It Started in Paradise

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It Started in Paradise Page 5

by Nicki Night

  “I love my mother but she doesn’t run my life.” Donovan faced her, taking both her hands into his. He looked into her eyes. After a moment she looked away. “I want to see you again.” It was more than a statement.

  Chloe’s only response was a sigh and a smile. Donovan wasn’t settling for “no” as an answer. Getting what he wanted had never been a concern. He only ever needed to figure out how to attain that which he desired.

  Chapter 7

  Jewel pulled the door to the hotel suite open before Chloe could remove the keycard.


  “I heard you put the card in the door. Come on!” Jewel pulled Chloe into the suite. “Tell me all about it.” Jewel smiled hard and wide. “Did you kiss him?”

  Jewel flopped on the couch in the living room and sat cross-legged. She kept her eyes trained on Chloe as she kicked off her shoes and unknotted the bottom of her dress. Jewel’s eyes were wide with anticipation. The only thing missing was a bowl of popcorn. “Tell me you kissed him,” she prompted.

  “No, we didn’t kiss, but we did hold hands.”

  Jewel’s mouth formed an O and her shoulders slumped. “You’ve been out with him all this time.” She craned her head toward the digital clock on the desk in the living area. “And you didn’t even get a kiss? You held hands?” she asked incredulously.

  Chloe went into the bathroom on her side of the suite and started the shower. The heat of their dance, mixed with the salty beach air, made her feel sticky. Jewel hopped off the bed and followed Chloe when she came back into the room.

  “So tell me about the date,” Jewel urged.

  Chloe grabbed a T-strapped nightie, turned back toward the bathroom and bumped right into Jewel.

  “Oh my goodness, Jewel. Give me some space!” Chloe couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Ha!” Jewel hooted, making Chloe giggle some more.

  When they gathered themselves, Chloe began to tell Jewel’s eager ears how much she enjoyed Donovan’s company. Jewel closed the lid of the commode, covered it with a towel and sat down, listening to Chloe as she showered.

  “Wow! So what’s next?”

  “Pass me a towel,” Chloe said. Jewel did as she was asked. “I don’t know what’s next.” Chloe patted her body dry, wrapped the towel around her and left the bathroom with Jewel on her heels.

  “You don’t want to see him again?”

  Chloe flopped on the couch and huffed. “I do but...”

  “But what?” Jewel planted her hands on her hips.

  “You know...” Jewel twisted her lips. Chloe grunted. “I just don’t want any drama.”

  “Chloe.” Jewel sat beside her sister. “For once, forget about doing what you think you’re ‘supposed’ to do.” Jewel curled her fingers into quotes. “And do what feels good to Chloe.”

  Jewel’s words brought Chloe back to the question Donovan asked on the beach. What’s one thing that you’ve always wanted to do?

  Donovan had no idea how loaded that question was. It would have taken more time than they had for her to tell the truth. She’d backed herself into a highly safe box in life. She had long ago begun to feel caged and compelled to break out of the safe zone she’d created, knowing that her actions might shock some and anger others. However, every day, she longed to break free.

  “It’s obvious that you like him and he likes you. You’re a brilliant, talented, hardworking woman and you deserve to indulge every now and then. Go out with the man. No one ever said that the two of you have to get married. When the novelty wears off, you both can go your separate ways and no one will be any wiser—except me of course. Ha!” Jewel slapped her knee, mimicking an instinctive gesture of one of their favorite uncles.

  “Uncle Jack!” they said at the same time and burst into laughter.

  “I don’t know what I want to do,” Chloe began when they calmed down. “I need to think about this.”

  Jewel stood and headed toward her bed. “Good. And remember to focus on what you want. Don’t worry about anyone else.” Jewel lay down but jumped up almost immediately. “Wait!” she said, running through the suite. “I have to tell you about the guy I met in the lobby. He’s from New York.”

  Jewel sat on the edge of Chloe’s bed and shared a witty rendition of her encounter with a tall, dark and handsome man from the hotel restaurant industry. As usual, he was eating from the palm of her hand by the time she left him. They’d exchanged contact information but Jewel wasn’t sure if she’d pursue him any further since he seemed too straight-laced for her liking.

  “You’re too much.” Chloe slipped under the covers. “See you in the morning.” She went to sleep with mirth in her spirit and Donovan on her mind.

  The next morning she rose to an endearing text from Donovan noting that he’d had a great evening. Chloe wondered about Jewel, who was probably still sleeping, and pulled back the covers. As her feet hit the floor, her cell phone rang.

  “Good morning.” Chloe was surprised by the smile in her own voice.

  “Good morning. Have you two had breakfast yet?” Donovan’s voice seemed as smooth and rich as molasses.

  “Actually, we’re just getting up,” she said, yawning and stretching. “Oh! Excuse me. Let me check with my sister.” Chloe stuffed her feet into her slippers, swished her way to Jewel’s room, and sat on the side of her bed. “Jewel! Hey, Jewel. Wake up,” she sang.

  “Whaaa...” Jewel whined and pulled the covers over her head.

  “Get up. Donovan is asking if we’ve had breakfast.”

  Jewel groaned. “What time is it?”

  Chloe looked at the clock on the table. “Eight thirty-six.”

  “Darnit!” Jewel pushed the covers off. “There was a session I wanted to make at nine.” She swung her legs over the side of the bed. “It doesn’t look like that’s going to happen now. Breakfast sounds great.”

  “We’re good for breakfast,” Chloe said to Donovan.

  “Meet me in the lobby by nine thirty. I have a great place.”

  “You got it.” Chloe ended the call and hopped up. After speaking with Donovan, she felt energized.

  Chloe headed to the bathroom. Jewel dragged herself to the one connected to her room. Within the hour, they were dressed and stepping off the elevator to meet Donovan.

  Chloe spotted Donovan near the entrance with his cell phone glued to his ear. As they approached, Donovan wrapped up his call and smiled. Chloe could tell the smile was somewhat forced.

  “Good morning, ladies. You look beautiful!” Donovan gave Jewel a friendly peck on the cheek before leaning toward Chloe. Donovan took one of her hands in his, placed the other on her arm and pressed his lips against her cheek, lingering just longer than what could be considered friendly.

  Chloe’s cheeks burned from blushing but the spot where his lips had just been tingled. She swore she could hear the actual sizzle from the sparks that passed through her when his lips touched her face. Jewel discreetly raised her brows and grinned.

  “Shall we go?” he asked, holding both elbows out. The sisters hooked their arms in his and headed for the door.

  Donovan had done it again, Chloe thought as they pulled up to another beautiful establishment. Donovan paid the driver and advised that he’d call him back when they were ready to be picked up.

  The restaurant was its own tropical paradise. The interior was elegant, complete with water fountains and lush tropical plants with a bright nautical theme. Delectable aromas met them at the door, inviting them in.

  A young hostess guided them to a table on the deck overlooking a marina. Chloe watched the boats bob on top of the water. The cool breeze caressed her skin and lifted her shoulder-length hair.

  Their server arrived promptly and took their orders. He moved in a stealth-like manner as he delivered their
drinks and meals. It was as if he could read their minds. Chloe thought about wanting more water, looked at her glass and found it full. The only thing better than the impeccable service was Donovan’s presence. Jewel’s spirited demeanor was a plus as well.

  “Do you like sailing?” Donovan asked Chloe. He looked out over the marina.

  “Yes. Unfortunately, I can’t remember the last time I was on a boat.”

  “That’s because you don’t take time off,” Jewel said. When she finished her forkful of eggs, she continued. “Remember when Dad used to take us out on the boat when we were kids?” Jewel questioned and took a sip of her mimosa.

  “My goodness! I used to love that.” Chloe smiled as she reminisced. “What about you, Donovan? You sail?” Chloe pushed her half-eaten vegetable omelet aside and picked up one of the mini breakfast pastries that were delectably perched on a long white dish. She took a bite and closed her eyes momentarily, savoring the taste. At her reaction, Jewel reached for one as well.

  “I sure do. It was one of my dad’s favorite things to do also. My brother and I try to get out on the water a couple times a year.” Donovan stopped speaking for a moment and held Chloe in his gaze. She felt it, only responded with an inward smile. “What are some other things you enjoy, Chloe?”

  Chloe tilted her head and narrowed her eyes thoughtfully.

  “Chloe is a mixed bag,” Jewel interjected, holding her hand over her mouth to cover the pastry she’d just bit into. Chloe shook her head and laughed, assuming she hadn’t answered quickly enough for her sister. “It depends on her mood. Only lately, she hasn’t done much of anything besides work. Just so you know, she’s the type that can go from the bowling alley to the boardroom. It depends on what she’s in the mood for. When she’s feeling adventurous, she’ll jump out of a plane and other times, she’s happy sitting on the couch, eating a bowl of popcorn while watching movies.”

  “My kind of girl!” Donovan said.

  Chloe had never blushed more in her life. “Thanks. I am pretty well rounded,” she said confidently.

  “Oh! And she plays a hell of a game of chess.” Jewel took a long sip of water to wash down the dessert.

  “I’ve heard about that. I need to see that for myself,” Donovan said, inviting himself to the challenge.

  “Anytime, my friend. I haven’t slaughtered a good-looking man at chess in a long time.” Chloe laughed as soon as she said those flirtatious words.

  Jewel’s brows rose and so did Donovan’s. Chloe held up her glass of mimosa, her third since they’d arrived, and looked at it as if there was something in the glass that caused such audacious speech. Despite being a little embarrassed, her forwardness made her feel giddy.

  “I’d be happy to take you up on that challenge if you think I qualify.” Donovan tucked his luscious lips inside his mouth and licked them—a gesture that Chloe deemed extremely sexy.

  “Oh, you qualify!” She laughed aloud. Jewel’s eyes stretched and she looked back and forth between Donovan and Chloe.

  Donovan sipped his mimosa, without taking his eyes off Chloe. Usually she’d match his gaze for a moment and look away, but this time, she refused to break the stare. Unspoken desires seemed to pass between them, intensifying the moment and charging the atmosphere.

  “Good, because I don’t think I’ve ever been challenged by such a beautiful woman before. This will be interesting I’m sure.” Donovan raised his glass, nodding his acceptance. Chloe raised her glass, sealing the deal.

  Jewel cleared her throat. “I’m still here. Should I just leave you two alone?” She chuckled, causing them to join her.

  Chloe looked at her watch. “Oh! I really need to get back. I can’t miss my lunch meeting.” She was surprised at how much time had passed. Chloe enjoyed the company, energy and the conversation and hated that it was coming to an end.

  Donovan signaled for the waiter. When he got his attention, he wiggled his hand, indicating that he was ready for the check.

  “When are you heading back home?” Donovan asked.

  “The day after tomorrow. We’re on the first flight out,” Jewel stated.

  “Me, too. Perhaps we could ride to the airport together,” Donovan said, taking the billfold from the waiter and stuffing his credit card inside.

  “We could,” Chloe answered, batting her eyes. Who knew flirting could be so much fun? “What are you doing for dinner tonight?” Chloe tilted her head and raised her shoulders playfully.

  Donovan’s sexy smile eased across his lips again. “I was hoping you’d join me wherever I go.”

  “Gladly.” Chloe had always been confident but was surprised at her own forwardness. It was almost like an out-of-body experience but it felt real and amazing and exciting. “See you tonight.”

  Donovan winked as he accepted the billfold with the receipt, signed his name, and handed it back to the waiter. “Time for work.” Donovan pressed his hands into the table and stood. “Jewel, you’re welcome to join us tonight.”

  “No, thanks.” Jewel placed her napkin on the table and stood also. “The two of you forgot I was here just now. Ha! Enjoy yourselves tonight. Don’t worry about me. I know how to keep myself company.”

  “Sorry, sis.” Chloe frowned once she was on her feet.

  “No worries. I planned to sip on a few cocktails by the pool.” Jewel waved off her concern.

  “Then it’s a date?” Donovan asked.

  “It’s a date,” Chloe confirmed.

  Donovan gestured for Jewel to walk ahead of him and then placed his hand on the small of Chloe’s back, guiding her toward the door as well.

  Chloe had a long day ahead of her and wondered if she would be able to successfully absorb any information. She felt that pushing thoughts of Donovan aside throughout the day would prove challenging. She was already putting her outfit together for her next evening out with Donovan. Now that she was much more comfortable in his presence—with or without cocktail fuel—she looked forward to spending more time with him.

  Maybe tonight she’d even let him kiss her. Perhaps she might even initiate the kiss. Hmmm. What a thought.

  Chapter 8

  Chloe wasn’t happy. Donovan could tell by the sound of her voice. He’d been so caught up in her flirting the day before that he had completely forgotten about an important dinner meeting. When he had called her last night to cancel, she’d sounded dejected but seemed to understand. He’d asked her to meet him for after-dinner cocktails, but the meeting lasted longer than he anticipated. He’d texted her when it was over. She hadn’t responded. This morning, she answered his text and he released a breath that felt as if he’d been holding it for hours.

  This would be their last day in Puerto Rico and he wanted to make it up to her before they left the island. He hoped that what he had planned would work out.

  Donovan knocked on Chloe’s room door, wondering how she and her sister would respond to the liberties he’d taken to plan the day out.

  Jewel opened the door and peeked through a small crack. “Donovan?” She rubbed her eyes and stretched them wide.

  “It’s me. Are you decent in there?” He leaned against the doorframe.

  “Not yet. Chloe’s still in the shower.” Jewel groaned. Donovan imagined her stretching on the opposite side of the door.

  “Good. We’re playing hooky today!” He smiled, awaiting her response.

  “Huh?” Jewel peeked around the edge of the door, revealing more of her face. She raised one brow.

  Donovan repeated his statement in the most nonchalant manner.

  “Sounds great. I’ll let her know,” Jewel said, revealing a tad bit of excitement. Either she had a late night or she simply wasn’t a morning person, Donovan surmised.

  “I mean all three of us. I want you to come with us so you don’t miss the fun.”

  “Fun?” Jewel perked up even more. “Oh, I love fun.”

  Donovan was glad to have Jewel’s support. Now he had to make sure that Chloe was open to his idea. “Do you ladies have any important meetings that I need to consider?”

  “We’ll adjust. Both of us could use the break. Give us thirty minutes.” Jewel went to close the door but stuck her head back out. “Wait! How should we dress?”

  “Comfortably. Shorts would be good. I’ve planned a bit of adventure. Bring a bathing suit and meet me in the lobby.”

  “Woo!” Jewel raised one fist before pushing the door closed. She let out a few more hoots.

  Donovan laughed, listening to Jewel’s antics through the closed door. He heard her call out to Chloe before her voice faded.

  Exiting the elevator, Donovan walked right through the lobby into the bright morning sun. Postcards couldn’t appropriately capture the beauty of the landscape, sand and magnificent blue of the pristine sea. The scene affected his mood. He felt lighter now than he had when he got up.

  Calling in the favors he’d had on hold, Donovan confirmed all of the reservations for the day. He was confident that with Jewel’s encouragement, Chloe wouldn’t object to spending the day with him. He wanted to spend this time with Chloe and didn’t want to leave Jewel out. She’d been supportive of his attempts to get closer to Chloe.

  Once he was finished on the phone, Donovan sat in a lounger alongside the pool. Lying back, he soaked up some morning sun. After a while, Donovan spotted the girls coming his way. Both were dressed elegantly casual. Jewel looked nice, but Donovan couldn’t take his eyes off the long, smooth legs that gracefully carried Chloe closer to him.

  He could see her white bikini top through her sheer cover-up. The bottom of it met the hem of her shorts. Her floppy beach hat dipped on one side, while the other revealed the rims of her designer sunglasses.

  “Good morning, ladies.” Donovan stood to greet them. Again, he allowed his embrace and friendly peck on Chloe’s cheek to linger.


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