The Sword of Ages: The Mage Breaker Book 1
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The next morning Tanner woke up and got dressed. He wanted to swing his sword around and would ask either Herod or Grodd where he could go. Both of the brothers had different schedules and they used to belong to the king. Since the note was found they now worked alongside Caroline’s own guards, but they were not all in the know. Only the King’s personal guards were there in Daum and only they were privied to what Tanner was. Everyone else thought he was a dumb country boy, who fancied himself a soldier. As Tanner was about to open the door Herod was on his way in.
“Why do you have that sword out boy, put it away” Herod said in a hush. “It’s good you are already up though, their majesties are waiting for you. You can meet them in their quarters, now hurry before the other guard returns.
Tanner walked out the door and towards the stairs. He was lucky he memorized the way and got there without any trouble. The guards stationed all around let him through without any problem and the king was waiting by the door. Tanner entered as the King shut the door and the Queen sat on a bench holding a small book.
“This is a book wrote by Geddon’s own hands” the Queen began and misted up a little. “He was self-taught, everything he knew and how to do it he kept inside this book. Geddon was my protector and a good man; it makes me sad to this day I turned him away. I, his greatest asset turned him away along with his secret wife and child. And now I ask you to do the same thing he did for me, I can’t fix it, but I will make sure his child is taken care of. Here is a small drawing I made of him when I gave him this book so long ago”.
Tanner took the book and the face he saw on it made him ill. Looking back at him was his own face perhaps a couple of years older, perfectly drawn in a silly grin Tanner never would have worn. Whoever this Geddon was definitely was related to him, Tanner thought. Poor bastard dies trying to flee a king. Tanner had hoped he never would find himself in the same prediction.
“I have read this book more times than I count Tanner” the Queen said as she drew herself straight up. “I am not a wizard myself but what he describes is in parity with what the wizards describe when they are reaching for their base of power. I want you to imagine that you are drawing power into yourself from our environment”.
Tanner closed his eyes and tried but felt foolish. He tried at it for about ten minutes when he felt a sharp pain on the back of his hand that made him want to get up. Tanner opened he eyes and could see he had been stabbed, and by the Queen no less.
“Are you mad!?!” Tanner said as he attempted to get up but two strong sets of hands sat him down.
“Sorry Tanner” the Queen said with a look that Tanner could tell she meant it. “Geddon had a hard time finding out exactly what he could do but discovered more about himself when he cut his finger. I want you to imagine and outside force pushing the blood back into your wound. At the same imagine your body trying to suck the blood back inside”.
Tanner was pissed but did what she said, almost immediately the king started looking a little weak and he shook Tanner vigorously interrupting his thought.
“It’s working boy” the King said breathlessly. “I could feel you drawing my magic out of me at a frightening rate!”
Tanner had been secretly practicing with the Royal couple for weeks and was now pretty good it. With concentration he discovered he could draw in his field considerably where he did not disrupt magic being performed next to him. The King had told him to always keep his power bottled up then, that way he wouldn’t accidentally give himself away. He also could direct his magic like an invisible whip and only strike out at particular targets. Something he learned but decided to keep to himself though is that when he focused his power on a particular magic user, he could feel his body growing stronger, more energetic. His physique now looked like he had been practicing at being a blacksmith or a profession soldier. When he had been asked he attributed it to eating better and doing some of the exercises Herod had showed him. His sword work was hard to practice though, he had to do it inside his small room so he really didn’t have the space he wanted to. The servants were right about the ladies in waiting though, what a bunch of bitches.
They routinely had nothing nice to say about anyone or anything including Tanner. They were cute and knew it, but sour lemon tongued shrews was not Tanner’s cup of tea. Tanner ignored them and rarely spoke to either one of them or the princess for that matter if they were around. A bright spot was that he had written to Mary and she had just returned his letter with a lot more than he thought possible. His only said hi and that he was doing fine with a cushy job in the palace. Hers was a lot more detailed.
I am happy you wrote to me, your actions gave me a shock right before you left. Golden wrote to me and told me all about your fight with some wizard, I am happy you made it out alive. We have not heard anything about the war, only that the Tavorians hadn’t invaded yet. Golden told me to tell you he is doing fine, he is so far ahead of everyone in the beginning class that they started giving him independent lessons with the hope of putting him with the second year students eventually. The mood here is a little tense, with less people to work the fields not many people have a need for blacksmithing although the men that are left have all asked father to make them swords. I have been trying to help him in the smithy but he only lets me do so much. You surprised me with your kiss, the only person I have confided in so far is mother and Gwen, so the whole town has taken to calling me Tanner. I have been infatuated with you since I was young, I did not think you felt the same. Father told me what you asked of him about running off all potential suitors and told me it could have been the words of a man scared to go to war. I want you to know I’ll wait for you, just let me know I’m wanted.
Your Dearest Mary
Tanner would be lying if he said he wasn’t happy. Maybe he and Mary could make a life together, as is she was all he mentioned when he was asked if he was seeing anyone. If Tanner was being truthful though the only reason he hadn’t taken some of the serving girls up on their obvious flirting was that he wasn’t sure if they were in league with the assassin. As is he could tell someone had been in his room regularly although the guards all claim to have seen no one. Tanner tucked the letter into his shirt as he heard a little bell signaling the princess had wanted him.
“Yes your Highness” Tanner said as he entered her room.
“It is awfully boring and I hear you have a letter” the princess stated Tanner thought being somewhat nosy.
“I do have a letter Your Highness, it is from my hometown” Tanner replied.
“That stupid country look on your face means it must be from a girl” Meredith said one of Princess Caroline’s ladies in waiting.
Tanner stared at the girl and steeled himself. Her blond hair was always perfectly placed but her beaked nose ruined a somewhat pleasant face. She was his age he knew, and liked to talk down on people alike the rest of them did. This time Tanner had enough.
“It is from a girl your Highness” Tanner said as he pulled out the letter and gave it a little kiss just for show. “It is from my Mary, the fairest girl in all of Ket. She is just writing me to let me know how by best friend is doing over at the wizard academy and to tell me she misses me”.
“The fairest?” Meredith said with a look of disgust. “That is doubtful”.
“Well I have seen you Lady Meredith and I have seen my Mary and I stand by me words” Tanner replied.
“You have a friend in the wizard academy?” Princess Caroline asked.
“I sure do Your Highness, his name is Golden. We come from the same town and I am sure he will be the best in his class” Tanner replied.
“Well maybe you will get to see him” Princess Caroline said excitedly. “All of the students are to attend the Harvest Ball, I will give you some time to yourself to catch up”.
“That is nice of you Your Highness” Tanner said with a genuine smile. “Golden is my Mary’s older brother. I would think
he would like to meet you if you don’t mind”.
“Great, another country boy” Meredith snarled.
“I’ll make sure to tell him you are not big on country folks” Tanner replied.
“Please do” Meredith said as she waved him away.
“Tanner could you bring us something to eat, see if they have any fruit in the kitchen” Princess Caroline said as Tanner took a bow and walked out the door.
Tanner could tell something in the hall was not right immediately; the guards that were usually placed outside of Caroline’s quarters were gone. Tanner felt his leg and could see the iron arrow was still there which put him somewhat at ease. Tanner opened Caroline’s door a little and focused, letting a small bit of his power latch on and leach a little of hers. They had practiced this, it was their secret code letting the princess know something was not right. Right now she should have been getting her staff ready and brining words of power to her lips, ready to let them go at any second. Tanner could hear hurried footsteps down the hall and turned to see Grodd walking towards him.
“Tanner they need you in the kitchen” Grodd said somewhat out of breath.
“I’ll be their right away” Tanner replied and made to leave when he noticed something was off. Why did Grodd use the servant stairs and he had called him Tanner instead of boy. Tanner stopped and turned around and looked at Grodd and let a little of his power latch on. His power didn’t affect regular people, only wizards and he had latched on to all of the guards and learned none were magical. When he tasted Grodd this time though he could feel a little spark of energy return.
“Assassin!” Tanner cried out and took out one of his throwing knives.
The assassin snarled and pulled open the princesses door then immediately was tossed back into the hall by her magic. Tanner could see the man pull out a wand and Tanner latched his power on the man and drained him as quickly as he could. He could see the assassin attempt a spell then go wide eyed as he pulled out a sword. Tanner let his throwing knife go as the assassin batted it away with his sword as Tanner then pulled out his arrow and plunged it into the man’s shoulder. He roared and flung Tanner off of him and got to his feet. Tanner recovered quickly and was right behind him with a long dagger in his hand.
“Assassin!” Tanner cried out as he was faster than his foe, catching up to the man quickly and threw him down on the ground. The assassin tried to bring his sword to bear when Tanner saw his face and physique change. He was no longer Grodd but a thin man about in his early 40’s. Whatever type of magic he used to change his appearance was gone now that Tanner had fully let his powers go. Tanner head butted the man as hard as he could and felt the bridge of the assassin’s nose give way. Blood was everywhere as Tanner wrestled with the man for the sword, but Tanner was much stronger than whoever this attacker was. Tanner focused and drew out even more of the assassin’s magic and could feel himself growing stronger by the minute as the assassin weakened considerably.
“Keep on him Tanner, but don’t kill him” Tanner heard the voice of Caroline say as he focused his skill only at the assassin. Tanner hauled the man to his feet and stopped sapping his magical ability, Tanner knew the man was dangerously low and didn’t know what would happen if he took it all away. Instead he just blocked it, blocking was easy for Tanner, it was something he had done unconsciously all his life.
Tanner looked around and could see Caroline surrounded by her ladies in waiting as some sort of honor guard. He thought they looked ridiculous armed metal brushes and a long back scrubber since none of them were wizards like Princess Caroline. Tanner twisted the man’s arm behind his back and could barely contain himself. The energy he had taken from the man made him feel like he could run all the way back to Kol if he had wanted. Tanner’s screaming had alerted other guards around the castle and eventually they found Tanner along with the women .
“Your Highness” said one of her personal guards Gerault, looking scared and confused. “Are you alright? Where is Grood?”
“I am fine, take this man to the dungeon, my servant will go with you since it seems he is the only one who knows his job” Caroline said waving her wand. “Meredith and Samantha, ensure my parents are aware of what happened here. The rest of you follow me back up to my quarters”.
Tanner looked as the princess put on an act of calmness but Tanner knew it was just that, an act. He hadn’t known her long but he could tell she was so scared she was shaking. He turned as Gerault took the assassin’s other arm and started roughly dragging the man down the stairs up until they got to the dungeon door.
“Open the hell up” Gerault screamed as he kicked at the door louder than Tanner thought necessary.
“What do you want” said an annoyed voice on the other side.
“The assassin has been caught and I’ll let you tell his majesty why you didn’t want him put in the dungeon” Gerault said as he kicked the door again.
“What do you mean by assassin?” the voice replied.
“Have you got cock in ya ears” Tanner said as whoever was on the other side started angering him to.
“Who the hell said that, when I open this door I’m going to beat some sense into you” the voice on the other side of the door said as tanner heard the sound of a lock being opened. The door swung inward as a man appeared. He was about Tanner’s height but he was thin, obviously not a soldier. The man had a sharp beak like nose and stringy red hair all over the top of his head. He was about in his thirties and had faint laugh lines across his face.
“This is the assassin and His Majesty is on his way” Gerault stated. “If you don’t want to wind up down here yourself I suggest you put this man in shackles before he arrives”.
The man glared at Gerault then at Tanner before he turned around and asked for the pair to follow. Tanner could hear men moaning and could hear the dungeon master chuckle. Tanner decided he did not like man as they stopped in front of a cell with two shackles hanging from the ceiling. As Tanner and Gerault got the man shackled the king burst in followed by a bunch of guards.
“Who found this man?!?” the King demanded rather than asked.
“I caught him Your Majesty” Tanner replied.
“You, go back upstairs and finish your duties” the King demanded as he looked at Tanner then pointed to Gerault. “You stay here with me, this man has a lot of questions to answer”.
Tanner bowed before leaving the dungeons; he had to get out of there. The power he had inside of him was unruly and needed release. He had never took so much or so quickly from a wizard before and could he his body was struggling to adapt to it. At least now he knew why his body was changing somewhat but this still felt extremely uncomfortable. Tanner imagined it was like someone managed to overstuff a sausage and now it was threatening to rip the casings. Tanner found the servant stairs and practically flew up them, his energy still not abating. Tanner found himself infront of Caroline’s door as her ladies in waiting sat fuming in the hallway.
“She wanted to see you as soon as you got back” Meredith said angrily as Tanner thought he could feel his body changing inside.
Tanner walked in to Caroline’s quarters and could see both Herod and Grodd were there but in regular clothes with the swords out. Grodd turned to face Tanner as he walked into the room and then relaxed considerably. Tanner stumbled a bit, the next thing he knew he was on the floor then he knew no more.
Tanner gained consciousness and could hear people talking in the room with him. He felt much better now, the power he had inside him was not punishing him anymore. Tanner could make out two voices, both women. One belonging to Meredith, the other belonging to Samantha.
“Look at him” Samantha said as Tanner could feel whatever blanket was covering him was pulled back. By the sudden coolness in the air Tanner could tell he was either naked or close to it. “There is no way he is just a servant, his clothes had weapons sewed all through him and peasant or not that is the body of a soldier. I thought it was strange th
e King would allow for Caroline to have a male servant, and that she would sometimes demand to be left alone with him.
“Do you think this was the reason for her alone time?” Tanner heard Meredith say as a hand reached out and grabbed his cock. “I couldn’t blame her if it was”.
“Put that down!” Samantha said in a shocked voice.
“Well you took the blanket off of him” Meredith replied. “Besides, it’s not going to bite you. Have you ever touched one before?”
“No I have not, and you haven’t either” Samantha protested.
“I have seen one though” Meredith said proudly. “There is a small hole in the servant’s bath that you can from the garden”.
“That is why you are always out there, how shameful” Samantha said shocked.
“Do you want to feel this or not” Meredith asked. “It’s starting to stiffen”.
“Is he awake?!?” Samantha asked alarmed.
“No he is not awake” Meredith replied. “Men can’t help this getting stiff or not, it is out of their control. Here hold it like this”.
Tanner didn’t know what to do at this point. He was uncomfortable yet excited and felt himself stiffen even farther until he was sure he couldn’t take it anymore. He felt a different set of hands on him now, this one a little colder and heard a stifled giggle.
“It’s so warm” Samantha said in a low voice. “Is it normal?”
“How am I supposed to know?” Meredith replied. “He is bigger than the stable boys though in every sense of the word. They sneak down in the baths and touch themselves until their seed spills out. They move their hands like this..”
Tanner could now fell two sets of hands stroking him slowly, it felt a lot better than when he had done it himself.