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Breaking the Rules: The Breaking Series #1

Page 16

by Leigh, Ember

  Her grip on his forearm tightened as he returned to her clit. Tweaking her nipple with his other hand, he played her like a fine instrument, lavishing attention on her clit, soft and then pulling back, tweaking each nipple in turn, biting at her shoulder when he thought he couldn’t take it anymore.

  Her breath hitched again, and she cried out. “Oh, Travis! Travis…oh…oh my God!”

  He worked her harder, pumping his fingers in and out of her pussy as she came undone on top of him, a whimper turning into a moan. She tensed and groaned, falling against him, laughing softly.

  He kissed her neck, nuzzling against the side of her face. “Now that was fucking hot.”

  She acquiesced into his arms, and he hugged her from behind, resting his chin on the top of her head.

  “Hot doesn’t even cover it.” She gripped at his forearm, eyes drifting shut.

  “Hope you’re ready for round two.” He grinned like the devil when her eyes met his.

  AMARA’S INSIDES WERE jelly. Travis had rocked her into an orgasm so satisfying that it might remain at number one for the rest of her life, and they hadn’t even truly fucked yet. He’s too good.

  She sat up and stood, turning to face him. Lowering herself so her breasts grazed his face, she straddled him on the wide bench. “Is this what you had in mind?”

  His face darkened, and he jerked his head into a nod. “Exactly, babe.” He buried his face in her cleavage, sending shivers through her. Travis wasn’t what she’d expected. Men like him often relied on their good looks as the main source of sexual inspiration…and then failed miserably in bed. She’d been with a couple on the East Coast, and there was nothing more disappointing than ripped dudes with no idea how to work a vagina.

  But Travis? He wrote the book on sexual attentiveness. He licked each nipple, and she hooked her arms around his neck, letting her head loll back. This wouldn’t be easy to forget.

  “I wanna be inside you,” he murmured. “You’re so fucking wet, Amara.” He snagged her lips in a kiss.

  “You do this to me,” she breathed as his kisses trailed down her neck. “It’s your fault.”

  He nipped at her earlobe. “Guilty.”

  He rocked beneath her, steadying her at the hips. The sight of his abs, flexing and flinching below her, made her breath evaporate. He tugged at her panties. “Take these off.”

  She rose to standing, a little unsteadily, grabbing onto his shoulders with a giggle. He helped her push down the scrap of fabric, eyes soldered to the tiny patch of hair on her mons. He inhaled sharply and then pressed his lips to her pussy, tongue seeking out the sensitive nub, making her knees buckle. He caught her, dragging his lips over her lower belly.

  “Sorry,” she whispered. “I can’t…”

  He grinned up at her, fire in his eyes. He tugged his boxer briefs off, tossing them aside, never moving his gaze off her. His cock stood at attention, far thicker than she’d dared to imagine, his cockhead swollen and red. She drew a shaky breath, sinking back on top of him, straddling his narrow hips, his cock mere inches away from her pussy.

  “Finally,” she murmured, “they meet.” She let the tip of his cock graze the lips of her pussy and then reached out for it, smoothing her fingers over his head, down the long, hot shaft. He moaned low, grabbing a handful of her ass, tensing beneath her.

  “Hang on.” He reached for his shorts, tugging them closer, and dug around in a pocket. With a grunt, he revealed the prize: a shiny new condom package.

  “Good boy,” she purred, smoothing her hands over his chest. “I brought one too, but it’s all the way over there.”

  He ripped it open with his teeth and then rolled the latex over his cock. She watched, fascinated by the sexiness that oozed from him at every step. When he was sheathed, he tugged her into his arms, pressing his mouth against hers.

  They kissed desperately, sloppily, Amara whimpering as the kisses grew more urgent, more passionate. When they broke for air, she positioned herself on top of him, digging nails into the rock-solid arc of his shoulders, and then he helped guide her down, his cockhead finding the slippery entrance immediately.

  She gasped as he wiggled himself into place, and eased down slowly, her primed pussy ready for him but still needing to adjust to the girth. Her eyes fluttered shut as she took him, all of him, burying him to the hilt.

  He groaned, eyes pinched shut. “Fuck, Amara.” When he could go no farther, she rocked in a circle on top of him, moaning low, testing the fit. Like a fucking glove. He drew a sharp breath, fingers pressed into the softness of her waist, and she started riding him, exactly as she liked. She made wide circles, arching her back, knocking her clit against the base of his cock, letting the passion overwhelm her and completely drown her.

  Travis matched her rhythm from below, rocking against her, increasing the friction, his arms encircling her as their rhythm turned to bucking, fervent and unhinged. She gasped as the pleasure escalated yet again, starting the steady march upward only to push her off the precipice. She hooked her wrists behind his neck as they fucked and rocked and bumped and moaned, heat colliding with passion in her core.

  “Oh, Travis, I’m coming!” She whimpered and felt the static explosion begin, waves of pleasure roiling hot and fast through her. She screamed, and Travis tightened his arms around her, biceps bulging, her breasts smashed against him as she came, body convulsing in his arms as wave after wave assaulted her, his cock throbbing inside her pussy to the tune of her orgasm.

  He moaned into her chest, arms still tight around her. She collapsed against him, spent from the climax, head lolled onto his shoulder.

  “Holy shit.” His voice came out weak, almost foreign, at her ear.

  “You got that right,” she mumbled, unable to even lift a finger.

  They stayed like that, him holding her tight, her body limp and useless after coming undone in his arms. After a few moments he shifted, his cock slipping out of her.

  “Holy shit,” he said again. He smoothed his lips against her forehead. Their gazes met; something raw and unknown swirled there.

  Confusion made lazy circles inside her head. That had not been casual, one-time sex. That was explosive, meaningful, life-changing sex. She found the energy to trail her fingertips over his waist, lulled by the rhythm of his breathing. Orgasms like that, in his embrace, were not accidents.

  But now wasn’t the time to analyze. For now, she wanted to bask.

  “I don’t wanna move,” she whispered.

  “Me neither.”


  “I know.”

  She cracked a grin. “But I didn’t even say anything yet.”

  “I know what you’re gonna say,” he said, “and I feel the same.”

  She giggled. “What was I gonna say?”

  “That was the best sex you’ve ever had.”

  “Fuck. You’re right. How did you know?”

  He shifted beneath her, his embrace never loosening. “I’ve never come that hard in my life.”

  His admission stunned her. Something so tender and vulnerable—and admittedly sexy—coming from his mouth felt like a victory.

  “Oh, Travis.” She sighed, nuzzling into his neck. “We’re in trouble.”

  The two of them lounged on the bench until Travis’s butt went to sleep; then they took a lazy shower together, Travis insisting on soaping her body from head to toe, his hands lingering on what she’d learned were his favorite parts of her: her thighs, her ass, her breasts, especially the V between her legs.

  She allowed the reverie until they’d both re-dressed and let themselves out of the eerily empty gym. Outside in the crisp night air, she finally pulled her phone out: two missed calls from Eddie.

  “I put this on Do Not Disturb for a reason.” She sighed, looking at a message he’d sent during their night: Mar, where the hell are you? Is everything okay?

  She typed out a quick response—I’m fine. I stopped by a diner after the gym to grab tea with a friend—and poc
keted the phone, hopeful that Eddie wouldn’t probe further.

  Travis checked his phone and sniffed. “He called me too.” He grimaced.

  “I should get going.” She smiled up at him, smoothing her hand over the wide planes of his chest. “Thanks for an amazing evening, Travis.”

  He cracked a grin. “I should be thanking you. Or maybe not. I won’t be able to think of anything else.”

  “Not the first time I’ve heard that.” She winked playfully.

  He nuzzled her neck, growling as he took a small bite of the flesh there. She shivered. God, she could get used to stuff like this. If only it were an option.

  “Drive safe.” He pushed her gently at the hips, eyes lingering on her eyes. “Text me when you get home.”

  She bit back a smile, pleased with the concern, pleased with the tenderness, pleased by fucking everything Travis had to offer.

  “I will.” She blew him a kiss as she climbed into the SUV. He mimed catching it in the air and swallowing it.

  Giggling, she pulled out of the parking lot and into the night traffic, visions of Travis scorching through her, as if she’d been branded for life.

  * * *

  Travis whistled damn near all morning the next day. Amara was in the back of his mind throughout everything—from brushing his teeth to training UFC hopefuls to leading a staff meeting. They’d exchanged texts from the second they woke up, her sweet and quirky messages sending him into the stratosphere.

  By noon, he was dying to see her again.

  You comin’ tonight, right? He sent off the message as he waited for Eddie to show up. Her schedule dictated his now—when he’d leave the gym, when he’d return. It was sorta weird, but also sorta right.

  I’m working that out now, actually. I might not be able to.

  He creased his brow, checking the time. He had to see her today—needed to. Even if it was for a moment. Shit, for real?

  There’s a fundraising meeting I just found out about. I think it’ll be most of the evening.

  His heart sank. He pocketed the phone; he was a little too disappointed for his taste. Needed to let it cool before he responded.

  As though on cue, Eddie walked through the door. The perfect way for Travis to forcibly clear his mind: staring the only roadblock to Amara right in the face.

  The friends high-fived and ragged on each other per usual, and by the time Eddie was warming up in the weight room, he had a shit-eating grin on his face.

  “You look like you have a secret,” Travis said.

  “Maybe I do, maybe I don’t.”

  “Spill it already. If you look at me any more like that, I’m gonna feel weird.”

  Eddie laughed. “Your boy Eddie is moving up in the world.” He grunted as he finished a set of sit-ups. “I’m going over to Leesa’s house tonight. All night.”

  “Damn, brother.” Travis pressed his palms into the wall, using the angle to stretch out his calves. “You got your first sleepover.”

  “And there won’t be any sleep.” Eddie cackled, then launched into his push-ups with more zest than Travis had seen in a while.

  The possibility of pussy could inspire a man to new heights. Or new lows.

  Travis’s fingers twitched as he fought the urge to text Amara. With Eddie out of the apartment for the night…she could visit him, undisturbed. Golden. And he wouldn’t have to wait until tomorrow to see her, which seemed impossible anyway. He wanted to see her three hours ago. He wanted to wake up with her, in his arms, in his bed.

  After last night in the locker room, he wanted all Amara, all the time.

  Eddie’s workout breezed by, and once his friend had high-fived his way back out of the weight room, Travis called Amara.

  She picked up after a few rings. “Wow, a daytime call? This is getting serious.”

  “I wanted to hear your voice.” He strolled down the wide hallway of the foyer, a grin overtaking his face. Nobody was near enough to eavesdrop over the background clatter of voices and sneaker scuffs.

  “You miss me already?”

  He paused, trying to keep the words from escaping too quickly. “Maybe I do.”

  She laughed. Goose bumps erupted on his forearms. “Well, you’re gonna have to miss me a little bit longer. This fundraising meeting starts after work, and I probably won’t even get out of here until eight.”

  “Hmmm.” He paused at the front door, looking out at the rows of cars in the parking lot. “Why don’t you come to my place afterward?”

  “Oh, that would be a bad idea. Eddie texted me earlier and said he’s going to your place tonight.”

  Travis’s grin grew wider. “But he’s not.”

  “He told me he is,” she said. “If I show up there when he’s there…”

  “He’s not coming over tonight. I swear to God.”

  “How do you know?”

  “We just talked.”

  She paused. “Are you sure?”

  “Babe, he’s not coming over.” He lowered his voice a little, trying to imagine her pressed against him, the sweet scent of her hair. “He’s spending the night somewhere else.”

  She gasped. “What? Does he have a girlfriend?”

  “No… He, well, I don’t know. But he won’t be at my house.” He stepped aside as a few gym-goers opened the door. “Which means you need to get your sweet ass there after work. I’ll have dinner waiting for you.”

  She let out a small murmur of appreciation. “Really?”

  “Count on it. I’ll see you tonight.”

  He hung up, excitement swirling in him so much, he could barely see straight. Spinning on his heels, he booked it to his office. Time to get to work—their night together couldn’t arrive quickly enough.

  Chapter 12

  Travis wanted to wow Amara, but in a subtle way. Something that said “Look, I tried” without overstating it. Baking salmon at home would be overstating it; he almost never used his oven. But Vietnamese takeout from a trendy, organic restaurant? A little upscale, but still casual.

  He picked up two brown paper bags full of food on his way home, the wafting smells so good, he almost broke down and tried some of the locally famous pho early. He planned his pickup around the time Amara estimated she’d be leaving downtown, so he’d arrive to his apartment only a bit before she did.

  At home, he’d managed to set out the various boxes of food alongside some napkins and plates by the time Amara knocked. His belly flopped—real nervousness there, like a teen all over again. He pulled open the door with a smile.

  Amara’s sexy smirk greeted him.

  “Hey, you.” He slid a hand around her waist and then pulled her inside. He kicked the door shut, grounding her with his hands over her hips.

  “This is a nice welcome committee,” she murmured, sliding her hands over his chest. He dipped down and pressed his lips to hers, gentle kisses turning hungry, urgent.

  He let out a low moan and backed her up to the door, hoisting her against it, locking her ankles behind his back. She giggled, eyes swirling dark and mischievous.

  “You seem pretty hungry,” she murmured as he lavished kisses over her neck, down to the tantalizing cleavage peeking from underneath the unbuttoned top of the work shirt.

  “Starving,” he said, tugging at the black tank top strap beneath her button-up. “But not for the dinner I brought home for us.”

  She rubbed her hands over his shoulders, down the ridge of his spine. He cinched her closer, grinding his cock against her.

  “So you want to have dessert first?” Her voice came out a throaty purr.

  “Yes, please.” He snagged her in a kiss, tugging gently at her bottom lip. When they parted, he pressed his forehead to hers. “I want you right here.”

  The delight in her face was the only answer he needed. He let her slide to the floor—“Stay right here. I’m gonna go get what we need”—and raced to the bathroom to grab a condom.

  When he returned, she was flushed and tugging her pants off; the sight of
her in an unbuttoned top and panties nearly sent him to his knees.

  “You are too sexy,” he growled, tugging his sweatpants off. His cock tented the black boxer briefs. She cooed and reached for it, rubbing the curve of her palm over his cockhead.

  He sucked at his teeth, relishing the jolt of pleasure.

  “Let me see him.” She rubbed him through his underwear, then tugged at the elastic waistband. When she freed his cock, it strained hard and eager up to his lower belly, throbbing already from the merest brush of her skin.

  “Even your dick works out.” She smirked, fisting the length of him.

  He laughed, cupping the side of her face, snaking his fingers into her hair. He grabbed a small handful of hair at the back of her head, tilting her head up so she could look at him. He dragged his lips over hers, loving her sweet scent, the hint of perfume, the intoxicating drug of her nearness.

  She slid her hands under his T-shirt, yanking it upward. He tugged it off and threw it aside; a small sigh escaped her, fingertips making trails over his pecs. He tore open the condom with his teeth and rolled the latex over his cock, grunting as he covered the final inch.

  “I’ve been waiting for this all day,” she murmured, running her palm over his bicep, up and around his shoulders.

  Grabbing big handfuls of her plump ass, he hoisted her, eliciting a gasp. She giggled and locked her ankles behind him again, his cock pressed against the heat of her pussy, her panties the only barrier.

  “I didn’t take my panties off,” she whispered, trailing kisses over his jawline.

  “I want you in your panties,” he growled, nipping at her earlobe. She shivered in his arms, and a new wave of desire crashed through him. He wanted her in her panties, in her clothes, in no clothes at all—before work, during work, after work. There hadn’t been a moment that passed without Amara in his mind somewhere; he wanted all of her. All the time.


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