Held Down

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Held Down Page 96

by Pamela Prim

  When he was done, John leaned back on the stool.

  “So, girls,” he said. “Wanna go swimming?”

  “Not tonight,” interrupted Robert. “Not in the dark.”

  Tamera sighed. “Dad, we’re nineteen.”

  “You know it’s dangerous out there,” Robert said, pointing his fork at her. “You could slip on the rocks in the dark. You can go when we’ve finished with the horses, okay?”

  Tamera shot Darlene a wicked look and then nodded sweetly at her stepdad. “Okay, papa.”

  Robert shook his head. He had noticed the look the girls had passed. Of course he’d noticed.

  He stood up and rinsed his plate, taking the girls’ and John’s and loading them into the dishwasher.

  “John, I want you sleeping in the guest house.”

  John didn’t give a word of protest, just raised his eyebrows. “Sure. No problem.”

  “You’re so overprotective,” Tamera teased.

  “That’s my job,” said the older man, his back still turned to them.

  After another glass of lemonade, the girls retired to their room. It had been a long day and they were exhausted from the trip and the walk in the summer sun.

  Tamera flopped on her stomach in bed and pulled out her phone, flipping the screen toward Darlene.

  “Wanna see John’s cock?”

  Darlene blushed deeply, mortified. “How’d you get that?”

  “He sent it to me,” Tamera said, handing the phone over.

  Darlene studied it, her blush growing even deeper. She had seen cocks before; boys were always sending her pictures, pulling it out so that she’d suck on it. Tamera showed her a new dick pic every week. This was different, somehow, this was John, who was just a few feet away across the lawn. She grew aroused just looking at the picture, the size of his cock compared to his hand. She swallowed and handed it back to Tamera.

  “You two are weird.”

  Tamera laughed. “I guess so.”

  She turned off the light. Darlene lay in the dark for a long time, her thoughts wandering from John to Robert and back again.

  It was going to be a long summer, she thought, before falling into a deep sleep.


  In the morning, Darlene was up before Tamera. The other girl was tangled in her sheets and drooling on her pillow, completely knocked out.

  Darlene got up to brush her teeth and then made her way downstairs to get a glass of water. It was early—the sun hadn’t even come up yet—and she thought probably nobody in the house was awake, that she’d have time to curl up in a chair in the front room and read before anybody got up and bothered her.

  Robert was in the kitchen when she came around the corner. Her whole body flushed when she saw him. She knew that she was under-dressed, wearing only skimpy sleep shorts and a thin cotton tank top. She hadn’t thought she’d needed to change.

  “Good morning, Darlene,” Robert said, smiling. His eyes visibly traced along her body. He looked uncomfortable for a moment, but wiped his face clean into a mask of cordial greeting. He was sitting at the counter, drinking coffee and reading the paper. Darlene decided that the issue had passed already and to go upstairs to change would be awkward. She made her way around the counter and grabbed a mug from the open cabinet, then poured herself coffee.

  He was watching her when she turned around, his eyes hot and intense. He didn’t try to hide it this time, instead putting his paper down and gesturing for her to sit.

  “Did you sleep well?” he asked. His eyes were fixed on her face as if he was trying not to look elsewhere. She knew that her nipples had stiffened, that they were straining against the fabric of her top, obviously visible. She knew, too, that she was cherry red under his gaze.

  She swallowed her coffee too quickly. It burned her throat and her eyes watered.

  “I did,” she told him. “Tamera’s still knocked out.”

  He smiled. “That girl sleeps like a rock.”

  Darlene nodded, her hands wrapped around the mug.

  “Listen,” he said, standing up. “We’ll go to the stables without her. I’ll leave her a note to meet us there when she gets up.”

  “Okay,” said Darlene. “Sure. Thanks.”

  He nodded. “You’d better, uh, get dressed.”

  Darlene made her way upstairs and quickly slipped into jeans and a t-shirt, quickly lacing up her boots before going back down. He was waiting for her and he gestured for her to follow him.

  They crossed the field in silence. Darlene was perfectly okay with that. She found herself tongue-tied when she talked to him, didn’t know what to say or how to react to the way he spoke to and looked at her. She thought it was probably better things stayed quiet and indirect.

  Not that she necessarily wanted them to.

  She walked among the stalls at the stables while Robert went to fetch the saddle. She had always loved horses—one in particular here caught her fancy, a giant beast with brown and white spots. Something about the power of them made her hungry to ride, something about the way the muscles moved underneath the skin made her excited to straddle one and get going as fast as she could.

  Robert reappeared, led the horse out of the stall and dressed it outside.

  “Try that,” he said. She had trouble getting her leg up high into the strap. She gasped when he lifted her by the hips as if she weighed nothing, set her high in the saddle. He didn’t let go immediately, but allowed his hands to trace down the outsides of her thighs before dropping them to his sides. His eyes were fixed on hers.

  “Do you know how to ride?” he asked in a low voice. She blushed and bit her lip at that, picturing herself on top of something that wasn’t a horse. His hands had left hot trails over her skin, left her trembling in the saddle.

  “Yes,” she managed to say.

  “Go for it.”

  She took off slowly, allowing her body to relax in the saddle. Everything was calmer on top of a horse, everything slowed down when it was just walking underneath her. She wanted to get as far away from Robert as possible at that moment, wanted to stop thinking about him and enjoy the peace and quiet.

  She couldn’t.

  She turned backward to him and told him she was going to go along the path into the woods. The ranch was surrounded by a gentle forest. The ground was even and the trees widespread enough that she didn’t have to worry about navigating the horse through a rough spot. He told her to be careful. She felt his eyes on her back as she trotted away, guiding the horse onto the path.

  She spent a long time in there. Too long. She had been lost in her thoughts and took a wrong turn, lost track of where she was going. She had no idea the woods were this big or deep. Darlene turned to go in the opposite direction, hoping that it would lead her in the direction of the ranch. It only got her more lost. She didn’t recognize any of the natural landmarks and there were no hoof prints to follow on the dry, hard ground. The horse was getting antsy, too, occasionally beginning to trot dangerously along the path, going too fast for comfort. She tried her best to slow him down but gave up, eventually slipping out of the saddle to walk him.

  She heard her name then. A man was yelling for her—Robert—and she yelled back, turning in the direction of his voice. They met in the middle of the path and he looked at her with weariness in his eyes.

  “Did you get lost? Did the horse run off?”

  “I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going,” she said. “I got distracted.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “There’s nothing particularly interesting out here to distract you.”

  She looked up at him from below her lashes, studying his face. His look of concern shifted to something else, something hot and focused. He reached forward to push her hair back from her forehead, then brushed one finger down her cheek, over her bottom lip, along her jaw and down her neck. She was holding her breath, holding his gaze, her lips parted and ready to accept his. He did tilt his head down toward her face and she could feel his breath
against her mouth, so close, but he pulled away at the last minute.

  “Let’s get you back to the stables,” he said, voice gruff and gravelly. She studied his face, bereft, as he climbed into the saddle. He reached down and pulled her up by the waist, positioning her in front of him. She gasped when she felt his hard cock against the small of her back, instinctively grinding back against it. He apparently lost the rest of his control, then, because he reached around her hips to part her thighs with one hand, stroking her pussy through her jeans with another, biting into the back of her neck.

  “Darlene,” he groaned, letting go of her to take the reins. “We can’t. Let’s go.”

  He led them expertly along the winding paths back to the edge of the ranch. As they drew closer, Darlene saw Tamera waiting for them, biting her lip with worry. If she noticed that they were both flushed and agitated, she didn’t say anything.

  “Why the hell’d you let her go off by herself in the woods, papa?” scolded Tamera.

  He shrugged. “I thought she could handle it.”

  Darlene blushed, avoiding his eye. She addressed Tamera when she spoke.

  “Wanna go for a swim?”

  Tamera nodded and took Darlene’s hand, leading her back to the house.

  “I can’t believe you got lost,” the other girl laughed. “It’s like not even a big forest.”

  Darlene laughed, too. It seemed so silly now that she was back. “I don’t know how it happened.”

  They got back to the house and changed, slipping into their bikinis and throwing towels over their shoulders. On their way out, they ran into Robert, who decidedly refused to even look at Darlene. He told them to have fun and slipped past them into the cool house.

  “Let’s go ask John if he wants to come!” said Tamera. Darlene nodded. They went around the house to the barn and peeked in.

  “John, come swimming with us.”

  He was covered in sweat, his skin glowing with golden warmth. Darlene remembered seeing the picture of his cock and her eyes shot to his crotch. When she looked back up, she was mortified to see that he was grinning at her, having caught her staring.

  “Alright,” he said, his eyes not leaving Darlene’s face. The three of them walked to the swimming hole at the edge of the ranch. John stripped down to his boxers and jumped in, emerging from under the surface and wiping water from his face. Tamera jumped in too, swimming over to John and wrapping her arms around his back, trying to pull him under.

  “Come on, Darlene,” he said, waving her over. “It’s nice in here. You look hot.”

  She stepped in gingerly. The water was warm from the summer sun. The hole was deep enough that her feet couldn’t touch the bottom. She slipped all the way in and swam to the two of them. They were laughing and splashing at each other, trying to hold one another underwater. Darlene joined them when John sent a wave of water into her face. She wrestled with him, trying to push him down.

  He wrapped his arms around her under the pretense of pulling her under. Instead, she felt his hips grind against hers, his hard cock rubbing against the fabric of her bottoms.

  “Is that what you were curious about?” he asked, his voice low so that Tamera wouldn’t hear. She wouldn’t have, anyway. She had climbed out of the hole and was lying out on the grass, sunning herself.

  Darlene couldn’t do anything but stare at him. Then, she nodded, and reached down to take him into her hand. She was shocked at her actions, but frustrated from her earlier encounter with Robert. Darlene tugged and toyed with John’s cock underwater, teasing him. His hands snaked down her waist and slipped inside her panties to cup her ass, kneading it with his fingers.

  He pulled away, laughing, splashing her. “You’re going to make me cum,” he said quietly. “We’ll do this later.”

  A rush of heat filled her belly. They climbed out moments later, all three of them lying in the grass. Eventually, John got up to go back to work. The girls stayed there, staring at the clouds, basking in the heat of the sun.

  “There’s no dick around here,” Tamera complained. “Let’s go into town.”

  Darlene wanted to say that there was an overwhelming amount of dick surrounding them, but she was positive that Tamera would not take kindly to her flirtation with both men in the house. In fact, she would probably be pretty pissed. Darlene didn’t want to risk getting into a fight with her friend.

  “What do you think?” asked Tamera. “Want to come out tonight?”

  “I’m pretty worn out from this morning,” said Darlene. “I’d rather stay at home, honestly.”

  Tamera shrugged, sitting up. “I have some friends I can meet in town. You sure you’ll be okay here? You won’t be bored?”

  Darlene assured her friend that she’d be fine. They both went inside and made sandwiches, sitting in the kitchen in their wet bikinis, talking and laughing as they ate. Afterward, they went upstairs to get dressed. Darlene watched Tamera get ready to go out. She was wearing a slick black dress with unbelievably tall heels. Darlene had no idea how she could walk in them, but Tamera pulled them off perfectly.

  “How do I look?” asked Tamera, turning in a circle. Darlene told her she looked incredible, and it was true. Darlene was a little jealous, actually, had always been a little bit envious of her friend’s outgoing spirit and confident beauty.

  They made their way downstairs, stopping to knock on Robert’s door. Tamera told him she was going out and he raised his eyebrows. “Darlene’s staying?”

  “Yes,” she said quickly. “I’m tired.”

  Tamera left then, leaving Darlene alone in the house, save for Robert. He had locked himself back in his bedroom. Darlene lazed about the house for a while, trying to read, finding it impossible to focus. She decided she’d go for a walk, maybe read outside but would stay close to the house. She didn’t want to get lost again.

  She padded along the yard, gazing out at the expanse of the ranch. It really was as beautiful as Tamera had said it would be, all green and lush and wide. Darlene decided to go into the barn. She hadn’t been in there yet. She thought she would entertain herself for a few moments by looking around.

  It was warm and quiet and smelled of fresh hay. It was so comfortable in there that Darlene decided she would sit and read. She climbed up onto a hay bale and spread out, lay on her stomach with her book in front of her. She didn’t know how long she read before she fell asleep, only that she was out like a light for about an hour before she woke up to the sound of men’s voices in the barn.

  Robert and John were talking quietly, but she could still make out their words. They didn’t notice her at first and she was grateful when she overheard them.

  “She looks like such a sweet girl but she’s wild,” said John. “I can’t believe she’s stringing along both of us.”

  Robert laughed. “I can. She’s been a little tease since the beginning, walking around in skimpy clothes. God, I want to fuck that girl.”

  Darlene’s heart raced. She sat up, unable to hide any longer. They were going to find her, anyway, as they were drifting closer and closer to her hiding space.

  “Hi,” she said shyly, slipping off the hay bales. She had no idea what else to say, how they would react if she explained herself. Truthfully, there was nothing to explain. Things had just happened with each of them. She hadn’t planned it.

  “There you are,” said John, grinning. “We were just talking about you.”

  “I know,” she said.

  Robert was smiling at her, too. “You’re a little fox, Darlene.”

  “Both of us?” asked John. “Really?”

  Darlene looked down, toeing the ground with her boot. She was as giddy as she was embarrassed, doubly aroused to see them both at once.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, not really meaning it. For once in her life, she was being wanton and free with her desires. She was being like Tamera, enjoying herself, allowing herself to feel sexual and pretty.

  “Who would you pick?” asked Robert. “You should

  She looked at them both in turn. Robert, the older man, his massive frame, those teasing eyes. He made her tremble just looking at him. And John with his wicked grin and his playful demeanor. She couldn’t choose.

  “Both?” she blurted. She felt a thrill rush through her and couldn’t believe she’d said such a thing. She smiled at them sweetly. They looked at each other. Robert shrugged, gestured for John to step forward. John did, wrapped his hand around the back of Darlene’s head and pulled her mouth to his. He kissed her soft and sweet at first and she parted her lips to let his tongue in to tease her own. He was hungry for her, she could tell, because his hands drifted to her hips and pulled them flush against his. She could feel his cock on her belly, growing stiffer as he kissed her. He tasted like peppermint and smelled like sweat and hay. His scent was intoxicating, his mouth hot and eager, and she moaned as she pulled her face away, turning it toward Robert.


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