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True Love Down Under_A BWWM Romance

Page 6

by Kendra Riley

  Her mind drifted to Zac as she lay in the cool bathtub water, with that lavender bubble bath the hotel provided. She hadn’t had accommodations this luxurious since their last family vacation, over eight years ago, in Hawaii. Her parents had saved for a year to take her and her siblings. It was one of the best vacations, ever. Yet, this feeling in the bath tub almost came close to it.

  Where was he? She thought. She’d seen him linger in the lobby, but she didn’t see him leave. He hadn’t said anything, but he had stuff to do, she recalled. He was the guy who did errands. So who was being mysterious now? Who was keeping secrets? She told herself she would ask him his family name soon, should they be in good terms.

  Shouldn’t they be in good terms? They were going to some national park, without internet and the comforts of civilization. They would have to talk sooner or later. She had hoped it would be sooner, and she felt a bit of regret for ignoring him. She hadn’t reacted irrationally though. What he’d suggested felt offensive. Still, he probably respected her enough, thus the silence.

  She was glad that she didn’t write anything about him, lest the embarrassment escalate. Whatever, she thought, I’m here on a scholarship, and I’m not going to mess it up. She found herself drifting into a relaxing nap, devoid of anyone or anything.


  Zac whistled as he made his way into the room, keycard in hand. He had gone on a quick dash to Turner’s mining office, just to check on how things were. So far, so good, he thought. His body had been begging for a long and cold shower, and with the humidity in the air, Zac knew it was only a matter of time before the rainy season came in. Gungmeleng, the aboriginal inhabitants called it. These rains brought about renewal… and restless animals, bracing themselves for the monsoon. Mining would pause for a few weeks, just enough time to process the mineral deposits.

  Zac knew the ore wasn’t going to be endless, and his forefathers had predicated so, thus the expansion to various businesses. But while it was still here, Zac was going to manage it. He knew it was damaging, but he was strongly all for the least risky processes, something he and his father had argued about. It was also why they were heavy contributors to Kakadu’s preservation, apart from the foundation’s own environmental projects.

  He took off his shirt and placed it in a laundry bag, his shorts hung low on his hips. The room was quiet, and he had overheard Sara stating she wanted to take a dip in the hotel’s pool. Well, he thought, I have the room all to myself. He would take a short nap, and then have dinner and a few drinks with the managers from their Darwin Office.

  Zac hoped that Sara’s temper had cooled down. She had a passive aggressive way of showing her anger, through silence and by ignoring him; it was almost childish. Whatever, he had better things to do, like shower. He stepped into the bathroom, feeling the cool tiles soothe his tired and aching feet.

  “Oh my god!” someone shrieked.

  His eyes widened and he gasped, quickly turning his back. He had just seen Sara in all her naked glory, about to leave the bathtub.

  “What in the hell? Get out! Get out!” she cried.

  “S-sorry!” he said, quickly slipping out of the bathroom. He leaned against the wall with the door slightly ajar. “I’m really sorry!” he added.

  “Don’t you know how to knock?”

  He heard water splashing about. She had just gotten out of the bathtub. The door slid open, and she came out, her face livid.

  “Nice bathrobe,” he commented.

  “Pervert!” she snapped at him.

  “I said I was sorry. If I said I was sorry, it means I didn’t intend to go in and see you like that.”

  Her chest was heaving up and down, clearly still stressed from the sudden interruption. “Did you forget we were roommates or something?”

  “I thought you were at the pool or something,” he sputtered. “I was gone for an hour.”

  “I fell asleep.”

  “Well, whose fault was that?”

  “You’re an idiot,” she seethed.

  “I’m an idiot and I’m your roommate, so bite me,” he said, getting annoyed, rolling his eyes. “It’s not like there was anything interesting to see.”

  He knew it was a bit of an insult to say that, but he just wanted her to know he didn’t mean any harm or any indecency to their working relationship. She was professional like that and almost prude about her body. He didn’t need to see much to imagine what her naked body would look like, anyway. That bikini proved it.

  She shook her head and huffed, grabbing her backpack and marching back inside the bathroom to change. When she got out, Zac was seated at the balcony.

  “It’s all yours,” she said acidly.

  “Thanks,” he snapped at her. Then he sighed. “Look, I didn’t mean the last thing I said.”

  “The part where you said there was nothing interesting to see?” her voice was high-pitched. “Sure thing.”

  “I’m sorry,” Zac said. “I really am. And that was rude of me.”

  “At least I now know how you think of me.”

  Well, that stung, he thought. “It’s not how I think of you. Look, I know it was a stupid thing to say. It was rude, unbecoming of me, and I’m sorry. It’s not how I think of you. You’re an amazing person, and I’d be an idiot if I didn’t see that.”

  Her lips pursed, those damned beautiful, pouty lips. She said nothing. She merely nodded then left the room.

  Well, that was a terrible way to catch her attention now, wasn’t it?


  He hadn’t expected she would be out and about with the rest of the Met Zoo team. They were in the same pub as he was. Darwin was a small city, but there had to be other pubs that she could have been in, right?

  Apparently, they chose the pub that he was in. He didn’t have much of a choice. “Hey guys. Sara,” he said to them as he walked up, pint in hand. Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine… he thought, remembering a quote from one of his mother’s favorite movies.

  It felt like the night just wouldn’t pass without him trying to make more amends with her. He had forgotten what it was like to ask forgiveness from someone he didn’t know too much of. Sara nodded at him while holding her drink in hand, while the guys raised their glasses for a good old bottoms up.

  “Who you with?” Dalton asked him.

  “Oh, just some old mates,” he replied. They were dressed in collared shirts and slacks, clearly office workers, and he wasn’t sure what Sara made of it. Surely, she wouldn’t ask. “Best I get back, we’re having an early trip tomorrow, right?”

  Danny nodded to him. “Go on, have fun.”

  Danny knew exactly who he was, and the man didn’t mind at all. Danny was like his uncle type figure, and they were distantly related, which was why the Turner group had offered Danny a position with the Turner Foundation’s conservation work. Danny had been a good confidante the past six years and a good teammate, drunk or sober, and he trusted the guy with his life. Even Zac’s family trusted Danny during Zac’s random excursions under the Met Zoo group. He didn’t know the interns too well, and Danny remained mum on Zac’s history.

  Zac watched from afar as Sara engaged in small talk. If she wasn’t too conscious, she did fine with the whole socializing thing, he thought. She looked animated enough, to say the least. One of the guys, the one named Dalton seemed interested in her, and he didn’t quite like seeing it. A certain possessiveness came over him. Why? Just because he had seen her naked? He had found her attractive, even with her face half hidden on the airplane… he was making excuses to not like her that way.

  I’m not ready for a relationship, I’m not ready for dating—he told himself that as he finished his pint. He forced himself to concentrate on the conversation between the managers at the ore mine. This was work, far more important than gawking at Sara who was immersed in her own conversation.

  An hour later, he saw them leave, and he waved his hand at them, while talking to one manager. He
wanted to leave as well, feeling the effects of the heat of the day bear down on him. Thirty minutes later, he was back at the hotel. He was careful to knock on the door first, before swiping his card to let himself in.

  He saw her in bed, laptop sitting on a pillow above her lap. She paused typing as soon as he came in.

  “I knocked,” he said sheepishly.

  “I heard,” she replied, looking at him for a second.

  “Are you still mad at me?” he asked her.

  She looked at him again. “I’m not mad at you.”

  “This is a great way of showing you’re not mad at me.”

  “I was just annoyed earlier.”

  “But you’re really annoyed by me,” he stated.

  She sighed and set her laptop aside. “You have a way of being annoying and charming at the same time, if that answers your questions.”

  “I aim to please,” he replied.

  She frowned a little, and he saw it.

  “Look,” he began, “I’m doing my best here, and we’re in the same boat, for crying out loud. We can’t fight while we’re in the wilderness.”

  She stood up from her bed, walking past him, heading for the closet, grabbing her mobile charger. She bent down a little, exposing more skin. “I’m not fighting you or anything.”

  “The way you show your anger isn’t healthy.”

  “You think you’re so mature,” she told him. “You’re not. You’re like a kid, without a care in the world.”

  “I’m making amends, Sara. The least you could do is hear me out.”

  “I’m already listening.”

  “Then look me in the eye and tell me you’re listening to every word that’s come out of my mouth,” he said.

  She took a step closer to him, her eyes defiant, but she still looked him in the eyes. “Happy?”


  And he moved in to kiss her.


  She had thought she would fight back, but she didn’t. Instead, she found herself closing her eyes, responding to his kiss.

  “Should I stop?” he murmured, his mouth still close to hers.

  “No,” she whispered back.

  Sara felt his arms around her tighten. Boldly, Sara bit on his lip, and she felt him grow hard as he pressed himself against her body. His hands began to roam, and he held the small of her back, sending shivers up her spine. Without warning, his hand squeezed her butt cheek, and she laughed.

  “Always was curious about your butt,” he told her as he trailed his tongue down her throat. “Butt or no butt, I still want you,” he murmured.

  Sara closed her eyes, feeling his hand touch her thigh. He suddenly grabbed her, carrying her to a table, knocking a few things over. She looked down to check what it was, but he interrupted her with another hot, openmouthed kiss. She fumbled for the button on his shorts, while he did the same for her. Unzipping him, she found him slick and hard for her. Her breathing grew rapid, and she couldn’t help but bite into his earlobe. Her animal instincts were talking over, as were his.

  For the first time in her entire sex life, she wanted to be pleasured, and she wanted to please him, too. The burning passion in his eyes made her carnal intents stronger. She quickly took off her top, and with one free hand, he massaged her breasts, and she moaned. His hand found its way to that sweet spot, and with a brush of his finger, Sara found herself shuddering, her back arched. He stroked it some more, and she moaned again. He bent down to lick her distended nipples, licking her breasts whole.

  “You’re wet,” he whispered in her ear.

  “It’s an open invitation,” she replied, her fingers running through his hair.

  He spread her legs wide apart as she took off his shirt. He teased his way into her, enjoying the wetness of her entrance, and she throbbed, almost aching for him to come into her. Looking into her eyes, he eased himself into her slowly, and she found herself embracing him as he thrust back and forth.

  She bit back a loud moan, reveling in the intensity of their bodies, the rhythm they took. It was nothing short of heaven on earth.


  “Good morning,” his voice said to her. Her eyes fluttered open, and she saw him standing on the balcony, leaning against the railings. Sunlight filtered from behind him, and the whole scene, coupled with him being shirtless made it feel like a dream, a good dream.

  “Oh god, is it late?” she asked him, wanting to bury her head under the sheets again.

  “It’s only six,” he told her with a grin. “Get up. We’re leaving in an hour. There’s breakfast waiting for us in the café.”

  “You go ahead,” she told him.

  “Why? You don’t want to go down together with me?” he teased.

  She frowned. “It’s not that. I’ll just need to get ready and stuff.”

  “It’s breakfast, not a ball,” he told her. “Alright, see you.”

  She flopped her head onto her pillow again, waiting for him to leave. As soon as the door closed behind him, she bolted straight up, unable to believe that she had actually done that last night—they had actually slept with each other. Never mix business with pleasure, right? She had heard that so many times, and it never occurred to her that she would think about it so much.

  She had slept with him… she had slept with Zac! Zac what? She didn’t even know his last name. Still, he wasn’t some crazy serial killer or anything. Everyone seemed to like him, and everyone seemed to trust him, even the animals at the zoo.

  Did she regret it? She wasn’t sure if she did. All she knew was that she liked what had happened and was afraid that the morning after would be awkward. He didn’t seem to find it awkward, and she had done her best to act nonchalant about it as well, until he left. That was when the weird feeling began to surface. She was no virgin, but she never did feel that need for physical affection—until last night.

  What happened? Had she lost control? Did she really want him that bad? This wasn’t just infatuation, right? With her last boyfriend, they had both been so consumed with studies, that they saw no need for constant sex or even the mere making out.

  Zac had awoken something in her, something lustful? God forbid she turn into some sex-starved maniac now, all because of this good-looking Australian, who had the ability to be simultaneously annoying and charming.

  She slowly got out of bed, and then she saw her reflection in the mirror. Her hair was a tangled mess, and her eyes were wild, as if she had been awake for most of the night. There was no denying that it had been great. It had been incredible lovemaking… no, it wasn’t lovemaking, it was just sex. They weren’t a couple. Maybe it was just a one night thing… maybe.

  What was going to happen next? Would they just both pretend nothing happened? She quickly showered then packed her things; it took her all of twenty-minutes, with just enough time for a quick meal before that drive to Jabiru.

  Can I still act normal around him? She had never been in this kind of predicament before, sleeping with a coworker, sleeping with someone she had only met weeks ago. He was staring at her while she slept. How was that for creepy? Or maybe, just maybe, he was admiring her. Pshhh, who in the hell would admire me?

  Sara suddenly felt self-conscious about her looks, and she had never been one for excessive maintenance, like her younger sister. She didn’t care much about makeup, just sunscreen and lip balm. Did he perhaps find her attractive? Was that the problem with sleeping with someone you didn’t know? Her insecurity was showing, something she thought she didn’t have. Just one guy, just one guy did this to her. She couldn’t blame anyone but herself in the end.

  Act normal, she told herself as she sat beside him for breakfast. They were halfway through, still enjoying their unlimited coffee.

  “We’ll be drinking instant coffee by tomorrow,” Danny told them.

  John made a face. “Wouldn’t want that in the wilderness, now would we?”

  There was appreciative laughter, and she joined along. How could she not? She didn’t wan
t them to ask questions, didn’t want them to see how strange it was to barely talk to Zac when they had talked a lot in the last few days.

  She ate an omelet and some pancakes, while drinking orange juice. She needed a bit of sugar to get her through the day. They discussed important things while having breakfast, most notably their schedule at Kakadu.

  She found it difficult to make eye contact with him, while Zac was being so casual about it. Was he so used to this? Did he sleep around with everyone? Or with every intern that caught his eye? She didn’t feel so pleased about herself now, pleased about bagging some really hot guy…

  “Was that good for you, Sara?” Danny asked her, interrupting her thoughts.

  “Uh, yes,” she quickly said, not quite recalling what they were talking about.

  “Looks like we’re roommates again,” Zac said with a grin. “So, shall we get moving?”


  “You’re being weird,” Zac told her, as soon as they got back to the room. He had noticed how she was doing her best to act normal around him, but she failed in the end. She might have fooled the others into thinking she was alright, but she didn’t fool him.

  “I’m not being weird. What makes you think I’m being weird?” she quickly replied.

  “You’re being weird now,” he said.

  She frowned, stuffing her sleeping clothes into her bag. “Look, I really don’t know what you mean.”

  “Is it because of last night?”

  “Last night? What about it?”

  “I knew it,” he sighed.

  “Know what?”

  “Last night. Things are different 'cause of last night.”

  “Don’t make it look like it’s all about you.”

  “It’s not. I’m concerned for you.”


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