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Perfectly Seduced

Page 17

by Lacey Silks

  “I can’t. I have bills and laundry and phone calls to catch up on before Monday. You know, life.”

  I wished I didn’t have to get back to life. I wished life could be here with Sean, Charlie, and Lily.

  “The money will be transferred tomorrow. If you’d like my advice, I’d encourage you to be discreet about it.”

  “What money?”

  “The remaining forty million.”

  “What are you talking about?” I pulled away.

  His brows furrowed. “I didn’t mention this before because I didn’t want you to be nervous. Did you think my boss was owed the entire fifty million?”

  “Wasn’t he?”

  He shook his head. “Ten, including expenses.”

  “You’re kidding me, right?”

  “No, April. Forty is rightfully yours.”

  I felt my chest tighten and my vision blur. Forty million dollars?

  The room spun. I wasn’t sure I’d know what to do with one million, never mind forty. It was too much. Besides, it didn’t feel right to take all that money, especially since Simon obviously hadn’t meant for it to be mine. Why hadn’t he? Was it supposed to be Chelsea’s? Probably. And she was dead. The money was tainted. If I were to ever use it, I’d be constantly reminded of my cheating husband and his ex-girlfriend who was murdered a few feet away from me when I couldn’t do anything to help her. I didn’t want to live my life in the past. I wanted to forget about the dreadful day Simon died, about the danger he’d placed me and Parker in because of his inability to manage funds, about Chelsea’s murder… and move on. I wanted Parker to have a calm life with all the love I could possibly give him. And hopefully Sean would also remain in our lives.

  “Are you okay? April, talk to me.”

  Somehow I’d ended up sitting on a wicker chair. A cold cloth was pressed against my forehead and a look of concern shaded Sean’s face.

  “Come on, gorgeous. You’re worrying me.”

  “I don’t want it,” I whispered.

  “What do you want me to do with it?”

  “Give it to charity. Burn it. I don’t care. That money is tainted.”

  “It’s forty million,” he repeated.

  “You can have it.”

  “I don’t want it and don’t need it.” He examined my face before exhaling. “I’ll do what you want me to, but only after you take some time to think. If you don’t want it for yourself, there’s a lot of people who could benefit from it.”


  “I don’t need to think about it.”

  “Forty-eight hours. That’s all I’m asking for.”

  I let out a shaky breath. While all that money would have been sufficient to last a few life-times, provide a good school for Parker, and solidify a stable future, it still felt wrong. I doubted I would change my mind in forty-eight hours, but my father had always told me to sleep on any major decisions I made.

  “Fine, forty-eight hours. But I need to go home. I have to think about this on my own.”

  Sean frowned and his jaw tightened. His shoulders were so tense I was afraid they’d turn into permanent stone. After a long pause, he finally said, “Only if you promise to call me each day. I’m worried about you.”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  “Promise me.”

  “All right. I promise.”

  “And really think about this, April. Trust me. I know that dealing with such wealth can be daunting, but it can also be very rewarding not only for you but also for the rest of your family. Even grandchildren.”

  Could forty million really go that far? Probably.

  “I’ll think about it.”

  Sean leaned in again and touched his lips to mine. “I’m here for you. For anything you need. Day and night.”

  “Thank you. It means a lot.”

  His eyes held a new-found resolve and determination. It was as if he’d found a purpose in his life.

  “Look, I may not have said this before, but I want you to know that you and Parker both mean a lot to me. I don’t know where our relationship is heading, but so far it feels right. I can’t imagine not being with you, and hopefully I won’t do anything to fuck it up.”

  He paused for a moment as if trying to find the right words.

  “I guess what I’m trying to say is that I want you in my life – permanently. And if you’re suspicious that it’s about the money, you have every right to be. I can only earn your trust with time. But know that if you decide to burn all of it, I don’t care. I’ll be the one to light the fire. I have enough saved to retire now and make sure that Charlie and Parker as well as their future families are well taken care of.”

  Permanently? Families? Wasn’t this too fast?

  “And now I scared you, didn’t I?”

  “No, you didn’t. It’s just that I didn’t expect someone like you to be so absolutely perfect.”

  Sean crouched in front of me, holding my hands. Part of me felt like he was about to propose, and the thought didn’t scare me at all. But I knew he wouldn’t. It was too fast, and I wasn’t sure I’d ever be ready to re-marry.

  “I can assure you that I’m not perfect but… April, I’m falling for you, and I’m falling hard. You’ve seduced me with your body and your mind. If you left me now, I’d be lost. So please know that no matter what you decide to do, I’ll be waiting for you and Parker right here.”

  Could this really be true? Could someone as supportive as Sean really exist? Having seen what Simon had done – given his life insurance policy to another woman – it wouldn’t be easy to trust another man. But Sean was way different. I’d felt a connection between us the moment we met in Hawaii. I couldn’t explain it then, and I couldn’t do it now, but I’d never felt so sure about anyone else. Even with Simon, my husband, I’d never been able to give that full trust to him—to let him hold my life in his hands without worry. That was the way I felt about Sean, though. And maybe it would be my doom, but I doubted it. Everything he’d done was for my and Parker’s well-being. Even at a time when he had secrets, my instinct guided me to trust him.

  “Thank you. That means a lot because I can’t imagine not having you in my life either. And I think I’m falling for you too.”

  If I had known my words would put that smile on his face, I would have said them sooner. He kissed me again and helped me up. With the entire money fiasco almost behind us, I was ready to move on with my life and see what path had been chosen for me and Sean.

  With sadness, I packed Parker’s clothes. Charlie hugged him so tightly I thought she’d break his bones. Apparently while we were gone, after having done their school work each morning, the two of them had built a tree house, fished in the river behind Sean’s house, and made ice cream from scratch. Lily was the best grandmother in the world, and when I looked at her I missed my mom. I wished Parker could have a grandmother as well. Seeing him slouch in his seat and his eyes glisten when I pulled away from the mansion broke my heart.

  “Did you take your new cell phone?”

  I’d purchased one for him before we left for Switzerland so that we could stay in touch while away. The first thing he did was program Sean’s and Charlie’s numbers.


  “We’ll be back soon, sweetheart.”

  “Are you and Mr. Gordon boyfriend and girlfriend?” he asked.


  “Because I’d really like that.”

  “You would?”

  He nodded. “He makes you happy, and he’s awesome, and Charlie and Lily feel like family just like Grandpa and Uncle Dave and Justin.” Parker lowered his head.

  “Yes, I guess we are boyfriend and girlfriend. But Parker, I don’t know if it will always be like this, and I wouldn’t want you to get too attached.”

  “Well, it’s too late. I’m already attached. And you won’t know if it will last unless you really, really try, right?”

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “Well, Charlie said I c
ould live with them. And you too. She really likes you. She said she’s never had a mother, and she asked me if I would mind sharing mine. I told her I wouldn’t if she didn’t mind sharing her father.”

  Wow! Were our children smarter than we were? After Simon’s passing, I’d always thought that I could raise Parker on my own, but was I wrong in thinking that my father and my brothers were enough for him as father figures?

  “So you’re telling me you’d like to live with Charlie and Sean and Lily.” It might have been too fast for me, but I’d do anything for Parker.

  “Only if you would too.”

  “Why don’t we sleep on it?”

  Parker smiled as if I’d already agreed to move in after the weekend. Just the thought made me excited. Was my place in the universe at Sean’s side, the way Millie said?

  I should call her.

  Once home, I texted Sean that we’d arrived safely and unloaded the suitcases from my trunk. After Parker brushed his teeth and I tucked him in, I poured myself a glass of wine, stretched my legs on the couch, and dialed Millie’s number.

  “You’re back! For the love of Mother Earth, I wished you’d call. Do you know how much your brother whines?”

  “Dave? When did you see him?”

  “Oh, you know, here and there. He came to work one day.” She lowered her voice.

  “Wait, are you with him now? It’s almost eleven.”

  “Well, we sort of had too much to drink last weekend, and when I woke up in the morning, he didn’t want me to leave.”

  “You slept together? I’m barely gone for a week and this happens?”

  “Are you saying we shouldn’t have?”

  “No, I’m just surprised. I thought you two had issues.”

  “Well, we haven’t gone so far to discuss them yet, but the sex is ah-mah-zhing.”

  “Eww, I don’t want the mental image of my brother having sex.”

  “What did you think we did, play cards?”

  “No, no. Just don’t mention him naked, please.”

  “Did you know his butt muscles are hard? Just like his chest and his abs and his pen…”

  “Millie, please don’t say penis. And the last time I saw my brother’s ass was on that camping trip we took when he mooned you.”

  She giggled and sighed. “The good old days. How is Eagle Man?”

  “Good. We got everything done, and the debt is paid off. Things are going well. I mean, he’s as perfect as when I met him – which is wrong, right? No one can be that perfect.”

  “Honey, you’re right. No one can. But there are some men who can come pretty close to that.”

  “Are you talking about Dave again?” I took a sip of my wine.

  “No, your brother is definitely not perfect. But if you want my honest advice, I think you should have faith. And even if you fail, and the eagle does turn into a vulture, you won’t know unless you try. And if you don’t, you may miss out. Besides, I heard something about vultures wanting to mate all the time.”

  “You’re making that up,” I laughed.


  “Millie, I think I’m falling for him. And it scares me. I trusted Simon and—”

  “— Sean is not Simon. That bastard cheated on you.”

  “You’re right. Thank you. And would it be safe to assume we can schedule a dinner date with you and Dave?”

  There was some hushing and swooshing on the other side of the phone before Millie giggled and said, “I’ll let you know. It depends on how giving he is tonight.”

  It did not sound like she was talking to me at all.

  “Eww. Good night, Millie.”


  Feeling the first sign of a buzz, I set my phone aside, closed my eyes, and drifted off. It wasn’t until I heard something clatter in the kitchen that I shot up. Was it only a dream?

  The light was turned off. The deafening silence was worse than hearing the clatter again. An eerie feeling flushed through my body with a combination of chills and fear.

  I reached for my phone and kept it in a tight grip. My hand slid over the wall as I searched for the light switch. The smart thing to do would have been to turn on the light in the living room first, or even call the cops, but of course I didn’t. The house was silent. It had to be a dream. As soon as I stepped into the semi-lit kitchen, I froze. If the clattering sound wasn’t a dream, then I was sure I had just seen a ghost.

  He stood on the other side of the kitchen, his mouth slowly curving upward.

  “Hello, April.”


  Chapter 23


  The soil was thick. It somewhat resembled play dough and had the consistency of cooling asphalt. It had rained the entire day, and the extra water made the shovel feel heavier with each load. I left for the cemetery half an hour after April disappeared from the driveway, and I’d been digging for the past three hours. The night was clear and the moon illuminated the headstones in the graveyard. Hopefully no corpses would decide to freak me out. Just being here was making me feel uneasy.

  When I’d gotten the call from Gord telling me about a guy he met at the hospital, who told him the weirdest story he’d ever heard, and about the Crossover Cemetery having strict restrictions on exhumation, I began to question the fifty million and the insurance policy and Simon’s reason for leaving it to a woman who didn’t birth his child… and that was how I’d ended up there.

  Just as my shovel hit a hard surface, my phone buzzed. The display had Dex’s name on it. I pushed the remaining soil aside, revealing the hinges of the casket. The phone rang persistently.

  I can’t deal with his shit now. I pressed the green button once, saying, “I’ll call you back in five.” And then I hung up and pulled out the wrench. Placing it around the hinges, I squeezed until they broke.

  My phone buzzed again, but I ignored it. The second hinge gave way just as easily when Dex called again.

  “I said I’ll call you back.”

  “It may be too late for Mrs. Davis if you wait.”

  “What are you taking about?”

  “It seems Mr. Davis wanted to play us both.”

  It only took a few seconds to register that April might be in trouble.

  “Simon Davis?”

  “He sent his girlfriend to get the money. She pretended to be his wife to make the withdrawal. The asshole never wanted to pay off his debts.”

  “But he was dead.”

  “Faked it all. He was counting on his widowed wife to take the wrath for unpaid debts.”

  That son of a bitch! I spat to the side and threw the shovel on the grass. Rage boiled in my chest, slowly spreading though my entire body.


  If he was smart, he’d disappear – this time permanently.

  “Thank you Dex. I won’t forget this.” If there was anyone whose information I could rely on, it was Dex. He had informants all over the world.

  Just for good measure, though, I lifted the casket’s lid. As expected, it was empty. No corpse, no bones, no dirt or ash. If Simon died, then he’d disappeared into thin air or had some sort of an agreement with the devil to remove him. That casket was only filled with the invisible bullshit Simon had collected over the years.


  If he were capable of this scam... Fuck! I should have seen it coming. Had he killed Chelsea? Was he the same man who’d chased us from the storage unit? Running toward my car, I called April’s cell, but she didn’t pick up. I then sent her a text.

  As soon as I finished typing, my phone rang. I recognized Parker’s cell and answered the call in one breath. “Parker, all you all right?”

  “I’m hiding in the closet. Mommy told me to call you and tell you there’s a man downstairs demanding fifty thousand dollars.”

  I was sure he meant million, but it wasn’t the time to correct him.

  “Do you know who that man is?”

  My soles sank into the muddy grass, pulling at my legs until
they ached while talking to Parker, but the parking lot seemed too far away.

  “No. I didn’t see him.”

  “Okay, stay quiet. I’m on my way.”

  “Should I call the police?”

  Cops could scare Simon. He’d run, and then April would look over her shoulder every day for the rest of her life. I didn’t want her living in fear. It was time to bring Simon back to the world of the living and give him the justice he deserved.

  “Not yet, buddy. Let me get there first. Try to stay quiet. I’m not far away.”

  Hopefully Simon had enough of a backbone not to hurt his own son. And if I was wrong, then I’d ensure that casket was put to the use it was supposed to serve.

  It was already one in the morning. My running shoes and socks were drenched. I floored the gas pedal, swerving over larger puddles, doing everything in my power not to hydroplane at this speed. Keeping my slippery soles on the gas was another challenge, and driving felt like it took forever. When I arrived to April’s house, the lights were on and the front door was open. I parked in the neighbor’s driveway. April’s car was in the garage. I pulled out my gun from the glove compartment and headed for the house.

  At the eerie silence, I picked up my pace, walking through the hallway with my gun held out front, checking the dining room to the right, the family room to the left and peeking into the empty kitchen. They were gone.


  I hurried upstairs into Parker’s bedroom, my squeaky shoes leaving wet prints behind me.

  “Parker, it’s Sean.”

  No answer.

  “Parker, you can come out now.” I stuffed my gun into the back of my pants. “Don’t be afraid. I need your help finding your mom.”

  I heard a quiet “In here” from the closet. “I don’t want to come out.”

  “It’s all right, you’re safe.”

  “But I’m embarrassed.”


  Still holding his cell phone in a tight grip, Parker slowly stepped out of the closet. The front of his pants were wet, and I realized the poor little guy must have been scared to death.

  “You know, it sometimes rains in my closet too. Let’s get you changed. Can you grab a pair of fresh pants while I call your uncle?”


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