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The Lost Treasure Map Deluxe Book Collection (2017 Edition)

Page 48

by V Bertolaccini

  At his approach to the gateway he saw something strange and thought he saw a sphere rotating, and its familiar pattern of movements fascinated him, and he felt as if his appearance was timed to coincide with something, and he rested, and left it, and when they entered the gateway he was blinded by light, and it and everything about him vibrated furiously, and saw something in a blur of images.

  Though it was bright it was not daylight, and he spotted artificial lights beaming down, as they entered further, and to his delight he saw the laboratory on Mars, and all the scientists stood staring, as they marched out.

  Chapter 26

  The Laboratory

  At the edge of the black hole, altering wildly and stabilizing, gleams of light blasted out like miniature bright stars, being held motionlessly, and were being filmed and studied by the scientists, as they continued their series of black hole experiments.

  The entire laboratory was now covered in equipment, scientists, the media doing news coverage, for back on the Earth, and were studying the black bubble of the black hole, in its chamber, and a leading scientist there gave incredible evidence of their findings, recent discovery, and discovery made earlier in close examinations of the black hole.

  A special reinforced camera was placed and entered into its field, and the scientist reacted immediately when they received results, and concluded that it was moving out the universe and entering a gateway, where they had fully entered the probes, and that they were working on a probe that could be entered further into the gateway, exit into another place, and be returned.

  They occasionally gave detailed scientific explanations of what was there, and believed was occurring, and they had a probe released more further into it than before, edging it into the confines of the gateway, creating spectacular optical effects on their screens, of the inside of the vortex, making light distort in twisted forms, like shaping beams of light with matter.

  The entire story had been released to the media after the loss of the astronauts, and for the science world to know that they had created and had a laboratory black hole.

  Only parts of what had occurred had been appearing all over the media for weeks, and the media, science world, and public wanted more information about it, and they had received little, and they had all been invited to Mars to see the black hole phenomenon, and they were there in the laboratory seeing it for the first time.

  It looked like a rupture in space, and the scientists were playing with it, gathering as much as they could on it, and the media continued over and over to question them on the astronauts that had been involved in an accident there, and what had occurred and where they were, and the scientists could give them little information on what had happened.

  They were answering what they could about the incident, and many other leading scientists, visiting there from the Earth, were being allowed to carry out numerous basic and complex experiments all around it, using their own equipment and theirs, and others were recording various things about it, and great amounts of detailed information were finally being given to the media, to analyze, in a far greater degree than ever before.

  Most of the media never seemed to grasp what they meant by gateway, and there was much confusion, and some kept trying to get answers and asked questions in different forms on the information received from the probes and they finished by telling them they were still advancing them and carrying out examinations of the highly complex information they got.

  Many gasped as they studied its shape hovering about, and its deadly appearance, and they consider it dangerous.

  The abnormal antics of many of the scientists at times captivated them, mystifying them with the depth of their nervousness and fear of something! Some still repetitively studied the readings from their equipment, and with alarm, preparing themselves for something, and eventually the media and other scientists started using information about the dangers of it and the deadly occurrences that had happened!

  It was then Commander Cronenberg escaped from the black hole, and rushed out of the black bubble in his spacesuit, and stood dazzled, at the laboratory, mass of scientists and media, vast amounts of equipment, and noise, and the extraordinary scene that developed about him, and the other astronauts rushed out.

  A mass of shuffling, activities, and flickering lights erupted everywhere about them, and they ignored their shouts and activity, as they asked them questions.

  They swiftly shifted out the radius of the black hole’s confines, and tried to grasp what was happening there, all around them, drawing their attention away from the leading scientists, and they removed their faceplates and the scientists all gasped, and many stood dazzled by them, and many thought of questions they wanted answered, about where they had been, and what existed outside the universe.

  Chapter 27

  The Treasure Map

  Cronenberg, sitting next to Anders, reluctantly dragged himself away from all the files they had been studying for hours, in the Mars base library, and for over a week, and he watched Orwell stroll into the outer library, for the first time since their return to Mars, and he seemed amazed at the sight of the place now, after all they had been through and seen.

  “Come over here ...!” he called out to Orwell, and Orwell shifted over to him, at the end of the table, and looked amazed at the piles of files.

  “What are they of?”

  “They’re recently declassified documents that were dumped here, since we were last here! I was even able to get other stuff to! They wanted to help us research the alien artifact and get more information on it! I’ve put together everything with the information I want here, and all the files about Robertson, the scientist with Anders here, and things associated with Robertson and the diamonds, and his search with the satellite for them, and I’m going through it all searching for the slightest clues, and with Anders help …”

  “What’s the point? We’ve searched through the main stuff though!”

  “I gave him some new information and clues, which will help us get it!” Anders announced, searching through some old documents, astonished at them, and the age of them now.

  Orwell was fascinated and fascinated that he was still searching for the diamonds on Mars.

  They were amazed that they were now actually sitting next to the guy that they had been studying in the documents and they still had not found the location!

  Cronenberg was amazed that they had not fully accepted that it was Anders, as it was far too unbelievable it was him, and they had not been able to prove it was him from the information on him and their examinations of him.

  “So what is it?” Orwell finally asked, moving over and sitting at his side. “Have you found something? You’ll have to let it out eventually!”

  “The location of diamonds is hidden on the map somewhere!”

  Orwell gasped and his face showed he was startled by the reply, and he examined Anders and asked him, “Do you know where it is then?”


  “But you must remember something?”

  “That place we crashed at was on it!”

  Orwell thought over it for a few minutes, and wondered what Cronenberg meant, and replied, “So it was buried there after all?”

  “It was not!” Cronenberg replied first.

  “Where was it?”

  “It was buried somewhere else, remember! Remember Robertson’s diary!”

  “So we need the map, and we need to find another destination hidden away on it?”

  Anders agreed with them, giving them his opinion of it!

  “Correct!” Cronenberg finally replied, deciding to reveal it to them, and put his hand in his pocket and pulled out the map, and held it up to the light and showed it to them.

  They both looked at him with strange expressions, and gasped, and Orwell then looked like he was wondering what he was now getting into, and Anders looked at it with fascination, and a deep hidden desire!

  “Well!” Orwell replied. “So you think it is hidden awa
y on it?”

  “I still have not proven anything though! But I believe that Robertson was there checking out something first when he landed at the site! And he intended to go to the real site afterwards!”

  “What was he checking?” Anders asked surprised.

  “I think that alien energy sphere there had him looking there, and had planned it many billions of years ago, when it buried itself away there, and that it and had left something there to get him to go there, which would make its plan work, which Robertson decided to check, and that it chose somewhere that looked the same as the place with the diamonds, which he thought might have more diamonds, buried away there – and the place was virtually identical to it!”

  “So we only need to find somewhere that’s identical to find it?”

  “Yes! I think I found it!” Cronenberg announced, removing a map of the Antarctica, and he showed them a place at the opposite side of the Antarctica. “I’ve been trying to confirm it! It’s location is exactly opposite it – at the other side of the Antarctica!”

  “So you have it!” Anders replied. “What about the hidden message on the Map? Will that confirm it?”

  Cronenberg nodded, to confirm it, still wondering if he was wrong about it.

  Anders took the treasure map off him and held it up to the light, and turned it around and did it again, and nodded his head in agreement, and replied, “Yes! It’s there!”

  Cronenberg examined the treasure map and turned it around and held it up to the light as well and was surprised that the location names on the map when viewed through the map from the back of the map had accurate location names at the other location, at the exact opposite side of the Antarctica.

  Chapter 28

  The Diamonds

  Once the sun shifted over the horizon Cronenberg left the shuttle and pilots and other members of the crew and joined Orwell and Anders outside, and they stood examining the landing site with astonishment, as it was identical to the other site that they had crashed near, where the diamonds were supposed to be.

  He closely examined the hill, and it was identical to the hill the alien energy sphere had been found under, and he joined Orwell and Anders as they started climbing up it, and he recalled the explosion on the other hill that had destroyed it.

  It was incredible, and identical to the other, and he believed that that the alien existence in the energy sphere had copied it and had constructed the whole area where they had crashed the shuttle, and why parts of it had been so strange looking.

  He could even see an identical other hill and crash site, and where Campbell their flight engineer had been found dead, and he realized now how he had died, and that it had been Rosenberg all along, and he still could hardly believe it.

  They had discovered Rosenberg and Commander Eagle had been part of a group of cannibals, and he was astounded that he had attacked and killed Campbell over at the hill, which he still had a hard time believing, and that he could have actually eaten parts of him, and he was sure it had been Rosenberg behind Eagle going so far in his search for the treasure, and he was the only one who had been with him and seen him taking the treasure map from Anders’s skeleton, at their crash site near their crashed shuttle.

  In the end he just laughed at it, as it was a joke, with him wondering how he could have missed such a thing, and he wondered what they really had been up to!

  At the top of the hill he thought of all the events, since they had crashed, and knew he wanted the diamonds, as they had hardly found anything worth anything, and even the diamond he thought he had found at the other hill, over the alien energy sphere and artifact, was a crystal, and made of an unknown material, and had little value, and he believed the energy sphere had been connected to it, and the hill had been destroyed when he had taken it away, and that it had been connected to it all along, and the energy sphere had only communicated with the scientists when it had been there, and he was sure it had used it for some purpose, as well as to get them to find it.

  At the top of the hill they searched everywhere, and it looked so empty, and just like another Martian hill, and he started to think he had imagined its existence there, and he examined the hill over at his side in the sunlight and realized it would be best to walk along the length of the hill, and explore the top, at both sides of them.

  He realized that they had actually found out what had nearly killed them and took control of the shuttle, and why they had survived, and they had actually had found out what the whole episode had been about. Nothing had seemed to add up anywhere, and he could never have grasped anything if he had not witnessed everything that he had! The real explanation was far more than he could have imagined!

  The events of the past months had been unbelievable, and all the astronauts had become famous over it, even though the media and scientists had believed a lot less than they thought, and had not accepted their accounts of many things, which was clear in all their descriptions in news reports there and on the Earth, and the scientists had avoided telling them vast amounts of details, even after them giving them all their photos and film footage from their spacesuits, to their astonishment, and going by what he had heard and seen governments and scientists had started classifying most of it, and the black hole was no longer being reported anywhere, and the information was being hidden away.

  The whole universe seemed to be altering all about them, and improving, and he realized that the deadly crazy gateway existence that had wiped out entire civilizations had been destroyed and replaced, by the other existence, which had been hidden away in a dormant state in the energy sphere and alien artifact in the hill.

  He now knew what it had done and why! The original gateway existence had been too deadly and crazy, and the other existence from the energy sphere had been infiltrating and destroying vast regions of it, without it knowing it was there or what was happening, as it had been designed to do, and had hidden itself away in places it could not detect it, and in the crystal, and it had transported them to the vital areas, where it also had control of the gateways, while it had made many attempts at trying to discover their identity, where they originated, which the other covered up.

  It was ancient and deadly, and as old as the universe, and badly damaged and insane, and confused by them being humans, as they were the same race that created it, and had helped it defeat many deadly highly advanced races, and they had built it as a defense existence system, and it had not been able to properly recognize them in their state, as original humans, and it had only known them as a far different highly advanced race, which had been one of the most powerful in the universe, at the start of the universe.

  He realized everything, and knew the universe would become far better, and he watched Anders staring at something ahead, and he looked there, and realized it was the exact place that had been over the energy sphere on the last hill, where he had found the crystal, and they ran over to it, and they stood gasping and looking everywhere at piles of colossal diamonds.

  Part IV

  Novel 4

  The Lost Treasure Map 4

  V Bertolaccini


  The Interdimensional Extraterrestrial

  The IE altered its composition as it unsuccessfully tried to leave the confines of the universe, and its shape glowed and vanished into powerful bright explosions of energy, blasting out from its exploding spacecraft, as its fight for survival began.

  For the first time in its existence it felt pain and saw death, and its formation constantly altered as it controlled its individual parts to a degree of individual cells, stopping itself being absorbed and destroyed by the colossal infernal.

  In horror it felt its destruction but finally a hole formed in the mass of energy, which had been its form of space vehicle it had used to enter this world with, and it grasped the opportunity with all it could muster and formed itself into a flying formation, it had seen in another dimension, and it darted out of the colossal energy into the dark night of the world.

/>   The cold outer world was unrecognizable to it and it was left staggered by its dangers and as it monitored its formation’s fight to repair itself it considered how the occurrence could possibly have occurred, and it felt satisfaction from its body as it completed repairing a major region of damage to it.

  It eventually was able to alter to an extraterrestrial humanoid formation, it had intended to alter to on arrival at the Earth, and it gained more of its normal powers, and it managed to adapt to the surrounding environment, and it shifted into the long black shadows of unknown tree formations like a transparent ghost monster lurking around, transforming shapes and appearances in regions of it, and it temporary stopped astounded by the event as it considered what had happened and that it was trapped on a desolate region in a strange universe, in a strange combination of strange dimensions, without any communications to its own universe, without anything else like it being in the surrounding space, and it began to contemplate the real dangers to its survival and eternal life and it began to contemplate how it could survive on the world without its more advanced technology, which it had never been without or even heard of occurring.

  Its species was so ancient it could not even believe it had a beginning source! It had been contacted by an unknown form of communication, from the unknown universe, from the strange unknown species of Earth humanoids, and it had been chosen by its species to make contact on behalf of its species, and it too had not fully grasped the extraordinary universe, and some of Earth’s extraordinary technology as it never worked in its universe, and it had been disorientated on its entry to the universe and it had made the fatal mistake of forming its spacecraft into a human space rocket formation in orbit over the Earth and it had been detected and attacked.


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