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THE DAUGHTER OF BLACK ICE (A Child of A Crack Head) Page 9

by Shameek Speight

  His body trembled in fear and snot began dripping out of his nose.

  “Ahhhh!” he screamed when he felt Faith grab his legs from under him. He slammed to the floor chin first. Faith slammed the axe in the middle of his back, cutting through the skin all the way to the bone. She pulled the axe up and slammed it again, cracking his spine in half. Calvin tried to get up, but couldn’t move his legs. Faith wrapped her arms around his legs and began to drag him.

  Carlton stood by the window scared to move. He could hear his brother’s screams loud and clear.

  “Help me! Carlton, help me! I can’t move my legs! No, no! Not my dick! Stop! Please, stop! Mommy! Mommy, help me! Carlton! Carlton, help me!”

  Tears flowed down Carlton’s chest from hearing his brother cry out for help. “I told you not to run, I told your ass to stay in the light,” Carlton mumbled to himself, “What to do? I can’t leave him.” He walked to what was left of Travis’ body and grabbed the handle to one of the knives jammed into his chest. He stepped on Travis’ stomach while pulling and yanked the knife out.

  “Help, Help!” Calvin cried hysterically.

  Carlton’s head ached and his stomach bubbled in fear, as he fought back the gassy feeling he had. He slowly walked over to his brother’s cries, barely able to see his own hands in front of him. He stood close to his brother’s screams, it started to die down and turned into grunting noises. He opened the bedroom door and entered the room.

  “Help me,” Calvin mumbled.

  “I’m here, Calvin.” His eyes began to adjust a little and he could see shapes and certain things. The floor was wet and sticky; he knew it was blood right away. He then noticed a hand, then an arm and leg; which still had a part of the jeans his brother had on attached to it. “No! No!” Carlton screamed and cried uncontrollably.

  He walked toward the bed and saw his brother lying there with all of his limbs chopped off of his body. His body was cut in half at the waistline and he had a broomstick stuck up his asshole. Calvin moved around on the bed, flopping like a fish. Carlton stepped closer to his brother in shock, unable to make a noise, and touched his brother’s head.

  “Ahhh!” Calvin let out a weak scream.

  He lifted his brother’s head and dropped it, once he saw that his eyes had been dug out and his penis was stuck inside of his mouth. Carlton couldn’t control his body as every inch began to shake and tears came flowing down his face.

  He reached out and grabbed his brothers penis and pulled out of his mouth, “Run, run it’s a trap!” Calvin spit out.

  “Shh. I wont leave you,” Carlton replied still crying.

  Faith laid under the bed singing, “Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me, cause the bible tells me so.”

  Carlton panicked when he heard her voice and grabbed the knife tighter, while his body still trembled, trying to figure out where the voice was coming from, “Oh shit, under the bed. Faith swung with all her might, chopping off his left foot from the ankle.

  “Ahhhhh!” Carlton screamed and began to hop away with pain traveling through his whole body. He looked back and could see his foot, still inside the new pair of Jordan’s he had on and Faith crawling from up under the bed.

  “Run, run,” Calvin shouted out worried for his brother that he could not help or see.

  The lights in the condo suddenly came back on. Ding! Ding! Carlton heard the elevator arrive. He continued to hop and look back, noticing the blood all over the floors and walls. He looked back to Faith slowly coming towards him, and he turned and looked forward.

  “All I have to do is get pass the living room. The elevator is right there,” he said. He smiled, seeing the elevator was just a few feet away. He looked back at Faith squatting down. “What the fuck is she doing?” he screamed out loud, “Oh shit!” he screamed as he realized what she was doing, but it was too late. Faith’s axe cut through the air like a Frisbee and slammed into the back of his thigh. “Ahhhhahh!” he screamed and fell forward, face first to the floor. He began to crawl to the elevator as the door opened up. “I can make it, I can make it,” he repeated.

  “No you can’t, fuck boy,” Faith said and pulled the axe out of his thigh and chopped off his right arm, in one swift blow.

  “Ahhh!” Carlton screamed again, but continued to crawl towards the elevator. “I can make it; I can make it.”

  “I already told you, boy, you’re not going to make it. Hahaha, blame your damn daddy. He shouldn’t play with a woman’s heart,” Faith said as she sat on his back, then pulled out her flip knife, raised it high, and came down hard.

  “Ahhh! Lord! Lord help!” Carlton hollered. He could feel the knife rip open his skin and now Faith’s hand was inside of him.

  “Carlton, are you ok? Run, Carlton! Run and don’t look back,” “Calvin screamed.

  She stuck her hand inside the wound she made and moved it around, pushing her arm deeper in until she felt organs. She stopped once she felt the beat, and wrapped her hand around his heart and yanked at it. Carlton’s body went limp as she managed to pull his heart out.

  “Hmm, that was fun,” she said, staring at his heart in her hands,”

  “Carlton, Carlton?” Calvin screamed for his brother while squirming around on the bed no longer hearing the screams of his brother.

  “Hmm, I thought he would have bleed out by now. I guess I get to have more fun with him,” she threw Carlton’s head on the floor and proceeded to the master bedroom where Calvin lay, “Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me, cause the bible tells me so,”

  Calvin heard the singing getting closer and much more clearer, “Ahhhhh!” he screamed wishing the pain would end, but knowing this was only the beginning.

  Chapter 12

  Antonio woke up bright and early from the sounds of their two-year-old crying. He looked beside him and noticed that his wife wasn’t laying next to him. Antonio got out of the bed and grabbed his robe. He walked out of the bedroom, down the stairs, and into the kitchen to see Sabrina and Veronica.

  While feeding Veronica in the highchair, she turned to Antonio and said, “Hey, did you hear from the boys? I texted them last night, but didn’t get a reply,”

  “No, I just got up, but it’s normal for them not to answer the phone when they’re with their ghetto, rich friends,” Antonio replied.

  “Well, I hope so because I have a bad feeling. I hope they just dropped that crazy woman off. You can’t keep doing this, Antonio. Can’t you see the effect it has on your family? You have to learn to control yourself. You said there’s nothing wrong with Veronica, but she hasn’t stopped crying since that crazy woman kicked her. I think we should take her to the hospital,” Sabrina stated.

  “No, we can’t do that. They’re going to write a report and investigate. We don’t need that and she’s going to say a woman kicked her. She will be just fine,” Antonio replied.

  “No, the fuck she won’t, Antonio. None of us will be just fine with you out here fucking bitches left and right, making them believe you love them. What, you can’t get pussy without telling these bitches you love them?”

  “That’s not the case, baby. It’s just a mind game, that’s all. But these women don’t love me, you do.”

  “Hmm, I’m starting to question my love for you. But that bitch loved you, you could see in her eyes that she believed every word you told her just like my foolish ass. You broke her heart! You can’t keep doing that.”

  “Listen, I don’t got time for this shit, fuck you!” Antonio shouted.

  Sabrina looked around the kitchen and spotted the glass centerpiece in the middle of the kitchen table. She grabbed it and launched it at the back of Antonio’s head with furious strength, causing him to fall forward and hit the floor, the glass shattering everywhere.

  “Fuck me? Nigga, fuck me? I’ve been putting up with this shit for years! Women popping up, babies popping up, and I still stood beside you, holding your arm giving off the image that we had a perfect ma
rriage and you got the nerve to say fuck me? You done brought this psycho bitch to our home, got our child harmed, and God knows where my sons are, and you look me in my face and say fuck me? Nah bitch, fuck you!” Sabrina shouted as she walked over to him, while he was rocking back and forth on the floor holding his head, trying to stop the bleeding, “Fuck this marriage too,” she said as she snatched her ring off and threw it on top of him. “Now, get the fuck out of my house!”

  Antonio staggered to his feet still holding the back of his head. He looked at his wife walking back to their daughter and wanted to say something, but knew he put his foot in his mouth. He went upstairs as fast as he could, got dressed, and left.

  Chapter 13

  Faith sat in the 2015 black Cadillac Escalade with the keys she took from Carlton’s pocket. She grabbed the jar in the passenger seat, which held four different sizes, shapes, and colors of all four of the boys’ penises.

  “Bet you won’t rape anyone else.” She placed the jar back on the passenger seat, next to the bigger jar that was filled with water and Travis’ decapitated head.

  She laid back in the seat and watched as Antonio’s green Mercedes Benz pulled out of the garage, and then, out of the driveway. Faith watched the car disappear down the road, and then she started the truck and drove up the driveway of their two story home. She looked up on the sun visor and was happy to see the garage door opener. She pushed the button and watched the door rise and she slowly drove in.

  “Oh, it sounds like your brothers are finally home,” Sabrina said to her daughter and scooped her up into her arms, walking to the garage door by the kitchen. She opened the door to see her sons’ truck pulled in. “Why the fuck y’all wasn’t answering the phone?”

  The tinted windows on the truck made it impossible to see in the truck. Faith grabbed Calvin’s head out of the backseat, hopped out of the truck and tossed the skull like a baseball. The head crashed into Sabrina’s forehead like a head-butt. She stumbled backwards as blood dripped down her face from the new, fresh wound and a speed knot grew on her head that began to throb. She did her best not to fall, knowing she had Veronica in her arms. Something told her to look down to see what hit her and she looked in despair.

  “Aahhhh!” she screamed at the top of her lungs when she realized she was hit with her son’s head, with the eyes dug out of the skull.

  Faith calmly walked over to Sabrina and bent down. She stuck her index finger and her ring finger in the eye sockets of the head like a bowling ball and swung, hitting Sabrina in her left temple. This time, she couldn’t control her body from falling and collapsed onto the kitchen floor, briefly losing consciousness.

  “Auuh, ugh,” she groaned in pain. The sound of running water and her daughter could be heard. She felt like this was all a dream and her head was pounding terribly. She opened her eyes to see that she was still in the kitchen, ‘God, please let this all be a bad dream.’ She tried to move, but she looked down and saw that she was tied up with sheets, wrapped around the kitchen chair. She tried to scream but couldn’t.

  Faith entered the room holding Veronica, while she was crying, trying to break free. “I see you like to scream, so I found some old period panties and stuffed them in your mouth.”

  Sabrina heard a whimpering sound and Faith walked over to take the panties out of her mouth. Sabrina cried uncontrollably and said so many things at once, she could barely be understood.

  “If you calm your pretty little head, maybe I can understand you, dear,” Faith said in a nonchalantly tone.

  Sabrina took a deep breath. “Why did you do that to my son? Where is Carlton?”

  “Your sons have, I mean had, my mistake. Hahaha! Your sons seemed to have inherited the same problem as their father with their dicks. The little horny shits and their friends took me to the condo and raped me! Let’s just say, they all got fucked back,” Faith explained. Sabrina cried a silent cry and her heart went numb, thinking of what she had done to her children. “Anything else?” Faith asked.

  “Please, don’t hurt us, just please put my daughter down. Where is my dog? I can hear her crying?” Sabrina asked, while crying. Faith just stood there smiling like the Grinch that stole Christmas. “Muffin! Come here, Muffin girl,” she screamed out to her Pomeranian.

  Muffin slowly slid in the kitchen from the living room and inched her way to Sabrina’s legs. Sabrina looked in horror, looking at Muffin with her forelegs cut off. The little parts that were left was wrapped up in white gauze with blood seeping through.

  “What did you do to my dog, you crazy bitch?” Sabrina shouted.

  Faith raised her right eyebrow. “Really bitch? I’m standing here dangling your damn nappy head ass daughter. I killed your lil dick having ass sons and you’re yelling at me about a damn dog? If you must know, the bitch was driving me crazy. It wasn’t so much the barking; it was those little feet tapping around on the damn floor. It sounded like she has on damn tapping shoes. I couldn’t take that shit no more, so I cut her damn feet off… there. You happy?” Faith walked off and came back with one of the dog’s legs. “Here girl, come get it. Come get it girl.” She waved the leg at the dog, making kissing sounds over by Sabrina’s legs, causing Muffin to slide to her, grabbing the leg and eating it. “The funny part is, the bitch even eats the bone. That’s what she did to the first one. I wonder do she know that it’s her leg? Hmm, guess we’ll never know. Oh, and don’t worry, she’s not in any pain. I went into the medicine cabinet upstairs, found a great stash that I’m sure your husband isn’t supposed to have and shot her ass up with some morphine.”

  “You sick, stupid bitch! All of this because my husband doesn’t want you. You doing this because one measly man don’t want you. Fuck you!” Sabrina shouted like a crazy woman.

  “Hmm, it seems as though you forget who has the upper hand here,” Faith said while bouncing Veronica up and down in her arms.

  “You wouldn’t. I’m sorry, I take it back,” Sabrina said while crying.

  Faith smiled and picked the bloody panties off the table and stuffed them back in her mouth. She tilted and dragged the chair Sabrina was tied to across the kitchen, passed the living room, and into the guest bathroom on the first floor. The floor was over flooded with water as the bathtub was left running. Faith placed Sabrina in front of the bathtub.

  “No, this isn’t over a man. This is just who I am. Antonio was the reason I wouldn’t allow myself to be this person; the person my father said was already in me. I guess he was right because this shit feels better than sex. Hurting people, seeing them cry and scream, gives me a weird type of high. I can’t explain it. It covers up the pain your husband put me through. Having me think he cared for me and loved me, was the worst mistake he ever made. So, for the pain I felt, I’m going to hurt him ten times more. It seems as the only thing he loves more than himself is his children. I mean, you heard that little speech he gave me yesterday. If I could remember properly, I believe you laughed and taunted me about how he broke my heart. Well, let’s see if I can get another laugh out of you,” Faith said, while smiling like something was mentally wrong with her.

  Sabrina quickly caught on to what was about to happen next. “No! No!” she mumbled through the panties and rocked her chair back and forth.

  “Mommy! Mommy!” Veronica cried out from seeing the panic and tears in her mother’s eyes and tried to wiggle away.

  Faith sat on the edge of the bathtub and looked at Sabrina. “Yesterday, you asked how much would it be to get rid of me. At that time, I didn’t know the price, but now I do. It’s your family’s lives. That’s my price,” Faith said as she tossed the two-year-old baby in the bathtub and held her head under the water. Veronica kicked and scratched at Faith to break free.

  Sabrina screamed and rocked the chair trying to get loose. Her mouth was so soaked from the screaming, she had to try not to choke on her own saliva. Tears poured out of her eyes as she watched her daughter fight for her life, knowing she couldn’t help her. The bubbles event
ually stopped rising to the top of the tub water and the splashing stopped.

  “I guess it’s over. The funny thing is, this child put up a better fight than all of you.” Faith pulled Veronica’s body out of the tub and hung it over the tub like a wet towel.

  “Ahhhahhahh!” Sabrina cried hysterically.

  Faith removed the small axe from her waist and wiped Sabrina’s tears away with it. “Wait, the best part isn’t done yet.” She walked back to Veronica’s body, grabbed her by the hair, and swung the axe through her neck. The axe ripped through her neck, taking her head all the way off. Sabrina managed to push the panties out of her mouth and screamed from the top of her lungs. Faith dropped Veronica’s head and walked back over to Sabrina.

  “Don’t you wish you would have chosen a better man; a non-cheating scumbag?” Faith asked and swung her axe. She looked confused when she felt her axe being blocked. She looked and saw her axe crossed up with a machete. Faith was now face to face with Black Ice.

  “I see you have more than a little bit of me in you, my child,” Black Ice said while laughing, “Hahahaha!” His laugh sent chills through Sabrina and Faith’s body.

  Faith tried not to show it, but it was something about her father that she couldn’t help, but fear. “Yes, daddy, I’m just like you. Are you happy now? So, let me finish this bitch in peace,” she said, while pulling her axe back.

  “You’re a far cry from being just like me. You’re still sloppy and have a lot to learn. Besides, you still fear me, bitch. You’re not ready until you fear nothing, not even the devil. And you’re not killing her.”

  “What the fuck you mean I’m not killer her?” Faith shouted.

  death. She’s coming with us and she’s mine now. Daddy is going to have a little fun with her.”

  Flashbacks of the first time she seen a woman gutted alive like a pig played in her mind. She smiled, knowing her father was right. Death was easy, but life was hard.


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