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Held Down

Page 35

by Pamela Prim

  Leaning into his kiss, Dorothea thrilled as their tongues entangled and he laved her mouth with a catlike lap; flowing back and forth to simulate perfectly the motions of sex.

  The couple’s public surroundings dissolved around them as their lips met and their tongues entwined, their kiss deepening as he leaned forward to cup her soft cheek.

  “By God, how you excite me,” he whispered against her lips, adding in a lusty growl, “Do you have any idea just what I want to do with you right now?”

  Dorothea chuckled, even as her pulse raced at her tender suggestion.

  “Well I have a pretty good idea,” she purred, adding in a whisper, “All the same I wouldn’t mind a thorough demonstration. Sometimes Culver, words just aren’t enough.”

  Chapter Three

  Much to her dismay, Dorothea soon discovered that her host’s plans for the evening revolved around a vigorous physical activity; one that flexed her every muscle as her breath erupted in hot, hard gusts through her parted lips.

  “I didn’t know that our plans involved dancing,” she told Culver, taking in her breath as he leaned her voluptuous body backward in a thrilling dip. “Hoofing it has never been my strong suit.”

  Yet she smiled as Culver graced her lips with another sumptuous kiss.

  “Then you’ve never tried dancing my way,” he assured her, swinging her across the clean tiled candlelit dance floor that formed the ebullient center of his night club.

  The couple swung and swayed in a decadent tango as their bodies moved closer; her breasts crushing the surface of his massive muscled chest as he pulled her flush up against him.

  “This is how they used to dance in the old movies I watch on TV,” she observed, tone distant and dreamy. “The ones that make me dream.”

  She gasped outright as her graceful partner most literally swept her off her feet, twirling her high up in the air as the crowd around her cheered their approval.

  “Tonight, Love, your dreams come true,” he whispered in her ear, setting her on her feet as the couple stared deep into one another’s eyes. “You know, Dorothea, I started this club 20 years ago with the idea of recreating the aura and the atmosphere of classic clubs of the ‘40s and ‘50s,” he revealed. “A little before my time and a lot before yours…even so I can tell that we share a love for the classics.”

  Dorothea nodded.

  “Indeed,” she affirmed, adding as she wrapped her arms tight around his well muscled shoulders, “I just can’t believe that a man like you came here tonight without a dance partner.”

  Culver shrugged.

  “Well, truth be told Darling, I started this club with a lady who shared my love for old time glamour and distinction. And although she shone in her beauty and grace, she lacked the humor and the warmth that I really need in a woman. And although she danced with the glamour and the skill of a Ginger Rogers or an Ann Murray, her dancing lacked passion.”

  Sweeping his partner up in his all-encompassing arms, her impassioned lover clutched her to him as his hard trim hips gyrated suggestive against her own. “I can tell further that you are a woman of passion. And I wish to taste that passion tonight.”

  Nodding her assent to her partner’s suggestion, Dorothea watched with wide eyes as—with the slick snap of his fingers—Culver summoned the attention of a tuxedo clad waiter.

  “Maxwell,” he summoned, tone polite but firm. “Send for my limo.”

  Dorothea’s eyes flew wide as she considered these words.

  “Your what-o?” she asked, shaking her head from side to side in a show of utter disbelief.

  Culver chuckled.

  “I thought we could take a drive around town,” he suggested, adding as he took her hand, “So why not do it in style?”

  Chapter Four

  Moments later Dorothea found herself in the back seat of an ebony polish limousine; casting her gaze out a crystalline paned window to the glory of a Bay City night.

  Seeking in the velvet cushions that lined this luxury ride, she reveled in the vision of crystalline stars as they danced across the vast expanse of a sky that likened ebony velvet; a glittering showcase that counted the beacon of a glowing moon as its glorious centerpiece.

  This ethereal vision oversaw a line of emerald leaved palm trees that flew past their windows as they made their way through town; the car carrying their ride with a nice smooth rhythm as they enjoyed the sights and sounds of a tranquil Florida night.

  “Enjoying the view?” Culver asked her, nestling up to his dreamy eyed date as he wrapped a strong arm around her shoulders.

  Leaning her head on Culver’s hard muscled chest, Dorothea moved closer to him as she whispered, “I’m enjoying everything about this evening, Culver. And I can’t wait to see what happens next.”

  Wrapping his strong arms around her voluptuous waist, Culver bowed his head to plant sweet baby kisses down the side of his fair skinned neck.

  “What happens next, Love, is whatever you so desire,” he whispered in her ear, adding as he pulled her flush up against him, “I wish only to make your dreams come true. So tell me, my lady. What, pray tell, is your wildest, most secret fantasy?”

  Turning full in his arms, an ardent Dorothea plied his full moist lips with the most passionate of kisses; tasting him even as she reveled in his touch and inhaled his crisp citrus tinged scent.

  “You are my wildest fantasy,” she whispered, pulling back to cup his carved cheeks in two tender hands as she stared deep into his eyes. “Only I should tell you this now.” She paused here, adding as she bit her lip hard, “I really don’t have much experience when it comes to certain things.”

  She gasped then as her lover ran a tender hand down the length of her buxom silk clad thigh; continuing to kiss and nip her neck as his touch sparked a fire deep within her.

  “Don’t worry, Love,” he whispered soft and soothing. “Just relax and let me do everything. Everything for your pleasure.”

  With these words he slipped to his knees before her, taking her feet in his hands and freeing them from the confines of her tight black shoes.

  She sighed contented as he licked her pads and suckled her toes, then laving his way up her legs and gracing her full thighs with a rich smattering of sweet baby kisses.

  Slipping beneath her skirt, he massaged her full hips with attentive hands to relax and succor her; leaning his head forward to ensnare the border of his white cotton panties between glistening white teeth and dragging them down the length of her legs.

  Soon, returning to the source of her greatest pleasure, Culver licked open her sensitive folds as he sealed her full moist lips around her throbbing clit; licking and suckling her feminine fruit as she moaned with delight.

  Culver shifted his head from side to side to intensify the sensation, his succulent mouth kissing the surface of her nub as it throbbed and pulsated between his lips.

  Throwing her head back and thrusting her hips forward, she relished the rain of pure erotic sparks as it coursed her being from head to toe; setting her body afire as the motion of the car beneath her only intensified the friction of the ride.

  Finally and with a long last lick he sent her hurdling across the bounds of an incredible clitoral orgasm, one that reeled and resounded through every fiber of her being.

  Joining her atop the cushions of their luxurious trysting place, Culver swept her up in a passionate embrace and cradled her in encompassing arms; once again swaying her trembling body back and forth as they once again engaged in an exotic tango--this one taking a more personal tone as her lover slipped the fabric of her sleek black dress soft and subtle over her shoulders, exposing her body to him as they collapsed together in the back seat of the limo.

  Repaying the favor in kind, Dorothea peeled his tailored black jacket from the surface of his bulging shoulders; throwing it reckless on the floor beneath them before unbuttoning the slick white shirt that lie beneath it.

  Finally she exposed her lover’s massive bronzed chest and firm
sculpted abs; reaching forward to run her hands down his rock hard torso as he purred his contentment—all the while wiggling his way out of his skin tight pants to release the long hard shaft that soared upward to greet her with a salacious salute.

  Their lips collided in an impassioned kiss as he pulled her closer to him; her breasts crushing his chest as their arms and legs entangled.

  Flesh met flesh as their tongues too entangled; the rhythm of their ride rocking their bodies as their hips resumed their rhythm.

  Plying her lips with the sweetest kisses, Culver ran his magical hands down her spine in a smooth massaging motion; all the while rocking his hips against hers as his cock teased her feminine cleft.

  Their kisses deepened as she thrust herself against him, reveling in his essence as their bodies writhed and swayed together.

  Desire overcame Dorothea as she wrapped her legs around his trim waist to invite him farther inward; dragging her fingernails down the planes of his back as he bowed his head to her chest.

  Kissing the delicate skin of her chest and suckling her nipples, Culver fully and finally merged them as one; surging his long hard shaft to the depths of her soaking wet pussy.

  Their hips found an immediate rhythm as he probed and penetrated her; surging forth to her very core as he continued to kiss and lick her breasts.

  Although feeling just a bit of discomfort as he moved within her, Dorothea felt this irritation flee her body as he reached his fingers between her tender folds to knead and stroke her enflamed nub; once again sparking those delicious emotions that so pleased and excited her.

  Now writhing wild in her lover’s embrace, Dorothea spread her fleshy thighs to invite him farther inward; throwing her head back as he kissed his way up her neck and once again seized her lips with his.

  Just then the car beneath them hit a rough spot in the road, throwing them full into one another’s arms as he surged within her; simultaneously laying a gentle squeeze onto the surface of her throbbing clit.

  Finally he sent her hurdling across the bounds of an incredible shared climax; sensation overcoming them as they exploded together in the depths of unbelievable ecstasy.

  Losing themselves in their own private realm of sublime shared pleasure, the couple collapsed together as their car continued its easy trek through the streets of Bay City.

  Pulling his lover closer than close, Culver massaged her back and shoulders as she murmured her contentment; sinking in his arms as she hugged him to her and stared deep into his eyes.

  “Culver, that was amazing,” she released on a whisper, adding as she rested her head on his chest, “I feel so far away from all of my problems now. I almost wish I didn’t have to go home.”

  Culver smiled, his agile fingertips playing down the base of her spine as he considered her words.

  “This is indeed a magical night, Love,” he said finally, gracing her with an affirming smile as he told her, “I have to ask you, though. Why does it have to end? Do you have someone waiting for you back home?” he paused here, adding as he chucked her chin in a light, playful manner, “What foul rival will I have to battle for the hand of my Dorothea?”

  Dorothea snorted.

  “Oh, rest assured,” she told him, adding as she rolled her eyes heavenward, “When you drop me off at my door this evening, you will not find the defensive line of a leading professional football team waiting to reclaim their resident love goddess,” she paused here, adding in a far more serious tone, “What you will find is my elderly father, who I spend the bulk of my time tending to and taking care of—that is, when I’m not trying to support us both by way of an online data entry job.”

  Culver nodded.

  “You have a tough life, don’t you, Love?” he asked her, adding as he raised her chin until their gazes locked, “I can tell this life has made you very strong and most resilient. That’s something I really love in a woman.” He paused here, adding as he continued to rub her back in long, tender strokes, “Even so, I’d love nothing more than to continue spoiling you rotten—and not just for the duration of the evening, Sweetheart, but for as long as you can tolerate my presence.”

  Sitting upright in their seat, Dorothea pinned her lover with a disbelieving stare as she sat away from him in the cushions.

  “Although this has been an incredible night, Culver, I feel that at this point I must remind you that you and I barely know each other,” she told him, adding as she raised her chin to proud effect, “Throughout the course of my life, men have made a hobby and a sport of hurting me as much as possible. When they’re not ignoring me outright, they’re mocking me, insulting me, or at best leading me on or teasing me into thinking I might have a chance with them.” She paused here, adding as she raised an authoritative finger straight in his direction, “I’m not putting up with it anymore, Culver. If you’re not serious about this, and about me, then I must insist that you drop me off at my doorstep and leave me alone.”

  She took in her breath as her lover met this statement words with actions as opposed to words; taking her raised finger between his full moist lips and suckling its tip.

  “I could not be more serious about you, Dorothea,” he assured her, adding as he took her hands in his, “I’ve been alone for so long, my dear, throwing myself into my work and building my business. Sure I date once in a while, and yes I enjoy a healthy sex life, but the Miami born glamour girls that I show off at parties never make me laugh or think. They’re just not—well, they’re just not you.”

  With these words he once again swept her up in his arms, his embrace this time nurturing and coddling as he graced her lush body with an affectionate squeeze.

  “I’ve never met another woman like you,” he affirmed, adding as he inclined his sculpted head sharp in her direction, “And while I well understand your skepticism—indeed, if a woman of your intelligence wasn’t skeptical of the male gender, I’d be more than a bit surprised—I’m more than willing to prove my worth before we go any further.”

  Dorothea arched her eyebrows.

  “Well, let me take just a minute here to catch up with this switch,” she told him, holding her hands up before her in a show of mock defensiveness. “But isn’t that exactly what you’ve been doing to me for the last, oh, hour or so? Proving your worth to me? Among other things?”

  Pitching his head back with a leonine flourish, Culver guffawed outright.

  “I must say it, Love. You never cease to charm and thoroughly entertain me,” he told her, adding in a more serious tone, “And while it is very important to me that I please and satisfy all of your sensual needs, it is obvious that you need more than a good lover. You need a man you can turn to and rely on in times of need, but who still respects you as a strong, self-sufficient woman. Correct?”

  Dorothea thought a moment, then nodded.

  “Pretty much so,” she agreed, adding with a shrug, “And if the dude is as unbelievably hot as you are, well then that’s another bonus.”

  Culver chuckled, but only briefly.

  “Well again, you need a man who offers you far more than good looks and great sex,” he reminded her, adding as he pierced her with a long thoughtful stare, “So tell me Dorothea, what time were you due home this evening?”

  Dorothea frowned.

  “At midnight,” she told him, adding as she snuck a pained look at the wristwatch that—at this point—represented the only form of apparel still adorning her rubenesque body, “In other words, about 20 minutes from now. I was going to stay out later, depending on how my date went, but the senior sitter that I hire to watch Dad from time to time charges a pretty penny.”

  Culver frowned.

  “Senior sitter,” he sounded out these foreign words to adorable effect, adding with a sharp shrug, “Well, whoever that is, put her on the phone with me post haste. I’ll give her my credit card numbers and ask her to stay on the job just a little bit longer.” He paused here, adding as he graced her with a playful wink, “All night, if possible.”
  Dorothea felt her cheeks flush as she considered these suggestive words.

  “Well, I never thought I’d be hanging out with a dude who counts the words ‘post haste’ as part of his everyday vocabulary,” she observed, adding as she graced her lover with a smile of warm sincerity, “Even so I must say it. Aside from being a walking dream, Babe, you are one hell of a great guy—one I would more than love to spend the night with—and, or so I suspect, many more nights to come.”

  Chapter Five

  After making the prerequisite phone call to Dorothea’s senior sitter, Culver asked his mild mannered, silver haired limo driver—who by this time also required overtime payment and was generally growing weary of driving around town in an endless and continuous circle—to deliver them to the front door of his home on the north side.


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