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Held Down

Page 50

by Pamela Prim

  I got to admit, sex was totally not as great as this was, that’s for sure. I contorted my face into that of pain, but they managed to get the sample after a bit.

  “You did very well, my dear,” the assistant said.

  Little did she know that right before this, Jenna was saying the same thing, and as Jenna looked at me, I felt a blush form against my face.

  “You did very well. I’m proud of you,” Jenna said. I could tell that she didn’t just mean in terms of the exam, but everything in general. I began to blush, looking around and trying to avoid their gazes.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “You’re welcome. Now, go get your clothes on, and then, you can meet me at the reception desk,” she said.

  I knew she was implying something else entirely when she said that. She then started to waltz out, and as I put on my panties and clothing, I began to feel a flush grace against my face.

  Fuck, that was some of the hottest shit I’ve ever done. I wanted to do it again. Jenna was perfect, utterly fucking perfect at this kind of thing. I was kind of jealous, being a bit of a noob and all, but I guess that comes with the territory of having experience. I mean, she had an amazing pussy for someone who popped out some crotch fruit, and honestly, I’d totally do it again. I mean, I don’t’ really see myself having a relationship with Jenna other than causal sex, but who knows, maybe she’s cool with a lowly little student like me.

  I didn’t know if I was getting ahead of myself, or if I was totally doing the right thing. I began to head on out of there, going over to the reception counter. She dismissed the other girls that were there it seemed, and when she saw me, she gave me a smile that said it all.

  “So, did you like it?” she asked me with a smirk.

  “Yeah. It was…pretty fucking amazing,” I said.

  “Good. You were very good for your first time. I mean, I haven’t had an experience with a girl like that, especially with how good it was,” she told me.

  I began to blush, realizing that these compliments were totally getting to me as well. She then cleared her throat, looking at me with a stare.

  “Now, I do want to see you again. I say next year would be fine for the checkup,” she said.

  Great. So I wouldn’t get to see her immediately.

  “What about my birth control?” I asked.

  “I already sent out the prescription. If anything does happen, don’t hesitate to ask me. I know of many ways to help with this. Sometimes they have adverse reactions, and it’s nothing that we can’t’ fix,” she told me.

  I sighed, feeling relief from all of this.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “You’re welcome. Now, if you want to see me again, maybe before your break is over, here’s my number. I can’t really answer before five, but after that, I’m free. I just have to get my daughter a sitter, which is easy,” she said.

  I nodded, taking the number and looking at her with wide eyes.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “You’re most welcome. I figured that with the way you enjoyed it, you might want something more.

  I totally did want something more. “Yeah. That and then some,” I said.

  “Well, your wish is my command. I can give you what you want, and you just have to come see little old me,” she told me with the smallest glint of excitement.

  Fuck, I was feeling the effects of her looks once again. I was turning redder than a tomato as she gave me the paper with the appointment time and date on there. I felt excited, really excited, and as I looked at her, and then at the paper, I felt a whirlwind of excitement for it all.

  I scampered out of there, looking around to see my car over in the corner. I headed on back, my mother asking me how it went. I told her that it was all good, and that everything was utterly perfect. I didn’t tell her about what I did with the woman, or even what the entire appointment entailed. I just mentioned that the doctor was a total sweetie, and that it made it a lot easier.

  I did have feelings for her, I really did. I didn’t know what to do about them, especially at this point. Yeah I was young, but so was she. She didn’t look that much older, and who knows, maybe this was the type of life that I wanted in life. I began to blush thinking about the future, about tomorrow, and about what might come from this. I mean, I didn’t really know where the future resided, where everything laid, or even what might come about next, but the only thing that I knew for sure, the only thing that I was certain of, was that I discovered what it was like to be with a woman, to be pleasured by a woman, and in truth, I wakened a desire for something more, way more than anything I ever thought possible, and honestly, something that I hoped to indulge in again and again.

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  Story 23

  Rick turned onto Josh’s street. He had never visited his college roommate’s home before. He wouldn’t be doing so now, if Josh hadn’t been kicked out of school. Josh had been caught with a trace of pot on him. It wasn’t much more than gristle and seeds. Rick still couldn’t figure out why Josh still had it on him when the campus cop searched him. The local cops and courts declined to pursue it partly because the campus cop’s stop and search was questionable, thank God, but the school still expelled him. Rick thought Josh could appeal it, but Josh wasn’t planning on it.

  So, Rick was driving out to see if he could change Josh’s mind or help. It didn’t help that the pot that got Josh booted was really both of theirs. Josh had kicked in most of the money this time, but Rick smoked just as much, if not more. They used Rick’s connection. Josh took the fall though. He didn’t name anyone else even though the disciplinary board hinted that he might get a lesser punishment for it. Josh had stayed quiet. The board was probably lying through its self righteous teeth, but still. He took the expulsion to leave everyone else untouched.

  Campus cops turned over Josh’s and Rick’s room, but found nothing. Rick was shocked. Josh must have cleaned the place out before the hearing. There was not a bowl or pipe anywhere to be found. Josh had saved Rick’s skin again.

  Rick saw the driveway and turned in. It was pretty big house. Josh’s dad had remarried a younger woman and had died before Rick ever met Josh. Josh’s step mom was in her mid thirties, Rick thought, and it was her house where Josh and his step sister lived. The step sister was early twenties too, same age as Josh and Rick. Rick thought the step daughter was from a previous marriage too. Josh had mentioned that no one in his house was related anymore. His step family wasn’t related to him by blood of course, but the daughter and mother weren’t blood relatives either. Josh said Stella, his step mom, and Kate, his step sister, were cool though.

  The house was definitely cool. It was huge. Maybe like a mini mansion. It was older. It reminded Rick of what people in the 1970’s would have thought of as luxurious. The brick was whitish brown. There was diagonal, angled wood on the face of it.

  Rick got out and made his way up onto the porch to the front door. He took a breath and knocked. Rick counted to ten in his head and then he rang the bell and knocked again.

  He got to eight on the second mental count when the door finally opened. The girl standing there was smoking hot. She was shorter than Rick and her body was a sculpture of tight curves. Her auburn hair was bound up on top of her head, but several strands fell around her face like a happy accident. She was sexy as hell. Rick wanted to put his face into her tits and bounce quarters off her ass. All this with her just wearing an old worn tee shirt and sweatpants.

  She blinked and tilted her head. “Can I help you with something?”

  Rick cleared his throat. “Um, yes, sorry. I am Rick. I’m your … I’m Josh’s roommate from college. I was coming by to check on him.”

  “Oh, that’s sweet,” she said. “I’m Kate, his sister … well, step sister. Do you want to come in?”

  “Sure.” Rick stepped through the door into the foyer and she closed it.

saw a large sitting room with a fireplace and antique wood pieces. There was an atrium with light spilling down from a skylight in the vaulted ceilings. The atrium was a glass column near the open kitchen. It had a table and grow boxes with several herbs growing in the atrium space. Rick had never quite seen a house or a space quite like it.

  That ass though! Josh’s sister Kate walked like she was working a hula hoop. It was mesmerizing. So much ass and all of it working. If she asked him if he wanted anything, Rick thought he might have to say a piece of that ass and a cold shower.

  She turned around and he stopped short of the kitchen. He tried to pull his eyes up quick, but he just ended up staring at her slamming titties. The fuzzy material of the well worn tee shirt just made their size and curves look softer. He wanted to bounce them in his hands more than he wanted a good career and future. He’d leave behind college too for those tits.

  Eyes, he told himself. Look at her eyes. He did his best. She was smiling. He wondered if she knew he was checking her out. Girls had to know and he wasn’t even being subtle about it.

  “Can I get you anything?” she asked.

  He actually considered going for the ass and shower. It bounced around in his head for a split second that felt like forever staring at her. Rick finally managed to say, “Maybe some water, like, ice water, maybe?”

  She nodded. “Mom, Josh, we have a visitor!”

  Rick felt a moment of panic like he should deny having looked at her ass and titties and that he wanted them more than life itself. He told himself to calm the hell down, but then she walked over to the cabinets and sink with that hula hoop shimmy and it was all over. He was in love with his ex-roommate’s step sister’s ass and he didn’t care who knew it.

  As she stretched to get a glass, all her muscles tightened including her glorious ass. He saw her body and boobs in profile and it was better than before. As she took down the glass, he decided he was going to find a way to get with her. He would still try to help Josh, if he had time, but he was here for Kate now too.

  She put ice in the glass from the dispenser on the stainless steel refrigerator. A few pieces tumbled free to land on the tiled floor of the kitchen. Of course, she bent down to pick them up. She kept her legs almost straight and bent at the waist. Her shirt fell up with the weight of her boobs showing her tight, tanned stomach. Her ass spread and shaped in the material of her sweatpants. It took her a while to get all the dropped pieces that she tossed into the sink one by one. As she bobbed up and down, her tits jiggled and her ass danced for him. More of her hair spilled out of her hasty bun on top of her head.

  Rick imagined himself yanking down whatever thong she had on under those sweats. She’d grab hold of her ankles as he seized her meaty waist and rammed his cock into her pussy over and over. In his fantasy, she let him slide it into her ass to finish.

  She stood back up straight and filled the glass with cold, filtered water from the fridge. In Rick’s mind, she was still bent over taking every drop of his load.

  “Who is this now?” a woman asked behind him.

  Rick startled and turned toward her. His hands instinctively folded over his crotch.

  She was older, but still Milf hot. She wore workout clothes which accented every line and curve. She was taller than Kate, but had long, blond hair with reddish and white highlights streaked through it. Her tits were slightly smaller than Kate’s, but that could have been the dark sports bra under her torn tee shirt.

  “I’m Rick. I am … was Josh’s roommate at school.”

  “Oh, super,” she said. “Did you bring more of the pot for him to smoke to celebrate his new found freedom, did you?”

  “No … ma’am.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Don’t ma’am me. I’m barely ten years older than you. Barely.”

  “Mom, take it easy.” Kate handed Rick his ice water and her rubbed it against his forehead instead of drinking it. “This is our step mom, Stella.”

  “So why are you here, Rick?” Stella asked with her hands on her hips.

  “I was hoping I could talk him into coming back to school or trying, at least,” Rick said.

  “He was expelled,” Stella said.

  “Yes, ma’am … um, mom … ugh, Stella, but I thought maybe if we tried we could get an appeal or probation or something.”

  “If you want to help,” Stella said, “why don’t you tell them it was your pot?”

  “Because then we will both be expelled,” Rick said, “and neither of us will be able to help and I’d have to hide here because my parents would kill me.”

  “It wouldn’t help, mom,” Kate said. Kate stood close enough that Rick could smell her shampoo and body lotion. He fought the urge to lean down and sniff her right in front of Stella. That certainly wouldn’t help the situation. It was probably a bad time to ask for a piece of those titties and ass too. Rick took a long swallow from the ice water before putting it back to his forehead. Kate added, “You know that.”

  “I guess you’re not as sorry as you thought you were,” Stella said.

  “I’d like to talk to Josh and make sure he is okay,” Rick said. “If my being here upsets you, I’ll leave after that.”

  “Mom,” Kate said.

  “It was your pot though wasn’t, Rick?” Stella asked.

  “Mom!” Kate’s arm was touching Rick’s.

  Rick cleared his throat and said, “It was ours. We both smoked. We always both smoked it. We hung out with other people that smoked too. We also went out to the reservoir to drink even before we turned twenty-one. After that, we hung out in bars more. We banged girls together in the same dorm room. A couple times we banged the same girl together or one girl would take turns on both of us as we all smoked pot together. We also studied hard and did work study. We’re college students. We both smoked the pot that was in that bag that night. Josh stuffed it in his pocket instead of throwing it out because we weren’t close to a trashcan and he forgot about it. It was a bullshit search which was why the County didn’t even bother to take up the case or the charge. The bag was full of trash, so there wasn’t enough to make a real case. I am sorry that it happened. I’m sorrier than I can imagine being about anything. I wish I could trade with him, but that’s not an option, so I’m here to see if we can figure out something else.”

  Rick and Stella stared at each other a moment with the uneven hum of the ice maker filling the quiet in the room. Rick took another drink because his throat was suddenly dry.

  “A devil’s threesome,” Kate said. “Progressive.”

  “Kate, stop it.” Stella rolled her eyes. “Did you bring a bag?”

  Rick shook his head. “I don’t have any pot. I haven’t smoked since Josh got busted, I swear.”

  Stella groaned and said, “No, dummy, not a dime bag. Do you have a bag of clothes, tooth brush, and such? To stay, I mean.”

  “Um, yes, in the car.”

  “Do you want to stay a few days?”

  “I don’t want to impose. I’m not sure how Josh is feeling about everything.”

  Stella shrugged. “Josh is fine. Will you please stay with us for a few days? Can you?”


  “Are you hungry?” Stella asked.

  “Yes, I could eat.”

  Stella walked past him. “Sit down.”

  Rick obeyed and Kate took his glass to refill it. Kate gave him another view of the hula hoop strut. He was glad his naughty parts were hidden under their kitchen table.

  Kate brought the glass back and sat down across from him at the rectangular table. Her hand lingered on the glass with the condensation running over her fingers. He stared for a moment thinking he was missing something she was trying to tell him. He reached out to take the glass, but her hand remained and their fingers interlocked over the glass. He brought his eyes up and met hers. She was leaning on her free arm and staring back at him. Her hair was wild.

  Her hand moved away from the glass, but he felt her foot find the side of his calf.
It started traveling up his pant leg under the table and he took a swallow of the cold water waiting to see where her exploration would go.

  The mom, step mom Stella, was frying a burger on the stove. Having a woman cook for him in tight workout clothes was quite a disorienting experience. He was distracted by Kate’s foot moving past his knee and continuing up his thigh. He realized that she had taken her foot out of her sneaker, so it was her bare foot moving up between his legs. Her foot slipped over his crotch and back and forth between his inner thighs. She rested her arch against his cock. He knew she had to be able to feel how hard he was. Kate slid her foot up and down the length of his cock through his pants. She used her toes to pinch and squeeze his shaft at different points. He loved a girl that had that kind of control over her toes. He wasn’t sure why he found it sexy, but he did. He realized his glass was empty, but he did not want to ask her to get him any more. He started crunching the ice.


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