried.

  “For Tyler you don't have to worry he is not here and they don't have proof, they can't do anything, but you have to stop crying in front of them. It's like you're saying they're right. Just ignore them,you have to be strong.”He told me.

  “It easier said than done,” I replied.

  “I know but these rumors will fade in time, students will stop talking about you when they
find something more interesting.”

  “And what could be more interesting than a student sleeping with her teacher?” I yelled on the verge of crying again. I knew he wanted to help but he couldn't. No one could. He looked at me stunned.

  “You really slept with him?” He asked

  Now I was stunned. I looked at him. Why was he asking?


  “I'm sorry it's none of my business. I know there was something between you but I never thought Tyler would have been that stupid.”

  My stomach twisted.

  “I'm sorry Cassidy. I didn't mean to say that, it's that he was my only friend here. The majority of the teachers are females and we were the only young ones. We used to talk about everything. I miss him. I can't believe he jeopardized everything like this.”

  “It's all my fault,” I said whilst I began to cry again.

  “No it takes two to tango, so you share responsibility with him. He knew that what he was doing was wrong. Anyway now try to compose yourself your classmates will soon be here.”

  “Yes and you have to go to your class. I'm sorry I kept you here "I said.

  He smiled.

  “I'm already in my class.”

  I looked at him, what did he mean?

  “I will teach you English. Although my subject is history, I studied English as well and since I happen to be free during your English lessons I accepted to take Tyler's place.”

  “Oh.” That's all I managed to say, not that I had anything against Mr Bayne. I preferred him, than a teacher like Ms Leighton, but for some reason I felt a little uneasy, maybe it was because I didn't want anyone to replace Tyler. I loved him both as a teacher and as a man.

  At that moment Lucy entered.

  “Cas... I'm sorry I'm late. I saw what they did to you. How are you feeling? I wish I was there with you,” she said running towards me. She hugged me and said.“It must have been Julian. I'm sure about that.”

  “Julian Campbell?”

  Lucy turned her gaze to him,she hadn't seen him and then she looked at me strangely.

  “What he's doing here?” She asked me in a whisper.

  “He's our new English teacher,” I said.

  “So is it him who wrote that on Cassidy's locker?” He asked again.

  “Well we think so but we're not sure.”

  “And why would you think that... did he tell you something Cassidy?”

  I didn't know if to tell him or not , I looked at Lucy and she nodded at me.

  “Yes, he was my boyfriend and said he will make me pay for leaving him.”

  “Did he know about Mr Spencer?”


  “I'll talk to him, if he doesn't stop I'll talk to Mr Daniels. Don't worry he will leave you alone.”

  Lucy looked at me with that strange look again but she didn't say anything. Just at that moment the students began to come in and although there were some who giggled and whispered they didn't tell me anything. I tried to focus on the lesson and to think of Tyler, just picturing his face made me feel better. Oh how much I missed him. I looked at Mr Bayne and I wished it was Tyler. I wished it was his voice I was hearing right now. Oh Tyler where are you?

  After the lesson Lucy followed me.

  “Cas where are you going? Usually you have Art right now,” she said.

  “Yes .. It's there that I'm going, it doesn't matter if I don't have a teacher. I can still draw something and stay on my own. I really need to be a little bit on my own right now,” I said.

  She looked at me and ..

  “Cas, have you noticed?”

  I looked quizzically at her.

  “Noticed what?”

  “Oh.. nothing, maybe it's just my imagination.”

  “No, now you have to tell me.”

  “Mr Bayne, don't you think he 's acting a little weird?”

  “Weird?” I asked trying to understand what she was talking about.

  “Come on Cas, you know what I'm trying to say, he seems so protective with you. Could it be-?”

  I knew what she was thinking.

  “Shut up... no.. what the hell are you thinking? He's protective because Tyler asked him to and for no other reason. I have enough problems to think about right now.”

  “I'm sorry, you're right. It's just that I noticed how he looked at you during the lesson. Maybe he thinks that now that Tyler is away-”

  “Shut up OK. I love Tyler and only him,” I yelled. “No one will ever take his place and surely not another teacher. I only made a mistake once, not that being in love with Tyler is a mistake but you know what I mean, getting involved with a teacher. I won't do it again for sure. Lucy, there won't be a second time as I will marry Tyler. We will be together for ever. I know that.”I said. Deep down that was my hope.

  “Yes you will,sorry. I should never have said those things but you know how I am.”

  I smiled.

  “Yeah I know... you have a lot of fantasy,” I said.

  “Now I have to go.” See you later Luc.”

  I thought about what she had told me and although I had been angry with her. I had noticed his strange behavior. But probably we were wrong. I went to the Art room and there I found an unpleasant surprise. Seated at the desk there was Ms Leighton, she looked at me with hatred. I knew she wasn't there to teach me art. She was there to talk to me. I sensed that as soon as I came in. I felt my knees go weak and felt frightened but I didn't stop. I just went in to sit at my desk. I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction to see me weak.


  “ Are you my substitute?” I asked her trying to look debonair and relaxed.

  "No,I wanted to talk to you,” she said angrily.

  “Oh,what about?”

  She stood up slamming her hands on the table.

  “You know darn well what about. You're a little slut you know that? I've always suspected there was something between you two," she shouted.

  I swallowed.

  “Because of you, he had to leave everything. He can lose his carrier,because of a bitch like you. I don't know why you didn't get expelled. You'll pay for this. I will make your life miserable and I will make sure that all the teachers will treat you for what you are. You thought you could get better grades by sleeping with him,huh? It was you that time in his apartment,now I know. My God, how the hell did he let a slut like you seduce him? I still can't believe this," she barked harshly.

  I couldn't take more.

  “I'm not a slut and I have never tried to get better grades. I study like everyone else,” I shouted in my defense.

  “Sure, when do you this before or after having sex with my boyfriend? She yelled.

  “Boyfriend?" I shouted incredulously. " He wasn't your boyfriend and I did nothing!"

  “Nothing,you keep denying. Bitch.”She said again.

  I shifted nervously on my seat as anger began to build up in me. “Stop calling me that. You're just jealous!!”I dared say.

  “Jealous?” I saw her face getting red with rage.

  "Yes because he never loved you, he didn't want you.”I said as I smiled evilly.

  “And you think he wants you? He only accepted your advances because you're cute. You're young and you're prohibited. He likes risk. Listen I knew him before you,he's not the type to stay long in a relationship. He just wants to play and when he's fed up he'll dump you,” she said as she straightened up and put her hands on her hips.

  “Stop it,this is not true. Why would he have resigned?” I asked.

  “To stay away from you because he knows you mean nothing but trouble. You'll see I'm right. You destroyed his reputation and yours. Do you think your life will be easy here now huh? Your schoolmates hate you, they talk about you. They consider you a bitch,you won't have any friends. You'll see, your next 6 months here will be like hell. If I were you I would change school.” She smiled triumphantly as she had managed to put me down.


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