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The China-Pakistan Axis: Asia's New Geopolitics

Page 40

by Andrew Small

  Chen Yi 18, 19, 24

  Cheng Jingye 51

  Cheng Xiaohe

  ‘China’s Aid toward Pakistan in the India-Pakistan War II’ 186

  Chengdu, Sichuan 94

  Chengdu Aircraft Industrial Corporation 108

  Chennai, India 170

  CHIC-4 (nuclear bomb) 28

  China, People’s Republic of


  Korean War 32


  Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence (Panchsheel Treaty) 20


  Taiwan Strait Crisis 32


  Sino-Pakistani border map controversy 21


  meetings with India to resolve border dispute 22


  Sino-Soviet split 20, 35


  Sino-Indian War 3, 21, 22–5, 122


  Sino-Pakistani Agreement 24, 107

  Sino-Afghan Boundary Treaty 24


  Indo-Pakistani War 3, 9, 17–19, 186


  Cultural Revolution 70, 93–4, 95, 107


  Mian Arshad Hussain visits Beijing 93–4


  Sino-Soviet border conflict 14–15, 57


  Indo-Pakistani War 3, 10–16, 29, 183


  establishment of diplomatic relations with United States 33, 37–9


  Soviet War in Afghanistan 35–6, 77–9, 122–6, 183


  meetings with Saudi Arabian diplomats 42


  protests in Xinjiang against publication of The White House in the Distance 71

  Rajiv Gandhi makes state visit 48


  Tiananmen Square protests 48, 149


  Baren uprising 74, 75


  United States imposes sanctions 41


  Urumqi bombings 74

  United States agrees to sell F-16 warplanes to Taiwan 41, 150


  Xinjiang bombings 74

  closing of embassy in Kabul after rocket attacks 118, 126


  Taiwan Strait Crisis 40, 48


  founding of Shanghai Five, later Shanghai Cooperation Organisation 76

  Jiang Zemin makes state visit to India and Pakistan 48–9

  Strike Hard campaigns in Xinjiang 70, 72, 75, 76


  Urumqi bombings 74, 81


  Asian financial crisis 168

  United States-China Joint Statement On South Asia 56


  Kargil War 57–9, 166


  CICIR delegation meets with Taliban in Afghanistan 128, 177

  Lu Shulin meets with Taliban in Afghanistan 128–9


  Twin Peaks Crisis 60, 150


  Afghanistan War 130–43, 151–2, 157–62, 163


  reopening of embassy in Kabul 118


  Cessna 402B plane crash in Arabian Sea 117–19


  Chinese engineers killed in Gwadar bus bombing 102, 137

  killing of Chinese workers in Kunduz, Afghanistan 135

  kidnapping of Sinohydro engineers in South Waziristan 109–11, 113


  Treaty of Good Neighbourliness and Friendly Cooperation 30


  Pervez Musharraf makes state visit 62

  Sino-Pakistani joint counterterrorism exercises in Abbottabad 155


  Lal Masjid hostage crisis and siege ix–x, xii–xvi, 88, 89, 111, 113, 115, 185

  Chinese workers killed in Peshawar xv, 111

  China-Pakistan Free Trade Agreement 98


  China Southern Airlines bomb scare 84–5

  Lhasa riots 87

  Beijing Summer Olympic Games xiii, 69, 84–5, 90, 146

  Asif Ali Zardari makes state visit, kidnapping of ZTE engineers in Swat Valley 112–14, 115, 165, 173

  NSG meeting in Vienna 49–52

  Mumbai attacks 60–1, 150, 154


  IDCPC meeting with Jamaat-e-Islami 68

  Pakistan hands over nine Uighur militants to China 147

  Urumqi riots 87, 152


  United States arms sale to Taiwan 152

  IDCPC meeting with Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam 67–8, 88

  NSG plenary in Christchurch, New Zealand 63

  International Conference on Afghanistan, Kabul 158


  Kashgar attacks 85–6

  Imran Khan visits Beijing 167

  International Conference on Afghanistan, Istanbul 142, 160

  International Conference on Afghanistan, Bonn 142, 160

  China National Petroleum Corporation wins Afghan oil contract 139


  Ashfaq Kayani makes visit 175–6

  killing of Hua Jiang in Peshawar 115, 185

  Zhou Yongkang visits Kabul 142–3, 160

  leadership transition 168, 176

  economic slowdown 168–9


  PLA incursion in Ladakh 169

  Chinese engineers targeted in Karachi bomb attack 171

  Li Keqiang visits India and Pakistan 169–71

  Nanga Parbat tourist shootings 172–3

  Nawaz Sharif makes visit 165, 173–4

  Ashfaq Kayani makes visit 176

  Tiananmen Square attack 176–7

  groundbreaking ceremony for new project at Karachi Nuclear Power Complex 174–5


  Kunming attack 177

  Urumqi attack 177

  China, Republic of 20, 21, 41, 68, 103, 131

  China and Pakistan: Diplomacy of an Entente Cordiale 185

  China Harbour Engineering Company 100

  China Kingho Group 108

  China Metallurgical Group Corporation (MCC) 108, 117, 118–21, 132, 135, 137–9, 141

  China Mobile 108, 109

  China National Nuclear Corporation 63, 175

  China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) 139–41, 143

  China Overseas Port Holdings Company 101

  China Precision Machinery Import-Export Corporation 107

  China Railway Shisiju Group 132, 136

  China Road and Bridge Corporation 99, 101

  China Shipbuilding and Trading Company 108

  China Three Gorges Corporation 108

  China-Pakistan Economic Corridor 103, 171, 173, 178

  China-Pakistan Strategic Cooperation: Indian Perspectives 186

  Chinese Institute of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR) 128, 177

  Chittagong, Bangladesh 170

  Christchurch, New Zealand 63

  CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) 11, 17, 22, 35, 37–8, 82, 124, 125, 156

  Clifton, Karachi 171

  Clinton, Hillary Rodham 152, 158, 162–3

  Clinton, William Jefferson ‘Bill’ 54, 56, 59

  coal 69

  Cohen, Stephen 187

  Cold Start doctrine 45–6

  Cold War 22, 41, 53, 122, 183

  Cole, USS 118

  Coll, Steve 124

  Colonel Imam (Sultan Amir Tarar) 89

  Communist Party of China (CPC) 67–8, 71, 168 Communist Youth League 168 International Department of the Chinese Communist Party (IDCPC) 67–8, 88

  Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty 50

  Corera, Gordon Shopping For Bombs 187

  Council on Foreign Relations 187

  Cowen, Brian 50

  cruise missiles 41

  Cuba 183 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis 22

  Cultural Revolution 70, 93–4, 95, 107

  Dalai Lama 21

  Dares Salaam, Tanzania 44, 127

  Davis, Raymond 156 />
  Dawn 16

  Defense Department (United States) 125

  Defense Intelligence Agency 39

  Delhi, India 170, 184

  Deng Xiaoping 27, 35, 38, 64, 70, 74, 77, 97, 124, 145, 149

  Deobandi movement 67

  Department of Energy (United States) 28

  Dera Ismail Khan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 88, 110

  Development Advisory Service (Harvard) 95

  DH-10 cruise missiles 41

  Dhaka, Bangladesh 10, 15

  Djibouti 104

  Dong Feng (CSS-2) missiles 42

  Dongfeng Agricultural Machinery Company 129

  Dostum, Rashid 140–1

  Dragon Mart, Dubai 68–9

  drone strikes 145–7

  Dubai, United Arab Emirates 68–9, 112, 119, 165

  Dulles Airport, Washington D.C. 28

  Durrani Associates 94

  Dushanbe, Tajikistan 76

  East China Sea 178

  East Pakistan 10–16, 17, 19, 77

  East Turkistan Democratic Islamic Party 74

  East Turkistan Information Centre 73

  East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM) 68–9, 74, 75, 76, 81, 82–6, 88, 89–91, 114, 127, 133, 146–8, 177

  East Turkistan Islamic Party (ETIP) 74–5

  East Turkistan National Unity Alliance 74

  East Turkistan Republic 73

  East Wind missiles see Dong Feng missiles

  Eastern Turkistan People’s Revolutionary Party 73

  Eating Grass: the Making of the Pakistani Bomb 187

  Egypt 105, 124, 149

  Eikenberry, Karl 158

  Ejaz ul Haq, Muhammad xii

  Eternal Flame see Shola e Jawed

  European Council 50

  European Union (EU) 60, 96

  F-16 see General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon

  F-22P Zulfiquar-class frigate 108

  F-8, Islamabad ix, 185

  Farman Ali, Rao 14

  Faruque, Ghulam 93

  Faryab province, Afghanistan 132

  Fatemi, Tariq 165, 173

  Fazal-ur-Rehman, Maulana xiii, 68, 88

  Fazal-ur-Rahman ‘China-Pakistan Economic Relations’ 186

  Fazlullah, Maulana 113

  FBI (Federal Bureau of Intelligence) 130

  Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), Pakistan xii, xv, 6, 83, 109, 111, 113, 133, 145, 178

  Ferghana Valley 75

  FIM-92 Stingers 125–6

  financial crisis (2008) 96–7, 115

  Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence 20

  Forbidden City, Beijing 176

  Ford Ranger pickup trucks 152

  Ford, Gerald 37

  foreign direct investment (FDI) 96

  Foreign Policy 187

  Forward Operating Base Chapman, Afghanistan 156

  France 38, 185

  From a Head, Through a Head, To a Head 185

  Frontier Works Organisation 101, 106, 111

  G8 summit 87

  Gaddafi, Muammar 28

  Galbraith, John Kenneth 23, 25

  Gandhi, Indira 11, 22

  Gandhi, Rajiv 48

  Garver, John 186

  Gates, Robert 38

  Gauhar, Altaf Ayub Khan: Pakistan’s First Military Ruler 186

  General Atomics MQ-1 Predator 146

  General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon 29, 36, 38, 39, 41, 150

  Geng Biao 106, 123

  Geo TV xiv

  German Marshall Fund (GMF) 184, 187

  Germany 80, 142, 160

  Gezhouba Group 108

  Ghauri missiles 41, 64

  Ghazi, Abdul Aziz xi, xiv

  Ghazi, Abdul Rashid xi–xiv

  Ghazi, Muhammad Abdullah xi

  Gilani, Yousuf 16, 156, 161

  Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan 65, 71, 100, 102, 167, 171–3

  Global Times 84

  Golden Mango cigarettes 94

  Goldman Sachs 98

  Gomal Zam Dam, South Waziristan 109–11

  Good Looks Fabrics and Tailors 27

  Great Hall of the People, Beijing 168, 173

  Green Party (Austria) 50

  Gromov, Boris 126

  Guangdong, China 87, 100, 168 Guangzhou 85, 87 Shenzhen 169

  Guantánamo Bay, Cuba 73, 83, 110

  Gujranwala Corps (Pakistan) 114

  Gul Bahadar, Hafiz 147

  Gul, Hamid 79, 114

  Gulf of Aden 105

  Gwadar, Balochistan x–xi, xv, 4, 53, 65, 93, 100–3, 104–5, 109, 115, 137, 156, 167, 171, 176

  Hafizullah Amin 122

  Haider, Ziad

  ‘Sino-Pakistan Relations and Xinjiang’s Uighurs’ 186

  Haig, Alexander 11

  Hajigak iron ore mine, Afghanistan 141

  Hakimi, Abdul Latif 136

  Hamid Gul 79, 114

  Hanzhong, Shaanxi 34, 39

  Haqqani network 138, 147

  Haqqani, Hussain 80, 187

  Haqqani, Jalaluddin 134

  Haqqani, Sayyed Mohammad 128

  Haqqani, Sirajuddin 89

  Harpoon anti-ship missiles 29

  Harvard University 95

  Harvest Tradings 95

  Hatch, Orrin 125

  Hatf missiles 40

  hawala 68

  He Yafei 60

  Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT) 48, 108

  Hekmatyar, Gulbuddin 78, 124, 136–7

  Hellfire missiles 145

  Helmand, Afghanistan 129

  Henan, China 94

  Herat, Afghanistan 75

  HEU (highly enriched uranium) 34

  Hezb-e-Islami 78, 124, 136–7

  Hibbs, Mark 187

  Himalayas 13, 20–2, 57, 172, 173

  Hindi-Chini bhai bhai 20

  Hindu Kush 83, 172

  History of the Karakoram Highway 186

  Hizb-ut-Tahrir 83

  HN-5 anti-aircraft missiles 134

  Holbrooke, Richard 145

  Hotan, Xinjiang 18, 86

  Hotanabad, Rawalpindi 81

  HQ-9 surface-to-air missiles 41

  Hu Jintao x, xiii, 49, 51, 62, 65, 87, 112

  Hu Shisheng

  ‘Afghan Reconstruction: Regional Challenges’ 186

  Hua Jiang 115

  Huang Hua 11, 12

  Huawei 108, 129, 132

  Hubei, China 40

  Hunza Valley 21

  Hussain, Mian Arshad 93

  Hussain, Shujaat xiii

  Hussain, Zahid xi–xii

  hydropower 108, 115, 171, 172, 174

  IEDs (improvised explosive devices) 65, 133

  India x, 1, 2, 3–4, 20–5, 44–6, 49–65, 69, 77, 82, 97, 105, 106, 122, 141, 142, 160, 162, 169, 176, 179, 184


  Indo-Pakistani War 77


  Panchsheel Treaty (Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence) 20


  meetings with China to resolve border dispute 22


  Sino-Indian War 3, 21, 22–5, 122


  Indo-Pakistani War 3, 9, 17–19, 45, 57, 77, 78, 165, 186


  Indo-Soviet Friendship Treaty 13

  Indo-Pakistani War 3, 9–16, 29, 77, 103, 148, 183


  Smiling Buddha (Pokhran-I) nuclear test 32


  seizure of Siachen Glacier 57


  short-range ballistic missile test 40

  Rajiv Gandhi makes state visit to China 48


  intermediate-range ballistic missile test 40


  Jiang Zemin makes state visit 48–9


  Pokhran-II nuclear test 54–5

  1999 Lahore declaration 59

  Kargil War 16, 57–9, 150, 166


  Bill Clinton makes state visit 55


  parliament attack 60

  Twin Peaks Crisis 60, 150r />

  Cold Start doctrine 45–6


  India-United States Civil Nuclear Agreement xi, 51, 53, 61, 62, 63, 107


  NSG meeting in Vienna 49–52

  Mumbai attacks 46, 60–1, 150, 154


  PLA incursion in Ladakh 169

  Li Keqiang visits 169

  Manmohan Singh makes visit to Japan 170

  India’s Nuclear Bomb: the Impact on Global Proliferation 187

  Indian Council of World Affairs 170

  Indian Ocean 21, 98, 103

  Indo-Pakistani War (1947) 77

  Indo-Pakistani War (1965) 3, 9, 17–19, 45, 57, 77, 78, 165, 186

  Indo-Pakistani War (1971) 3, 9–16, 29, 77, 103, 148

  Integrity Watch Afghanistan 138

  International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 27, 33, 50, 62, 63

  International Conference on Afghanistan

  2010 Kabul 158

  2011 Bonn 142, 160

  2011 Istanbul 142, 160

  International Department of the Chinese Communist Party (IDCPC) 67–8, 88

  International Monetary Fund (IMF) 112, 151, 173

  Iqbal, Ahsan 173

  Iqbal, Zafar xiii

  Iran 12, 28, 29, 33, 38, 42–4, 76, 82, 127, 134, 136, 150, 180, 183

  1980–1988 Iran-Iraq War 43

  Iraq 34, 43, 150, 162, 163, 179

  1980–1988 Iran-Iraq War 43

  1981 Israeli strike on Osirak reactor 34

  2003–2011 Iraq War 150, 162, 163

  Ireland 50

  ISAF (International Security Assistance Force) 135

  ISI (Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence) xi, 46, 61, 79, 81, 86, 89, 91, 114, 120, 124–6, 133, 136–8, 147, 151, 154, 156, 161

  ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) 179

  Islamabad, Pakistan 71, 124, 128, 152, 184, 187

  F-8 ix, 185

  Jamia Hafsa madrassa ix, xi

  Lal Masjid ix–x, xi–xvi, 88, 89, 111, 113, 115, 172, 178, 185

  Marriott Hotel 172

  Presidential Palace xi

  Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) 75–6, 82, 90, 127, 129, 136, 146, 178, 179

  Islamic Reformist Party (Xinjiang) 74

  Islamic State 179

  Islamism 70, 74

  Ispahani, Mahnaz

  Roads and Rivals: The Political Uses of Access in The Borderlands of Asia 185–6

  Israel 34–5, 42, 43,124, 149

  Istanbul, Turkey 142, 160

  Jalalabad, Afghanistan 132, 135

  Jalil, Abdul 73

  Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) 68, 78, 79, 80, 168

  Jamaat-ud-Dawa 61, 174

  Jamia Hafsa madrassa, Islamabad ix, xi

  Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam (JUI) 67–8, 76, 133

  Fazlur Rehman group (JUI-F) 68

  Jammu and Kashmir see under Kashmir

  Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front 78

  Japan 36, 50, 130, 131

  Jawzjan, Afghanistan 141

  JF-17 fighter aircraft see CAC/PAC JF-17 Thunder

  Jiang Shengjie 33

  Jiang Yili xii

  Jiang Zemin 47, 48–9, 53, 54, 56, 59, 65, 130, 131, 132, 168

  Jiangxi Copper 119

  Jihad: The Rise of Military Islam in Central Asia 187


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