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It Started in Paradise

Page 10

by Nicki Night

  “They’d accept whomever I chose to date,” he said, speaking of his family.

  “My mother is different.” That’s all she said.

  Donovan accomplished his goal. He didn’t want to pressure her too much but he wanted her to at least consider the possibilities. He didn’t plan to be her scandalous little secret for too much longer.

  Chloe looked contrite. He needed to release the tension in the room.

  “Oh!” He stood. “I need to get something out of the car.”

  “What is it?” Chloe called to his back.

  “Give me a second.” Donovan was out the door and returned moments later with a chessboard in his hand.

  “Ah! You up for a challenge?”

  Chloe covered her mouth and laughed. “Always.”

  “Get ready to lose. I’m not the type to let pretty girls win just because.” Donovan set the chessboard on the table and dragged it closer to their couch where they sat.

  Chloe curled her feet up on the couch and positioned herself comfortably it seemed. “I might be pretty but I don’t lose easily.”

  Donovan clapped his hands together and rubbed them. “We’ll see.” He set up the board. “I’ll even let you go first.”

  “Get ready for the smackdown!” Chloe announced, taking a sip of her wine.

  “I talk a lot of mess when I play so don’t get scared,” Donovan teased.

  “You can’t distract me with that crap. You had better focus on your game. I don’t waste time conquering opponents.”

  “Your trash-talking game is almost as good as mine.” His wisecrack compliment tickled her.

  After his first loss, Donovan was in awe. Her second win bruised his ego.

  “Who’s the master?” Chloe gloated. She stood, swung her hands over her head while gyrating her hips in a victory dance.

  What Donovan should have seen as silly, he deemed sexy. Heat bolted through his gut and settled in his groin. He watched her with a smile, loving how this refined woman let loose.

  “One more game?” Chloe sat down and reached for the board.

  Donovan put her hand over his. She released the knight she was holding. Donovan was sure she’d felt that flash of electricity pass between them.

  “I’m done playing with you.” He meant that in several ways.

  Chloe looked at him, held his gaze a moment before blushing and looking away. Slowly she sat back and regarded him again.

  Even their silence was electrifying. Another flash of heat surged through Donovan, compelling him to taste her lips. He pecked her lips once. Then again. The third time, a hankering pounded in his chest. Donovan wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. Chloe’s hands found his chest, then meandered to the back of his head and neck. She held him tight. With his strong arms, he drew her closer to him.

  When his erection strained against his jeans, he pulled away, unable to stay another moment. He didn’t want to completely lose control. She had to be ready for him.

  Sitting back, Donovan panted. “I’ll let myself out. See you Tuesday?”


  Donovan looked at her questioningly. “No?” Why was she suddenly saying no about Tuesday? he wondered.

  “No need to let yourself out.” Chloe stared directly into his eyes. “I don’t want you to go.”

  Donovan understood. He understood everything in that moment. “You sure about this?”

  Chloe nodded. Her parted lips spoke of her longing. Donovan covered her mouth with his, swiping the pillows to the ground. He unleashed a passion so intense when his lips connected with hers that it was blinding.

  Donovan lay on top of her, careful not to trap her under the weight of his body. Drawing back from their kiss, he stared at her for a moment, questioning her with his eyes.

  Chloe’s response was another kiss, giving license to take this to the next level. Her slim fingers skillfully unbuttoned his shirt.

  Donovan fought his body’s reaction to her hands on his bare chest. This woman had no idea of her effect on him. Chloe pushed his shirt back at his shoulders. He let her take it off and watched as she reached for his belt buckle. He refused to move, allowing her actions to serve as confirmation and authorization. His erection sprung forward when she zipped down his pants. Chloe’s eyes widened at his size, though he was still hidden behind his boxers.

  Donovan lifted her shirt over her head, admired her lace bra a moment before unsnapping it from the back. He palmed her breasts—some of the prettiest he’d ever seen.

  Chloe stood. Donovan unbuttoned her jeans and shimmied them past her hips. The bra matched the panties. He leaned forward and circled her navel with his tongue. Chloe’s back arched and her breath caught.

  Stepping out of her jeans she held her hand out. Donovan took it, stood and let her lead him to her bedroom—a cozy space with a romantic monochromatic décor in varying shades from ivory to tan. The chandelier over the queen-sized bed gave the room a majestic feel.

  Donovan backed Chloe up against the end of her bed and gently laid her down. He put his finger to her lips.

  “Are you sure?”

  Chloe nodded.

  Starting at her forehead, Donovan kissed a trail to her feet, getting acquainted with every inch of her. Chloe rubbed Donovan’s head when he reached her lower parts, hissing from his exploration. Donovan rose to her upper half, taking her nipples gently between his teeth. Chloe’s back arched and a sweet, small moan lodged in her throat. Donovan could sense it. When he had his feel of her mounds, he slid down to her navel before spreading her legs to truly taste her.

  Donovan framed her folds with his hands before sinking his face into her moist center. Teasing her bud, he flicked his tongue over the tip. Chloe jerked away. Donovan chuckled, adoring her response, and did it again and again. She retreated slightly each time and moaned. He covered her button with the cushion of his lips and gently sucked until she writhed, grappled at his head and chanted his name.

  “Oh my... Donovan. Oh!”

  Lifting up, he took her in his arms, letting her buck against him as her release held her rigidly hostage. Before her body could relax, he sheathed himself and slid inside of her folds. She received him well, wrapped him in her warm cocoon. Her walls were still clenched, holding him like suction.

  Donovan swallowed hard, attempting to delay the effects of her. He moved in further, slowly at first, and found a sweet rhythm and rode it until he felt close to exploding. Her soft moans were music, yet compelled him. Donovan pulled out.

  “No!” Chloe said breathlessly, reaching for him.

  Donovan counted to ten and entered her again. He regained control. She shuddered when he reached her all the way on the inside. Stoking easily, Donovan watched her facial contortions caused by the delicious pleasure they created together.

  Donovan felt pressure building at the base of his erection and knew he wouldn’t last much longer. Veins protruded in his arms and the friction between them intensified. He couldn’t hold back this time. Thrusting against her, he grunted.

  “Chloe!” he gasped as if to warn her.

  “Donovan!” Her voice squeaked. Chloe grappled at his chest and then grabbed his hips, guiding his plunges deeper inside of her.

  Chloe’s back arched hard and she groaned. Donovan’s core tightened. His back hunched with tension. At the same time, they called each other’s name. Donovan’s rhythm increased, no longer under his control. His release barreled through him in waves, taking his unyielding body hostage. Every jolt crippled him a little more.

  Finally, the climax let go of its firm hold on him. Chloe calling his name sounded like desperate pleas before she collapsed. Their warm sweaty bodies lay entangled until they were able to bring their breathing under control. They lay in each other’s arms, basking in their exhilaration.
  Donovan already knew he wouldn’t be able to get enough of Chloe. Round two turned into three, leaving them spent.

  The banging on Chloe’s front door coupled with the incessant ringing startled them both awake. Neither had realized they’d fallen asleep. Moreover, she seemed just as surprised as him that daylight had found them still naked and wrapped in each other’s arms.

  The banging started again. The doorbell chimed once more. Chloe wrapped a sheet around her and ran to the bedroom window.

  Her gasps made Donovan spring out of bed and run to her. She looked at him as dread washed over her face. “It’s my mother!”

  Chapter 15

  Chloe finger-combed her tousled hair. Frantically, she flung clothes from the drawers in her closet until she found a long T-shirt she often wore to bed. Donovan sat calmly at the edge of her bed. The doorbell and the knocks were still sounding off. She could hear El calling out her name.

  Chloe ran down the steps, almost plunging to the bottom. Before opening the door, she ran to the den and kicked the clothes that she and Donovan had shed the night before under the couch. Pushing her hair back again, she headed for the door, pulling it open. She squinted as the sunlight assaulted her eyes.

  “What happened to you?” El stepped around her and entered the house.

  Chloe looked toward the stairs. “Nothing!” Chloe looked past her mother to the outside. “Is Daddy with you? Is something wrong?” Chloe was suddenly filled with alarm at the thought of something bad happening to her father.

  “Dad’s fine. I’m here to find out what happened to you.” El looked around as if she were looking for clues.

  Chloe was able to breathe knowing that her dad was fine. “Oh.” Chloe’s hand was at her heart. She didn’t remember putting it there. “I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “For one, you’ve been acting strange lately. I’ve been trying to call you since last night and you never answered your phone. When I couldn’t get you again this morning, I came right over and here you are still in your pajamas.” El huffed. One hand held her purse and the other was parked on her hip. She looked exasperated.

  “I’m sorry, Mom.” Chloe looked left and then right. “Where is my cell phone?”

  El sucked her teeth. “See what I mean? You had us worried sick.”

  Chloe pushed the wisps of hair that had fallen over her eye out of the way and headed to the den, looking for her phone. She’d left it on the coffee table next to the chessboard. She heard her mother’s steps growing closer. Chloe grabbed her cell and met her mother in the hall. She didn’t want her to see the chessboard, the open wine bottle and near empty glasses and start asking questions.

  “Here it is.” She forced her voice to sound surprised.

  “Humph.” El pursed her sweetheart lips. Her coral lipstick creased. Even with her skeptical glare, she was pretty with her shoulder-length hair and sharp-looking business dress. “I called to tell you that Jacqueline Bosley was at the restaurant last night while we were having dinner at home with the family.”

  “Jacqueline Bosley, the famous actress?” Chloe’s brows wrinkled. “Nice.”

  “Yes. The Jacqueline Bosley.” El moved toward the kitchen. Chloe looked toward the steps again and followed her. “Karen called me. Apparently, she enjoyed the food and thought the service impeccable. I believe that may be the result of your working with...those women. You know the ones who worked with...” El paused as if she couldn’t dare say the Rivers name.

  Chloe thought about Donovan being upstairs and cringed. “That’s great, Mom.” She tried to sound enthused.

  El searched Chloe’s refrigerator and retrieved a bottle of spring water. She walked over to the cabinet and took out a glass, screwed the top off the water bottle and poured the water in the glass. El would never be caught drinking from a bottle, regardless of what was inside.

  Chloe started wringing her hands and stopped, clasping them behind her. She looked at the ceiling, praying Donovan would stay put while she tried to get rid of her mother. She looked up to catch El staring at her.

  “What time is it?” Chloe squinted toward the time on the microwave. “Oh! It’s already eight o’clock. I need to get dressed. Mom, I’ll see you at the office.”

  El drank another sip of water, huffed and shook her head. “What’s up with you?”

  “Nothing. I just...” A lie wouldn’t come quickly enough. “I have a lot on my mind with this event I’m working on, that’s all.”

  There was a thump against the ceiling. Chloe’s and El’s heads snapped upward at the same time.

  “What was that?” El put her glass down and went to walk out of the kitchen to investigate.


  El spun around. “What?”

  “That was probably the book I was reading in bed. I feel asleep in the middle of it. I must have knocked it to the edge of the bed when I jumped out to come down and answer the door for you. I’ll get it when I get back upstairs.” Chloe was talking too much.

  Now El’s gaze was penetrating.

  Chloe pushed out a yawn. “I’m exhausted. I need a good shower to wake me up. I’ll meet you at the office.” She walked to the door though she didn’t hear her mother’s steps behind her.

  Chloe’s hand was poised to turn the knob and El still hadn’t moved. El looked up at the ceiling one last time. She clucked her tongue and finally progressed toward the door. Relief shrouded Chloe. She yawned one more time, continuing her performance—though it was possibly poor. She was good at singing and never claimed to act.

  “Hurry up! We’ve got a lot to talk about,” El said as she walked through the door.

  “I’m jumping in the shower right now.”

  The second El stepped out, Chloe closed the door and locked it. She ran to the window to watch her mother climb into her Mercedes-Benz and then waited for her to take off.

  Chloe bolted up the stairs, ready to yell at Donovan about that sound she’d heard, but stopped in her tracks when she saw his still naked body lying on the bed with his hands behind his head. Her eyes zeroed in on his slightly hardened member.

  Donovan lifted onto his elbows. “I was going to get dressed but most of my clothes are downstairs. Then I thought that you might need a little something to calm your nerves once your mom left so I didn’t want to put him away.” Donovan looked down at his growing erection, smiled and looked back at Chloe.

  Chloe shook her head and chuckled. “I can’t believe this.” She rested her hand on her forehead and noticed her heartbeat had yet to slow down.

  Donovan sat up and patted the bed next to him. Chloe sat beside him.

  “What fell?” she asked, remembering the noise.

  “Me,” Donovan admitted.

  “What? How?” Chloe’s forehead creased.

  “I tried to get to the bathroom in case your mother came upstairs and slipped on the sheet you left on the floor. I don’t usually have to hide like that. I haven’t done something like that since I was a teenager.”

  At first, Chloe sat blank-faced. Although Donovan smiled as he spoke, she sensed a hint of seriousness. When he starting laughing, Chloe joined him and found that she couldn’t stop. The craziness of her situation and her frazzled nerves made her delirious. Eventually, she leaned over and kissed Donovan, appreciating the sacrifices he had made for her sake.

  “Thank you.”

  They kissed again which led to another round of lovemaking before showering together.

  “Chloe,” Donovan called out, as they were about to enter their cars.

  “Yes.” She couldn’t read his expression as he walked back over to her.

  “I’m not interested in keeping us a secret.” His eyes bore into hers, finishing his statement for him.

  Chloe blinked rapidly, cleared her throat a
nd squeaked out a small, “Okay,” which sounded more like a question. She understood the unspoken part of his statement clearly. Donovan wanted more and if she wanted more, too, she’d have to stop acting like a rebellious teen and take a mature stand.

  Donovan bent forward and gave her one last kiss before leaving her dumbfounded. Chloe watched him enter the car, start the engine and drive away until she couldn’t see him anymore, then she got in her vehicle and drove off.

  On the way to work, her thoughts vacillated between the previous night and El’s surprise appearance. She heard Donovan’s comment over and over. He wasn’t interested in keeping them a secret anymore. While that flattered the heck out of her, it also frightened her. Would dating Donovan seriously be worth all the conflict it would cause? Chloe hated conflict. She called Jewel.

  “Did you speak to Mom yet?” Jewel asked straightaway.

  “Did I?” Chloe filled Jewel in on everything that happened in the past fifteen hours. Jewel whooped, hollered, screamed and cackled throughout the entire account.

  “Oh my good Lord up in heaven.” Jewel laughed. “What are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know.” Chloe groaned, stretching each word.

  “First of all, do you like him?”

  Chloe whined. “Yes. I do.” She exhaled, feeling as though weight dissipated when she admitted the truth. “I honestly do. I thought this would just be a fun rendezvous—a chance to do something different. I never expected to feel this way about him. It’s like he tapped into a version of me that’s been buried for years and now that she’s out, I don’t want her to go away.” Chloe snickered.

  Jewel squealed. “That sounds so romantic. So you have no choice.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You have to tell the family—well, tell Mom. She’s the only one that would have an issue. If this is what you want, stand up for it. She’ll understand—eventually,” Jewel said as if it were as easy to do.


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