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The Lost Treasure Map Deluxe Book Collection (2017 Edition)

Page 15

by V Bertolaccini

  Many of the scientists that had been working on it showed detailed information that had been accumulated, and Eisenberg saw that they had been keeping most of their work confidential, and wondered what else they had.

  Chapter 21

  The Monster Returns

  Eisenberg sat down in the mansion library staggered at what he had just found along the corridor, and the Dracula monster in the chamber they had found the vampires in, and had seen its black shape shifting about the tombs.

  Its shape was a humanoid formation and he realized how it had altered itself, and just how fast and deadly it now was, and he wondered how they would rid the world of it.

  It had been killed before in its Transylvanian castle and he violently shuddered as he recalled it altering its shape and he realized it might have detected him where he was hidden, and for some reason it ignored him, and he wondered why.

  He had watched it silently and it alter into a large black flying demon creature, and had shifted up into the hole in the chamber roof, over the tombs, and up into the attic.

  In the room next to the chamber he had watched it fly away into distant black clouds, going back to New York.

  Eisenberg was staggered at the occurrences, and how easily the vampires could kill, and realized he had not heard them using objects that protected them from vampires.

  He tried to solve what the outcome would be, and wondered what the hell the artifact was, as he and the others had not classified it as far as he was concerned, and it had altered into something else, and going by what the scientists had he knew they never, and only had theories, and he could not grasp how perilous it was, and he did believe it could be if it was fully activated.

  He picked up a newspaper and spread it across his front, and watched Kurt and the paranormal investigator investigating books, and realized from the newspaper that the artifact had been moved out the museum and over to a special facility, for them to investigate it as an extraterrestrial object, and he wondered if they might even take it to Area 51.

  It was amazing the paranormal researcher was still searching through the books with amazement, and he wondered what he was up to, as they had solved most of the mysteries.

  It was incredible that Howard Eisenberg had actually arrived at the mansion, and he had met him after so many years, and he had been amazed at their discovery of the Red Indian treasure, and that it had been buried close to where he had eaten his meals in the mansion, and he was surprised at the artifact, and had been unable to identify it, and was having people investigate what they were doing with it.

  Chapter 22

  The Other Universe

  Eisenberg studied the paranormal researcher, and his partially opened mouth, and saw he had found something in the book he was translating, and he waited, and wondered what the hell it was.

  He was surprised when Kurt walked in the library and he wondered what he had been doing.

  He saw him notice the paranormal researcher and his reactions.

  “What?” Kurt asked. “What’ve you found?”

  “This place is dreadful …” the paranormal researcher gasped, reacting to things he read. “I think I’m getting their true identity … I’ve not been able to trace anything up until now … Many of the people they fought did not know who they were fighting, and there are accounts of them massacring massive armies and there being no survivors …”

  Kurt just shrugged, wondering what he was talking of.

  “There’s some form of cannibalism they carried out … I think … They mention them feasting on the bodies of the soldiers … Them being vampires!”

  The paranormal investigator looked energetic, and he watched him finally place the book on the table, staggered.

  “I think they were some form of extraterrestrial … Yet from either another universe or dimension … A supernatural universe … Yet with similarities to this universe ... I think they got trapped here or something …”

  “Dracula might have been altered from being in this universe or something …”

  Eisenberg wondered what he had found and sat wondering what it had been written for, and he saw the book was different from the rest, and he saw how the paranormal investigator studied it scrupulously, and he knew it could be a conclusion to something.

  Eisenberg recalled when all of the scientists had entered the chamber with the vampire tombs and had set up all their equipment all over the area of the tombs, and that their descriptions of what they had found there went far beyond anything that they previously had found, and most of the scientists working there had been replaced by far more advanced ones, and most were thunderstruck by the giant supernatural being resting in the central tomb, Dracula in his tomb, and what they found out about it.

  “What else is there?” Eisenberg gasped, seeking a conclusion.

  “There’s more … I think this book was written by one of them … A different form of them or something … Who arrived afterwards … I think they were trapped here, and that they traced them and followed them to this castle in Transylvanian by some means … I believe it was them that captured Dracula and put him in the tomb!”

  Chapter 23

  The Extraterrestrial Investigation Center

  Eisenberg, the paranormal investigator, and Kurt swiftly followed the scientists, who investigated the artifact at the mansion and the museum, through a building and into a massive chamber that was the confidential research area of the Extraterrestrial Investigation Center, and stood staggered at the colossal amount of equipment and scientists, and the inconceivable technology.

  Eisenberg was staggered at it all, and began to realize how far they had gone, and how much had been hidden from the public, and stood wondering why they were carrying out so much work, and he realized how deadly the universe could be.

  Kurt spotted the artifact first, with groups of scientists surrounding it, with equipment everywhere, and they watched them monitoring its powerful forces, and Eisenberg saw that the artifact itself had altered dramatically since it had been in the museum, and he stood trying to see if he could notice anything.

  When they arrived at it, he spotted them making it make movements, by some means, and that they were carrying out a series of experiments.

  A scientist walked over and handed them documents, and he studied them with interest.

  One document gave some history of the site and that it had been originally established in the search for extraterrestrials, and basically from research carried out in the last century, and had advanced searching for extraterrestrial civilizations, with help from many countries, NASA, SETI institute, and many others, and had superseded the others in the race to detect extraterrestrial intelligence on other worlds.

  They had helped develop many new forms of confidential and known detection methods and at an inconceivable rate and had searched far deeper and with more accuracy into the depths of deep space, and expanded knowledge of the cosmos, and anticipated many future breakthroughs.

  They had repetitively advanced technology to detect inhabited exoplanets, with highly advanced extraterrestrial life, and explored worlds in the depths of newly discovered solar systems, and sent out messages with new highly advanced technology, and into the invisible black depths of space where hidden worlds could exist.

  What surprised Eisenberg was they insisted a signal had been detected from a nearby star and they had analyzed it under the assumption it was an unidentified phenomenon, as well as an extraterrestrial phenomenon, and its highly advanced symmetrical pulsations had been documented and they established its properties and significance, with its pulsations beating out through the depths of space.

  Yet it never actually showed any extraterrestrial encounters, flying saucer landings, but he knew they had, and sensed it, and that it was little, and he saw their fascination in the artifact, and its existence was unbelievable, and they constantly worked on trying to discover its origins.

  Chapter 24

  The Extraterrestrial

bsp; The artifact looked deadlier than he had ever seen it, and was pulsating with energy, which looked and sounded like it was on the brink of a colossal explosion, and Eisenberg, Kurt, and the paranormal investigator timidly shifted into the Extraterrestrial Investigation Center research chamber.

  At a closer investigation they stood confused as they believed something was occurring as scientists were nervously standing around it monitoring it, and they spotted vigorous activity all about the place, and they started working like crazy activating and checking things, and they realized that they had done something, and that it was the reason that they wanted them there, and they took them over to the side and seated them.

  The artifact altered shape and appearance at a frenzied rate, of which there was little to indicate the outcome.

  At times he thought he saw a shape of something inside it.

  It looked powerful, and deadly! And perhaps unstable! By their previous investigations and what the scientists claimed he was sure they gave an energy force, and that they were feeding it energy that it used, and he realized it was perhaps the reason it could not do anything and had been dormant, and he realized the dangers of its revival, and if it exploded, and he wondered why the scientists were so confident about it.

  With horror, at the side of vision, he saw a group of scientists and technicians move in with new equipment, and they started arranging it around the energy bubble, and he gasped, and wondered what they were doing and dealing with, and for a moment thought he saw something inside it shift.

  Famous scientist in and rushed into places and he realized something really was going happen this time, and he watched someone film it, and what might be an incredible historic occurrence, and the discovery of it, and he realized from nearby scientists that it might prove what it was, and he watched someone else filming it, perhaps for the media, which some scientists were considering using if they wished it to be known.

  The scientists occasionally gave detailed explanations of things they believed were occurring, and watched it creating magnificent optical effects, making things distort, and it looked like it could rupture the fabric of space, and played with it, with properties of altering and suspending it.

  Scientists started carrying out complex experiments on it, and they showed detailed information accumulated.

  Suddenly computers and equipment all over the chamber burst into life, and he spotted one go over millions of special sequences and he studied it, and he was sure they had got control of the artifact somehow and had it carry out some functions.

  The sheer magnitude of it left him staggered and he expected something to occur, especially from its lethal reactions, and he could not believe it could hold so much energy and not explode.

  The center turned bright and expanded, and it became louder and brighter, and the floor shook, and started knocking everything furiously around, knocking scientists about, and many fell over, and a sudden shockwave blasted through the whole building, throwing everything about, and it died away.

  The chamber turned silent, and they started to recover, and he noticed some scientists dramatically activating equipment and he checked where they were staring and saw the artifact had turned solid, and was open, and saw something inside, and he tried to identify it, but could not, and saw it was alive and hideously staring out at them.

  Chapter 25

  The First Contact Situation

  While it shifted out Eisenberg stood horrified and tried to move, and to examine its celestial formation, wondering what it was, and what they had made contact with, realizing it was not solid and was some form of energy formation, and he wondered why it was so different and powerful, and gasped when he thought he saw it had demon features.

  Its glowing, altering, hideous shape stopped at the edge of its sphere, which had been the artifact, and he felt energy surges from it and stood trying to grasp what it was doing, and he realized it had to be made of some form of energy, and he considered if it was actually keeping itself alive, and in existence, almost consistently stopping itself vanishing, and he wondered if it could properly exist in the universe, and wondered if it would just vanish into nothing, and they moved back when it altered its formation, and he wondered how the hell they were going to communicate with it, and if it even used language.

  Suddenly he spotted the others react and saw visions emerge all around them, and he saw they were star formations, and flashing about, and he realized it was communicating with them and showing regions of space, and he wondered how the scientists could record the visions, and if they would show up in the film footage being taken, and saw a scientist confirm it, and he wondered if any of the scientists identified the stars.

  He was sure it was an exploration of the vast depths of the universe, and he spotted a massive sphere of light glowing and expanding, and wondered what the hell it was, and wondered how it propelled itself across the blackness of space, and if it could even travel without a starship, and floated and shot through space like a ghost going through the stars.

  They watched stunning suns shoot by and them increasing in density, and accuracy, and he was sure it was showing them a region of space it existed in, and he saw its powers increase, while it transformed itself, and further from its original state.

  Space and time seemed unrecognizable, and mysterious, and he felt he would never fully understanding it, and it seemed to search for a solution to something and suddenly all the visions vanished, and it altered further, and he wondered if they could provide it with energy or something to complete its transformation, and if they should treat it as dangerous.

  Suddenly all their technology, and mainly computers, burst into life, and the scientists looked up surprised, as it took control of them, and started giving them information, and taking and searching for information, and he watched it make a gesture and enter the center region of the energy sphere.

  The sphere became far more powerful, and its appearance became lethal, and he realized the sphere’s original activation was far less, and they stood staggered when its center turned almost blinding and exploded out, and a sudden shockwave blasted out, knocking everything over, and it died away, as it vanished.

  Chapter 26

  The Time Traveler

  Eisenberg sat in the library still staggered at the outcome at what occurred at the Extraterrestrial Investigation Center and still vastly confused at what they knew, and he even believed he was far more in the dark at what it was, and it was doing there.

  Once the paranormal investigator arrived, after questioning one of the scientists on the phone, he knew he had something.

  “What did they tell you?” Kurt asked the paranormal investigator, as he picked up a book. “Tell us what you found!”

  The paranormal investigator glanced up, and reluctantly placed the book he held down, and replied, “This astounds me, and I am still staggered how both events are connected … The artifact could be the only alien arrival this world has had … Those vampires are also astounding …”

  “What was the scientists explanation of the artifact and all the information it gave them on their computers, before it left?”

  “They are positive! They’re positive it was a time machine pod from the future …”

  “It traveled through space and time …”

  “From what they got I say it traveled back from Earth’s future … They believe it was some form of mission … They believe that time travel does not properly work … That it experimented with it … Though they can send energy forms, they could not properly send anything physical … They believe it was converted into some form of energy or something – of colossal degrees – and perhaps even virtually forced itself back through time – and that it never properly worked and it surely never arrived where it should, and far further back in time than it should, and with not enough energy to return, or even alter to this place …”

  “It was a trapped extraterrestrial time traveler of the future …”

  “They found out
some other things … Which I believe … They believe it arrived on this world in the future from somewhere … And – going by what they claimed it found – they found the remains of our civilization on the world … They believe they destroyed themselves in some form catastrophe … That there was barely anything left … I believe it left to find out what we were like, and were doing here, and perhaps to make contact with us, and find out why it happened …”

  Eisenberg sat back thinking it over, astounded at such a thing could be hidden in such a place, and influence so much, and realized that proper time travel might be impossible, and be far too dangerous if they did manage to recreate it …

  He imagined it trapped there as an entity, not existing and existing, through centuries, perhaps thousands of years, unable to leave its confines, perhaps imprisoned for all eternity.

  Chapter 27

  The Haunted Wood

  Eisenberg could not tell what it was and if it was the strange dark wood they had entered, altered trees and landscape, or what was there that was so strange, and he searched around him, through the trees, and searched for the vampires.

  Their discovery of the wood had been lucky, and he still wondered if the paranormal investigator had got it wrong, as he claimed the wood was perfectly positioned for the vampires to hide in, for them to safely perform their attacks on New York, and the incredible thing about it was it resembled the wood in Transylvania where Dracula’s castle had been, and it was the drawings of it and finding the giant wood on the television and an occurrence there that drew their attention to it.


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