It Started in Paradise

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It Started in Paradise Page 4

by Nicki Night

  “No!” Chloe shook her head as she dismissed Jewel’s observation. “And it’s not a date. We’re just having dinner.” She spread another coat of lip gloss across her lips and through the reflection in the mirror, she caught Jewel cutting her eyes toward the ceiling. After a moment she confessed. “Okay, maybe I’m a little excited.”

  Jewel ran over and hugged her. “Yay! Chloe’s gonna have some fun tonight.” She swayed her hips, dancing out her own excitement. “Enjoy yourself.” She straightened her back and pointed her finger as if it were a command. “Don’t think about anything or anyone back home. You hear me? And let him kiss you at the end of the night if he wants to. Who’s going to know?”

  “You will, Ms. Big Mouth.”

  “I’ll only tell Jade. She has to know.”


  “What?” Jewel unsuccessfully tried to refrain from snickering. She fluffed Chloe’s shoulder-length hair with her fingers. “Let me do your makeup tonight. Oh! Let’s go shopping around lunchtime and find a nice dress for later.”

  “Jewel. Slow down. It’s not that serious.” Chloe looked back at her.

  “Oh, but it’s fun! Besides, who needs a serious reason to shop?”

  Chloe closed her eyes and exhaled.

  “Now get out of the bathroom so I can take my shower.” Jewel turned on the shower water.

  Chloe gathered her comb and cosmetics that lay sprawled across the vanity top and stuffed them in her travel bag. “It’s all yours,” she said, exiting the bathroom.

  Chloe couldn’t remember the last time she’d been on a date. Placing her toiletry bag inside her carry-on, she imagined how tonight would go.

  Envisioning a moonlit light dinner accompanied by a tropical soundtrack of waves crashing against the shore made her smile. A shiver crawled up her hand where she imagined him touching her. Then she chided herself for acting like a lovesick teenager.

  She thought about her sister’s comment. If Donovan tried to kiss her tonight, would she let him?

  Chapter 6

  Excitement surged through Donovan. The conference was going well for him but that’s not what caused him to feel so elated. He looked forward to his date with Chloe. Looking down at his watch made him smile. He had several hours to go before meeting up with Chloe.

  Donovan thought about his crush on Chloe. High school was a long time ago. Since then, he’d been the target of many women’s desire. He couldn’t pinpoint what it was about Chloe that intrigued him then or now but he intended to enjoy the process of finding out. Hearing her beautiful voice during karaoke caused his sense of curiosity to leap off the meter. He’d felt her soul when she sang.

  Thankfully, the rest of the afternoon sailed by quickly. Donovan hurried to his room, showered and returned to the bar in the hotel’s lobby dressed in a blue lightweight sports jacket, white linen shirt and slacks. He topped his look with a straw fedora in the same tan hue of his pants.

  A pre-dinner cocktail was the perfect way to start the evening. He’d given Chloe some extra time to do all the stuff women do to get ready to go out. After his drink, he called her.

  “Hey there! We’re meeting in the lobby, right?” She answered out of breath.

  “How about we meet at the bar by the pool?” Donovan heard her groan. “Are you okay?”

  Chloe huffed. “Yes. I was just turning everything upside down looking for my sandal.” She chuckled. “I promise you I’m not out of shape, just rushing. That’s all.”

  “Your shape seems fine to me,” he joked.


  Donovan expected a laugh but then wondered if he’d offended her. “I was joking.”

  “I know.” There was more silence. “It’s fine. I’ll be down in a few minutes.” Chloe hung up before Donovan could say anything else.

  Chloe was going to have to get used to his sense of humor. He planned to take his time getting to know her. Something told him she was worth it.

  Donovan headed to the pool bar, ordered another glass of Cabernet and looked out over the convention crowd who had now traded in their business casual garb for more relaxed options, like shorts and swimsuits. Boisterous laughter ran out amongst a group of gentlemen mixing with the loud merengue streaming from hidden speakers. Several flat-screen TVs hung from the rafters, adding an array of voices and volume to the clanging of plates and utensils.

  This symphony would continue through most of the night, which was why Donovan opted for a more serene environment for his date with Chloe.

  His Cabernet arrived just as he spotted Chloe stepping off the elevator. She arrested his attention in a flowing coral maxi dress that slightly swept the floor beneath her and exposed the smooth skin of her shoulders. Her hair was pulled up in a bun with a few delicate wisps hanging down around her face.

  The heads of several men turned to her as she made her way toward him. A cocky grin eased across his lips, proud of the fact that the center of the many patrons’ attention was his date for the night. As she drew closer, he quickly took in her long lashes, high cheekbones and the soft pink sheen on her lips.

  He stood, greeting her with a peck on the cheek and a possessive hand placed respectfully in the small of her back.

  “Ready to go?” he asked.

  “Yes.” Her affirmation was followed by a sweet smile that Donovan wished he could have caught on camera.

  Leaving his wine behind, Donovan swept his hand before her, allowing her to walk ahead of him, eager to begin his night out. “Oh!” He stopped. Chloe turned to him. “About my little joke earlier, I hope I didn’t offend you.”

  Chloe waved her hand. “I wasn’t offended.” She pursed her lips. “And I’m sure the pun was intended.”

  “Indeed it was.” Donovan laughed. “So we’re all good?”

  “All good.”

  “Great. I don’t want to scare you off on the first date.”

  “I’m a big girl, Donovan.” Chloe laughed and shook her head.

  “Let’s go have some fun then.” Donovan took Chloe by the hand and led her through the resort.

  After a brief inquiry with the concierge, they hopped in a taxi. At first, Chloe quietly took in the tropical scenery as they drove along the main road.

  “By the way,” he began, capturing her attention. “You look absolutely beautiful.” He couldn’t help touching a wisp of hair that hung by her ear.

  Chloe blushed, dipping her head into her shoulders. “Thank you.”

  Donovan enjoyed watching her blush. To him, it meant that his compliment affected her in some way.

  “So where are we going?” she asked as she turned to him.

  “A place a friend told me about. I think you’re going to like it.”

  Light conversation carried them the rest of the way to the restaurant. The taxi pulled up to an exquisite modern structure, which rivaled anything in an upscale design magazine. A stone pathway nestled in the center of lush tropical flora led them to the front entrance of the establishment.

  Donovan announced his name and the host led him up a winding staircase to a rooftop seating area that overlooked the ocean. A live band played near the center of the room before a cozy dance floor.

  The host pulled out chairs for both, giving them a perfect view of the water. Donovan sat, removed his hat and placed it on his leg.

  Chloe looked around and nodded approvingly. “This is a beautiful place. You should thank your friend.”

  Their waiter quickly approached, took drink orders and left them to their small talk. Donovan was anxious to make Chloe feel comfortable so he could dine with the magnetic woman that sang karaoke the other night.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah...” She seemed to want to say more. Donovan waited, giving her space to find her words. “It’s been a l
ong time since I’ve been on”

  “Really?” Donovan reared his head back slightly. “A beautiful woman like you?”

  Chloe’s cheeks flushed. A coy smile told Donovan that she appreciated his compliments. “Yes. I’ve been buried in work and time just passed by. It wasn’t intentional. I just enjoy my work.”

  “So what exactly do you do for Chandler Food Corp?”

  Donovan seemed to have asked the right question. Chloe’s expression brightened as she talked about both sides of their family’s business. It was clear that she had a passion for planning the extravagant events that their waterside venue, Chandlers, was known for. She spoke highly of their plans for expansion and of all the work they’d put into increasing their visibility across the Gold Coast.

  Her excitement engaged him. She asked him about his work with his family’s catering hall. He shared a little family history, telling the charming story about how the name La Belle Riviere came about. His father endearingly referred to his mother as his beautiful half as opposed to using the more common term, his better half.

  “Aw.” Chloe inclined her head sideways and pouted. “How sweet.”

  They exhausted the topic of work over a few glasses of wine before it turned more personal.

  “So about this crush.” Chloe swirled the liquid in her wine glass and chuckled.

  “Ha! Those were the days.” Donovan took a sip, leaning to the side so the waiter could place the hot plate piled with an impressive lobster that was still steaming. He waited until her plate of sea bass was set on the table before continuing. “I’m surprised you didn’t know about it back then.”

  “It’s amazing how we were so close, yet so far from each other. Other than seeing you and your siblings in school and around the community, I really don’t know much about you guys.” Chloe took in a forkful of her dish and sighed, indicating her approval of the meal.

  “Good...huh?” Donovan asked, pausing between his words.

  “Delicious!” Chloe covered her mouth as she spoke.

  Donovan tilted his head. “What would you like to know about me?” he asked, bringing the conversation back to them. His voice dipped lower than he’d intended.

  Chloe sat back and shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know.” After a moment, she added, “Let’s start from the beginning?”

  “I was born...”

  “Not that far back, silly,” she interjected and then laughed.

  Donovan snickered. “Did you know that I still play the tenor sax?” he said, dipping a chunk of lobster meat into the butter sauce.

  Chloe swallowed the sip of wine she’d just taken before speaking. “I remember that from prep school.”

  “Yes, I play with some friends in the city sometimes. There’s a lounge that books us for gigs.”

  “You’re part of a band? Very cool! How often?” she asked.

  “Yes. Quite often, actually,” Donovan said matter-of-factly.

  “I’d love to hear you play one day,” she said.

  “We can arrange that when we get back home.” Donovan paused a moment, but continued when Chloe didn’t respond to his invitation. “What about you? Hobbies?”

  “I haven’t indulged much, but as you know, I like to sing.”

  “And that you do very well.” Chloe blushed. Donovan smiled. “What else?”

  “Um.” Chloe looked up as if the answer were on the ceiling. “I like to play chess.”

  “Really!” Donovan’s eyes stretched. He was genuinely surprised.

  “I’m quite good at it, too,” she proclaimed.

  “We’ll have to see about that.” Donovan sat back confidently.

  Chloe narrowed her gaze at him. “Maybe we should engage in a game one day.”

  “I have to warn you. I play quite well.”

  “I guess we will have to see who’s better.” Chloe leaned back and crossed her arms.

  “You’re challenging me.” Donovan sat erect and pointed to his own chest.

  “If you think you can handle getting beat by a lady like me,” Chloe stated and dared him with a direct stare before sipping her wine.

  Placing both elbows on the table, Donovan leaned closer to Chloe. “I’ll set the place, you set the time,” he said.

  Chloe fell into a fit of laughter. “I pulled you right into that one.”

  “Oh no! You’re not getting out of this. We have a chess match coming up.”

  “We only have another day or so here in Puerto Rico.”

  “We don’t have to play here.” Donovan waited to see how she would respond to him alluding to seeing her back home. Once again, she left his statement hanging.

  By then, Chloe seemed to have entered her comfort zone. They finished dinner, then shared a decadent dessert and talked some more. Conversation flowed easily, dipping in and out of past years and springing forward into future hopes and dreams.

  “Why don’t you sing more often?”

  Chloe lowered her eyes and swirled the wine in her glass again. Donovan noted that as a gesture of avoidance.

  “I just don’t have time for it. I work so many hours.”

  Seeing that the subject slightly changed her mood, Donovan wanted to recover the moment. “Let’s dance.”


  Donovan stood, placed his hat on the empty seat beside him and held out his hand. Chloe placed hers in his. Donovan two-stepped a version of salsa to the dance floor. Once there, he turned to Chloe, held out one hand and put the other gently against her lower back.

  For a moment, they stood staring eye-to-eye before Donovan began swaying his hips in time with the upbeat tempo. Pulled in by her eyes and delicate long lashes, Donovan didn’t want to look away. He held her gaze until it intensified slightly. Chloe was the first to break the connection but not before he felt something spark between them.

  Dancing in sync, they found their collaborative rhythm. Donovan led, guiding their movements to match the syncopated tempo. Songs started and ended until it seemed like one long refrain.

  Chloe folded her body into his. He released her with a turn. Catching the beat, they stepped in time to the spirited beat until Donovan felt a bead of sweat roll down the center of his back. The longer they danced, the more he pulled her in. Dancing chest to chest caused heat to circle in his groin. This warmth had nothing to do with the fact that they’d been moving nonstop for a while now. This heat was directly linked to Donovan’s growing desire for the woman skillfully twirling her hips against him. He needed air.

  “Wanna go outside?” he asked. Chloe nodded and then delicately wiped a bead of sweat from her brow. Holding her hand, Donovan led the way to the balcony, welcoming the cooling ocean breeze. “Are you enjoying yourself?”

  “Am I?” Chloe asked breathlessly, wiping her brow once again. “I haven’t had this much fun in so long. Thanks.”

  Donovan’s response was a smile. He looked out over the water, listening to the hollow sound of the waves. Still holding her hand, they stood silently on the terrace, allowing the gentle wind to lick away the sweat generated from their sensual dance. Rays of moonlight bobbled on the water, inviting Donovan to the shore.

  “Let’s go,” he whispered to Chloe, paid the bill and led her through the restaurant to the exit facing the sea.

  Donovan removed his shoes and rolled the hem of his pants just above his ankles. Chloe followed suit, removing her sandals and knotting the end of her dress below her knees. Hand-in-hand, they walked where the water met the sand. Chloe’s hand felt good in his, as if it belonged. They stopped walking, still holding hands, and turned to watch the evening’s light dance across the ripples in the midnight blue water.

  A fleeting thought about settling down flashed across Donovan’s mind and he snickered to himself. It was too early to consider al
l of that but he certainly looked forward to exploring more of her world. He wondered about her dreams.

  “What’s one thing that you’ve always wanted to do?”

  “Hmm.” Chloe sighed and closed her eyes, stayed that way for a moment and opened them back up. Instead of answering, she smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

  “What was the first thing that came to mind?” Donovan turned to her, studying her pensive gaze.

  “As a little girl, I used to imagine singing before an adoring crowd and receiving a standing ovation. I’d stand in the mirror, throwing kisses to my fans and telling them how much I love them, the way Diana Ross used to do.” She giggled. “Sounds silly, right?”

  “That can still happen.”

  “Oh, please!” Chloe dismissed the notion with a wave of her hand. “That was a little girl’s fantasy.”

  Donovan observed her closely. After a moment she looked away, directing her attention toward her feet. He watched her create abstract swirls in the sand with her bare toes. Donovan felt as if there were more she wanted to say.

  “What about you?” she asked after a while.

  Donovan chuckled. “When I was a kid, I fantasized about being an astronaut.”

  “What happened?”

  “Girls,” Donovan said matter-of-factly. Both enjoyed a good chuckle.

  He liked the way she laughed: the way her head fell back revealing the sexy long line of her neck, the sweet melody she released into the air, the way she wrinkled her nose and how her sweetheart lips parted. Suddenly, he felt the urge to kiss those lips.

  Chloe stopped laughing and looked at him curiously when she noticed him watching her. “What?” she asked, staring inquisitively.

  “I want to take you out again.” He was direct.

  “Let me check with my sister to see what her plans are for tomorrow.”

  “I’m talking about when we get back home to Long Island. I want to see you on a regular basis.” A few dates wouldn’t satisfy him. He was interested in the quest. Where could this go?

  Chloe tucked her lips in but didn’t say a word. Donovan imagined her doing the same thing when he made that comment earlier when they were on the phone. He was beginning to understand the indications of her silence.


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