Book Read Free

Held Down

Page 81

by Pamela Prim

  Chase laughed. “My mom thinks I’m crazy and my dad couldn’t care less.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry.”

  “No worries Ellie. Not everyone can have parents as involved as you are. I’ve seen the care packages Matt gets. You’re an amazing mom.”

  “Thank you,” Ellie said. She stopped for a moment and pressed a kiss to Chase’s cheek. Before she could shift away Chase touched her cheek, turning her face toward him. His lips pressed gently against hers, gauging her reaction. When her arms came around his shoulders, Chase pressed a little harder, sliding his tongue over her full bottom lip. She gave willingly, opening to him and together they went deeper. Much to his surprise, it was Chase who pulled back.

  “Ellie,” he murmured.

  “Before we dive too deep into that, why don’t we do our run? Maybe it’ll help clear our heads.”

  “Yeah,” Chase sighed.

  Chapter Three: Thanksgiving

  Ellie tried hard to concentrate on running. She thought about her breathing, using her muscles to her advantage and keeping a steady pace, but beneath all the superficial her mind was consumed with what she’d done with Chase. Kissing wasn’t the problem, unless you took into the fact that she’d been kissing her only son’s best friend. What the hell was she thinking? She fought the grin that wanted to spread across her face. She knew exactly what she was doing as a woman. An insanely good-looking man seemed to be interested in her. Did it matter that he was nearly eighteen years her junior? Not in today’s world.

  Still, Ellie knew Matt would not look favorably on his best friend and mom shagging, not in the least. The run went well as they set a decent pace for town. After the first five miles Ellie was definitely feeling the burn of the extra time. “Only two more to go Ellie, you can do it. Then we’ll take a break before we head back.”

  “Sounds…good…” Ellie huffed. Even in great shape, Ellie rarely did more than five miles and the extra work was straining her tired muscles. Still, she trudged on, determined to keep up with Chase. She had to give him credit, the kid looked as if he could go for another three or four hours. She was barely holding on and they still had to make it to town and all the way back home. The mere thought of continuing past town made her want to laugh and cry at the same time.


  Chase helped Ellie cross the street to a tiny café as they finished the first leg of their run. Seeing her face, he knew she needed fluids and a ride home. “I’m calling you a cab, or I’ll call Matt to come get you.”

  “I can finish the run, Chase,” Ellie said, defiant and stubborn.

  “I don’t doubt you can, Ellie, but I’m not going to let you. You’re nearly worn out now. If you try to do the last leg, you’ll be in trouble before we ever get home.”

  “You don’t think I can do it,” she stated, anger evident in those beautiful honey eyes.

  “I think,” Chase said slowly, “that you are pushing yourself too hard. You’ve never done a distance this long and if you don’t stop now, you’ll only injure yourself and then where will we be? I’ll be trying to figure out how to get you home before we both get into trouble.”

  “I don’t need a lecture,” Ellie said. When she turned to go Chase grabbed her hand, turning her toward him.

  “I wasn’t lecturing you, Ellie,” Chase said, his own frustration showing. Never had he met a woman like her. She was so strong and beautiful. Need curled its tight fists deep in his gut. Quickly wrapping his arm around her waist, Chase drew her closer until he could see the flecks of gold in her slightly surprised eyes. Grinning, Chase swept his lips over hers. Back and forth and then again with more pressure. Just when she would have opened to him, Chase pulled back and smiled. “Do it for me, Ellie, so I won’t have to worry so much.”

  “Fine,” she acquiesced.

  Chase saw Ellie into a taxi and finished his run. By the time he made it back home, Ellie was making a brunch that smelled amazing. “Come in and get some coffee,” she said when she heard him come in the door. “Matt!”

  Chase had never had a Thanksgiving vacation quite like this one. For one thing he’d never been at a best friend’s house during the holiday and secondly he’d never had a craving quite like this for his best friend’s mom, as gorgeous as Ellie was.

  “So, tomorrow’s the big day. Either of you up for putting the turkey in at 5 tomorrow morning?”

  When Matt groaned, Chase decided to volunteer. “I don’t know much about them, but it if you get it all done up I can put it in the oven for you.”

  “Thank you. Chase. That’ll give me a great night’s sleep so I can get up at eight to start everything else.”

  With plans settled Matt went up to get a shower and call a girl he’d met at the beginning of the semester. Chase knew they weren’t dating, but he had no doubt that his friend would see to it that they were before the semester ended. He’d never seen Matt so nuts about a girl before and he’d been there for all of them since college had started. Thankfully he liked Charity. Stripping his soaked shirt off, Chase headed for the basement. “Do you mind if I toss this in the white load?”

  If he hadn’t been sure before, Chase knew when Ellie turned around that she was definitely interested. He face turned red as an apple and she could only shake her head in response. He was halfway down the stairs when he heard Ellie behind him. “You can just toss it there, I’ll put it in when I run a load tomorrow morning.”

  “You chased me down here to tell me that?”

  “No,” she said, her posture straightening. She took a deep breath and continued. “I came to tell you that I…I w…”

  “You want to know if I liked the kiss.”

  “Yes. No,” another sigh escaped her pretty lips. Chase took a step up so that they were face to face. He was pleasantly surprised when she simply stopped talking. Leaning in Chase inhaled the scent of her as his hands found the gentle curve of her hips.

  “I haven’t thought about anything else for more than five minutes at a time since I kissed you,” Chase said. “Like right now. All I can manage to think about is the way your body moves, the cadence of your laugh, the flavor of your beautiful mouth.”

  Dragging her closer, Chase took her avid mouth, plunging into the sweetness she offered. This time there was no savoring the moment. Chase needed this, needed her in a way he couldn’t even understand. Turning her, he pressed her against the stair frame his hands molding hungrily to her small, stunning breasts. She moaned against his hair as he pressed wet kisses to her neck. Pulling her shirt open, Chase feasted on the flesh of her shoulders before he found her hard tips and sucked on them. Her gasps of shocked pleasure rocketed through him, drawing that need tight like a bow string.

  “Ellie,” he whispered, his voice roughened by his own aching hunger.

  “I don’t want to wait, Chase,” Ellie said, effectively making the choice for them. Turning, Chase grabbed Ellie’s hands and brought her down to the laundry area. Chase looked around until he found what he needed. Going back to Ellie he hungrily took her mouth again. His hands worked furiously to undo her jeans and pulled them down without ceremony. Her panties followed before Chase lifted her onto the washer.

  “Have you ever been taken on spin cycle?” Chase asked, his blue eyes darkened by need. His smile brought out twin dimples that made Ellie weep with want.


  Had she ever been taken on spin cycle? Did the kid realize she was nearly two decades older than he was? Her generation barely made it out of the bedroom, let alone incorporating appliances into the deed.

  Still when her bare ass hit that metal a thrill shot through her at the mere thought of making love like this. “There’s a first time for everything,” Ellie laughed.

  “You have no idea,” Chase agreed.

  Bringing her mouth to his, Ellie felt alive for the first time in as long as she could remember. She wasn’t a prude to be sure, but she’d also never entertained the idea of being with someone so…vibrant. Chase stepped on the stool he�
��d found and Ellie found herself staring at his chest. Covered with soft, barely brown curls and wisps of hair, she had the most insane want to touch him. Running her hands up his rib cage, she let her fingers have their way, playing in all that chest hair. She’d always been one for a hairy man. Chase wasn’t like an ape, thankfully, but he had enough to please her. Her hands hooked around his neck and slowly she brought him down to her.

  Lips fused together, Ellie encouraged the raging need in both of them to have its head. Her tongue slid into Chase’s mouth and tangled hungrily with his. Her moans only increasing the more they touched each other. Indulging herself Ellie undid the button on Chase’s jeans and pulled them down to expose his obvious need. “Mm,” she moaned. Her hands found the warm length of his hard cock, stroking up and down so that he couldn’t contain him own moans of pleasure.

  She felt his mouth attack her flesh, leaving small bites all over her flesh. His hands molded her breasts so that their peaks begged for his mouth. He flicked his tongue over those pink tips just as his hand found her sweet center.


  Ripe didn’t begin to describe how ready Ellie was to Chase’s way of thinking. The woman was like a volcano, ready to erupt and raging with the need. He plunged into that wet heat, seeking the ultimate of pleasures. She arched against his touch, as he sank into her over and over again.

  Chaining his need, Chase drew her tight, building her up and letting her come back down until she was trembling in anticipation. Dropping his boxers, Chase pressed her knees apart so he’d fit her right. Using his hands, he lifted her hips off the washer as the spin cycle started to heat up. Looking into her beautiful eyes, Chase filled her and watched the ecstasy slide into her. Deep inside her wet pussy, Chase sat her ass on the edge of the machine and grinned when she moaned. He kissed her, drawing out the sweetness while he took her higher. Over and over, Chase plunged into the wet heat of Ellie’s hot folds as her moans grew louder. Chase took her mouth again, sliding his tongue over hers as he fought for the last vestiges of control as Ellie drew closer. He plunged into her again, deeper and deeper until her nails bit into the muscles on his back. Her body quivered against him as she came on a cry of release. Chase, having restrained himself, finally let go and finished in the wet heat of Ellie’s warm body.

  Breathing heavily, Chase pressed his forehead against Ellie’s. Her own breathing was just returning to a semi-normal pace. Her beautiful eyes glowed as her hands came up to touch his cheeks. “You’re amazing,” she smiled. She pressed a kiss to his lips before Chase stepped down off the stool. He got dressed and helped Ellie off the washer. He watched her dress before he let her proceed him up the stairs.

  “Hey,” Matt said, stuffing a piece of biscuit into his mouth. “I wondered where you two were.”

  “I was showing Chase how to run our washer. He needed to wash some clothes before Thanksgiving tomorrow.”

  “Cool,” Matt said. Ellie caught the way he winked at Chase out of the corner of her eye. Deciding she didn’t want to know what it meant, she focused on preparing for dinner tomorrow. Besides Matt and Chase she was expecting her ex-husband, his wife, their kids and a neighbor couple who couldn’t cook for themselves and had no family close enough for the holiday.

  “Are you sure you got a big enough bird, mom?”

  “I got a twenty-two pound turkey. If that doesn’t feed the ten of us we all need to go on diets.”

  “Alright, I’m just saying. I know how you like to have leftovers for soup and stew and shit,” Matt smiled.

  “Matthew Carter, watch your mouth.”


  “Don’t mom me. You know I don’t like that language in the house.”

  “Should I step outside and shout it through the door?”

  “Funny,” Ellie grinned. The three of them laughed and Ellie continued her preparations as Chase and Matt when into the living room to play Madden NFL 15.


  Two hours later, Ellie wiped her hands dry and finally decided to relax. She poured herself a glass of wine and grabbed the last romance she was reading. “I’m going to take a bath,” she called out before she headed upstairs.

  An hour later she was crawling into bed. With her alarm set for five, just to be sure Chase got up, Ellie drifted off into sleep with a secretive smile on her lips. Five in the morning came and went with Ellie sleeping like a dream. She woke to her second alarm at eight and scrambled out of bed. Pulling on her robe as she went, Ellie hurried downstairs to see that Chase had indeed put the turkey in the oven at three-hundred and fifty degrees. Sighing with relief she turned to head back upstairs until she noticed the smell of coffee. Turning, Ellie saw Chase sitting in the bay window a forlorn look on his face.

  “Hey,” she yawned.

  “Morning,” Chase said, holding up his coffee in greeting. “There’s some fresh in the kitchen.”

  “I saw, thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Are you feeling okay this morning?”

  “I feel amazing, thanks to you,” Ellie smiled. “Are you okay?”

  “Just homesick I guess. I don’t normally go home for Thanksgiving and being here has been incredible. Makes me miss my family.”

  “Where do they live?”

  “Utah,” Chase said.

  “Oh wow,” Ellie said. “That’s a long ways from here.”

  “Yeah,” Chase said. “I’m going to go get a shower before company starts to arrive.”

  “Okay.” Ellie held her breath as Chase stood up. When he stepped close to her though, she couldn’t stop herself from vibrating a little, waiting. He grinned and took her mouth in a gentle, but hungry kiss.

  “Sweet Mary,” Matt groaned. “Please for the sake of my sanity tell me I didn’t just see my best friend kiss my mom.”

  “You didn’t just see me kiss your mom,” Chase laughed. “Your mom kissed me, man.”

  “Jesus, Mary and Joseph,” Matt said, ignoring them and going to get coffee.

  Ellie followed her son into the kitchen to grab her own coffee. “Morning,” she said.

  “Seriously, mom?”

  “What? Am I supposed to be a prudish bitch just because it upsets your sensibilities?”

  “No, but would you flaunt a man your age around like that?”

  “If he made me feel the way Chase does, hell yes, I would.”

  “Great. So what is this? Are you going to walk down the aisle to my best friend who’s the same age as me?”

  “No,” Ellie sighed. “But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to enjoy myself.”


  “Don’t take that tone with me Matthew,” Ellie said, her voice sharp as a whip.

  “Just don’t embarrass me at dinner okay? Whatever the two of you have going, get it out of your system before we leave. Then leave it there, forever.”


  Chase and Matt headed back to school two days later. They both finished their required credit hours to graduate and that June Ellie was there to watch them both walk across the stage. Matt graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in computer engineering and a minor in linguistics. Chase was right behind him with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering, a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry and a minor in Exercise Science and Wellness Management.

  Ellie and Chase did as Matt had asked and worked out their passions before Thanksgiving break had ended. Now they communicated on a friendly level. Ellie was ecstatic to meet Matt’s girlfriend. Charity, the girl who’d instructed him in karate, was Polynesian and stunningly beautiful. Even at five feet six inches tall, she was a polar opposite of Matt. Somehow though, Ellie imagined they’d eventually want to marry. She couldn’t wait for grandkids and the mere idea of it thrilled her.

  As she watched Chase and her son enjoy a celebratory party after their graduation, Ellie knew that she was in the prime of her life. It might not have been what she envisioned in the beginning, but it was definitely far from the end.

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  Story 37

  Chapter One

  Tick. Tick.Tick.

  Mike’s gaze on the clock was unwavering, his pencil dropping out of his hands unbidden as he made peace with his situation. Another D, another flubbed test, another step away from college. He put his head in his hands and waited for the bell to ring.

  “Pencils down.” Ms. Ricci stepped through the rows of seats, taking up each completed test. When she reached Mike, she gave a small look of sympathy, “Mike, stay back after class please.” He nodded numbly, not wanting to drag this out any longer. She stepped away, ignoring the looks of the other students, male and female alike burning into her back, and collected the rest of the papers.


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