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The Lost Treasure Map Deluxe Book Collection (2017 Edition)

Page 66

by V Bertolaccini

  “Yet there is plenty of water here, and there are streams ...”

  “Therefore there could have been another use for it not stated!”

  “The artifact looks as though it were new and had little contact with the outside world?”

  “They clearly would have had trouble realizing just what it was and its properties were – even after carrying out careful experimentations of it.”

  Bryson rubbed his weary eyes vaguely observing the remains of a fire the archaeologists had built, and they stood next to it considering it.

  “Its origins may become clear once the scientists of the Exploration Association get hold of it!” Mortimer announced. “If they don’t explain what it is, nobody will!”

  “They could run into some problem ...”


  “That artifact must be made of the strongest material known! All their attempts to take samples off it have failed so far ...”

  Bryson stared into smoldering red ashes of the fire and at a black shape within it and saw images of the artifact.

  He had spent most of the morning thinking of the discovery and had not realized anything new. At one point in the night he had believed that the many myths of the world had been all remarkably true! He just could not grasp something! Science had explained so many things that had been thought to be magical!

  Were there occult creatures buried away all over the world? He gasped at recollections of drawings and one of a dragon-like creature that he had recently seen.

  The artifact was roughly the same as a drawing on an old parchment, from a collection of old parchments. Yet it did not fit into any descriptions! The trip had been a success, but they could say what they had!

  “It could very well be some secret Second World War technology that either has been forgotten or is to this day still highly secretive?” he muttered to Mortimer, trying another angle.

  “That thing was invented here?” Merton joked, looking over at a bright blue box shape of a distant company building. “It’s far more than anything they should have had!”

  Mortimer nodded firmly in agreement, and so did the other scientists crowding around them, including archeologists.

  Bryson heard heavy scuffling noises and heard there was at last some action occurring in the tunnel, and he watched them finally hoisting the artifact out of the tunnel.

  Chapter 5

  The Black Artifact

  The discovery was far too big and remarkable and David Parker had been unable oppose anything and could not get to see what was there fast enough, and use it for his own publicity, and send in his leading scientists with their best equipment, from another major important project, to examine the artifact as soon as possible, and he had even been contacted by the military to investigate it, after the incredible media reports.

  The Exploration Association members were mainly concerned in if the artifact was dangerous, as many thought that it was some form of highly advanced military weapon, even though they still could not account for its appearance there.

  The dating of the construction of the tunnel, carried out for the archeologists, had proven that it had been built when Hess had landed there in Eaglesham, at the exact same time as the claims had mentioned and there surely had to be a connection to what had been witnessed.

  Had the artifact been used to spy on or attack the plane, or had it actually been with Hess?

  The military scientists there were the first there to examine the artifact when it had been hoisted out of the tunnel in chains, and brought out of the archeologist tent and witnessed in bright daylight for the first time.

  Bryson watched on astonished, and could well believe it had a military source.

  It resembled a large black shiny missile, completely unmarked, with no scratches or dirt marks, with a deadly look to it Bryson could not fully grasp.

  One of the scientists near him curiously picked up some mud and threw it over it and they watched it repel it and it fall to the ground. It clearly had defensive powers, and could stop damage being done to it, but this did not answer if it was of military origins!

  Bryson walked forward and surprised them by touching it and in less than a second he felt heat being withdrawn from his hand until it felt like ice, until he felt his hand pushed away by some form of energy.

  If it had not had such a perfect symmetrical and artificial shape he wondered if he would have properly noticed the object, and would have thought it to be something left by the tunnel builders.

  It curious how many members of the Exploration Association there actually had misgivings about it, and thoughts of it being something normal and not new, and he was sure that many of them doubted many of the things put forward by their association, and knew it had to be because of the way they treated them at times, and that there was so little of anything out of the ordinary and that they had not actually witnessed many of the things that the others had.

  They vaguely reacted the Exploration Association and many of their elaborate unproven claims and were unconvinced of the occurrences, and only some occasionally openly had criticized the lack of proof.

  So it never fully surprised Bryson that all the members there all started touching it and checking the effects it had on things and made crazy attempts at giving equivalent things that it could be related to, but they never fully achieved their aims.

  In the end they seemed to accept that they had something new, and remained in doubt at how exaggerated the findings had been! Surely they had to have intensified things to revive the lifelessness and lack of new discoveries!

  Many of the critics of the project had visited the site and had witnessed its removal to the surface, and many retired and old members had turned up (like Professor Lynam, Professor Thomas, and Dr Davidson), who remained together, and mainly eagerly listened to everything and searched for any proper new findings.

  They loved everything to do with new exploration and science and they consistently showed their gratitude for being brought along, and constantly encouraged the others to describe what they thought about it.

  Dr Davidson wrote down details that he was given, and Professor Lynam asked for lengthy descriptions for a lecture at their next meeting, to introduce the findings, and give a planned expedition to see it at its future destination.

  “Make sure you get some good photos?” Davidson eventually muttered, unable to constrain himself.

  Many more of the scientists started removing cameras and started filming the artifact at various angles, and Bryson wondered where they intended to take the artifact first and what they would eventually do with it, and he considered what other surprises the artifact had for them.

  “There must be something recorded of this technology somewhere?” Davidson announced to one of the critics, who still did not know what to think.

  “I’ve had people searching everywhere,” the critic scientist replied. “Without any results! Perhaps someone you know in the Exploration Association can help?”

  “So far I’ve not heard anything yet!”

  “We better wait,” Thomas continued, “before we can comment further!”

  “There has to be something!” Lynam continued. “Something hidden away within the depths of some out-of-way place that can explain what it is! Massive unread achieves exist throughout the world ...”

  “What were the findings from all the data that was recorded by scans of it?” Davidson asked firmly, as he read through his notes.

  “There was not anything worthwhile!” Thomas answered firmly. “The artifact never allowed scans ...”

  Some of the surrounding scientists immediately gasped!

  “How does it do that?” one replied curiously, seeking theories.

  “If you’ll remember ... They detected it when David Parker’s plane was scanning here, and the equipment stopped functioning properly and only gave strange, almost incomprehensible, images of here, which were clearly artificial ... All the other attempts at scanning it yesterday also re
ceived the same output ... By some phenomenon, of which they’ve not properly explained, the instruments, going by scan records, showed some form of powerful magnetic like influence – or something of that nature – acting upon it.”

  “What could allow it to create such power? It has to have a tremendous energy source!”

  “It hardly looks Second World War technology, but all the dating data shows it is! Looks can be deceiving! Some people think we may be dealing with some old lost technology hidden away here! What if someone hid it because they could not destroy it, because for some reason it was too dangerous to keep?”

  “Someone could have been be experimenting on something?”

  “We are waiting to have many things clarified! So if any of you can help we would be grateful! We are making enquires to find out if someone had something like it!”

  Bryson wondered what they would do if they could not explain anything? Would they put forward theories about it and allow them to be accepted as facts?

  Chapter 6

  The Museum Exhibition

  Bryson stood baffled at the entrance to the giant museum hall, where the Exploration Association were showing an exhibition of the artifact and their latest discoveries from the scientists, which they claimed would astonish everyone.

  It had confused Merton and Mortimer as they had not come out with anything new for weeks and they believed that they would have discovered everything of interest over that amount of time, and would have announced it earlier.

  The audience in the outer corridor had baffled them when they had seen their astonished behavior and loud accounts on the discovery of something, which for some reason they all avoided saying anything directly about.

  He saw something over on the stage, away out in front of the audience, which he could not identify, which the whole audience seemed to be watching and talking over. Scientists and famous people were everywhere, and the atmosphere unbelievable, and as though the audience were waiting for something unbelievable and dangerous to occur.

  As they marched up the central aisle to their seats, at the front, he felt a shiver run through him as he sensed something was going to occur there, and he slowly noticed the appearance of an energy bubble over where the artifact was resting, over a thick metal display table.

  The thing looked entirely deadly and was pulsating with energy, which looked and sounded on the brink of something.

  Mortimer looked the most confused and sat in his seat examining everything, considering what had happened to it and was occurring, and perhaps why they had not told them anything about the alterations in it, and what had happened.

  Bryson at times spotted that the artifact looked like it turned vaguely translucent and he thought he saw the shape of something inside it, and after along time of carefully examinations he thought he saw a life form inside it, resting flat, in some form of rest.

  It looked powerful, and perhaps deadly! By the artifact he could tell that it had much power but he could recognize what it was or what it could do, and glared at it trying to get a clue.

  They learned some information from a leading Exploration Association member nearby, but he realized that they wanted everyone to get everything from the scientists that were going to appear on stage, and he was convinced it was true by the media further along from him and their reactions to them on not wanting anyone to get anything before what happened there, as the scientists particularly never wanted the media to get any information until they gave it.

  It looked like some form of freak show at angles, with the museum’s strange lighting there.

  Every major scientist and media source seemed to be there and he wondered why the Exploration Association members were so obsessed with such displays and occurrences!

  He examined a brochure that had been handed to him and realized that he should have visited the museum before and was amazed at the amount of historical and interesting artifacts there, detailed filmed accounts of the artifact finding, and stuff on ancient civilizations uncovered, with detailed accounts of findings at their locations, and on space, other worlds and environments, and he even saw some of the work that he had recently heard of, and decided to visit the place in the future.

  The artifact and energy bubble was astounding, placed in the center of the stage, in bright colored beams of light, fascinating everyone there and especially those still arriving.

  The featured expeditions at the museum were some of the best and some people left there to visit them, and some remained looking worried at what was going to happen there and perhaps wondering how dangerous things actually would become!

  Many people even thought of it as a type of horror show and examined it as a strange evil look exhibition, with anticipations of more in the upcoming lectures.

  Some of the exhibitions were clearly set up like they were based on other worlds, and he wondered what the outcome of the occurrences would be and if it was going to be part of the greatest of them all, which he liked the thought of being a major part of and was one of his dreams.

  He realized that Merton and Mortimer were not fully known as paranormal scientists from nearby conversations, and only vague descriptions of them investigating that sort of work was revealed.

  On the stage a few scientists emerged and shifted over to the artifact, and a leading scientist and member of the Exploration Association arrived and gasped when they saw the artifact, in its new state, and ignored it and rushed over to the microphone and started giving detailed descriptions of their detection of the artifact, and their detection of its new energy source.

  “More details of the artifact will soon be revealed,” Professor Thomas revealed. “It should give you more of an insight into what it is! We have scientific findings but little on where it came from, which surely is somewhere exceedingly advanced, as all the information indicates. There only seems to be one of its kind on the whole world! Its present state shows us more about it!

  “More particular facts of the being inside the artifact may become known some day if we find a way to control the artifact, which will allow us to study it.

  “A variety of clues of its highly advanced technology were found. Though we still have found little on, even with our technology!”

  Bryson watched a group of scientists bringing in equipment and arranging it around the energy bubble around the artifact, and Bryson gasped and wondered what they were doing and dealing with, and for a moment thought he saw the being inside it shift.

  A highly advanced clock was entered into the energy bubble’s field by the scientists, and the scientists reacted immediately when they noticed results and concluded that its precision digital numbers were frozen, and it altered into multidimensional forms as the clock was shifted slightly inwards, and they studied the suspended cluster of partially transparent layers, and the audience all watched the phenomenon with amazement.

  Many famous scientist sat astounded, and many filmed it and what might be an incredible historic occurrence and a discovery that might prove time travel existed and that they might finally fully prove what it was, and Bryson watched the media go crazy filming it, surprised.

  The scientists occasionally gave detailed explanations of what they were doing and believed was occurring, and they had the clock edged into the confines of the energy bubble, creating magnificent optical effects with the clock, making it distort in twisted forms, deliberately designed for their stage performance, shaping beams of light with matter.

  New leading scientists were allowed to investigate it and they crowded around it loudly discussing it, and they applauded it and announced it was the first discover of a form of time travel anyone had found, and the audience wildly applauded.

  Most of the audience watched on in wonder, and many watched on wondering what the hell it was, as it was far more different than he had thought, and Bryson realized that he had not heard anything that could properly explain how it worked and he studied the two paranormal scientists and main scientists in hope of picking
something up.

  It looked as if it were rupturing the fabric of space that played with time, with properties of altering and suspending it!

  Many of the leading scientists that had been working with it were carrying out numerous basic and complex experiments on it with all the equipment available to them, and they showed detailed information had been accumulated, but most was not currently available, and it left the other scientists, media, and public wondering what else they had!

  The abnormal antics of some of the scientists and technicians at times was captivating, mystifying them with the depth of their fears of something, and Bryson had not seen them actually react about anything without there being something there!

  Some repetitively studied readings from equipment that they had set up around it!

  Were they preparing themselves for something, which he saw the two paranormal scientists occasionally become aware of?

  Why did they not do anything if they really did believe there was something? What the hell was the thing in it? Was it really of supernatural origins?

  A swift flash of light appeared from a laser and exploded into a particular region of the artifact within the energy bubble, silencing the entire audience instantly.

  Professor Thomas calmly gave other information that they had found out about it.

  “We only discovered this state of the artifact after we carried out experiments on it by firing laser beams at it!” he told them, watching it at the side of his eye. “A computer used many millions of special sequences continuously on it until the artifact altered into this state! It was done after some examinations of a region of it, and some of us believed it might be activated by special laser flashes in particular sequences. The activation sequence has since been studied, and we think we have some more activation sequence codes to get it to carry out other functions.”

  Many people talked about it taking people through time and that they had been witnessing forms of time travel, and Bryson started to realize that it was something – and why it was so dangerous!


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