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Bratva Redemption

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by Coco Miller

  Bratva Redemption

  Russian Mafia Romance

  Coco Miller


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  Copyright © 2020 Coco Miller

  All rights reserved.

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  License Note

  This book is a work of fiction. Any similarity to real events, people, or places is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced or distributed in any format without the permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations used for review.

  This book contains mature content, including graphic sex. Please do not continue reading if you are under the age of 18 or if this type of content is disturbing to you.

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  Books By Coco


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15


  Also By Coco Miller

  Books By Coco

  Big City Billionaires

  Faking For Mr. Pope

  Virgin Escort For Mr. Vaughn

  Pretending for Mr. Parker

  Red Bratva Billionaires




  The Overwatch Division




  Andolini Crime Family




  Bound To The Billionaires

  Bound To Steele

  Bound To Gold

  Bound To Cobalt

  Bratva Debt Duet

  Bratva Addiction

  Bratva Redemption


  Sometimes darkness overcomes light.

  Alegra is gone.

  Vanished into thin air and I am going out of my mind.

  We made progress. We made love.

  I showed her kindness and gentleness, when I had no idea that I had any.

  Beneath the frozen surface of my soul, there is warmth.

  There is Alegra.

  But now she has found out an ugly truth. A past I had no idea existed. And now?

  Alegra finds herself in the arms of the enemy.

  I’ll raise hell to bring her back where she belongs.

  I don’t care what I need to do.

  Who I need to kill.

  Because sometimes evil wins.

  And make no mistake, I am the evil.

  Chapter One


  I’m out of breath. I’m not sure how long I’ve been running. It feels like an eternity. My heart is ripping into shreds with every stride I take. The conversation I heard before I bolted out of the door replays in my mind like a song.

  Vlad is my half−brother.

  My mother was a whore.

  Kazimir’s father killed her. Point blank. With a gun. Probably the same one he has on his hip.

  Tears fall down my raw, chapped cheeks the more I think about it, and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since I heard it. I gave my heart to a man who kidnaps. A man who probably kills because his family definitely kills. A man who only knows deceit and blood, murder and mayhem and like an idiot, I’ve fallen for him. My heart is his. How can I trust Kazimir? What if he kills me one day?

  No, he would never do that.

  But if I know that in my heart, then why am I running? Because I’m scared. I never wanted any of this.

  I knew Vlad felt familiar, in some way, and it wasn’t because I was attracted to him. It was something else. It was his eyes, so similar to mine, and my heart told me there was more to him.

  I never listened to my heart before, so why would I now?

  I’m a fool, that’s why.

  So many red flags. So many dangers. So many reasons why I cannot stay with Kazimir. Sometimes love isn’t enough, and let’s not forget; I’m the reason why my father is now clear of his debt. I’m just an object to everyone.

  Do I matter to Kazimir? Did I ever matter?

  I run through the fields of the tall grass that seem to never end. The grass is as tall as me, whipping across my face, lashing at me like fingers trying to grab me. I have small cuts on my arms and face. My feet hurt, my legs hurt, my heart hurts.

  Everything fucking hurts.

  And yet I still feel guilty for leaving like I did.

  It’s nearly dark, and I know nothing good happens after the sun sets. I nearly fall over the dirt road that comes at me suddenly as I break through the grass. I catch myself before falling face-first in the dirt. Well, maybe I won’t go so far as to say it is a road. It’s more like a trail because at the end of it to the left there is a road.

  “Are you freaking kidding me? I’ve been hauling my ass through a damn field when there was a road right here?” I say to myself and brush my arms off when I feel tiny bugs crawling on me. If I hadn’t been so dramatic, I probably would have found the road.

  Well, it’s too late for that.

  I walk along the path, my shoes kicking up clouds of dust. The night is getting cooler from the sun vanishing, and I rub my arms to bring some warmth into them. It isn’t too late for me to turn back. Kazimir and I were making progress. The space between my thighs still aches from our lovemaking, sex, or fucking, whatever it was, it was beautiful, and I want more of it.

  But only with him.

  What kind of person does that make me? That I want to sleep with a man whose father killed my mother? A man who blackmailed my father into having me. Am I just as insane as the Volkov family?

  I step onto the black pavement and take a left, pondering my thoughts. Kazimir only ever showed me love, kindness, and gentleness. He proved me wrong because I didn’t think he was capable of such emotions. Underneath the frozen surface, there is a good person with qualities, I think for some reason, he saves just for me.

  I have to admit, the darker side of me loves the cold side of him. He’s oil and I am vinegar; we might not mix, but together we make a pretty amazing combination.

  “This is so frustrating,” I groan, stopping on the side of the road when a truck roars by. “What am I doing? I don’t even know where I’m going,” I say to no one and nothing. I’m just talking out loud. I can try to go back to my father’s house, but if I do that will probably be the first place Kazimir will look.

  And as much as I want to go back, I need breathing room. I need time to wrap my head around the fact that I have a brother I didn’t know existed, and my maybe−one−day−father−in−law is a killer. My mother’s killer.

  It wouldn’t be so shocking if this was just a random killing. I mean they are part of a violent mafia syndicate and I’m sure murder is a typical part of that life. But this was my mother. This makes it very personal. I’m just not sure if I can knowingly be around the man that murdered my mom...or his son.

  Tears sting my eyes and I plop down on the side of the road taking a break to just cry. I sob, letting all of my frustrations and emotions out. I don’t know where I belong and a part of me just wants to disappear where no one can find me.

p; The hum of a car vibrates my ass, and when I look up in the distance, I see a big black car. It could be Kazimir so I dash into the bushes hoping he can’t see me if it is him. I’m not ready. I wish he could comfort me, but I’m not ready to see him. I’m just not.

  I dive into the tall grass and lay on my belly. I can see the road in between the tall brush and a black SUV rolls to a stop. It isn’t Kazimir that climbs out of the car, but rather people I don’t recognize.

  “I saw someone. Search the grass; I don’t care how long it takes. Just do it.”

  The man snaps his fingers and the other doors open. Three more men wearing suits step out. One curls his lip when dirt gets on his polished leather loafer and he dusts it off.

  “You want us to go in the grass? I just bought this suit, Mr. Santini,” a tall man with black hair and tan skin says. He has on a pair of sunglasses that hides the color of his eyes, but his head moves left and then right, scanning the fields for any signs of life.

  I inhale and hold my breath.

  “I don’t give a fuck. Word on the street says their new little princess ran away from home and I want her. The Volkov’s think they run this city and they are going to learn a hard lesson tonight. They aren’t getting her back. Fucking find her.”

  Oh my god. How do they know it’s me? Someone at Kazimir’s home must be a rat. That’s the only way these Italians would know about me.

  “How do we even know she came this way?” Another man speaks up. He is huge. Bodybuilder big and he isn’t even wearing a suit jacket because I doubt one can fit. The shirt he wears looks like it’s about to rip down the middle if he breathes wrong.

  “That’s what Ivan said a few hours ago.”

  “I bet the Volkov’s would feel like idiots if they found out we had an informant in their home.”

  The man known as Mr. Santini laughs as he lights a cigar. “Go.” He snaps his fingers again. “The sun is setting so we don’t have much time left. Start looking for her. Now!” he roars, and the men spread out.

  Two men start on one side of the road and the big one of course lumbers over in my direction. I army crawl backward, trying to figure out how I’m going to get away from him. He is coming right at me.

  “Shit,” I whisper. The only way out of this is to run again. Slowly I get up just as the guy reaches the entrance of the grass. Taking a step back, my foot lands on a twig and it snaps in half causing me to jerk my head up and hold my breath.

  “Did you hear that?” one of them says.

  “It’s on my side.” The big guy’s accent is thick as he steps through the jungle of the fields.

  The only option left is to run. I turn on my heels and sprint, my legs nearly giving out from how sore and tired they are.

  “Over here!” The man behind me shouts, and I hear his footsteps charging at me, breaking the stalks of grass from his giant size.

  I push through, running as fast as I can. I zigzag, hoping I make it difficult for him to keep track of me.

  I’m gasping for breath.

  My lungs are about to give out.

  His footsteps are getting closer.

  All I can think about is how I never should have left Kazimir. I should have talked to him. I should have stayed and confronted my fear and insecurities and anger. Now, I’ve only put myself in more danger. I’m getting chased by people who don’t give two shits about me. The Italian mob. And the chances of me getting caught are pretty high right about now.

  Sweat drips down my back causing my shirt to stick to my skin. Something sharp pierces my shoulder, and when I turn to look, I see a red feather. It’s a tranquilizer dart. I still try to run but my body starts to feel loose and languid. My vision swims and my thoughts become nothing but a blur. My legs finally give out, and my knees hit the soil of the ground sinking into the dirt. I fall onto my back, the blue sky turning darker as my vision is encroached on by shadows.

  “Well, well, well, what do we have here?” A face comes into view, hiding the sky. “Aren’t you a pretty little thing,” he says, crouching to be closer to me.

  I can’t feel anything. My body is numb. I watch as he brings his hand to my face, pushing a piece of hair out of the way.

  “I might just keep you for myself. That Russian asshole wouldn’t be able to fuck you like I can.”

  Before unconsciousness takes me my inner voice screams for Kazimir, but I sink into my worst nightmare because I know he can’t hear me.

  Help me, Kazimir. Help me.

  Chapter Two


  “Where the fuck is she!” I roar at Vlad, at my father, at every single person who is standing in front of me right now. There are about twenty people staring at me with confusion and fear. Good, they should be scared. I have looked all over for her. It’s been hours. I searched the school, her home, the vet clinic, and her father told us he hasn’t seen her.

  She’s nowhere.

  Then I had to calm her father down because he had a panic attack, mumbling something about how he knew he should have never trusted us with her (as if he had a choice). I may or may not have punched him in the fucking face for disrespecting me and my family like that. It shut him up real quick.

  I left him on the floor, holding his nose as he cried for his little girl.

  I still have no new information on my Alegra.

  Moya Dusha.

  Where is my soul? It’s what I’ve called her since the moment she came into my home. I want my soul back. I feel like I can’t breathe without her.

  “We don’t know, Mr. Volkov,” Ian, one of the soldiers says. “We searched the fields. It was a dead end. Her tracks just stopped but we did find this.”

  He pulls out a dart from his pocket and steps forward, handing it to me. I’ve seen these before. I reach out and run my finger down the soft feather and want to cry, but I can’t appear weak in front of my men. She’s in a shit ton of trouble.

  “The Italians,” I growl through clenched teeth, squeezing the dart so hard, the metal snaps in half.

  I’m not a stupid man. If they took her, the only way they could have known is if one of my men knew and told them. She hasn’t been here long enough for anyone else to know. I have a traitor in my midst. I look at each and every one of them and the only one that doesn’t seem nervous or like he cares is Ivan. Ivan is new and is on a probationary period. His grandfather was friends with mine; it’s the only reason why he is here.

  But he is half Italian, half Russian. Where do his alliances lie?

  The man won’t meet my eyes. I know he feels my stare. Everyone does. I cannot let him know that I’m on to him. I need to meet with Vlad and my father as soon as possible and devise a plan.

  I’m going out of my mind. No one understands this need I have for Alegra. It’s dangerous. It’s visceral. I’m obsessed and I have been for a year now. I finally have the woman I love, felt her under me, her pussy clenching with passion and her lips shaping my name as she came and now she’s gone.

  We made love.

  And it cemented our souls together.

  I need her back and I will kill everyone who stands in my way. If that means taking down the Italian mob then that is what it means. She will be back in my arms and whoever’s blood I have on my hands when that time comes, I’ll wear it proudly as a trophy.

  “Keep looking for her. I want updates every fifteen minutes.”

  “Yes, Mr. Volkov,” they say in unison and they disburse from the foyer. They open the front door and I see that it is dark out. She’s been drugged and probably scared out of her mind if she is with the Italians.

  Ivan is out the door next and he doesn’t look back. If he did, I’d know he had something to do with this. I already know but I’d love to see affirmation. The bastard. Once the last man is out of the house, I slam the door and lock it.

  “Ivan has something to do with this,” I heave, my chest rising and falling with rage. “I see it in his eyes. He is not loyal to us. There is only one way they could have k
nown about her departure, and it had to come from within these walls.”

  “You really think so?” Vlad speaks up for the first time since he found out Alegra was his sister. He has dark circles under his eyes and an unshaved face. He is never unshaved. He is always pristine, which just goes to show how much the news affected him. Now she isn’t here and knowing Vlad; he takes responsibility for her not only because he is my best friend, but now he knows she’s his sister. His to protect.

  He feels like he has failed.

  I can relate.

  I’m the man that is in love with her. I should have never left her side this morning, but my father called for an emergency meeting and when the boss calls you, you go.

  “I do,” I reply. “I feel it.”

  “Good,” my father speaks up. He is looking a bit pale today and sweaty. “You will have to deal with this on your own, Kazimir. I am not feeling well. I hope you find her.”

  “Are you okay?” I ask him.

  “Just old.” He gives me a weak smile and climbs up the step like he is in agony. He groans every time his foot lands on the steps. “I think I might be coming down with the flu. Anything anyone needs, the charge defaults to you, Kazimir.”

  Shit, I have never been one-hundred percent in charge before. My father must really feel sick if he is leaving all duties to me.

  “Do you need me to call the doctor? This isn’t like you.”


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