Book Read Free

Held Down

Page 17

by Pamela Prim

  At that point, there was a loud ping and Jenny’s full name came up on the screen up on the wall, telling them to go to room number 6.

  “That’s us, let’s go,” said Carla, standing up and keeping hold of Jenny’s hand.

  When they got to room 6, Jenny raised her free hand and gently knocked on the door.

  “Come in,” came a kind sounding but commanding voice from inside the room.

  Carla turned the handle and pushed open the door, stepping inside, leading the way and pulling the more reluctant Jenny along with her.

  It was a small, but bright and airy room, with a large window that overlooked the parking lot, a desk on the right hand wall and a surgery bed on the left hand wall. There were a couple of chairs just by the desk for patients to sit on in an informal surrounding whilst talking to their doctor who was, at that very moment, sat in a big black leather armchair wearing a white coat and luscious black hair flowing just over her shoulders.

  “Hi,” she smiled, flashing them both a set of sparkling pearly white teeth beneath her luscious red lips. “I’m Dr Henley. You must be Jenny.”

  She was looking directly at Carla, obviously making the assumption that Carla was Jenny, seeing as she was the one who’d led the way into the room and was being the more confident of the two.

  “Uh, no actually,” Carla spoke up with a small smile. “I’m Jenny’s friend. I’m just…here for moral support more than anything.”

  “Ah,” the doctor smiled back at her, then turned her head and cast her eyes to the correct person this time, glancing Jenny up and down then indicating the seat directly by the desk. “Please…there’s no need to be nervous, come and sit down.”

  “Is…is it alright if my friend stays?” Jenny mumbled, speaking for the first time since they’d entered the room, her voice sounding slightly shakier than she would have liked.

  “Yeah, of course, that’s totally fine,” Dr Henley replied gently. “That’s why there are two seats in the office. It’s fairly common for patients to bring friends or family members in with them…for all kinds of ailments and problems.”

  And with that, both girls took a seat, having been made to feel comfortable and relaxed in Dr Henley’s presence. She certainly had a way with words and an easy going, welcoming mannerism.

  She also had…a massive cleavage.

  Jenny’s eyes couldn’t help but dive down to it a little, especially once they were both sat, and the doctor’s breasts were closer to eye level. It was far too easy to just take a cheeky glance down, and they were pretty hard to miss. Must have been a D cup at least. She vaguely wondered whether they were real as the doctor began to speak, looking on her computer at Jenny’s patient notes to find out why she was here.

  “So…it’s just a standard check up, with smear test?” She glanced up.

  Jenny nodded, nervous at the very mention of it.

  She swallowed and reached for Carla’s hand, who took it and gave it a gentle squeeze.

  Jenny cleared her throat. “I uh…also wanted to speak with you about getting some birth control.”

  “Ah,” Dr Henley nodded understandingly. “Do you have an active sex life?”

  “Well, it’s not that so much although…obviously it would be kind of useful for that. It’s more just…I actually get very painful periods…” She felt her cheeks flushing up. She hated talking about this kind of stuff in public, especially in front of her best friend and a pretty hot doctor. It was embarrassing.

  Dr Henley seemed to sense how uncomfortable she was though and waved her away before she had chance to finish. “I completely understand. I’m sure we can sort something out.”

  Jenny sighed in relief, her shoulders relaxing a little. Dr Henley was nice. She liked her already.

  “Well, when you’re feeling ready, if you could pop yourself up on the examination table over there, that’d be great.”

  The examination table.

  So that was what they called it.

  It was basically like an uncomfortable, hard bed on a stand.

  With a large paper sheet covering it and a moveable bright white light hovering above it, also on a stand.

  It wasn’t the most appealing, relaxing looking place in the world, and Jenny wasn’t sure she’d ever be what she could call ‘ready’ or ‘comfortable’ but she supposed she had to get it over with sooner or later. That was what they were here for, after all.

  “I’ll pull the curtain aside, so that your friend doesn’t have to see you,” Dr Henley added in her soft, gentle voice. “Because I’m going to need you to remove your pants and knickers. There’s a nightdress over there you can put on so you feel more comfortable. When you’re done, lie down on the table and spread your legs apart, please.”

  Jenny blushed.

  This was definitely the most ungraceful thing she’d ever done, and she felt extremely self-conscious. Still, she supposed Dr Henley saw this type of thing all the time, every day perhaps. She was completely used to it. There was nothing weird or strange about it, and absolutely no need to be embarrassed.

  She told herself that as she got up and moved over towards the examination area, lifting up her arm to grab the plastic curtain and pull it across, taking one last look at Carla as she slowly closed it.

  Her best friend gave her an encouraging smile and a thumbs up. As she’d been telling her throughout the whole of that day – it would be alright. She was overreacting for nothing.

  Once the curtain was closed, she felt a little more private and cut off from everything, but she found her legs and arms were trembling as she shakily removed the bottom half of her clothes.

  She started with her trainers, then socks, then finally her pants and knickers, leaving everything in a little pile on the floor before picking up the offered gown and slipping it on over her head to at least offer her some amount of privacy.

  It was an ugly blue thing and came down to just below her knees. She knew she’d have to lift it up anyway when it came time for the examination, so the whole thing was pointless, but at least it made her feel better temporarily.

  She slid onto the examination table, then cleared her throat gently to let Dr Henley know she was ready.

  She heard a slight rustling and some footsteps as the doctor stood up from her desk.

  “Are you ready?”

  “Uh…yeah,” Jenny called out shakily.

  She saw a hand creep round the side of the curtain, grab hold of it, and carefully pull it back a bit.

  Then the busty, slim figure of Dr Henley stepped in to their little private area and once again closed the curtain behind her.

  Jenny was sat on top of the table with her legs tucked up to her chest, hugging them protectively.

  “Just lie back down and relax,” the doctor smiled. “Your friend is right out here, just outside, alright?”

  Jenny nodded and did as she was told, lying down slowly on the bed, on her back, staring up at the white ceiling, noticing a small yellow stain on it and wondering how long it had been there.

  “I’m going to need you to tuck your legs up again like you were before,” she continued in her calming but authoritative voice. “Only this time, you need to spread them apart as wide as you can. Do you think you can do that for me?”

  Jenny nodded again.

  “You can keep the gown down over you for your own privacy. I’ll lift it up when I need to.”

  Jenny felt her cheeks flushed. It was embarrassing to think that, just outside the curtain, her best friend Carla was sat there listening to all this and knowing exactly what was going on and what was about to happen. Perhaps it hadn’t been a good idea bringing her after all, although at the same time, she doubted she could have done this alone.

  Once more, she did as she was told, bringing her legs up and tucking her feet to her butt a bit, before letting them fall apart and spread, exposing herself incredibly to the gaze of the doctor and her scary looking implements.

  “I’m going to put some gel on f
irst,” Dr Henley explained. “It’s essentially a lubricant and will make this easier and slightly more comfortable for you. It may feel a little cold at first.”

  Jenny watched her snap on some gloves then delve her fingers into the tub of lube.

  She looked away, staring up at the ceiling again and just waiting.

  A few seconds later, she felt the coolness of the gel against her most intimate parts and gave a soft gasp, the doctor rubbing it around her entrance and sliding a couple of fingers inside her straight away.

  She bit down on her bottom lip and tried to stay quiet.

  “Some women do find they enjoy this part,” Dr Henley chuckled softly.

  Jenny felt the heat rush to her cheeks. She was right. It actually wasn’t too bad, although it was a little odd having a stranger push their fingers inside her. Perhaps that just made it even hotter though.

  Dr Henley slid them back and forth a couple more times then pulled out.

  “Now for the unpleasant part. It won’t take very long, but it might feel a little scratchy.”

  Jenny closed her eyes and tried to relax but before anything had begun, she heard a buzzing noise as Dr Henley reached out and pressed the button on a small communicator that was attached to the wall.

  A few moments later, a young attractive and petite nurse popped her head around the door.

  “Nurse Lisa? Could you make sure we get the utmost privacy in here, please?”

  The Nurse, whose name was clearly Lisa, gave the merest of smiles and nodded, then retreated back out of the room again.

  “Let me know if you need me for anything else, Dr Henley,” she added, as she went to close the door behind her.

  “I will do,” the doctor assured her, then turned her attention back to Jenny with a reassuring smile. “Don’t want anyone interrupting us while we’re having fun, do we?”

  Fun? Jenny would hardly describe this as fun, but doctors probably got a kick out of it, she supposed. Maybe that was why they became doctors in the first place.

  She sighed and closed her eyes again, having opened them when the nurse came in.

  With the help of the lube, the doctor’s cold, hard implement slid up inside her fairly easily.

  She felt herself clench and tense up around it. She couldn’t help it.

  Then, sure enough, there was an uncomfortable twisting and a scratching sensation while the Doctor did what she needed to inside.

  It didn’t last for too long, then she was pulling it out again and smiling at her as Jenny opened her eyes; relieved it was over.

  “There. That wasn’t too bad, was it?”

  “I guess not,” Jenny mumbled. Just a little embarrassing.

  “Let me just clean you up a bit.” The doctor picked up a baby wipe, her fingers brushing over Jenny’s intimate parts again as she wiped away the lube.

  This time, she gave a shudder and an inadvertent moan. She’d always been very sensitive down there, and especially so now that it was already lubricated.

  The doctor chuckled and took a step closer to the bed, leaning over her slightly, her cleavage on full display.

  Jenny couldn’t help but stare.

  “That’s not the worst moan I’ve heard, don’t worry.” She continued to rub her gently with her fingers.

  “R-really?” Jenny could barely get the words out. It was feeling really good down there now and she didn’t know what to do. It really didn’t help that the doctor was incredibly hot. This was probably completely inappropriate but – “Mmm…” She gave another little moan.

  “You like that, don’t you?” Dr Henley whispered, her voice suddenly a sultry hush.

  Jenny swallowed and nodded, looking up at her.

  “Then let’s just enjoy it. You’re not the first patient I’ve made feel good.” And at that, her other hand reached out and delved into the lube, getting some more of it on her fingers and then whacking it onto Jenny’s crotch, removing the baby wipe completely and just tossing it aside, replacing it with her fingers.

  Jenny moaned again and bucked her hips up.

  Dr Henley’s thumb danced over her clit, as two of her fingers slid up inside her, helped easily by the gel and now by her own self lubricant as she began to get incredibly turned on, the juices flowing naturally.

  The doctor kept one hand at work while the other shrugged at her white coat, pushing it back off her shoulder. She wriggled one arm out of it, then removed her fingers from inside Jenny, temporarily stopping what she was doing so that she could take out her arm from the other sleeve.

  She dropped the coat to the floor, revealing her low cut, black lacy top underneath and bare arms.

  At that point, once the sensations and the pleasure had stopped, Jenny had a moment of panic and clarity as she wondered what the hell they were doing. This was insane, and totally wrong!

  Her apprehension though, was soon replaced; by a rush of excitement. Yes, it was crazy, but it was also thrilling and dangerous and extremely hot, and besides that, Dr Henley was getting her boobs about. She wasn’t about to get all prudish and back out of this now. Especially when she saw how gorgeous they were underneath that top of hers.

  The sassy, dominant doctor smirked knowingly as she carelessly tossed her corset top to the floor, her massive breasts on full show.

  “Like what you see, don’t you?” She murmured, still keeping her voice low so that Carla couldn’t hear what was going on.

  Jenny nodded and lifted up the gown a bit.

  “Here…let me help you with that.” Dr Henley reached down and grabbed the hem of the hospital gown, before quickly dragging it up, lifting up and over Jenny’s head as Jenny sat forward a bit to help her.

  Once removed, that too went in a discarded heap on the floor.

  “Everything alright in there?” Carla’s voice called out. There was a lot of rustling going on, some whispered voices and the occasional moan. Jenny realized it probably all sounded pretty strange to her out there on the other side of the curtain.

  “Y-yes, thanks,” Jenny’s half strangled sounding voice replied, as Dr Henley placed her hands on Jenny’s shoulders and manoeuvred her forwards. Jenny sat up, then the doctor’s hands were roaming all down her back, finding the bottom of her top and pulling it upwards and off her head.

  Jenny lifted up her arms to help as the doctor stripped her.

  Soon, she was sat there in just her bra, her bottom half already exposed and naked from the examination,

  A cool shiver ran through her as Dr Henley’s still gloved hands danced over her chest, down her stomach and made their way back to between her legs, brushing lightly over her clit before two fingers were pushed inside her.

  “Nnng!” She made a noise of pleasure and tossed her head back, her body arching up a bit into Dr Henley’s touch. “Doctor…”

  “Oh please,” Dr Henley said with a smirk, rolling her eyes slightly. “Enough of this Doctor nonsense. My first name is Eloise…and everyone calls me El.”

  It felt kind of weird calling the doctor ‘El’ but at this point, everything they were doing was weird anyway, what was a little extra weird thrown into the mix?

  El it was.

  The doctor’s other hand reached out and cupped her right breast, squeezing it firmly and playing with it, causing Jenny to let out another slight moan.

  “Mm, you like that?” El hummed in satisfaction, obviously enjoying the reactions she was getting.

  Jenny nodded.

  El slipped her hand directly inside the bra, her thumb and finger taking hold of the nipple and beginning to toy with it and twist it round gently.

  Jenny bit down hard on her lip. With both sets of the doctor’s powerful hands going to work on her in different places, it was getting harder to keep her noises to herself.

  After a moment though, El withdrew again and stopped all contact, causing Jenny to flutter open her half closed eyes and give a soft noise of need and frustration, her pussy practically dripping wet now and throbbing with desperation
and a desire to be touched.

  The doctor moved her hands to her own skirt and undid the little button and zip at the side.

  It dropped to the floor and she stepped out of it, kicking it aside with her long stiletto heel, before removing those completely too.

  Jenny sat up a bit to watch.

  The stripping was very deliberate and slow, with El’s eyes on her patient’s the entire time, and her tongue occasionally slipping out to touch the corner of her mouth or dart teasingly across her bottom lip.


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