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Pleasuring a Pirate

Page 5

by Leila Brown

  Sera's eyes went big. Ryas walked over to her and pressed the release buttons on her top and on her skirt. Both hit the floor. Her brown skin made Ace's mouth water. Nephllim women were usually a pale white, pink, or blue. None possessed such a dark and inviting color. And most of their women were as tall as him but lacked the power. And although he hadn't seen Sera fight, he was sure that she would have more power.

  He stroked up and down her arm, marveling at the softness of her skin. He shook his head. They had been too long without a personal pleasure-giver.

  “Sera, I want you to kneel down and hold your hands behind your head. Link your fingers together and then spread your legs open.” Ryas's words echoed in the quiet chamber.

  Ace watched Sera blanch at the words. As she struggled against the command, her body moved in jerky starts and stops until she was down on the floor in the exact position that Ryas had requested.

  Her breasts were pushed out to their best advantage. Ace bent down and captured one nipple between his teeth and rolled his tongue around it. She tasted as sweet as she had the night before.

  He pulled back and moved so he could look her directly in the face. “Does your ass still twitch?” She started at the words but otherwise didn't look at him. “I can make it feel better.”

  Sera swallowed hard. She didn't want to give either man an excuse to ram his cock up her ass. She twitched as she tried to move her arms. She'd never heard of submission rings. Every time she fought against their control, sharp shards of pain raced up and down her muscles. No matter how much she tried, she couldn't resist the pain enough to move her legs or arms.

  She was fighting against the bands so hard, she didn't dare waste the energy needed to talk to them. If she stopped fighting for a minute and let her body luxuriate in the bliss, she would be lost.

  “Open your mouth,” Ryas told her as he stepped up to her. He'd taken off his clothes, and his cock was bobbing up and down right in front of her. “Open it, Sera. I didn't put the control collar on you, but I will.”

  Collar? Sera fought against the bands and the fire-laden pleasure of Ace's mouth on her flesh. But she slowly opened up her mouth. Every inch stole a bit more of her focus. She couldn't take them both at once. She couldn't. But two things changed her mind.

  One, Ace moved his hand from her breast to her crotch. He stroked along the tender flesh with his thumb and sent a torrent of pleasure jolting through her. The second was that Ryas had pushed in far enough that the tip of his cock hit the back of her throat. The slight gagging robbed her of her concentration just when her pleasure reached a peak.

  Her resolve melted away, and she closed her lips around Ryas's cock and sucked hard on him. Ace pressed his thumb against her slick opening and dipped it inside. His thumb was large enough to stroke the inner walls of her pussy. Each time he pressed inside her, she slipped a little closer to her orgasm.

  “Don't get her too close. This is supposed to be a punishment,” Ryas said before he moaned long and deep on a hard thrust.

  “I think it a far better punishment to make her come again and again rather than leaving her wanting again and again.” Ace continued to press his thumb into her.

  Each time his finger jammed inside her, she shook with the need to come. Her body relaxed, and she was able to take more of Ryas into her. The head of his cock slipped into her throat, and for a moment she looked around in terror. When she tried to suck in air, her throat just constricted around him, and she panicked for a second, but the bands wouldn't let her move her hands to push him away. She turned her head and dislodged him and sucked in much-needed air.

  “Don't panic. We wouldn't let you suffocate. Hold your breath, count to five, then swallow and I'll pull out.” Ryas caressed her head. “I didn't mean to scare you. Almost all pleasure-givers have stretched their throats to accept the largest cocks. I forgot for a moment how inexperienced you are.”

  She heard the genuine concern behind his words, and it helped to calm her. He wasn't trying to choke her. She swallowed hard and opened her mouth to try again. She knew that tomorrow she would be gone who knows where. She wanted to please them. To have the type of satisfaction they'd shown her yesterday.

  Ryas gently pushed his cock back into her mouth. With his first thrust, she clenched down on Ace's thumb and shattered into a million pieces. She exhaled with her release, but her position didn't change.

  “That was one. How about another?” Ace whispered against her skin.

  He wanted her to come again. Hell, she'd barely come down off the high of her last orgasm. His fingers didn't stop searching. In fact, they slipped over her wet skin faster and faster.

  Ace pulled his hands away from her tingling skin. He got up from her and walked over to the band control device. “Get on all fours.”

  When her legs began to move, she didn't fight it. It felt surreal. Like she wasn't in control of her own body, and in this case she wasn't. Ace set the module down and walked back over to her. He sat down behind her. She couldn't turn her head to see what he was doing, but when she felt the undeniable glide of his tongue against her wet flesh, she knew what he intended, and she whimpered around Ryas's cock.

  Her body pulsed with each gentle stroke against her engorged flesh. Her ability to concentrate on one man at a time totally escaped her. The sensations each was flooding her with were too much. At this point she gave up all pretense of control. Ace bit and nibbled at her until she was back at that sharp ledge ready to fall over into another reality-robbing orgasm.

  It didn't happen as quickly as she thought it would. No, she hovered on that tiny ridge between body-shaking frustration and mind-blowing ecstasy. Ryas was no longer sticking his cock into her mouth with the intention of sliding into her throat. Now his thrusts were shorter but faster.

  Ryas grabbed her head and rammed his cock to the back of her throat before the first spurt of his essence filled her mouth. Her cheeks bulged with it until she contracted and let it flow into her throat. She swallowed again and again until she was finally able to breathe.

  Ryas pulled his spent cock from her mouth. Sera slid her tongue along her lips as she reveled in the secondary shocks racing through her body. Every muscle in her body spasmed out of control. If those bands weren't controlling her muscles, she would be a heap on the floor.

  “Where are you going? We aren't done yet.” Ace moved from beneath her and licked up her back from the base of her spine to the top of her neck.

  A torrent of shocks flooded her. Beads of sweat coated her from the top of her hairline to the balls of her feet. She couldn't, not for a third time. “No. Please.”

  “Please? Honey, you don't have to ask.” Ace positioned himself so that the tip of his cock pressed against her wet opening. The head popped inside with no problem.

  Sera rocked back into him as much as possible without moving her fingers or knees from the floor. As he pushed into her, she enveloped him. Her muscles inched over his shaft, sending shocks rioting through her. His cock pulsed inside her. She licked her lips as he jump-started the pace. Suddenly her body was lurching with his every thrust.

  Ace's hands flexed on her hips; then he inched them up until they cupped her breasts. He pulled her back into him as he rocked into her. Her pussy was so engorged from her two previous orgasms that every touch of his skin sent a fire through her own. It burned with just as much pleasure as pain.

  Her heart pounded in her chest as another orgasm built inside her. It started with an odd tweak of pure desire. Then it built to a constant need with each touch of the base of his cock to the extended tip of her clit. And finally she felt the tidal wave build up that would lead to an overload of her senses.

  Ace clenched her ass cheeks and inserted his thumb into her just as he rammed inside her and pumped her full of his cum.

  Sera screamed at the craving ripping through her and the pain of his thumb pressing into her. Her body shook with her release. The aftershocks of elation blared through her muscles, making her twi
tch and spasm. It felt like she'd lost control of her body.

  This was the one thing she feared. The ecstasy they induced stole her resolve. She sucked in a breath and bit down on her lip in an effort to regain a modicum of control.

  Ryas clicked a button, and suddenly her legs and arms gave out beneath her. Then he walked over, scooped her up, and put her on the bed. This was why she was leaving. They made her want to give in to them. Ace gave her so much satisfaction, it turned to pain, then back to pleasure again. She had to get out of here as soon as possible, or she might never want to leave.

  * * * * *

  The ship landed early the next day. Sera and Sophie walked out onto the bright red-tinted world like the rest of the crew. Once they cleared the ship, both women stared up at the shining firey sun, then looked at each other. There was no mistaking the difference between here and Earth. The sun gave everything a rosy glare. Sera's and Sophie's skin almost shone from within.

  Beyond that there was the almost nakedness of everyone on the planet. The women, even the ones who were clearly pirates, barely had enough on to cover both their nipples and their asses. By comparison, Sera and Sophie looked severely overdressed.

  “You both need to go to one of the computer consoles and register before the end of the night. All unregistered individuals after midnight are subject to arrest and detainment. And that is one place you don't want to find yourself,” the male pleasure-giver, Jace, told them. He wasn't a bad guy. Just a little flamboyant for Sera.

  Sera grabbed Sophie's hand and raced past the others through an alleyway and out into what looked like a flea market. But as they started walking by the stalls, Sera had to concentrate hard on not staring. The first stall boasted dildos of every size, color, and material. One looked like a plastic purple vibrator, but something in the way it jumped when the vendor touched it told her it was way out of her league.

  “Come test out the newest in artificial phallic pleasures. They feel lifelike. They respond to heat. And will keep going as long as you do. Come give it a try, my little pet,” the salesman said, looking over to her.

  She swallowed hard at the way his gaze roamed from her head to her feet. He didn't look disgusted by her. Instead he looked intrigued. He reached out to her, and for a second she imagined that if he actually caught a hold of her arm, he would latch on and never let go.

  Sera shrank away from him as his smile spread wider. He was definitely looking for something besides just making a sale. And she had no intentions of jumping into his bed. Sophie seemed to be experiencing the same thing from another vendor on the other side. This man was a mountain of a muscle. Even bigger than Ace or Ryas. He had a black goatee that framed his face, and his eyes were intent on Sophie.

  “Let's get registered and then find another ship.” As they proceeded through the flea market, Sera's stomach cramped in apprehension. Every man who they passed devoured them with hungry eyes. They needed to get off this planet and fast before something bad happened. She grabbed Sophie's hand and hurried through the stalls hoping that the end was coming soon.

  At the edge of the market stood a white kiosk. Sera walked up to it hurriedly and touched the dark screen. Instantly the thing beeped on. She dropped Sophie's hand and read through the available languages. It took two screens before English appeared as an option.

  She touched the box and then tried to keep up with the screen as it scrolled past her eyes in a flash of words. Keeping up with the words was almost too much for her. As her gaze went from word to word, she lost sight of the world around her. The reflection in the screen below her showed a man approaching, but she was too late.

  He rushed up and grabbed Sophie. It was the second man from the flea market. The one with the black goatee. The one who'd first tried to accost her sister. Sera turned just as his hand clamped down on Sophie's mouth. Sera kicked him, punched him, but it didn't stop him. He didn't even grunt as she landed blow after blow. She screamed for help, but no one even turned in their direction. People kept walking as if nothing were going on.

  “Please, someone help me!” Sera screamed as the man hoisted Sophie over his shoulder. As he turned from her, she ran after him. He was not about to just kidnap her sister. She kicked him in the back of his knee, hoping to sweep his legs from beneath him. Instead he swept around and pushed her hard with one hand. She stumbled back and hit her head against the hard kiosk, which was beeping insistently.

  Shit. This was a problem. They were both unregistered, and as of now crewless. All crew disputes were handled by the respective captains. Without a captain, one had no recourse of action. She stood as quickly as possible, but the man was gone. He should've been easy to spot. He stood heads above everyone else. How could she lose him in a crowd like this? But as her gaze swung from person to person, she realized the hopelessness of it. She knew no one. Had no money.

  No, that wasn't right. She did have one way out. One way to try to help her sister. She turned and looked for the street that had brought her here, and as soon as she recognized the way, she rushed down the alleyway. The crowd pushed against her, and she pushed back. Never in her life was she so grateful that she wasn't some wafer-thin girl. Instead of trying to wedge between people, she pushed them out of her way.

  By the time she reached the end of the alleyway, she no longer needed to push anyone. They stepped away from her willingly. She rushed back to the ship and ran up the ramp, then banged on the side.

  “Please open. Please!” The few seconds it took for the door to open seemed an eternity. The small door on the ship slid open, and she stumbled inside. Her knees hit the metal grate on the floor, and the pain helped her to reinforce the reality of her situation. Her sister was gone. She was at the mercy of two men who wanted to do who knew what to her. And in all of this, she was so alone; her entire body shook with the knowledge.

  “What's wrong, Sera?” Ace asked as he came into the room.

  “Sophie, gone,” she said in a breathless whisper. It took her a few precious seconds to suck in enough air to talk again. “We were at the registration kiosk when a man came up behind us and grabbed her. I tried to stop him, but he knocked me into the kiosk. By the time I got up, they were gone.”

  At the last of her words, she watched Ryas come striding into the room. “Someone knocked you down? Do you remember what they looked like?”

  Sera nodded. “Yeah. He was a little bit bigger than you and had a black goatee. He was in one of the first booths when we arrived. He tried to grab her then, but he missed.”

  She should've made Sophie register first. She should've been more attuned to her surroundings. No way would someone have been able to walk up on her or Sophie at home. Her only excuse was that everything was so new, so different. She never would've imagined that someone could just walk up and grab someone, and no one would lift a finger to help.

  “You know we can't do anything. Only the captain of your ship can do something now.” Ryas shook his head and lifted his hands in a defeated gesture.

  “We didn't get a chance to register or sign on with another ship. We walked through the market and found the kiosk, then bam, Sophie was snatched up and gone.” Sera relived every moment again and again in her head. Was there something she could've done differently to protect her sister? Something she could've done to stop him from just walking off?

  “What would you like us to do, Sera?” Ace asked as he leaned back against the console.

  “What can you do? Can you get her back?” Sera asked as tears welled up in her eyes. She knew the answer even as she asked the question. This was a pirate planet. She didn't have the slightest hope.

  “We can get her back. But—” Ryas stopped abruptly.

  “But what?” Did she even want to know?

  “But we can only act on the behalf of our crew members. If you want us to do anything, you will have to sign on as a crew member, and we will have to send in Sophie's registration as one of our crew members too. Which means you will have to register—”
  “As your personal pleasure-giver,” she finished for him.

  Chapter Seven

  Their personal pleasure-giver. She'd just got out of that position. Now she was back.

  “For how long?”

  “As long as we want.” Ace stood behind her, his hands tracing the line of her shoulders.

  “And what if I get tired of…?” She was going to say “you two,” but that didn't sound good when you were trying to get someone to risk his life for you. “What if I get tired of the arrangement?”

  “Keep it to yourself,” Ryas told her with a smile on his face. “You want our help, you need to agree to our terms. If you don't like the terms, find someone else to help.”

  Sera didn't know anybody else. If she didn't agree to their terms, then she had no hope of getting her sister back. And if she said yes, she was going to be their personal fucktoy for however long they wanted. Both choices left a bitter taste in her mouth.

  “Fine. I agree. Now go find Sophie.” Her voice sounded resigned to her own ears.

  “It's not that simple. You have to finish registering; then we'll get the contract.” Ace stalked out of the room.

  Wasn't registering and contracting the same thing? There was a separate contract? Ryas handed her a wireless handheld screen. Sera wouldn't even try to read the fine print this time. No. It didn't matter what the damn thing said. She would agree to anything to get her sister back.

  Although registering sounded quick and painless, it took over twenty minutes for her to get through the process. By the time she was finished, her head hurt with it. Ryas took the screen from her when she was done.

  He clicked a button on the console behind her. “Ace, you got the contract?”

  “Yeah. Be there in a sec.” Ace's voice sounded garbled.

  “Ace had to go dig up the semipermanent contract. We don't just keep those hanging around. Most of the crew is job by job. You will be required to wear the mark of a semipermanent crew member.”


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