It Started in Paradise

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It Started in Paradise Page 6

by Nicki Night

  “Morning, Donovan.” Chloe offered up a cordial smile.

  “Hey, Don,” Jewel said, shortening his name and shielding her shaded eyes from the glare of the sun.

  “I’m glad you decided to join me,” he said to both ladies. “Again, I’m sorry about last night.” He directed his apology toward Chloe.

  “It’s no problem, Donovan. Business is what we’re here for.”

  “Thanks for understanding. We need to get going.”

  Donovan beamed as he led the ladies through the lobby to a car waiting for them in the resort’s bay. The driver opened the door and the three climbed in. Not long after, they arrived at their first stop where they enjoyed a delicious alfresco breakfast. The second stop was where the adventure began.

  After riding up the mountainside by horseback, the three rappelled inside a deep cave where they explored the interior, led by an enthusiastic tour guide. At the next stop, they paddled through a glow-in-the-dark bioluminescent bay before zip-lining high above the treetops. A hearty lunch satisfied the ravenous appetites they worked up before relaxing on a private beach.

  By the time they got back, the sun had begun to dip into the horizon. The three thrill-seekers resisted submitting to their worn bodies. Instead of taking naps, they took showers, producing a second wind.

  Chloe returned to the lobby refreshed, adorned in a flowing maxi dresses. As they prepared to set sail on a chartered moonlight dinner-cruise, Jewel excused herself from the rest of their evening’s activities.

  “You two enjoy yourselves. I’ve got plans of my own for dinner.” With a sly smile, Jewel tossed her hair and sauntered off. “Have fun!” she said without looking back.

  Chloe and Donovan looked at each other for a moment and then laughed.

  “That girl can amaze me.” Chloe shook her head.

  Although Donovan thoroughly enjoyed hanging with both sisters throughout the day, he looked forward to spending time alone with Chloe.

  “That’s Jewel,” Donovan stated. “Now let’s go finish up our night.” Donovan took Chloe by the hand and led her to where their chartered yacht awaited them on the marina.

  The sun had reserved the last of its orange glow for when they set sail. Chloe stood, holding the rail, looking over the water. Donovan posted closely behind her. For several moments, they simply enjoyed the breathtaking views and vibrant colors meeting along the horizon.

  “Did I do okay?” Donovan whispered just behind her ear. He hadn’t meant for his voice to sound so husky, but the floral scent wafting from her body had awakened his instincts.

  “With what?” Chloe kept her eyes on the magical scenery.

  “I wanted to make up for having to cancel dinner last night.”

  Chloe turned around. Facing Donovan with her back against the railing, their eyes met. He smiled, watching her eyes flit from side to side, searching his. She swallowed. He admired the curve of her neck, the heart-like shape of her lips, her elevated cheekbones and her doe eyes. Behind those eyes lay a hint of playfulness and an unconcealed measure of seduction.

  The air around them sizzled. Both seemed to be arrested by the intensity of the other’s gaze.

  Chloe licked her lips. Donovan considered the gesture instinctive. It called out to him. Her moist lips were like an invitation. They compelled Donovan. He resisted for a moment, wanting to gauge her intent, not wanting to misread her actions. Yet, something pulled on him, like an unseen force. The desire to taste her lips overwhelmed him. He wanted to be a gentleman and acquire approval.

  The atmosphere grew warm. His primal essence thumped in his core.

  Donovan stepped closer to Chloe, reducing the space between them to a hair’s width. Her lips parted. Donovan traced the bottom one with his finger. It trembled slightly and parted some more. He couldn’t help himself. He heard her breath catch.

  Cupping her cheeks in both his hands, he gently laid his lips on hers, pressed against them for a singular moment of sheer joy before coaxing her mouth wider. A warm sensation spread through him the instant their mouths connected. His core tightened.

  The kiss became ravenous almost instantly. Chloe’s hands were braced against his chest. She held on as if she needed him for balance. Her moan vibrated against his lips. He held on tighter. Kissed her deeper. Moved in closer.

  The passion passing between them was explosive. They peeled themselves apart from one another in order to breathe but never let each other go. Donovan’s eyes remained closed, savoring the sweet depths of her warm mouth. When he opened his eyes, he found hers still closed.

  Examining her beautiful features, he pondered what it was about Chloe Chandler that compelled him. He wondered if this would be the last time he’d feel her lips against his.

  Chapter 9

  Chloe sat at the conference table across from the consultant who was going to work on their new marketing and PR campaign. She was all business since she’d hit the States. Flashbacks of her time with Donovan crept up at the most inopportune times, like now, but she was getting better at pushing them aside.

  Though she hadn’t physically seen him in the week that they’d been back, he showed up in her daydreams. They chatted by phone at night and texted by day, but Chloe was reluctant to move beyond that for several reasons. One, that kiss from their last night in Puerto Rico still managed to make her insides warm, and two, her mother El... Enough said.

  “How do you plan to measure the results of the branding strategy?” Chloe asked the woman in the smart blue suit and brown shoulder-length hair. Kathy was her name and there was something ultra-cool about Kathy, Chloe thought. She’d liked what she and her partner Lynne had presented so far.

  “I’m glad you asked.” Kathy went on to explain the measurable aspects of the plan.

  Chloe was used to the speech about other aspects of marketing not being guaranteed. She understood that well.

  “Wait!” Chloe’s mother, El, held her hand as high as her proverbial nose. “Did you say La Belle Riviere?” she asked Kathy. She had narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips when Kathy mentioned a successful component of another client’s campaign that she’d planned to use with Chandlers. That client happened to be El’s long-term nemesis and biggest competitor in the business.

  “Yes. I imagine you’re familiar with them. They run a very successful—”

  El held her hand up again, interrupting Kathy’s partner Lynne as she stood. “I think we’re done here.” She pressed imaginary wrinkles down the front of her elegantly styled designer dress. “Thank you for your time.” She nodded politely as if she weren’t dismissing them right in the middle of their proposal meeting.

  Kathy and Lynne looked at each other and then El. Their shocked expressions finally landed on Chloe with knitted brows and questions lingering in their creased eyes.

  “Excuse me, ladies. Mom, can I see you for a moment?” Chloe gently held her elbow and led her out of the conference room.

  “Gladly.” El sauntered toward the door in her four-inch heels. “Have a wonderful day, ladies. Thank you for your thorough presentation.”

  “Ma!” Chloe’s words rushed past her lips in a hard whisper. She looked back into the conference room before turning her attention to her mother and continuing. “What was that?”

  “We’re not doing business with anyone doing business with that woman and her family.”

  Chloe’s hand instinctively went to her forehead and she grunted. “Mom, are you serious? Aren’t you the one who told me to never mix personal feelings with business?”

  El straightened her back and chuckled. She looked at Chloe and shook her head as if she pitied her. “You see, darling, this is business. As our consultant, they will be provided access to some very confidential information. We can’t have our competition become privy to any of that. There are more marketing firms in
the region than theirs.”

  “They’re the best. Their track record is unmatched.”

  “Humph.” El dismissed Chloe, cutting her eyes. “There are plenty of other companies that are just as good.”

  Chloe dropped her shoulders. “You’re making a mistake, Mom.”

  “I’m protecting our business. We can’t afford to let our competition gain access to our strategies.”

  “That won’t happen. These women are professionals and come highly recommended. Working with them will help us get the results we’ve been seeking, more visibility and younger clients.”

  “She just told us about one of their successful campaigns. I don’t want out business discussed with other clients like that.”

  Chloe took a deep breath, trying to rein in her annoyance. She’d never gone against her mother’s desires in business but she couldn’t remember her mother ever acting so unreasonably.

  “I don’t see why another company can’t provide us the same services,” El continued. “I’m not interested in moving forward with them. Let’s find another firm.”

  “We’ve conferred with several and if you remember, they had the best recommendations by far. I personally know several business owners who have implemented their recommendations and all swore they were the best. We need to hire this firm.”

  “I’m done talking about this, dear,” El said calmly, looking Chloe straight in the eye. It was a nonverbal “stand down” glare.

  “Ma! This doesn’t make sense.” Chloe was becoming visibly agitated. “We need to do what’s best for the company and letting these women walk out that door without agreeing to the plan they’ve laid out will not be a good business decision.”

  El cast her eyes upward. “You’ll never understand. I’ll be in my office.” El left Chloe where she was standing.

  Chloe held her head in her hands and gathered herself before heading back into the room with the consultants. She was so angry and embarrassed she could literally cry, but she couldn’t let them see her that way.

  They were a bridge she didn’t want to burn. MarComm’s services didn’t come cheap, but their work and results were often stellar. If Chandlers wanted to become the sought-after venue amongst their newly desired audience, they were the firm to take them to the next level. With their fresh ideas and proven track record in building brands with younger audiences, signing on with them was the thing to do.

  Chloe didn’t go against El’s wishes often, but El also had never made bad business decisions rashly either. Her mother was an astute businesswoman. Today, her emotions were getting in the way. Their company couldn’t afford that and Chloe refused to see it suffer. As long as they achieved their desired results, she was sure El would get over the fact that Chloe went against her judgment.

  After a deep breath, Chloe joined Kathy and Lynne in the conference room. “Sorry about that, ladies.” She took her seat. “Now where were we?”

  Kathy and Lynne exchanged questionable glances again. Lynne reiterated the end of their presentation before El walked out.

  “I appreciate the work you put into this proposal and I love your ideas. I truly think this is what we need to accomplish our goals and take Chandler to the next level. Now if you could offer insight on the media plan you’ve put together that would be great. I’m excited and look forward to getting started.”

  Kathy and Lynne looked at each other again. This time, they smiled. Lynne took the reins and outlined their plans for raising Chandler’s profile in the media. When Lynne finished reviewing the proposed campaign, Chloe stood and shook their hands.

  “Thank you. We’ll have our attorneys review the contract and get a signed copy over to you within the week.”

  “Wonderful! We are really looking forward to working with you.”

  Chloe nodded. “Me, too. I’ll walk you out.”

  Chloe engaged them in small talk as she accompanied them to the door. She knew she’d have to deal with El for making this decision. Once she saw the results, she was sure that El would get over her issues with the firm she was hiring.

  Chapter 10

  Donovan spent the better part of his morning sifting through emails before shifting gears to refining budgets for both sides of the family business. His mother ran the catering business and his father ran their real-estate development enterprises. Rivers Development Group built and managed luxury state-of-the-art residences, mostly in urban settings as well as a few office parks across Long Island. Donovan’s father had acquired La Belle Riviere for a steal from the previous owner when the real-estate marketing bubble burst. Mrs. Rivers took extreme pleasure in spearheading the renovation and turning it into the stunning venue it was today.

  Donovan ran his hands down his face and cupped his yawn. Late-night phone conversations with Chloe were getting the best of him. He chuckled at the memory. He hadn’t spent that much time on the phone with a woman, or girl for that matter, since he was a teenager. Donovan enjoyed their talks, which ranged from reminiscing about their time in Puerto Rico to serving as sounding boards for issues and ideas around their careers. He had become attracted to Chloe’s mind.

  Donovan knew it was more than just a busy schedule that kept Chloe from spending time with him in person. It was time to change that.

  “Donovan, darling!” Joliet Rivers’s tall slim figure appeared in the doorway, steering him from his thoughts of Chloe. She leaned against the doorframe in a sharp black-and-white suit, red designer pumps and a chic bun at the base of her neck. Crimson lips set a stark contrast against her fair skin. Joliet loved red and would always find a way to incorporate it into any look. “Come for dinner tonight, dear! We’re having company and there’s someone I’d like you to meet.” It was a directive, not an invitation. Invitations could be declined.

  “Is this business or personal, Mom?” Donovan sat back. He wondered if this would be another attempt to hook him up with someone’s daughter, niece, neighbor, etc.

  Instead of responding, she smiled dubiously. “Dinner will be ready at seven.” She raised one brow. “Please don’t be late, sweetie.” Joliet sauntered away from Donovan’s door, leaving behind her signature scent, a lily-based perfume that his father adored.

  Donovan smiled and shook his head, but he already knew he wouldn’t be interested. Mrs. Rivers’s meddling was well intentioned but it never turned out well for Donovan. A beautiful face and gorgeous body was just the beginning. What stimulated him the most was a woman that could kindle his mind with titillating conversation. He had that with Chloe.

  One thing he learned about Chloe through their extensive discussions was that she was fiercely loyal and he believed that was what kept her from moving beyond great conversation with him.

  Spending time with her in Puerto Rico had been like an appetizer for Donovan. He wanted a more substantial helping of time with Chloe now that his appetite had been so deliciously whetted. He smiled at the thought of the plans that he’d set in motion for the coming weekend. He just had to convince Chloe to actually go.

  Donovan picked up his cell phone and tapped out a text to his contact for Friday evening. They responded by texting, We’re all set. See you Friday. Donovan sat back feeling accomplished. He only wished Friday would come sooner.

  Donovan took a conference call with his business partners about the property they were investing in and attended a business meeting on behalf of his father since Mr. Rivers had to spend his day in their Manhattan office.

  By the time he reached his home, one of the few high-rise luxury condominiums on Long Island, he was mentally and physically drained. A quick shower refreshed him only slightly before he headed over to his parents’ sprawling estate along the North Shore.

  “You look quite dapper, sweetie.” Joliet kissed his cheek and patted his arm when he walked into the house. “We’re still waiting on a few people.
If you’re hungry, grab some canapés from the kitchen. I’ll be right back, okay?” Joliet strolled off before Donovan could respond.

  “You look great, too, Mom.” Donovan credited his mom for being classy and stylish. She’d shed her polished business attire and replaced it with a flowing floral halter dress that swept the floor as she strode. Her lipstick was the same vibrant red as the flowers in her dress.

  “Thank you, Donnie.” She smiled appreciatively.

  Joliet’s lengthy legs gracefully carried her up one side of their winding staircase. When she reached the upper landing, she looked down at Donovan and smiled before disappearing into her master bedroom. It was then that Donovan realized the soft music floating through the home’s intercom speakers. The sound of his brother and father’s laughter met the music and flowed through the first floor. His father’s deep timbre bellowed from the kitchen. He headed there.

  “Hey!” William Rivers opened his arms and Donovan stepped toward him. William patted his back with strong, large hands.

  “What’s up, Dad?” He turned toward his brother, holding a glass of red wine. “Dayton.” He nodded a greeting in his direction before they lightly bumped shoulders. Dayton handed him the glass of wine he had just poured.

  “Mrs. Saxton,” Donovan sang. “How’s my favorite lady?”

  Grace Saxton pursed her thin lips and placed her hands on her hips. “Don’t let your mother hear you say that.” She giggled and pulled Donovan into her embrace. Tilting back, she studied his face endearingly. “Are you hungry?”

  “I’m always for your cooking!” Donovan said matter-of-factly.

  Grace swatted his arm lightly. “You boys sure know how to make an old lady feel good.” She walked over to one of the expertly decorated platters full of strategically lined canapés. “Here.” She picked one up and lifted it toward Donovan’s mouth. “Taste this.” She stood back, head up, sporting a confident grin.


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