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Summer Fling

Page 14

by Serenity Woods

  Her lips curved in spite of herself. “Oh? What kind?”

  “Lemon truffles.”

  “Oh… I love those.”

  “Yeah, I guessed. Is there any chocolate you don’t like?”

  “Er, no.”

  He laughed. Then he pulled back. “So?”

  Still she hesitated. “I don’t know… I shouldn’t…”

  He cupped her face and stroked her cheeks with his thumbs. “You can stay the night, or I’ll take you home afterward. No pressure, Chloe.” His gaze rested on her mouth. “But I want you. It’s all I can think about.” He pressed his lips to hers. “It’s all I’ve thought about the entire evening. I want to kiss you from the tip of your beautiful toes to the top of your head.” He ran his tongue along her bottom lip. “I want to taste you again.” He plunged his tongue in her mouth, kissing her until she was breathless. “I want to make love to you, Chloe, as slow as we can bear it, over and over again until—”

  “All right!” She pushed him away, breathless with desire, shaky with lust. She was so weak. Tears pricked her eyes. She didn’t want to give in to her emotions, but she couldn’t help it. He stirred her in ways she couldn’t resist.

  He unlocked the car door and opened it for her. “Come on.”

  They hardly spoke as he drove them along the seafront to Opua and up to his house. Inside her head, the angel and devil argued with each other continually.

  When they reached his house, he let them in and Orion bounded up to see them. Pleased that the boxer remembered her, she fussed him for a while as Garth poured them some wine. He handed her a glass, and she walked into the living room, over to the windows. Darkness shrouded the room, and the lights of Opua glittered in the semi-darkness. Outside in the bush, a morepork hooted mournfully and a kiwi bird cried.

  Had his late wife lived in the house? No, he’d told her that he’d moved here after she died. Pleasure swept through her that Jess had never stood at the windows and looked out at the view. Then jealousy stabbed her that he’d loved someone else. That, in turn, made her uneasy. She knew so little about him. His wife had died, and he’d clearly been cut up about that, as well as about her affair with Nick Stewart. He hadn’t got over that yet, she could tell. It made sense to wait until he’d sorted himself out before she got involved with him. She didn’t want these powerful feelings, not yet.

  So what was she saying, that she wanted what she’d had with Ethan? A lukewarm love that clearly he hadn’t reciprocated in the least? Her stomach clenched with anguish. Why did this have to be so hard?

  From behind, Garth kissed her neck. “What’s going through your mind? You look sad.”

  She looked over her shoulder at him. “I was thinking about Jess.”

  He turned her, a frown marring his forehead. “Oh?”

  “She didn’t come here, did she?”

  The frown lifted a little. “No.” He kissed her cheek, but his eyes were shadowed.

  “I can’t compete with ghosts,” she whispered. “I don’t expect you never to have loved anyone else, Garth. But...if you still love her, I... I don’t want to be second best.”

  His eyes met hers then, and the shadows vanished. The hazel orbs were hot and intense. “I’ve never felt about anyone the way I feel about you,” he said firmly.

  Her bottom lip trembled. Could it be true? “I want to believe you...”

  His ruffled brown hair had fallen over his forehead, and he looked positively edible in his black shirt and white T-shirt. He moved closer to her. “You want me to prove it?” He stroked his thumb across her bottom lip, and she shivered.

  “Yes,” she said huskily.

  He put his glass on the table and drew her into his arms. He brushed back the hair from her face. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known. And you still smell of chocolate.” He nuzzled her ear. “You make my mouth water.”

  Full of emotion, Chloe tried to smile, but it wouldn’t come. She couldn’t help it—a tear slid down her cheek. She looked down, apologizing, and tried to wipe it away, but Garth refused to let her, tightening his grip on her. Lowering his mouth to her cheek, he kissed the tear away instead.

  He kissed her mouth and brushed his tongue languidly over her bottom lip, grazing his teeth on it until she parted her lips with an inhalation. Then he deepened the kiss, stroking his tongue inside. He took the time to taste her, to press his lips along her cheeks, to her eyelids, back down to her mouth, and slipped his hand into her hair and kissed her until her heart thumped and her pulse began to sound in her ears.

  Don’t think about the past or the future, the devil suggested. Think about the taste and smell of him, and the way you feel when he touches you.

  The angel faded away, and Chloe did as the devil told her.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Garth lifted his head as Chloe twitched, startled, and he looked down. Orion’s wet nose prodded her knee. He laughed. “Someone’s jealous.” Pushing the dog away, he lifted her easily and wrapped her legs around his waist. “Time for some grown up time,” he told the dog. He directed Orion to his bed in the kitchen and walked into the bedroom, closing the door behind them.

  “Poor Orion,” she murmured. “I’ll make a big fuss of him afterward.”

  He smiled and walked over to the bed. She glanced at the bedside table and sighed. “Oh look, you left the chocolates out in the sun. They’ve all melted.”

  Garth lowered her to the bed and stretched out beside her. He leaned across to pick up the plate and brought it back to rest on her stomach. “I left them out on purpose.”


  He picked up one of the truffles. It gave in his fingers and coated them with soft stickiness. Bringing it to her lips, he touched it to the bottom one. She sucked the chocolate off, her eyes beginning to warm. Thankful the haunted look had faded, he did it again, and this time shook his head as she went to lick the chocolate off. Lowering his mouth, he ran his tongue along her lip.

  Why had her comment about Jess surprised him so much? Surely it was natural for a woman to feel curious about a lover’s ex partners? She’d shocked him because she and Jess were so different, and it felt weird to even think of them in the same way. His memories and emotions of his late wife were caught in a complex web that he couldn’t even begin to untangle. But his feelings for Chloe were bright and crystal clear, like fresh spring water. He felt a deep, overwhelming affection and desire for her, and he desperately wanted to convey how intense those feelings were.

  He kissed her, the summery taste of lemon and chocolate filling his mouth, until she grew limp and began to sigh. He pulled her up and tugged at her vest and, taking the hint, she lifted it off and dropped it to the floor. Her lacy white bra with its half cups only just held in her breasts, and he ran his fingers over the swell of them before moving a hand around the back to pop the catch. He drew it down her arms and tossed it to the floor.

  She fell back onto the bed, and he studied her pale form with wonder. “You’re like a Greek goddess.”

  “You say such nice things,” she said, biting her bottom lip.

  He stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. Dampness lingered from her earlier tears. She’d cried when he told her that he’d never felt about anyone the way he felt about her. Did she believe him? He wanted to convince her, to show her how much she meant to him, that he knew this wasn’t a temporary fling, even though they hadn’t known each other for long. He wanted to show her the strength of his emotions, and that he wasn’t going to discard her as soon as the sun came up.

  He took one of the melting chocolates and touched it first to one nipple, then the other. She caught her breath as he lowered his mouth to them. He smoothed his tongue over the velvety soft skin. Like magic, it tightened under his tongue, and she gave a low moan as it hardened. He grazed his teeth on the tip, then swapped to the other breast, bringing that to a tight peak too, until she squirmed with desire. Continuing to dab her with chocolate, he went back and forth from one
to the other, teasing her, tantalizing her, enjoying her long groans and erotic sighs.

  That was enough. Time to get serious.

  He undid her cutoffs and pulled them down, leaving her panties on. Then he hooked his leg over her and looked into her eyes. Her gaze begged him to continue, so he ran a hand down her body and cupped her sex, arousing her through the thin fabric. Her flesh was hot, swollen and soft. As he pressed his fingers, pushing the cotton a half inch into her until it became damp, she closed her eyes and exhaled, her beautiful lips parting, and he kissed her deeply before planting kisses down her neck and back to her breasts. His mouth watered at the lemony, chocolaty smell mixed with the musky scent of her arousal.

  Wanting to taste the chocolate on her tongue, he took one of the soft truffles, bit it in half, and gave some to her. She sucked hers as he swallowed his half, and then before she’d finished, he covered her mouth with his and slipped his hand beneath her panties, sliding his fingers inside her. She gasped. As she opened her mouth, he brushed his tongue inside, and chocolate engulfed him, swirled around him.

  He wanted to devour her, to bury his mouth and fingers inside her and drive her to the edge with his tongue. He rose up and pulled off her panties, smiling as he had to peel them away from her hot center, and then divested himself of his own clothes. He grew even harder as she ran a hand down her body, moving her fingers to touch herself.

  “Oh yeah.” He knelt by her feet for a moment while she swirled her fingers in her pubic hair and then stroked herself. He pushed her knees up and her legs apart, loving the way she blushed as he exposed her to his hot gaze. “Don’t stop.” He lay on the bed on his stomach, turned on by the way she dipped her fingers inside and brought them up, slick and coated, to caress her swollen folds.

  He lowered his head, inhaling her musky scent, and then ran his tongue up to where her fingers circled at the top. She gasped, withdrawing her hand, and he covered the tiny button with his mouth, sucking gently, enjoying the small cries that escaped her.

  Dipping his head, he brushed his tongue down, sliding it inside her as far as he could, licking and exploring her. His blood surged through his body as she gave small thrusts of her pelvis in time to the thrusts of his tongue.

  He licked her slowly, thoroughly, and then returned to the bud at the top. He grazed his teeth on it and sucked it, gently at first and then harder, and she responded with heartfelt groans, sliding her hand into his hair as she encouraged him on.

  He continued to arouse her with his lips and tongue and occasionally his teeth, and her body tensed like an elastic band twisted between two pencils, tighter and tighter. She was close to coming—her impending orgasm hovered, ready to claim her.

  And then, as her breathing grew irregular and her gasps lengthened, he stopped.

  He moved up the bed. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes glazed, and her breasts rose and fell with her rapid breath. She looked confused, clearly wondering why he hadn’t continued until she came.

  “Don’t you remember what I told you on the phone?” He fixed her with a hot stare. “I told you, I’m going to tease you with my hands and mouth until you beg me for release.”

  Her mouth parted, and he kissed her hard, knowing she would be able to smell her own arousal on his lips, the thought turning him on. He wanted her so badly, and he wanted to show her how strong the attraction was between them. Maybe then she’d realize they were meant to be together.

  He rolled her onto her front, pulled down a pillow, and tucked it under her hips. Then he pushed up one of her knees, exposing her butt and swollen skin to his view. He took a condom from the bedside cabinet and put it on. Bracing his hands either side of her shoulders, he moved her silky blonde hair around to the side so it exposed her neck and fastened his mouth there, sucking hard, and she gasped. Then he reached down a hand and guided himself to her warm, wet opening.

  “We’re going to do this slowly,” he instructed.

  “Please,” she begged. “I’m so close.”

  He ran his tongue around her ear then blew on it gently. “You’ll come when I’m ready.” He pressed the tip of his erection into her. “Understand?”

  She looked up at him over her shoulder, her eyes challenging. “Don’t boss me about.” Her voice sounded resentful, even sharp. But her eyes turned pleading, and she lowered a hand underneath herself. “It’s making me ache.”

  He caught her wrist and brought her hand back up. “I know. Deal with it.” He held both wrists tightly, pleasure flooding through him as she moaned, and then he pushed forward with his hips so he slid slowly into her.

  They both inhaled. She was wet, tight, velvety hot. Beautiful. Exquisite. He rested his forehead on her shoulder for a moment. This wasn’t going to be as easy as he’d thought. But he was determined to draw the pleasure out for them both, to show her how much he wanted and desired her.

  He began to move slowly inside her, short, shallow thrusts that made her sigh and close her eyes. Every now and again, he pushed deeper, and she gasped. Then he withdrew until the tip of his erection slid out of her. She complained and he laughed, moving his hips so only the tip slid in and out, teasing her sensitive opening. She shuddered, trying to push her hips back, but he held her tightly, forcing her to wait until he was ready.

  Catching both wrists in one hand, he slid his other hand beneath her and brushed her nipples lightly, flicking his finger over the ends until she groaned and tried to grind her hips against his. He withdrew from her and waited until her breathing leveled out, then did it again, short thrusts as he plucked at her nipple, withdrawing as her groans deepened.

  She swore then, frustrated and aroused, trying to free her wrists, but he was too strong for her, and when he thrust forward suddenly, she stopped and squealed, parting her legs wider to let him sink in deep.

  “Oh yeah,” he said gruffly in her ear, starting to lose control himself. He wouldn’t be able to hold on much longer.

  He dropped his hand underneath her and moved his fingers either side of where he was sliding in and out of her, then brought them up to brush her most sensitive spot. She moaned and swore as she widened her legs even more and melted against him, lifting her hips to let him plunge deeply inside her.

  “Ah, Jesus, Chloe…”

  “Garth,” she begged, “please…”

  “What do you want?” He paused, even though it took every ounce of self-control he possessed. “Tell me.”

  “Let me come,” she pleaded, squirming in a delicious agony.

  He bit her ear, then her neck, and withdrew for a moment, his hands curling on the duvet with the effort of controlling himself.

  “No,” she protested.

  “What do you want?” He turned her head to capture her lips and plunged his tongue into her mouth, needing her to want him as much as he wanted her.

  “You,” she said, nearly crying. “I want you, Garth. I can’t help it, I want you. Please…take me. I’m yours, honey, I’m all yours, just take me.”

  With a satisfied groan, he slid right into her, thrusting hard. The orgasm hit her immediately, and her body tightened beneath him, clenching around him as he buried himself to the hilt in her soft flesh. She cried out, and heat rushed up him. He exploded into her, exclaiming triumphantly, knowing at that precise moment that he wanted to be able to do this every night for as long as he lived, and if he ever had to let her go, it would be the end of him.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Afterward, Chloe lay exhausted while Garth withdrew and disposed of the condom, and then he curled around her, bringing her into his arms. She felt physically and emotionally wrung, and vulnerable from his overwhelming ability to control her arousal. She hadn’t expected that—hadn’t wanted it. She’d wanted brief physical gratification, a fun, lighthearted affair. Instead, she’d got intense desire. She was like a scrap of paper fluttering dangerously close to a naked flame. Part of her hungered for him, wanted to be consumed by him. But the other part of her was frightened by what it

  Shivery, tearful, she rolled away from him and pushed herself upright. She searched the ground for her panties, retrieved them, and pulled them on.

  “Chloe?” Garth sat up as well and caught her arm. “Are you okay?”

  “Fine.” She smiled brightly—too brightly—and reached for her bra. “It’s getting late.”

  “Wait. Don’t go yet.”

  “I’ve got a busy day at work tomorrow. It would be best to get going.”

  He sat back and watched her get dressed. As she pulled on her cutoffs, he said, “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing.” She tugged on her vest.

  He pushed himself to his feet and put his shorts on, moving to stop her as she went to walk out of the room. “For God’s sake, wait. Talk to me.”

  “There’s nothing to say.” The knot in her stomach had grown until it weighed like a boulder inside her.

  “Chloe…” He cupped her chin and lifted it so her eyes looked into his. He smiled. “Honey, it’s okay. I know this is difficult for you.” Sighing, he took her hand and walked her over to the sliding doors. After unlocking them, he slid them open and brought her outside with him, onto the deck. The sky had grown dark, and stars spangled in the blackness while cicadas sang in the bush.

  Standing behind her, he put his arms around her and nuzzled her neck. “Thank you for tonight.”

  She quivered, not knowing what to say. Already her body responded, turning toward him like a flower to the sun. The devil urged her to take him in her arms, but the angel made her stand still.

  He placed a kiss on her neck. “I know you have demons that make you scared. So do I. It was never going to be easy for the two of us. But I can honestly say I’ve never felt like this before.” He turned her to face him. “I know we haven’t known each other very long, but you mean the world to me. And I want to prove to you that I’m not a fly-by-night—that I’m serious about you.”

  Oh no…The devil cringed.

  He sighed. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.” To her shock, he dropped to one knee. “Chloe Jackson, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?”


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