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The Instruction of Olivia

Page 10

by Geoffrey Allen

  'London?' he enquired, dropping his paper.

  Olivia didn't have a clue where she was going, so replied in the affirmative. It seemed the right thing to do.

  'I hope you are more fairly treated there than you have been in this neighbourhood,' he replied kindly. 'When you got into the carriage I couldn't help but notice the evidence of a recent and severe whipping about your person, particularly around your hindquarters.'

  'Is it your practice to notice such things?' Olivia said tartly.

  'I could not help it ma'am, for if you were to reach under your rump you will discover a rather large and revealing tear in your dress, which not only bares your bottom, but also indicates that you are not wearing any drawers, or anything else for that matter.'

  'How dare you sir,' she exclaimed, 'to be so forward.'

  'There is a law which strictly forbids young women to travel on trains half naked and much to the consternation of fellow passengers,' he continued, 'and which leaves me wondering why you are travelling without luggage or a chaperone.'

  'My luggage and chaperone have gone on ahead,' she replied, pleased with her quick and witted response.

  'On the previous train, no doubt.'

  Olivia replied that that was the case.

  'Then your chaperone and luggage will be in some confusion, for the previous train has gone on to Dover, which leads me to the conclusion that you are a liar, and also dressed in clothes other than your own, which I am certain are stolen. In short, you are a penniless vagrant and will be handed over to the appropriate authorities as soon as the train arrives at Paddington.'

  'The magistrate?' she asked fearfully.

  'Indeed, unless you agree to take your punishment forthwith. And in your position that would seem the best alternative.'

  'I suppose that means taking off my clothes and sucking your thing,' she said sullenly.

  'No it does not,' he replied, genuinely shocked at her suggestion.

  'I'm sorry, it's just that everyone else seems to demand it, that and being whipped as well.'

  'You were made to do that?!'

  'Frequently, and I don't mind saying that I'm beginning to think it's all I'm ever wanted for, to debase myself and indulge in such outrageous acts of lewdness.'

  'Tell me what happened to you and I shall make it my business to see they are brought to justice.'

  'Is buggery a capital offence?' she asked, intrigued.

  'Not necessarily, but probably warrants penal servitude at the very least.'

  'And what about sucking a man's thing?'

  'If you were not a willing participant, possibly ten years in prison.'

  She thought for a moment. Henry had treated her like a dog and deserved that. She might have to exaggerate a little, but the knowledge and pleasure of hearing him sentenced to ten years on a treadmill was worth it.

  'Where would you like me to begin?' she asked, feeling a little excited at the prospect of being, at last, able to get her own back.

  'At the beginning. But first, take off your clothes. I may need to see any evidence that will assist your case.'

  Olivia willingly stripped and then sat naked in her corner, legs still crossed but arms by her sides resting on the seat; breasts bare and wobbling with the steady rocking of the carriage. Her nipples were erect from a draught that came through the open window, so the gentleman pulled on the strap and closed it, then seated himself beside her, his hand resting on her knee.

  'Begin,' he said, giving an affectionate and encouraging squeeze.

  'Reynolds, his name was, an undertaker by trade, and I had been sent there to work as a maid, but little did I suspect the real motives for my employment. On my very first day when I ought to have been polishing grates and such, he assaulted me in a fashion I dare not repeat.'

  'I'm afraid you have to, if this Reynolds is to be brought to book.'

  'It began in the storeroom where all the coffins were kept, a more dark and dismal place you could never imagine. And there I was all on my own a-polishing of the handles and lids. I was fair worn out when he came in all of a rage. "Is that all you've done?" he said, looking at the pile with utter contempt. I was furious, for all that morning I had worked my fingers to the bone.

  '"I shall have to punish you for your laziness" he said, and then ordered me to take off all my clothes.'

  'And did you?'

  'What else could I do? He was twice the size of me and looked very sincere, what with taking off his belt and swinging it to and fro. So I took off my dress and stood there in my underwear, wondering what to do next. "And the rest" he said, "you have to be naked".

  'Off came my corset and drawers, and there I stood without a stitch on, all of a tremble. "Put out your hands" he ordered, and then tied them behind my back with his cravat.'

  'Are you sure you are telling me the truth?' the man asked suspiciously. 'He really did that to you?'

  'Cross my heart and hope to die, sir, that's exactly what he did.'

  'Show me. You can demonstrate with my tie. Do exactly as were ordered.'

  Olivia stood up and put her hands behind her back, crossing her wrists and letting the man bind them. When he'd finished she sat down again in her corner.

  'Very good. Now continue with your narrative, and be sure to leave nothing amiss.'

  She thought for a moment. 'Then he led me to a pile of coffins and pushed me over them, and while I was helpless he made me spread my legs and tied my ankles wide apart to some benches that were there.'

  'And you did not resist, even at this stage of the proceedings.'

  'How could I with him holding me down with his hand on my back and pinching my poor, bare bottom?'

  'I still find this rather difficult to credit. Perhaps you had better show me the exact position that you were in, then I can decide for myself'

  'But there aren't any coffins,' Olivia said, as if it were the most obvious thing on earth.

  'Then you can use my knee,' and seeing her hesitate he added irritably, 'oh, come along girl. If you want this man punished you must show me, or how am I to present your case?'

  Olivia got to her feet, and while he shuffled to make room she lowered herself over his knees, her head almost touching the floor, legs bent feeling the vibration of the rails beneath.

  'Now what happened next?' he asked, settling himself comfortably and resting his hands on her bottom.

  'He whipped me of course, with his belt and then, after that he—'

  'Go a trifle slower, miss. You state quite clearly that he whipped you. How many times? A dozen laid on hard, or was it perhaps a mere demonstration of his authority over you? A warning, so to speak.'

  'I was whipped so hard that my bottom went red,' she replied indignantly.

  The man reached for his portmanteau and opened it. Olivia gulped at its contents.

  'Do you normally travel with such wares?' she asked, lifting her head and staring at the collection of whips that clattered to the floor.

  'It's all part of my investigative procedure,' he replied, taking up a particularly nasty looking length of plaited leather and flexing it between his hands.

  'Now I suppose you're going to whip me,' Olivia said dryly, as if she expected it.

  'I don't have to, no.'

  'But it would help me if you did?'


  'Then you may continue, but when I tell you to stop you will do just that... understood?'

  Unseen by Olivia, the man took a quick glance out of the window and did a mental calculation. In the distance were the beginnings of a city and he judged that there was time enough to give her a sound thrashing before the train heaved into Paddington.

  Olivia clenched her teeth to fight the pain that seared through her bottom. He was whipping her hard; much harder than she could remember Henry having done. She saw the shadow of his arm rise and fall and felt a scorching welt spread across her cheeks. Her head jolted and hit the seat with a bump.

  'Did you scream like that when
this Roberts fellow lashed you?' he asked professionally.

  'Reynolds,' she corrected. 'His name was Reynolds, and no, I did not.'

  'Then don't do it now.'

  He lashed her again, but on the backs of her thighs, shifting her further over his knee to get a more accurate aim. The next two strokes crisscrossed her shoulders and another caught her on the side of her flank. Henry had not whipped her quite like this, with such deadly precision, ensuring that each lash landed on an untouched part of her flesh, deliberately throwing her into studied confusion so that she didn't know where he would hit her next.

  'I think I've had enough now,' she sobbed, trying not to scream any more.

  'How many lashes did you receive originally when Reynards whipped you? It must have been a good couple of dozen, I'll be bound.'

  Olivia fumed, would this stupid man never remember the right name? She tried to get up but he forced her back again, toppling her so that her bottom rested square across his knees, her weight thrown forward.

  'Three dozen,' she snapped, not troubling herself to correct his earlier mistake. She would have to write it down later.

  'Then three dozen you must have,' he said, lashing her back six times in quick succession.

  'Must I really?'

  'I'm afraid you must, unless you wish me to cease here and now and forget about any justice you wish to see done.'

  'And what about all the other things he did to me, do we have to go through that as well?'

  The train had slowed to a crawl and entered a passing loop waiting for the signal to proceed. It was possible that he could bugger her after he had finished with her bottom.

  With that idea in mind he sent the plaits whistling into her buttocks, stinging her flesh and filling the compartment with wild shrieks.

  'Cease your yelling!' he shouted at her. 'And behave yourself, or I shall be obliged to discontinue with my investigations!'

  Olivia sensed a rage of anger well up inside her. She had done everything he had told her to do; had stripped off her clothes and permitted him to bind her, had submitted to a fearful whipping and was running the risk of being taken anally into the bargain. She wished now that she'd never mentioned the awful subject in the first place. Her teeth ground in anger and she kicked out like a pony, thumping the door and rattling the glass.

  But the more she kicked the harder he lashed. Olivia simply couldn't believe that she had allowed all this to happen; putting herself willingly over a man's knee, a man she had never met, and was not only offering herself up for a beating, but was fully compliant, encouraging him to complete the punishment.

  When the final lash fell it was on a pair of blazing cheeks that had lost all feeling. She had stopped grinding her teeth and snorting, and her legs lay lifeless and akimbo across the carriage floor.

  'Were you untied when the next assault took place?' he ventured, 'or did you remain that way? Answer me girl, I have to know.'

  'I was left tied,' she sobbed, 'but not like this.'

  Her wrists were freed immediately and she found herself hauled upright and put back onto the seat. Her bottom sank into the upholstery and a wonderful feeling of relief went through her.

  'So how were you tied?' he continued. 'Hands in front, or what?'

  'Above my head,' she replied, thinking that having gone this far she might as well make the most of it and condemn Henry to death, or as close as possible.

  'And you were whipped again?'


  'And now I suppose you're going to tell me that you were taken down and he put it in your mouth with you kneeling in front, or did you go willingly to his bed?'

  'I never entered his bed,' Olivia protested.

  'So you were in the position I have just described?' Olivia gave a reluctant nod. 'And your hands were free to obey his instructions?'

  'I can't remember,' she muttered, realizing what lay in store if she admitted as much.

  'I think you have lied to me all along. This fellow Richards doesn't even exist, and because of that I shall report you to the authorities.'

  'And I think you are not what you say you are. All of this was just an excuse to whip my behind.'

  'Very well, I suggest we both return by the next available train and you shall have the opportunity to prove yourself. If what's his name does exist, I shall tender my apologies and leave you to pursue your own defence, assuming you can indeed prove these serious allegations.'

  'Whatever you want with me,' she said sadly, and understanding the situation, 'just go and do it.'

  'What do you think I ought to do with you?'

  The train had moved out of the loop and was gathering speed. Out of the window the outer suburbs of London were coming into view. Then quite suddenly they were plunged into darkness. Olivia could just discern the bricks of the tunnel through the smoke.

  The man had got behind her and forced her to the window, her bare breasts flattened against the glass, and she turned her head sideways to stop her nose and lips from doing likewise.

  'Reach up and grab hold of the luggage racks,' he told her, guiding her hands upwards and outwards.

  Olivia had to get up on her toes to obey his command. Her breasts glided up the glass and her navel and belly appeared above the lower part of the door.

  'Higher,' he said, giving her bottom a vicious swipe with the whip.

  Olivia jerked up and felt her pubic ridge and hair rise just above the frame.

  'Oh, God, no!' she exclaimed, seeing the walls of the tunnel begin to lighten.

  The train gave a shriek of its whistle and burst into the daylight. The man had evidently dropped his trousers and was pressing his erect organ into her bottom-cleft, keeping her up on her toes and compressing her against the window, so that no matter how great her struggles she could not escape. It became quite clear that from outside everyone would see her nakedness, but only a glimpse of the anonymous figure behind.

  'We fit very nicely together,' he remarked, embedding his organ between her cheeks and using his hands on her buttocks to immerse it fully.

  'Do we?' Olivia breathed, daring to angle her head slightly at the backs of rows of tenements coming into view.

  'Were you really buggered?' he asked, starting to ride her.

  Olivia winced as her hardened teats rubbed into the glass. She was so hard against it her breasts had squashed flat, giving the impression that they were huge - at least three, perhaps four times their real size.

  The slaps she knew were coming landed on her flanks, for there was nowhere else he could hit her, pressed as she was.

  'I don't have to suffer this,' she gasped, now that the train was entering the city proper and passing gangs of plate layers in the sidings.

  'You haven't answered my question,' he replied, releasing his grip on her cheeks and softening the slaps.

  'You refer to my being buggered, I presume.'

  There was temporary relief when the carriage drew up alongside a goods train and she couldn't be seen. The tension in her bottom and legs subsided slightly. Her hands lessened their grip, but still she was up on her toes, held in check by his organ, which was poking uncomfortably close to her anus. A finger surreptitiously smoothed a cold cream into that shy opening.

  'That's exactly what I'm referring to.'

  'No... no never.'

  She choked back a tear and then thrust her rump savagely backwards, almost affecting an escape from the window, but not quite managing it for the man was as quick on the return, and Olivia let out a whelp.

  'You're having me!' she wailed, tensing her muscles and writhing her hips.

  The man went brutally about his task, penetrating her with a forceful shove of his loins and pinning her hopelessly against the window. Olivia struggled and he slapped her sides repeatedly, beating her into submission, making the tears flow. Every time he withdrew and she thought her humiliation was ended, he speared her again, but more savagely, and kept on slapping her, and she screamed all the louder.

nbsp; Now they were clear of the goods wagons and face to face with gangs of men working alongside the tracks - so close that dozens of shovels and hammers clattered to the ground as one - her humiliation descended to new depths. She screamed from revulsion and loathing as much as from his riding her. One of the men came boldly up to the window and flattened his rough hand on the glass, pretending to grope her breasts, making it go round and round in circles and mouthing audible obscenities.

  It was the measure of her defeat that she had abandoned all resistance, and merely looked at the plate layer with half lowered eyes and drooping lips that said, yes I am being buggered, and if it pleases you, watch me - watch all you like.

  Then, as suddenly as the man had penetrated her, he lifted her away from the window and pushed her to her knees. He wound his fists in her hair, and her mouth, open with surprise and shock, was abruptly filled to the hilt.

  'Now suck!' he commanded. 'And be quick about it, you shameless trollop!'

  And remarkably, Olivia obeyed.

  Notwithstanding the acrid taste of her own bottom, she sucked his organ deep into her throat, and found her hand worming between his legs, clutching his fruits and bobbling them on her fingers. He stiffened at that, and Olivia worked her inexperienced mouth as if she were a seasoned whore; going up and down, sucking and blowing, nibbling at the plum, and all the while keeping her fingers manipulating and squeezing.

  'A whore,' he exclaimed. 'I knew it from the start, and if I had the time I'd have you where you want it most.'

  But time was not on his side. The train was easing its way from the sidings and the cacophony of lewd catcalls, and into the station itself. As Olivia brought him to his climax he bitterly regretted all the time he'd wasted trying to seduce her.

  Olivia swallowed hard and took his organ out of her mouth. Then she spat a great gob of fluid across the compartment and burst into a flood of tears.

  'I'm not a whore,' she protested. 'I did this because I thought you wanted to help me,' and she picked up Charlotte's dress and threw it over her head.

  To her annoyance it got caught in folds around her breasts, and when she jerked it free she heard an ominous ripping sound.


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