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THE DAUGHTER OF BLACK ICE (A Child of A Crack Head) Page 10

by Shameek Speight

  “Okay,” she replied.

  “Good. Gather your souvenirs, we got to go.”

  Faith reached down and grabbed Veronica’s head and ran back to the front to grab the dog and Calvin’s head.

  Sabrina couldn’t believe what she saw nor what she was hearing. This tall strange man in her house was this crazy bitch’s father. Black Ice stood in front of her and Sabrina looked at him strangely. He was tall, dark, and handsome. He looked as if he lived in the gym and had a long scar across his face. The only way you could tell he was a killer was by his eyes, voice, and demeanor. He smiled and kissed her on the forehead. His lips were soft, wet, and comforting.

  He broke the embrace. “You’re my bitch now!” he shouted and swung, punching her in the side of her head. All she could see were stars before losing consciousness.

  Chapter 14

  Antonio rode the elevator up. He was two floors away from reaching his penthouse. “I can’t wait until this is all over. I’m throwing all that bitch’s shit away. Well, maybe not all of it, I paid good money for all that name brand shit. I can save it and keep it for the next bitch, she won’t know the difference.” He joked around in the elevator, still holding his wound from his wife in the back of his head. “Then again, I may just throw everything away.

  The elevator door opened and his heart and jaw dropped. Blood was everywhere, like a massacre had taken place in his condo. In front of the elevator was a headless body with a missing arm and a leg. Antonio pulled out his .45 from his blue blazer and his IPhone to call 911, but before he could start the call, he dropped his phone and to his knees in tears, recognizing that it was his son’s body.

  “No, no, no!” he shouted, while crying. He stayed there for ten minutes in shock, and then searched the rest of the condo, where he found his other son on the bed with all of his limbs chopped off. He recognized them from the clothes that they were wearing, “Why?” he asked, while looking up. “Oh shit, Sabrina and Veronica!”

  Antonio tried to call his wife, but didn’t get an answer, so he called the police and explained that someone may be trying to kill his wife. He rushed out of the condo and was in his car in a blink of an eye, driving as fast as he could through every stop sign and red light. He was shocked to see that he beat the police home. He parked in front and pulled out his gun before he entered the house.

  With his gun leading the way into the house, he called out, “Sabrina! Veronica!” he shouted, but no answer.

  The first thing he noticed was the puddle of water on the floor and could hear running water from the tub. He entered the kitchen first to see Muffin dead, lying on the kitchen floor with no legs.

  “Sabrina? Baby?” he shouted once more, and then heard his phone ringing. The call was from his wife and his heart began to beat slowly. He answered, “Hey baby, where are you and Veronica? I’m worried,” he asked, praying she was out shopping.

  “And you should be.” He heard a voice and his heart sank when he recognized it was Faith.

  “Bitch, you killed my sons! I’m going to fucking kill you, I swear, you bitch!” Antonio said while crying.

  Faith could hear the pain in his voice and it brought joy to her. “I bet you’ll think twice before you play with another woman’s heart, before you tell someone else you love them and don’t mean it. You broke my heart, Antonio,” Faith said sinisterly.

  “Fuck you! I never loved you, you were just good pussy. I used you! I’m going to kill your black ass, bitch! I promise you I’m going to kill you!” he screamed with spit flying out of his mouth and tears all over his face.

  “I see you and your wife have a lot in common; you both tend to forget who has the upper hand.”

  Antonio pulled the phone from his ear and looked at the screen to see his wife’s name. For a second, he forgot she had called him from his wife’s phone.

  “Where’s my wife and my daughter, hoe?” he shouted after putting the phone back up to his ear.

  “You still think you’re in control, huh Antonio? You’re the hoe. Remember this, you male hoe, if you were faithful to your wife, none of this would have happened. If you didn’t hurt me and break my heart, I wouldn’t be the way that I am now,” Faith replied.

  “Fuck your heart, bitch. Where is my family?”

  “Fuck my heart? Fuck my heart?” she repeated and her anger raised, “Go to your guest bathroom, Antonio,” Faith said and stayed on the phone quietly, tapping her feet while she waited.

  Antonio stepped into the water and made his way to the guest room. He looked down and could see water was getting deeper. He squeezed the grip on his gun tightly. “Please, just jump out on me bitch, so I can empty this whole damn clip on your ass,” he mumbled.

  “You won’t be that lucky, baby,” she replied as she twirled her axe in her hand.

  Antonio walked into the bathroom and noticed that the water was different; it was much darker and mixed with blood. His eyes opened wide, “NO, NO, NO!” his tears flooded like a river looking at his daughter’s body in a red and black polka dot dress, slouched over the bathtub without her head attached. “NOOOO!” he ran over to her body and picked it up, pulling it closer to his chest. “Lord why? Noooo! God nooo!” he screamed, while crying and rocking back and forth.

  “You broke my heart, so I broke you. Oh, I have everyone’s head. Hahahahaha!”

  Antonio could hear Faith talking and laughing before he dropped his phone in the water. “No, no, no, no!” He sat there on his knees, holding his daughter tightly.

  Excerpt of…


  Faith stared at Black Ice as he drove the van. She looked out of the passenger side window into the rearview mirror and could see the other vans following close behind.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  Black Ice turned his head and looked back at her, “You’ve earned the right to ask me two questions, only two, until you can prove yourself to me even more,” he responded with a smirk on his face.

  “Ok, my first question is, where the hell are we going?”

  “For a young woman that has been locked in a shitty apartment most of your life, I’d think you’d be excited to see most of the world. But to answer your question, we are headed south, so that I can start training you. You’re good, but no match for someone that has been killing longer than you,” he answered.

  “Train me for what? I think I’m a pretty good killer,” she replied.

  Black Ice had to fight the urge to laugh. “My child, you’re okay, but remember, anybody can be a gorilla in a room full of chimpanzees. The question is can you be a gorilla in a room with a gorilla? Can you still be a wolf when more wolves are around? Can you be a killer amongst other killers? I don’t think so, not yet. And I’m training you to help me kill your older sister and your two brothers, whom are better killers than you for the moment. But, you’ll have me as a personal trainer, unlike them,” Black Ice replied.

  “Wait, what? Kill my brothers and sisters? Why? And why did my mother hate me so much?” Faith asked.

  “Bitch, I told you, you had two questions. You have to earn the rest,” he stated.

  “Uggh!” Sabrina moaned. Her skull felt like it was cracked opened. She opened her eyes to see that she was in a moving van, “Help! Help!” she shouted.

  Black Ice looked at Faith. “Can you handle that?”

  “You should have just let me kill her. I wish I can kill Antonio, too,” she said as she stood up and walked to the back of the van.

  “Oh, you’ll get your chance. He’ll come looking for you with everything he’s got,” Black Ice warned her.

  “Good,” she replied, raising her leg and stomping back down on Sabrina’s head, knocking her back out.


  Regina walked fast and continued to look behind her. She was now in the state of Virginia and had been moving from state to state for the past eight months. She had been on the run ever since she laid eyes on Black Ice for the first time in
twenty years. The only thing that slowed her down from staying on track was her urge to get high.

  “Okay, I must get enough crack to last me, and then, I can find a small town and hide. He’s never in small towns since he’s so used to hiding in plain sight in cities I’d never go back to. I won’t go back,” she said as her mind flashed back to being trapped in a warehouse and women screaming as hyenas ripped through them, eating their flesh, “No, I won’t go back,” Regina repeated and turned down a block, “Okay, after I get this shit, I’ll jump on a Greyhound out of this state and keep moving, so he won’t find me,” Regina said to herself and turned down an alley, still looking behind her.

  She could see a young man with a fitted cap on dressed in all blue. She recognized him as Rome, the neighborhood drug dealer. She bought crack off of him for the past three weeks, but now, it was time to get enough to leave.

  “Yo, Rome! I hope you got what I asked for. I don’t have time for no small dime bags,” she said, but he didn’t answer or move.

  His back was leaned against the wall and his left leg was posted on the wall, as if he was about to take a picture. She moved closer and touched his shoulder and as soon as she did, Rome’s head fell off of his body and rolled a few inches away.

  “No, no, no. Not again. I won’t go back, you hear me,” Regina pulled out a chrome 380 handgun from her bra and squeezed the trigger, firing wild in the narrow alley. Bullets hit brick walls and ricocheted everywhere, “I’m not going back, you hear me!” she shouted, and then stopped shooting and raised the gun to her temple. Her finger twitched as she prepared to pull the trigger. “I can’t let him get me,” she mumbled, knowing that death would be a lot better than what Black Ice would do to her.

  She could hear something fast cutting through the air. She squinted her eyes and could see a small axe flying towards her, but it was too late to react. The axe ripped through her flesh and cut off her hand that was holding the gun.

  “Ahhhhh! No, I won’t go back!” she hollered in pain and bent over to try to get the gun from her now, detached right hand.

  She saw someone kick the hand away and send a blow to her face. Once she opened her eyes, she saw Faith standing over her, but she wasn’t the same girl she raised. She seemed stronger and darker.

  “Hello, mother. Now, I can’t have you killing yourself, that would be such an easy way out. Plus, my father has plans for you,” Faith said with an evil smile on her face.

  “No, I won’t go back!” Regina shouted.

  “Yes, you are, bitch.” Regina heard a deep demonic voice and knew who it belonged to.

  Regina was roughly grabbed by the collar of her shirt, dragged backwards to the van and tossed inside.

  “Your mine, bitch,” Black Ice said before he locked the back of the van.

  Regina held her right arm while screaming, “Noooo! Not again! Nooo!”

  More releases by True Glory Publications. Just click the Link!

  Shameek Speight

  Child of a Crackhead

  Child of a Crackhead II

  Pleasure of Pain

  Ink Mistress

  Unfaithful: A Tale of a Broken Marriage

  Simone: The Hired Mistress

  Desperate Damsel

  Marques Lewis

  The Woman That Got Away

  CoCo Dior


  Melikia Gaino



  Adrian Thomas





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