Held Down

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Held Down Page 95

by Pamela Prim

  She blinked her eyes open and raised her head from her pillow to find Tony standing at the door, looking at her intently. Alice flicked her hair back behind her shoulders and raised herself even further on her folded elbows. She was in a pair of denim shorts that just about covered her underwear while her white spaghetti top was not nearly enough to hide her nipples.

  She still had her earphones plugged in while she smiled at Tony mischievously. She could see him moving his mouth so she jerked her earphones off and asked him, “What did you say?”. Tony looked embarrassed and she smiled even more as she saw his neck turn red.

  “I said I found your note in the pocket of my jacket. Why did you want to see me?” he repeated and kept standing at the door. Alice ran her eyes all over him, the blue casual T-shirt he was wearing stretched across his chest while he stood with his hands dug deep into the pocket of his jeans. He hadn’t seemed to have shaved that day and she could see his chin peppered with dots of a greying beard.

  “Where’s my mother?” Alice asked him as she lifted herself up and leaned up against her fluffed up pillow.

  “She’s still sleeping” Tony said and looked away from her embarrassed.

  “Come on in, Tony. I won’t bite” she said with a giggle and patted the space next to her on the bed.

  Tony seemed to hesitate, he was clearly thinking about what she said, a mile per minute. Alice continued to smile at him and he finally took a few steps into the door. She patted the bed again, but he just leaned against her dresser instead.

  “Why don’t you shut the door?” Alice asked him and she slowly spread her legs. She didn’t miss how his eyes went directly to the space between her legs, covered now by her tiny denim shorts. But he was quick to look away from her and out of the window.

  “I think the door being open is just fine” he said gruffly, while his neck continued to turn red.

  “I think you’d want the door closed, Tony” Alice said with a smile, she could see that he had detected the sound of menace in her voice.

  He hung his head down and hesitatingly shut the door, careful to not let it bang. He took the few steps back to his original position by her dresser and remained standing. Alice crossed her arms across her chest and continued to smile at him.

  “So as you know, I’m off to college day after tomorrow” she began and Tony looked at her finally, but still tried to avert his gaze. She could smell his cotton freshness again and she could feel Goosebumps forming on her flesh.

  “Which I am excited about” she continued, “and I was wondering how happy you are to see me go”.

  Tony looked into her eyes finally but his usual grin was still missing, “I am happy for you Alice. Of course I am” he said quietly.

  “No, I meant, are you happy to see me go?” she asked and she slowly got off the bed and started moving towards him. He looked visibly uncomfortable with her movements and he started to run his hands through his hair.

  “I think it would be for the best” he finally said, when she came to a halt a few inches away from him. She still had her arms crossed across her chest and she slowly let them drop. Tony’s eyes went directly to the curves of her breast stretched against the thin material of her top. She could feel that her nipples were erect and that he could see them.

  “I strongly” he began again and he was fumbling with his words, “I strongly believe that it would be for the best”.

  Alice breathed out a sigh and shrugged her shoulders, “So you think that if I went away to college, you wouldn’t have to give me the orgasm that you owe me?” she asked with a smile and a raised eyebrow. She could see his eyes widen and a chuckle escaped her lips.

  “Alice. This has to stop. Stop talking about it” he said gruffly and a look of panic had creeped into his face.

  “I can’t stop talking about it, Tony” she said and inched even closer towards him.

  “Please stop Alice. It’s over. It was a mistake” he said and inched away from her, his back now pressed against the wood of her dresser.

  “Maybe it was, but you have to admit that it was amazing” she said, slurring her words. She stood up on her toes and pecked him on his lips again. Tony turned his face away and squeezed past her to the centre of the room.

  “Yes it was. But I’m your stepfather, Alice. Which means that it cannot happen again” he said, he was trying very hard to not raise his voice. “Never again” he added.

  “Sure” Alice said and turned away from him, playing with one of her earrings that were lying on the top of the dresser.

  “It won’t happen again” she added and she knew he was breathing out a sigh of relief.

  “Good” he said and started to make his way past her towards the door of the room.

  “There is one more thing though” Alice interrupted him just as he was about to turn the door knob. He didn’t turn around to look at her.

  “Which is why I invited you to join me in my bedroom” she continued and walked over to him. She stood up on her toes again and leaned into his right ear from behind.

  “I’m pregnant” she whispered into his ears and took a few steps back. Tony didn’t move or say a word for a few seconds till he turned around slowly to face her.

  She could see the look of shock and terror in his eyes as he looked at her. Alice threw her head back and laughed loudly.

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  Story 43

  Darlene sat on her suitcase to force it closed and snapped the buckles shut. Her friend, Tamera, was sitting on the edge of her bed, telling her about the ranch at which they were supposed to be spending their summer vacation. Personally, Darlene had no interest in going out to a farm. It would be hot, smell like shit, and be generally boring all around. Tamera had coaxed her, saying that her stepfather had this hot farmhand named John; that they were only about ten miles away from the nearest city and could go visit any time they wanted. She insisted that it was beautiful out there. Darlene would have been alone most of the summer anyway—her mom was on an extended trip to Europe for business. She gave in to Tamera, deciding that it would be better than sitting in the house alone for three months.

  “Did you pack your bathing suit?” asked Tamera, chewing on the back of a pencil. Despite her eagerness to go out to the ranch, she was nervous. She hadn’t seen her stepdad in years, she said, and she didn’t know how he would react to her not being a little girl anymore. Darlene told her that of course it wouldn’t bother him, that from the sound of it, he loved Tamera very much. Still, Tamera probably wouldn’t be able to relax until all greetings and introductions were made and they were settled in.

  “I did,” Darlene said, “why? Is there a pool?”

  “Swimming hole,” said Tamera, then, noting Darlene’s wrinkled nose, added, “it’s clean, I swear. They get their water from there.”

  Darlene muttered under her breath. The girls dragged their suitcases downstairs, pulling them by the handles out to the curb and throwing them in the trunk of the car. Darlene put on the GPS while Tamera pulled out onto the street.

  On the way, the girls talked over the music.

  “Tell me what your stepdad is like.”

  “He’s kind of quiet,” said Tamera. “Doesn’t talk much. He’s real serious but he’s a nice guy. I just always thought of him as my dad.”

  “And what about John?”

  Tamera shot Darlene a look out of the corner of her eye, smirking. “John’s hot. He really likes to tease. He’d probably pick you up and throw you in the hole in a heartbeat just to see you get your t-shirt wet.”

  Darlene blushed, squirming. Tamera noticed and laughed.

  “You’re so innocent. It’s adorable.”

  “I’ve been with boys before,” Darlene said defensively. And she had, though she was a virgin. There were a few times in high school she’d let a boy fondle her breasts, or she’d go down on him, or he’d dry hump her, his cock hard, and she’d arch her hips to m
eet his. But it never went anywhere. Darlene just didn’t really have real chemistry with any of them, so she wasn’t interested in fucking them at all.

  “Yeah,” said Tamera, rolling her eyes. “You’re a regular old slut.”

  Darlene swatted the other girl’s arm. “Not everyone can be on your level. How many dicks have you sucked, again?” she teased.

  Tamera laughed. “Enough.”

  They both giggled, passing the time with light conversation, cranking up the radio when a good song came on. The three hours out to the ranch seemed to pass quickly. Most of the view was flat farmland, acres upon acres of wheat and corn and the occasional sunflower. Darlene grew more excited—and nervous—the closer they got. She thought maybe it wouldn’t be so bad, being out here. It would be peaceful and nice to be away from the city.

  They pulled up a gravel drive to a large white house and got out of the car. Darlene coughed until the dust settled, looking around. Not far away from the house was a barn, surrounded by farm equipment. Across a wide field she could make out the outlines of horses. Excitement ran through her. She had forgotten that they might have horses. She’d spent most of her time at summer camp riding the huge beasts, relaxing atop the gentle rocking of the horse moving slowly along the path.

  “Papa!” said Tamera, and Darlene turned to see the other girl run toward her father. He wrapped her in his arms, picking her up and smiling, then set her down and ruffled her hair.

  “Hey, kiddo,” he said. She stood on tiptoes to kiss his stubbled cheek.

  “Papa,” Tamera said, gesturing toward Darlene. “This is my friend, Darlene.”

  Darlene blushed. The man was huge, over six feet tall, broad-shouldered and narrow of the hip. His skin was tanned brown and emphasized the glowing blue of his eyes, his hair dark and thick and standing out in little unruly tufts. Darlene could see the cords of muscle underneath his t-shirt and couldn’t help but to stare at his thick arms. She guessed that he was maybe in his mid-forties. It was hard to tell, though, as he was in excellent shape and held himself with the straight-backed pride of someone half his age.

  “Hi,” said Darlene. He was studying her with a small smile on his face. He reached forward and she slipped her small hand into his massive one. It was rough and calloused and a thought came to her, unbidden, of how those hands would feel all over her soft skin.

  Tamera didn’t notice that her best friend and her father were connected for a little too long. She had already bounced into the house, looking, no doubt, for John.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Darlene,” drawled the man. “I’m Robert.”

  “Robert,” she breathed. “You too.”

  Darlene looked at the ground then, breaking eye contact. Robert went to the open trunk, pulled out both suitcases and carried them into the house as if they were light as a feather. Darlene followed him, relishing the cool air as she stepped inside the doorway. The house was beautiful and inviting, full of natural light and soft, summer décor. Darlene saw Tamera in the kitchen and joined her, pouring herself a glass of lemonade while Robert carried their things upstairs. He came back down as she was tipping the cup against her lips and she froze when he gazed at her.

  He didn’t move his eyes away when he told them sorry, they’d have to share a room. It didn’t bother either of the girls—they had slept even in the same bed many a night, whispering and giggling to each other during sleepovers since middle school. Tamera shrugged and straddled a stool, putting her elbows on the counter.

  “How have you been, dad?” she asked. Robert broke his eyes from Darlene and gave Tamera a gentle, warm smile.

  “Things are going good here,” he said. “Everything in order. John’s looking forward to seeing you girls.”

  “I bet,” said Tamera, elbowing Darlene. Robert shook his head.

  “Be good, you two. I have work to do. Help yourself to whatever you want. John should be in the back if you want to say hello.”

  He shot one last gaze at Darlene before he left the house. She was strangely sad to see him go.

  The girls went upstairs to unpack, throwing their things into the dresser drawers. Tamera wanted to go swimming immediately, but Darlene wanted to explore.

  “Show me around the place, then we can go,” Darlene said. Tamera smiled and nodded and they both changed into lighter, cooler clothes before going back outside to the early summer heat.

  John, the farmhand, was in the backyard on hands and knees, digging weeds from the ground. Tamera ran up to him and jumped on his back, nearly knocking him over.

  “John,” she said, “hey.”

  John stood up and hugged Tamera, kissing her full on the mouth. Darlene was surprised, shocked. Tamera had never said anything about being more than friends with John. She’d never said they had ever kissed or touched or fucked, just that he was hot.

  “Hey, Tammy,” he said excitedly. “What’s up, kid?”

  Tamera pouted dramatically. “Don’t call me that.”

  “Sorry, kid,” he teased, reaching forward to tickle her. She giggled and danced away from his touch.

  “This is my friend Darlene. She’s staying with us.”

  John’s eyes raked over Darlene’s body without a second thought. She felt exposed, suddenly aroused. He was handsome, too, not much smaller than Robert, with blonde hair and brown eyes. He was probably just a couple of years older than the girls.

  “Hot,” he said. “You didn’t tell me she was pretty.”

  Tamera swatted his arm, then twirled him to face her, jumping into his arms.

  “Tell me I’m pretty, too,” she pouted.

  “Of course you are. Prettiest girl I ever laid eyes on.”

  Tamera smiled and jumped down. “We’re going to go walk around. Wanna come?”

  He shook his head. “Your dad’ll kill me if I don’t finish this today. I was supposed to do it yesterday but I went to town and got, uh, distracted.”

  Tamera hit him again and walked away without another word, bidding Darlene to follow her. Darlene had to jog to keep up.

  “What was that all about?” she asked the other girl. Tamera turned her face and grinned at Darlene.

  “Oh, we’re always like that.”

  “Did you sleep with him?”

  Tamera laughed. “I wouldn’t sleep with that creep in a million years.”

  “Then why--.”

  “We just like to kid around with each other. We kiss and flirt. It’s no big deal.”

  Sometimes it surprised Darlene how cavalier Tamera was with her affections, how open she was to casual intimacy. The thought made Darlene uneasy. This is why Tamera always called her a prude. She just couldn’t imagine such a touching someone like that without it meaning anything.

  Then again, she had never felt strong attraction to anybody before. Darlene licked her lips, thinking about Robert for a moment before pushing the thought from her head.

  The girls walked the perimeter of the ranch. It took them a couple of hours to get around the whole thing. Darlene had paused to watch the horses and Tamera promised that she’d bring Darlene back to ride sometime this week. Darlene was so looking forward to it that it lifted her mood instantly. Suddenly, she was so excited to be there, so happy that she’d agreed to come. By the time they made their way back to the house, the sun was setting rapidly. They went inside and Darlene could smell food cooking.

  Robert was in the kitchen, frying something up in the skillet.

  “Good, you’re here,” he said. “Sit. This’ll be done in a minute.”

  They sat across the counter from him. Tamera poured them both lemonade and Darlene drank it down in one long gulp. She refilled her glass and noticed Robert watching her.

  “Did you girls have fun today?” he asked, pulling his eyes away.

  “We walked around the ranch. Darlene wanted to see everything,” said Tamera. “I showed her the horses and she nearly busted a nut.”

  “Tamera,” Darlene hissed, blushing. Robert only laughed. />
  “Busted a nut, huh?”

  “Yep,” said Tamera. “I told her we’d go riding tomorrow, if that’s okay.”

  “That’s fine,” he said. “But I’d rather be there when you do. At least the first time. We’ll get up in the morning and go.”

  The girls both nodded. Robert slid the food onto plates and set them in front of the girls, whistling to call John in for dinner. The younger man slipped into the back door, wiping his hands on the front of his jeans. He took a seat on a stool and dug ravenously into the food on his plate, not stopping to talk or breathe until he had finished the whole thing in just a few minutes. Robert ate slowly. Darlene glimpsed at him occasionally, watching the movement of his strong jaw and hands.


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