“Our thanks go to you for all the work and sacrifices you have made. We felt the Q’Herindam magic disappear and knew you had succeeded in ridding the land of their menace.”
Arwhon smiled shyly. “It was not me but my Shield, Arm and Servant who finally accomplished the task of overcoming the Q’Herindam. It is them who should be recognised for this victory.”
The Queen studied his face for a moment before looking around.
“Speaking of the Servant, where is Cringle?”
“I had need to send him to Belvedere to take the good news to my Grandmother and my sister Raleen, Kuiran’s betrothed. Cringle was disappointed at not being able to travel with us to the Darkwood.”
Vehrin’del nodded in reply, understanding the need for Cringle to bear the good tidings.
Last of all, while Jahron’dal conversed with his offspring and Arwhon, the Queen moved over to examine Krissi, who seated, was eye to eye with her. They locked gazes and some form of communication passed between them, although none there could say what it was. It was Krissi who looked away first, bowing her head to Vehrin’del who seemed pleased with whatever had just occurred. As Duran and Rancid, along with Vixen ambled off to find some grass, the others made their way over to the huge tree containing the royal residence.
It wasn’t long before the three of them were in the Royal Quarters, sitting before a table laden with food, conversation flying backward and forward. Hours passed as the tales of their adventures were related to Jahron’dal and Vehrin’del and all their questions were answered until the final one.
“And what of Ch’ron, Arwhon? Will you be able to help?”
Arwhon stilled for a moment.
“The Q’Herindam bred the worms using magic on a species of parasite to make them larger, hardier and more voracious. They are not in themselves magic and will need to be killed off at the places they are attacking. I will converse with Ch’ron on the morrow and see if he can learn a spell or two. You have no objections to the Darkwood learning a few spells, do you?”
“Whatever it takes Arwhon. Ch’ron is our life and we would not be the M’Herindar without him. The better he can defend himself, the happier it makes me. I will leave the details to you. I’m sure Sihron’del will be able to help.”
Arwhon agreed and he and Shiri took their leave of the King and Queen. Kuiran watched them go before he too took leave of his parents. He flashed a cheeky smile at them as he left the room and pointed at the water jug on the table which immediately filled with ice cold water. His surprised parents looked at each other as comprehension dawned and when they looked back, he was gone.
Next morning, Arwhon, accompanied by Shiri, strolled to the nearby clearing which contained the largest tree in the forest. This was the one Tree he always thought of as embodying Ch’ron. The Tree he had been dragged into when his mind and body needed repair after the rescue of the Barsoomi heirs, the Tree Shiri had also been taken into when she needed bodily repair after her torture at the hands of Empress Martine, during the fall of the Dominion.
Standing before the Tree, Arwhon pondered whether or not he should have consulted The Wise Ones before attempting to do what he was about to. It didn’t make much difference, they hadn’t been able to cure Ch’ron and they would surely give their consent to his plan of action. There really was nothing else which could be done. If it wasn’t for the constraints of time, he would have asked them but something inside him was urging speed. Arwhon placed his hand on the smooth bark and immediately heard Ch’ron’s voice inside him. Not the usual crisp sound he was used to but a pale and shaky version, as though the Tree had aged and become old and infirm since the last time they had talked. He glanced at Shiri whose expression confirmed the worst. She had been listening to Ch’ron since they had entered the Darkwood.
“How bad is it Ch’ron?” Arwhon sent over the link between them.
“Not good Arwhon. Since we last talked, the worms have multiplied a thousandfold and are attacking the roots of my trees over most of the west and north of my forest. Very soon, my collective intelligence will not be enough to keep me aware anymore. I can feel myself slipping in and out of lucidity. If we can do nothing about the scourge of these worms, I will not exist for much longer.”
“We can do something Ch’ron but it will need me to merge consciousness with you, like we did when you healed my mind. You need to learn a spell I carry within me which I cannot put into words. It involves Firemagic.”
The giant Tree quivered from its base all the way up to its highest leaves with the effort Ch’ron used to open the trunk up so Arwhon could enter. Eventually, the smooth surface of the tree cracked as a fissure opened, growing larger until it was of a size that Arwhon could squeeze into sideways. It was enough. He gave Shiri a hug before quickly removing his clothes and sliding into the crack. Shiri could not contain her worry.
“What if something happens to Ch’ron while you are in there?”
Arwhon gave her what he hoped was his brightest most reassuring smile.
“It won’t. See you on the other side I hope.”
With that, the Tree started closing around him and Arwhon felt tubules slide into his jugular vein and the release of the painkiller Ch’ron administered before tiny tendrils entered his nose and passed up through the cribriform plate into his brain. Soon Arwhon was directly linked to Ch’ron and could feel all those areas where the worms were eating roots. It felt like his fingers and toes were being voraciously consumed.
“I see the magnitude of the problem now Ch’ron. We need to go to where some roots are being eaten at the moment so I can try a couple of different spells out.”
The Tree didn’t answer but Arwhon felt himself flowing through an underground root system at astonishing speed and soon the appetite of the parasites became very personal. As they ate at Ch’ron’s roots, Arwhon felt every bite along with the Tree and immediately tried to think of a way to combat the insistent creatures. Fire. It had to be a fire spell but what? Something which would hopefully kill the worms and cauterize the roots without setting the loam of the forest floor alight. A fire could wipe out Ch’ron in his feeble state, as he would be unable to fight it.
Arwhon reached out through Ch’ron’s connections and sent a spell to the roots near where the worms were thickest. The two of them couldn’t ‘see’ the results but the feeling of being bitten returned after a few moments. Arwhon gathered Power to him and tried something less subtle. A particularly specific use of naked flame. It was a bit like using a sledge hammer to bang in a tack when he actually applied the spell. He could feel the heat of it through his intimate bond with Ch’ron, as the end of each of the rootlets he had envisaged projected a tiny spurt of fire directly into the worms through their mouthparts as they fed, killing the worm as it simultaneously cauterised the end of the rootlet. The spurt of fire used in the spell was tiny and totally contained within the worm when it went off. Arwhon figured the damp forest loam would be able to resist such a small spark anyway.
“This is the spell you need Ch’ron, did you follow how to do it?”
Ch’ron answered in the affirmative so Arwhon continued.
“It requires Power. Once you showed me how to access Firemagic deep under the ground, below the Earthmagic. Now you must draw some of it into yourself to power the spell. Look into my mind and copy what you see I am doing, including how to store Firemagic safely, ready to use. If you survive this, Ch’ron, you will become a very powerful being but as you have literally made my body what it is today, I trust you to apply wisdom in the use of that Power.”
Arwhon felt his mind being scanned by Ch’ron and the current spell he was using learned by the mighty Tree, as well as the spell to contain the Power of Firemagic. Almost instantly, drawing Power and channelling the spell Arwhon had taught him, shakily at first but then with more and more confidence, the Tree was killing off the worms.
“That’s it Ch’ron,” Arwhon’s mind sent excitedly, “Go to wherever there are worm
s and apply the spell. Once the worms are gone, you know how to heal yourself.”
Ch’ron gave a hearty chuckle, it didn’t matter how long he took, now he could kill every worm attacking his roots. Wipe them from his forests entirely. Ch’ron’s voice came through the bond, he sounded improved already.
“My thanks Arwhon, now it’s time for you to leave me and return to the Darkwood. You will always be welcome here with me though, I value you.”
The tiny tubules retracted from his brain as the Tree in front of Arwhon began to open again, the blood oxygenators were the final tubules to be withdrawn from his arteries. When the last of them were gone, Arwhon slumped forward into Shiri’s waiting arms, weak as a kitten. She wiped the jelly like sap from him and pointed to the nearby pool.
“Remember the last time you were inside Ch’ron. We went for a swim together to clean you up.”
Arwhon stood unassisted and taking her hand, led Shiri to the pool. It took at least an hour before they decided they had spent enough time in the water. During the time they played together, Shiri repeated some of the running commentary Ch’ron was happily singing as he went about the work of exterminating the worm plague. To her, he was sounding better and better by the minute.
Later, when they approached the clearing in front of the royal abode, they could both feel the change in the atmosphere. The leaves seemed to be a brighter green and no longer drooped and there was also a change to the light under the trees. It was as if the grey dimness of despair had been banished in favour of renewed life.
Vehrin’del came down the stairs to meet them.
“Ch’ron sounds happy in his work. Destroying worms. Once again we owe you a great debt Arwhon.”
“Not at all my Queen. It’s Durhain you should give thanks to. All those years ago, he set in place a solution for a time when the world was desperately in need. It was to me the task fell but Durhain supplied the tools.”
The Queen took his hand in hers.
“Come, have something to eat. This afternoon we have to visit the Wise Ones, they want to hear of Fate, Destiny and Time.”
Arwhon was no longer humbled by the Wise Ones, he’d been in the presence of legends and minor deities and lived to talk of it. He strode confidently down into the cavern with Shiri at his side. He was met at the bottom by Mahlin’del herself who led him to sit by the pool. With Shiri’s assistance, filling in those places Arwhon knew nothing of, Arwhon recounted their story.
Refreshments came and went while the accounting continued but when Arwhon reached the part about Fate, Destiny and Time, the Wise Ones made him slow down his narrative and asked many questions. It was not often, if ever, someone met Fate or Destiny. Let alone Time. When the telling drew to a close, the Wise Ones had questions for him.
“What do you intend to do now Arwhon, there appears to be much in the world of Man which requires your personal touch to rectify. We could give you some starting points if you wish.”
Arwhon shook his head determinedly with a smile on his face and looked at Shiri as he answered.
“No disrespect intended but the three of you should know by now that I am reluctant to continue overseeing the Lands. It’s time for Man and the other races to work out how they want to live together and I’m tired of all the fighting. The Q’Herindam are no longer a threat and besides, we have all promised Cringle we would journey with him to the Capital of Cheshwon and help him search for his family. After that, I want to spend time with Shiri on my farm in The Broken Lands.”
Mahlin’del sat back with a sigh and shook her head.
“It will be a loss to the world if you retire from it but Fate knows you’ve earned it. What about the Darkwood? Sihron’del is a princess of the M’Herindar and could be needed here.”
Arwhon put his arm over Shiri’s shoulder and hugged her as he replied.
“Vehrin’del has many years ahead of her and The Broken Lands are not so far away. We will visit of course. However, it will be a while before we get there. The Darkwood will manage without us. Ch’ron is busy killing off the worm infestation and I will go out in a few days and start using healing spells on him wherever I find it needful. After that task is finished, we have to journey to Belvedere to see my Grandmother. Kuiran and Raleen will be taking ship to Wyalon from there and we will sail with them to Cheshwon with Cringle. I’m looking forward to quiet times with Shiri eventually.”
The three Wise Ones exchanged meaningful looks. Both Shiri and Arwhon caught the exchange.
“What?” he asked.
It was Mahlin’del who answered for the Wise Ones, a serious expression on her aged and lined face.
“I’m sorry Arwhon but our visions suggest it will be a long time before you can rest.”
Not the End.
(Not exhaustive)
Arwhon nari Tsalk; his M’Herindar name: Ahron’dal
father- Bryan, (deceased) mother- Sareeni (long dead),
brother – Staril (Girlfriend-Polnari),
sister-Raleen (Trollop-horse)
Grandmother - Cristal nasi Tsalkini
Arwhon’s new Servant: Cringe who later becomes Cringle - original name from birth – Jonsan. His horse is Vixen.
Hirondae – The earliest name for the Elder Race
The M’Herindar, Main settlement- Al’hera.
Sihron’del, Arwhon’s Shield, her mother Queen Vehrin’del, Father Consort Jahron’dal. Mahlin’del (Eldest Wise One)
Kuiran’dal - The Arm, (A Wyalonian, originating from the Island of Wyalon in the middle of the Wyalonian Ocean to the east of Cheshwon but adopted by Vehrin’del as a babe.)
Paran’dal (Ranger in the Darkwood)
Myseline Capitol – Encarill. Arwhon’s village-Trugor
Bentwood – at an important town on the crossroads of the south-north and east-west highways. At the base of foothills leading to Durhain’s Pass through Mehgrin’s Wall to the top of Grand Valley in Cumbrisia. First village in Cumbrisia: Cumbrisia’s End, then Penultimate, Cascades, WoodenBridge, Spikerock, Hollows, Forbidden.
Crossroads at the end of the valley on the plains.
Favoured inn at Crossroads, (The Black Butt)
Great Southern Road from Crossroads to Belvedere. Forms the boundary between Cumbrisia and the plains of Barsoom.
Jerome – King of Myseline after his father King Rickard.
Council of Ten in Belvedere: Old Baldin, Cradon, (Willem-deceased), Trelin, Kirta, Cristal, Merdon (Thieves guild- Jalus is 2IC), Bertran, Duke Dalvan, Callandor.
Cristal’s staff; Mendle, Waltor (Head manservant) Billit (Head groom)
Belvedere Old Town, to the east of the main thoroughfare down the hill from the square.
Trader Brandel, in Cristal’s employ - working with Staril.
Graswyn- main port/capital- Talhaven.
Draakon Reaver admiral-Gortan.
Swamp-Walland’s Rue,
Bay at Belvedere- Moreland Bay on Turquoise Sea.
Mages; Escarion (good) Kin of S’Ria from southern land. Home town Lynbrook at foot of the mountain Farseer.
Gahidrin’darth (Dark Mage) – important to the Q’Herindam.
Dwarves; Home is Dwarfholme where Ironfist is King.
Silverseam son of Copperlink, King’s nephew. Dwarves possibly related to Mehgrin’s Children who live on the surface of the eastern slopes of Mehgrin’s Wall in Cumbrisia.
Guilar. A race of beings living in the caves under Mehgrin’s wall.
Dobar, Dorna, Fuark, Purna
Luper. Another of the seven races of beings. Slave to the Q’Herindam.
Joeeti, Tooth, Claw, Old Karti, Ankarti.
Satrenday and Solvenday is the weekend and we drink cafke.
Sealie - Ssarista
gryffon – Krissi.
Jalwynd - the ship, Belmar its Captain
Jeffen – Helmsman on Jalwynd.
Wallas – First Mate on Jalwynd
br /> Kuiran’s real mother and father – Marina and Abron
Guard Commander, Rivers
Lieutenants Spring, Dewey, Storm and Brook.
Guide, Old Snowy
Mage, Tarn
I came to writing late. No idea why, I guess I was too busy living a faster life when I was younger - not enough time to do everything. New skills are always fun to learn and writing is something which just happened to me. Maybe because I had a book inside bursting to get out - 'The Final Song.' Storytelling improves with practice. Not to say my earlier books are unreadable, they are standing the test of time.
I write as B. Cameron Lee because my first name is Bruce and I've been the butt of so many jokes for so many years. Imagine Googling the name Bruce Lee - I would be lost in there and so hard to find.
I try to write across the lines dividing genres to tell stories which don't quite fit into handy slots. I experiment a little and try and make the tales unfold as if the reader were watching a movie. Some of my offerings are quite gritty while others are fantastical. This one is classical fantasy. The work involved with True Fire is rewarding, as the world I created comes together and I find myself in it, looking around a reality I can almost feel.
Weird heh.
Okay, in case you are thinking I sit around all day punching keys. Forget it. I have three guitars, none of which I play really well but I can sure make noise. I ride a motorbike - had a 1200cc Harley (see the opening chapter of 'The Fold') but now have a KLR 650 so I can go off-road too. That's not all, I have just bought a small bus and a bike trailer so the Gypsy in me can take off.
Life is out there.
Other Books by this author available from CreateSpace and Amazon and also on Kindle.
The Final Song
Rewind – follow up to The Final Song
Diary of a Serial Killer
Diary of a Serial Killer 2 – Reece’s Revenge
The Q'Herindam Page 37