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The Lost Treasure Map Deluxe Book Collection (2017 Edition)

Page 79

by V Bertolaccini

  Parker’s calm concentrating glare then caught Bryson’s attention, and he followed his glare over to the airplane and they watched it change direction, and fly over towards them, and they stood and waved at it, and ran over to the edges as it came down.

  Chapter 18

  The Monster

  A deep red streak of light shot through the castle walls like a large red laser beam, going through walls like they were just mist, but with accuracy and intelligence, seeking to carry out some programmed mission, with it altering to bright red glowing flickers, and it raged on.

  Scientists witnessed it and filmed it with cameras intending to capture the killer, and when Bryson saw it he saw some energy force that traveled through matter with such speed that he could not think of an equivalent.

  Further glimpses of it appeared later and it was described as being like red lightning, with clear descriptions of an explosive shock of sound. Others saw materializations and swift flashes of red, and when they slowed the filmed sequences down they stood stunned observing a red field of energy with devil features, straight out of the realms of hell, and they realized that they were confronting a new deadly life form.

  One film sequence captured Bryson’s imagination, which he showed to Merton and Mortimer, and they stood staggered to, to his amazement, and just stared at its giant red demon shape glowing, within hideous energy surges.

  What it was remained unknown and they observed it while it carried out what it was doing, while it consistently stopped itself vanishing from existence and back into its original pure energy state, and Bryson wondered if it had the same origins as the thing in the spacesuit that had attempted to make contact with them.

  Although most of the people there thought it was one of the things in the jungle, which had made it into the castle, which brought up the question of why they could not enter that region. Yet some of the scientists and others thought there was something there preventing them entering. There would have been signs of them being there!

  After setting up equipment to get a proper look at it they finally managed to get a close and detailed view of it, which showed that parts of its composition frequently altered or vanished from view and even formed other hideous things.

  How could such a thing exist and what was its natural environment? Had it appeared from the great immense galaxy, and from the immense energy forces and unnatural environment that existed there? How did create or get its vast powers, or had it a way of storing them? And what the hell was the thing doing there?

  It shifted through different states and forms of itself like a freak of nature, and Bryson started to believe that it had entered from another strange universe or dimension where things were different and it was trying to adapt to there, or was a being trapped or living between dimensions.

  He had witnessed things like it in the last castle, and still had not solved what was there!

  In ancient times people would have either escaped with their lives and given accounts of confronting the most deadly and powerful demon from the deepest depths of hell or given accounts of it attempting to brutally kill or drain their bodies of energy, and leave their remains in hideous forms.

  Yet when Bryson told Merton and Mortimer what he believed it was they ignored and dismissed it, and only admitted that it could be interdimensional or whatever else, and he realized that they had discovered something!

  After listening to their assumptions he realized that they believed it was to do with what had landed them there on the island, and that it gave reactions and had defenses to certain things, like it reacted to the airplane’s surveillance scan of it, especially when it eventually landed them there, after it blocking their scans, and their scan on the island giving the castle structure.

  According the people on the airplane they had attempted to scan there again just before they landed at the castle and had picked up interference that had blocked them seeing any proper results.

  Parker and his scientists were in another world as they had the airplane and all the valuable equipment, and they had attempted to use it on the thing rushing through the walls and they had received the same reactions as their attempt to scan the castle, and they believed that it was somehow with it!

  Sometimes it had been seen lurking through the dark shadows of the castle doing unseen hideous things, and examining the formations of things.

  At times it had seemed to detect their thoughts and try to understand what they were, and detect strange forms of energy or sources from them as though trying to analyze what they could be!

  Chapter 19

  The Interdimensional Scan

  Bryson was amazed to discover from Mortimer that the airplane’s new scanning technology used interdimensional scanning, which the military had used at the last castle that they had been at, and he realized why the thing that had landed the airplane had reacted, as the other had done at the other castle.

  It was virtually like trying to read its mind to him! Though it was far more advanced than the technology and combating the problem, and he wondered what it was up to.

  It had not damaged their equipment and that proved to Bryson and them that it wanted it to be there.

  It surprised Bryson that main place that they were unable to scan there, which they were given a glimpse of something existing there, was at the tunnel below the castle tower that they had found, which had been on the map that they had found, and that it must be at the bottom of the castle, far below where the stone steps had collapsed, and Merton had fallen off and nearly died.

  Merton was obsessed with there, and soon moved some equipment and scientists into the room there at the bottom of the castle, with tunnel behind the wall, and eventually persuaded Parker into moving his equipment there to examine what they could behind the wall.

  The scientists set everything up around room wall and detected a disturbance there for them to observe, and Bryson arrived with some of his things and made himself comfortable with being there, and especially away from the murder scene at the other side of the castle, which had the scientists there now packed together and coming out with new methods of filming what was happening there. They had not put any cameras in their rooms but they had set them up in all the corridors, and if anyone entered there they would be recognized!

  Yet what Bryson never forgot was one of the deaths had occurred while most of them had been at the other side of the castle, and that had lowered the figure of the suspects.

  The real mystery was why the person had done it, and they could not realize if it would happen again. The person would have to be mad to carry anything out there now, and would surely be got eventually.

  It surprised Bryson that the things were connected! The lost treasure, the map, and the disturbance and what had taken them down there.

  It was incredible as at one point he had considered the thing and the tunnel to be the most dangerous place there, with the supernatural disturbances there, and it was there just behind the wall in front of him, in the tunnel, and which could well be the most powerful supernatural spot that they had discovered, and it captured Merton and Mortimer’s imagination and research, and he now felt happy there with feelings of comfort from being away from the murder occurrences, which they were annoying him everywhere with the detection of.

  He never had a way of solving it at the moment, or perhaps at all, and he wondered if they could examine the minds of all the remaining suspects!

  At one point he had been sure that they had been going to remove all the suspects and take them all away to interrogate them. Sounds of them were away in the distance still active in his imagination, as he watched all the scientists in the room about him doing their work and he considered what they could achieve there at the most, but again he had too little facts to assume anything.

  He had thought of getting permission from Merton or Mortimer to have their scientists inform him of any new discoveries at his room, to give him any information from the equipment as they found it, but he decided
to hang around there and they would tell him anything important when it occurred.

  He frequently heard gasps from the scientists there when they considered what could be behind the wall, and the power of it, with it being able to do such powerful things and being from beyond the universe! It reminded him of sitting at a wall with hell or some hideous place behind it. What was he missing? What were they missing?

  He was starting to think that he would end up believing that anything could exist anywhere if it had the right means, and he knew the powers of science could be used to create incredible things.

  The situation was getting better anyway and the castle’s interior was great, but could be dangerous and he wondered if he was imagining that they could get out of the place and any future situations alive, and that the place and supernatural disturbances were playing games with them and if they either escaped from there or it was ready it would take action against them! The tension on them for action had clearly been increasing!

  Bryson suddenly recalled recognizing some of the work that some of the scientists had done years ago, when he had been examining documents, and he recalled why he had remembered it all, as it had to do with them checking for the existence of paranormal for the military.

  Their stuff was surprising and even more surprising with them working there with the psychic researchers and he recalled that he had even originally thought that they had been deliberately putting the paranormal research title on their project to cover their work and discoveries, as he had not properly seen anyone even check what they had claimed they had been doing or had created. He had thought that they had also been checking alien encounters or the possibility of an alien encounter having happened!

  He had once questioned them on what they had been doing in more detail and if they had found anything and they gave him documents that informed him that they were checking for virtually all known forms of unknown disturbances worldwide.

  He questioned Mortimer about supernatural disturbances and if they had detected anything occurring there or elsewhere when the deaths had taken place and he informed him that they had not been properly able to detect anything as they never had their paranormal scientists and equipment there, but had acknowledged many from his experience, and was sure some existed there in the castle.

  He wondered if they could put something together that could properly detect anything emerging there in the castle, and they could properly check the red demon entity that had charged through the walls there.

  They could know where anything of that nature was located and they could warn the others! They were not actually protected by anything from it, and he wondered if there was some reason that it never reacted to them?

  “Presumable supernatural reactions and any presence will act on things and produce effects to indicate them being there,” Merton replied firmly, when he had asked him. “Such as it altering air currents, gravity, magnetic fields, radioactivity, scent, sound waves, static, the light spectrum ...”

  “This scanning equipment of David Parker is highly advanced and more than anything we’ve encountered!” Bryson replied. “It can scan and check everything that is about in a degree that has not been done before! To find out if we are missing something!”

  Merton glared at him for a second and laughed, and he looked as if he was wondered how much he was exaggerating things, and replied, “What’s there is capable of stopping it though! It even achieved it at the airplane miles out over the sea!”

  “I think it might let us have some more information!” Mortimer finally replied, considering it. “This is not the same as the last castle or other situations either! I think we may be able persuade it into giving us information! It must know we are not a threat! What I want to know is what it wants and why it is here? Why has it not left here after such a long length of time? And, very importantly, why does it do what it does? We might be able to persuade it that we can help it?”

  “We have an abundance of things!” Merton continued. “We specialize and experiment in detecting things! This is the best there is and we love investigating anything extraordinary! Even if it is or is not an assassin trying to wipe us out ... And we’d love to help it and study it if it is on our side!”

  Bryson started to grasp how advanced they were now and how undetectable the thing really was! And he wanted to see what they were up against!

  “I don’t believe we would even have found it if it had not wanted to show itself!” Mortimer added, while clearly trying to encourage the scientists around him in their work again. “It is pretty well concealed!”

  Bryson was confused and wondered what they were suggesting, and why they were so secretive in places? He had always wondered what they had discovered without him, and was sure that they were covering things up! Surely they would only really receive fame for such a discovery if it was proven to exist?

  “We have found something new!” Bryson continued. “We have not seen anything like it before! It is unknown and it has intelligence and power!”

  “An existence with powers that we have not seen before?” Merton replied.

  “We know little about it and if it ever is or was a life form?” Mortimer continued. “Or what form of life it is or could have been? But we are sure one of its properties is that it exists through other time zones, or dimensions of time!”

  Both Merton and Bryson, and other scientists there, including Parker, looked up simultaneously, and looked at him!

  “What makes you think its present in other time zones?” Merton asked, curiously.

  “The time traveler from the future traced it to Hess’s crash, and told us that he had traced the ultimate time traveler of the future and its lost treasures and ultimate technology of colossal value through different time zones!”

  Bryson was surprised, and realized that they had forgotten about that, and that it might actually be from the future and exist through different time zones. Yet he was unsure, as well as the others, what that meant! Had the time traveler meant that or had it just been the way that he talked, with its future language.

  Things normally did exist in different time zones, and he wondered why it had not been present in time zones going into the future, and for many thousands of years.

  After a few minutes Mortimer watched them, and replied, “It’s pretty vague! But I think it is hidden in some hidden region outside time and in most time zones! I think that it has found a hidden region outside space and time, and the fourth dimension, where it is not normally traceable, and that the time travelers of the future detected it with their time probes, and the time traveler’s time machine detected it while being outside space and time, at a position where the time machine must have put itself to detect all the different time zones together, for it to detect the exact time zone to reenter.”

  “It actually exists there outside the time zones?” Merton asked.

  “And interdimensional in time zones, making it normally invisible in the time zones as well as outside the time zones, and for some reason was visible in the time zones Hess crashed in and we were in!”

  “It stopped us detecting it with the interdimensional scanning technology!” Bryson continued. “And could have avoided being detected at the time zones! Which leaves one question left, and why it has hidden itself away from everything for so long?”

  “And why it wanted us to find it?” Mortimer answered firmly. “It must have known that the time traveler was not capable of much, and that we would not have found it without him!”

  Chapter 20

  The New Equipment

  Bryson was more confused than ever before! What the hell were they about to make contact with, and why did it want them?

  Why was it so hidden away and so powerful? Just how dangerous could it become?

  Bryson realized their point once again and heard them silently confide that they wished to keep what was happening as confidential as possible, and wondered what they could actually discover and what they actually expected.<
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  As they considered what to say next Bryson examined nearby newly installed equipment, and recognized that it was for detecting neutrinos and considered what they used it for, and guessed it was another way of detecting the undetectable.

  Much of it was new and being checked out further on the airplane, and wondered what Parker hoped to discover or achieve.

  Bryson had decided to check out their new equipment when he could, even though he was not sure what most of the stuff on the airplane was for. What he had seen had been little and could be easily have been exaggerated by them! They could be keeping the real stuff hidden away, as it was highly confidential and they were scientists with an interest in it, especially Merton and Mortimer.

  When he arrived back there later he was surprised to see that the place was packed with more equipment, which had been in boxes on the airplane, and even though he never knew what it was he was sure it was powerful stuff and the latest technology. The place looked transformed into something new! And he was surprised to see other scientists had arrived to see what was happening there.

  One of the biggest surprises he got was when examined it up close and saw how expensive and advanced it was! The military back on the Earth would be enraged at its loss! He could not understand how they could put it there with such value!

  Everywhere he looked he found them searching for clues and examining things, and realized that they were going to discover something of immense importance!


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