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by Savannah Stuart

  Desire Unleashed

  Savannah Stuart

  Book 5 in the Miami Scorcher series.

  Turned into a shifter against his will, Ethan Connell would have died if the Lazos pack hadn’t given him shelter. While he’s grateful to them all, there’s one she-wolf he can’t get out of his head. Sweet, sensuous Caro, who not only saved his life but sets his body on fire and triggers his every possessive instinct. But she’s made it clear she just wants only his friendship.

  At first he scoffs at the idea and after six months of biding his time, he makes his move. Instead of rejection, she meets him with a passion he’s only dreamed about, and Ethan knows he’s playing for keeps. If only she’ll let him…

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing

  Desire Unleashed

  ISBN 9781419935282


  Desire Unleashed Copyright 2011 Savannah Stuart

  Edited by Shannon Combs

  Cover design by Syneca

  Photography: VishStudio

  Electronic book publication September 2011

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  Desire Unleashed

  Savannah Stuart


  Ethan tugged on his T-shirt as he trudged across the patio. The run along the Lazos’ strip of private beach was always exhilarating but after six months he still hadn’t gotten used to the fact that he could turn into a wolf. Some days it was just too surreal.

  Little more than a year ago he’d simply been a human. An ex-soldier working for various security companies across the globe. Until a crazy doctor had injected him full of some sort of organic serum that turned him into a wolf. Or werewolf to be precise. He’d been a mess after he’d escaped and if it hadn’t been for the Lazos pack, the local shifters who made their home in Miami, he’d be dead. Or worse.

  He opened the sliding glass door to the house where he lived with Paz and Adam, also new members of the pack.

  Paz looked up from where she was dicing tomatoes. The petite woman smiled warmly as she always did. “Hey, how was the run?”

  “Good.” He racked his brain as he tried to think of something normal to say. He always felt awkward around her. Okay, that wasn’t fair. He felt awkward around everyone. His new pack had all been born with the ability to shift to animal form. He was a freak of nature who’d been turned by a mad doctor. He wasn’t one of them and he wasn’t sure he’d ever fit in. “Uh, you need help with anything?”

  She shook her head and smiled softly. “No, but Caro will be here any minute if she’s not already. She’s bringing over decorations for tomorrow’s party. Will you help her carry everything in?”

  At the mention of Caro, his throat went dry so he simply nodded. As he stepped outside the two-story palatial house, he spotted Caro driving up the stone driveway. Though he could only see her silhouette through the windshield, he could picture her anyway. Could see her if he simply closed his eyes. The petite, dark-haired she-wolf had starred in all of his fantasies over the past six months. Her shoulder-length hair was always pulled back in a ponytail or some sort of twist. Just once he’d like to pull it free and watch it fall around her face as she rode him.

  His heart pounded erratically and when she climbed out of the vehicle, full-blown lust surged through him. Almost as if she could read what he was thinking, she slammed the door shut and muttered something under her breath. Hell, maybe she could read his emotions. According to his mentor Adam, all shifters had learned to cover their emotions since they were cubs, but Ethan was still learning to hide his. Hell, around Caro he didn’t want to mask his desire. He’d been trying to get her alone for six months and he wasn’t going to fuck up his chance to ask her out. “Hey, Caro.”

  The dark-haired doctor ducked his gaze as she pulled the trunk of her car open. “Hey, Ethan.”

  He hurried over and took the wide box she’d lifted from her hands, forcing her to look at him.

  Her espresso-colored eyes widened slightly. “Uh, thanks.”

  He scrambled to find the right words. “Listen, Caro. I never got to thank you properly for all you did.” When he’d first been found by the Lazos pack he hadn’t been able to control his shifts and it had been killing him. Even though Caro was a pediatrician, she’d used all her medical training to help keep him alive. In short, he owed his life to her.

  Her cheeks tinged pink. “You’ve already said thank you enough. I’m just glad I could help.”

  “I’d like to take you out to dinner. Saturday if you’re free.”

  Her eyes darkened for a moment but she simply shook her head. “Thank you for the offer, but it’s just not going to happen.”

  Sharp disappointment forked through him. He might not be as advanced at controlling himself but he could sense she was attracted to him too. “Why not?”

  “I think you’re interested in more than thanking me?” Her voice was soft and intoxicating.

  He could listen to her all day. He nodded at her question. Hell yeah he was interested in doing more than thanking her.

  “It would be too complicated, okay? You’re young—”

  “I’m almost thirty,” he ground out.

  “And I’m almost two hundred. You have a lot to learn about yourself and until you do, the last thing you need is to worry about dating. Besides, I don’t want anything casual anyway.”

  “Neither do I.” The words came out more forceful than he’d intended, but as soon as they were out of his mouth he realized he meant them. The woman had consumed his thoughts for months. He didn’t understand his wild attraction to her, but it was anything but casual.

  Her smile was almost patronizing, but he guessed she was trying to let him down easy. She was just nice like that. “You say that now, but trust me, in a few years you’ll figure out what you want and you’ll settle down with a she-wolf your own age.”

  “I’m not some teenager going through puberty,” he snapped, angry at her words.

  Her expression immediately softened and it made him feel even shittier. “I know that. You’re a very attractive wolf and I’d be blind not to see that, but… All I can offer you right now is friendship.” She almost seemed wistful as she said it but quickly continued. “If you’re okay with that, then good. If not, let me know now because we can’t hang out otherwise.”<
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  Friendship. Awesome. “Friends?”

  She nodded once and he wanted to tell her hell no, that wasn’t enough. But he wasn’t stupid. Or maybe he was.

  “Okay, friends,” he managed to squeeze out.

  Without responding, she grabbed another smaller box from the trunk then turned on her heel and strode toward the house.

  His eyes narrowed on the soft sway of her ass. Where so many of the women in the Lazos pack were lean, Caro was a little softer. Curvier. And he wanted to feel all of her curves. Stroke, lick, kiss them. His attraction had nothing to do with gratitude and everything to do with a burning, searing need deep inside him.

  When his cock started to harden he cursed under his breath. He knew she could sense his lust and he desperately wished he could cover its intensity. One way or another he was going to convince Caro to give him a chance.

  Chapter One

  Six Months Later

  Ethan shut the door to his truck, but paused to get his lust under control. It was Friday, which meant his weekly ritual of popcorn and a movie at Caro’s house. It also meant he had to control his dominant, sexual urges for the next couple hours.

  This “friends” thing they had going on was getting old but even so, he loved the time they spent together. He knew she wanted him physically, but she refused to let them out of this annoying holding pattern. In reality she was the best friend he’d ever had and he didn’t want to screw that up, especially since he was the newest member of the Lazos pack. But he couldn’t just sit back and pretend his feelings had gone away. If anything they’d gotten stronger.

  He wanted her so bad he ached for the need to sink himself deep into her and stay that way for hours. Just once would never be enough. On a primal level he didn’t quite understand, he wanted her more than he’d ever wanted anything or anyone.

  After hurrying up the stone walk, he knocked on her door. When she didn’t answer, he tried again.


  Her car was in the driveway and he knew she wouldn’t forget about tonight. Frowning, he tried the door but it was locked. So he headed around the side of the house. As he trekked across the yard, he noticed the thick, green grass needed to be cut. He made a note to take care of it tomorrow.

  When he rounded the back of the house he scented her and paused. She was nearby. He just couldn’t see her.

  The Olympic-sized pool glistened under the setting sun and the palm trees slightly waved against the breeze blowing up from the Atlantic. He started to cross her backyard but froze when he spotted her walking up from the beach.

  Completely naked.

  Curvy and gorgeous, the petite she-wolf made his cock ache, all he had to do was look at her. Beads of water rolled down her voluptuous body, tracking from her neck to between her breasts all the way down to the juncture between her legs.

  Exactly where he’d like to bury his face, then his cock. The dark strip of hair covering her mound was perfectly trimmed. His erection jerked as he stared at her and he found it impossible to control his lust.

  He knew she wasn’t aware of him or she wouldn’t be so free with herself. Most of the pack was unabashed about their nudity—himself included—but around him Caro was different. Shy even. Thankfully the wind was blowing toward him or she’d have known he was there.

  She’d probably gone for a run in wolf form then decided to take a dip in the ocean. She ran her hands back through her wet hair and squeezed it, wringing the salt water from it.

  As she did, she glanced in his direction. Her dark eyes widened and she immediately covered her breasts. Not that it mattered. He’d seen the perky mounds and those hard, light brown nipples already. That image wouldn’t be leaving his mind any time soon.

  “Do you mind?” she practically shouted, her cheeks tinged bright red.

  Grinning, he shook his head and strode toward her. “No, I don’t mind.”

  “Damn it, Ethan. Turn around. Now,” she said through gritted teeth.

  Shaking his head, he turned toward the back of her house. In the big windows that took up a lot of space he saw her in the reflection anyway. Grinning to himself, he watched as she grabbed a towel from one of the wooden lounge chairs and wrapped it around her body.

  “I’m decent now.” When he faced her again, her cheeks were still red. “What are you doing here so early? I thought I’d have time to get in a run before…” She trailed off and nervously cleared her throat. And that’s when he noticed it.


  It emanated off her in subtle waves. Like a fresh spring rain it rolled over him, bathing him in its purity.

  He shrugged as if seeing her naked were an everyday occurrence, despite how his cock was wedged against his suddenly too-tight zipper. His inner wolf howled and clawed at his insides. The primitive part of him wanted to draw her towel away and visually feast on everything she’d just covered up. “It’s no big deal, Caro. You’ve seen me naked before too.” It had been in a medical capacity but still, she’d seen all of him.

  “Well that’s different,” she muttered and broke his gaze. “Come on. I need to get changed and you need to wipe that smirk off your face.”

  But he didn’t. He couldn’t.

  Seeing her off kilter like this brought out all his animal urges. Maybe tonight was the night when she finally admitted they were meant to be more than just friends. “You want me to start the popcorn while you get changed?”

  “Yeah.” She mumbled something else as she opened the French doors leading to her living room. Then she hurried across the room and disappeared down one of the hallways.

  Ethan blew out a breath and headed for the kitchen. Yep. Tonight was it. He’d make sure of it.

  * * * * *

  Caro hated that her face was still bright red when she made it to the privacy of her bathroom. After a long day she’d needed a run in her wolf form but she hadn’t expected Ethan to show up early.

  Around him she was always off kilter. Still, she couldn’t seem to stay away from the young wolf. Sure, he was thirty in human years but he’d only recently been turned into a shifter and she didn’t want to get tangled up with someone who could just as easily change their mind about her once they’d slept together.

  She’d been through that with another shifter before and didn’t want to go through that kind of pain again. With Ethan, however, she was really tempted to throw all her rules out the window. The past six months she’d gotten used to the ritual of hanging out with him on Friday nights. She was afraid to get too comfortable because she knew he’d likely meet someone soon and that would be the end of things between them. He was simply grateful she’d saved his life. That was all. She couldn’t take advantage of his gratitude because in the end, they’d both get hurt. He’d meet his mate and she’d be alone. Again.

  Shaking her head at herself, she jumped in the shower and washed the salt water out of her hair. After cleaning off and changing into jeans and a T-shirt, she found Ethan in the living room lounging on the couch.

  It was hard to quell the jump of desire inside her when she spotted him. His long, muscular legs were stretched out casually and his broad shoulders and muscular arms pulled impossibly tight against the shirt he wore. He worked as a carpenter with his mentor Adam and all those long hours he put in showed. What she wouldn’t give to let him wrap those arms around her just once.

  When he saw her, he set his beer down and stood. The predatory gaze he raked over her body made her shiver. She couldn’t be sure but it felt as if he were imagining her naked again. “I didn’t make the popcorn because I wasn’t sure how long you’d be.”

  “Okay, we can make it now. I need a glass of wine anyway.” Maybe several. Glancing away from him and his heated stare, she hurried toward the kitchen. For some reason she was sure he was staring at her butt as she walked. She hated that she liked the thought of that. A lot.

  We are just friends, she reminded herself.

  As she poured herself a glass of wine, acting like his friend wa
s the last thing on her mind. She spared a glance at him as he grabbed a bag of popcorn from one of her cabinets. He looked so comfortable in her kitchen. So right. As if he belonged.

  Knowing she shouldn’t stare, she did anyway. His hands had always fascinated her. So strong, rugged and calloused. Even though he was a big, muscular guy, his fingers were long and lean. The fantasy of what it would feel like for him to push them inside her, to stroke and tease her to orgasm— She jerked her gaze up when she realized he was looking at her strangely.

  His blue eyes darkened as he assessed her face. As if he could read her mind. Her innermost thoughts.

  Shit. She’d been so caught up in her fantasies she hadn’t been controlling her desire so he could probably scent it on her. She could scent it and even untrained as he was, she had no doubt it was knocking him over right now.

  “How was your day?” She tried to make the question casual, hoping he’d ignore her scent, but he didn’t bite.

  “Fine. But I think it’s about to get more interesting.” He moved away from the counter and microwave and lithely moved across the tiled floor toward her.

  She could barely hear his movements but she couldn’t tear her gaze from him. The man moved like a lethal jungle animal. As though he was stalking something.


  She was his prey.

  And she found she didn’t mind all that much. Or at all really. Her panties dampened so much it was embarrassing. All he had to do was train those blue eyes on her and she felt lost. “Interesting?” she squeaked out.

  “You want me.” He said it so boldly her first instinct was to deny it.

  But she didn’t bother. He’d know she was lying. Even as she tried, she couldn’t hide the lust she desperately wanted to cover. “So?”

  “So…what are we going to do about it?”


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