Book Read Free

Held Down

Page 113

by Pamela Prim

  After some brief words of greetings, they sat down and the one-on-one tutoring started.

  “When you think about chemical structures, think about an important person you care about,” Justin eyed her under his dark lashes.

  “Sir?” Brenda stared at him, not being able to comprehend. “Like a boyfriend?” she blurted out. He’s so handsome, she thought. Is he really gay? She wanted to know.

  “Yes, what are his significant qualities that you love about him?”

  “But I don’t have a boyfriend; I’m still trying to find one,” her shyness was slowly receding in the background. “If you can find me one, I would appreciate it.”

  Justin seemed not to hear her statement. But lines started to appear on his forehead. “Let’s say you have one, what are the qualities that you would most likely remember?”

  “I would remember if he is kind, witty and a good lover.”Was he flirting with her? Brenda wasn’t sure.

  “So, those traits will help you understand him. The same is true with substances. They have also specific characteristics that make them different. These properties will help you remember their chemical structures,” Justin wrote on the pad before him as he spoke.

  Brenda was staring at his beautiful hands, mesmerized by how long and lean his fingers were. How would it feel to have those slender fingers touch my face? Her heart raced.

  “Hello,” he snapped his fingers before her face. “Are you paying attention? Or shall we end this session?” Justin was visibly angry.

  “Sir, I’m sorry,” Brenda touched Justin’s hands with a slight caress.

  Justin abruptly stood up. “I think we’ll end here,” he snarled and gathered his things before storming out of the room.

  Brenda watched him with amusement in her eyes. The professor is definitely human; he reacted to my touch, she thought. Perhaps this is her chance to score a higher mark in the finals.

  During the days that followed, Brenda was bent on achieving her goal. She listened carefully and jotted essential information during Justin’s lectures and in the evenings, she studied diligently. However, she still encountered difficulty in writing down chemical structures and in solving laboratory math problems.

  “Sir, kindly tutor me for a week,” she pleaded. “I have to earn a higher grade in your subject.”

  Justin was shaking his head eyeing her cautiously.

  “Please, sir.”

  He gritted his teeth and said, “Okay, but be serious this time. Come tomorrow after classes at the same venue.”

  The next day, Brenda arrived in the library an hour earlier. Justin came just in time. He looked dashing in his light green shirt and beige coat and tie.

  He’s such a nerd and a stuck-up, Brenda grinned impishly. Wait till I get my hands on his phallus. She smiled, elated to have a challenge on her doorstep. She loved challenges!

  “Let’s start about the various specific properties of these substances,” Justin used a pad paper to write on.

  They were seated, side by side, on the small table; their bodies close and their knees and shoulders almost touching. From afar, they were like lovers planning for their wedding. Brenda can smell the clean, tangy odor of his cologne, and it made her want to lean closer to him.

  Justin sensed this and he tried to move farther, but . . .

  “Is the double bond found in this carbon atom?” Brenda pointed to the diagram on the table.

  He had to move back closer to see what she was pointing at. As she pointed, her cleavage appeared. She did it on purpose to seduce the professor. His eyes darted to the smooth curves of her firm breasts.

  Brenda heard his pulse thunder, while his eyes twitched and his pupils dilated. It took several interminable seconds before he replied, “Yes, yes, that carbon atom.”

  “The esters will normally attach to this double bond and discard one hydrogen atom, right?” Brenda peered at him at close quarters that they were nearly kissing. She could smell his minty hot breath against her lips.

  Brenda expected him to pull away but he was galvanized into inaction, his eyes transfixed on her inviting lips, and her hot body rousing a wild animal instinct from within him.

  “Right,” he murmured gruffly, tensing up. He was thinking, good heavens; this little brat is seducing me.

  Brenda’s thighs were now gently rubbing against his. She had been educated since primary school in a convent, under the strict supervision of nuns; that was why she was still a virgin at 19. She wanted to get laid and experience the mind-blowing orgasm that her roommates were avidly talking about.

  The library was closing in an hour and they were not yet done with the chapter.

  “Can we continue the lessons in your house?” Brenda leaned on him as close as she could, and breath into his ear. “I may be able to share some important info as well,” she licked her upper lips as she spoke.

  Justin was speechless. It was the first time that his body reacted wildly. There were similar instances before but he had managed to remain calm and indifferent. He was astonished that Brenda was able to arouse his lustful feelings. His penis was awakening from its deep slumber. His mind refused, but his body clamored for more.

  Brenda knew she won. She cleared the table and stood up, “let’s go, professor.”

  Without a word, Justin followed her like an automaton. He was in a daze and seemed to be hypnotized. She knew exactly where his car was parked. Justin opened the door for her and she stepped in giddily, joyful of her success.

  In the car, she rested her hands on Justin’s thigh indifferently. Justin gasped. Then she began caressing it. He trembled and his dick started to rise to the occasion. “Stop, we’re on school grounds,” he whispered sharply at her.

  She stopped and transferred her hand into her own breasts. “Do you know that I’m still a virgin?” she stated, as he started driving away from the university premises. “I want you to deflower me, Dr. Justin Ellis,” she whispered lustily, deliberately showing him how she was fondling her breasts.

  Justin glanced at her, “You’re my student,” he said sotto-voce, trying to maintain his composure. “This is prohibited.”

  “I’m an adult and will be graduating next month. What’s there to stop us?” she stated, dismayed at his prudence.

  He swallowed as Brenda continued toying with her tits and nipples. “I’ve mastered masturbation because there were no men around,” she disclosed, inserting her hands inside her panty. Justin’s manhood stood erect as the musky scent of vaginal juices emanated from her. She was wet and ready.

  He abruptly braked to a stop and opened the door. “Please, get out,” he barked in a controlled voice. His face was a mask of conflicting emotions.

  Brenda was certain that he was ready to go off any moment. She attempted to stay put but he pushed her off the door, and left her standing forlornly at the curb.

  She was indignant and frustrated. You’re a pompous prig, she yelled at him silently, her body smoldering with unfulfilled desires. To hell with you, she gritted her teeth and began walking towards her dorm. If that’s what you want, I’ll give it to you, she muttered to herself.

  It took superhuman effort for Justin to let Brenda go, when all he wanted was to hold her in his arms, kiss her and fuck her until she cries out loud for more. He had to make sure that it wasn’t merely a shot out of the blue. She was his student after all. He felt a moral obligation to take care of her.

  School the next day was a pain in the ass. Brenda, her body worn-out and grieving had lost all its energy. She was listless as she prepared herself for school. I’ll show him that it didn’t matter to me at all, she decided firmly.

  She entered the class beaming with false gaiety, “Good morning everyone, anyone interested in a party tonight?” She announced. “There will be drinks and food, my treat,” her classmates cheered, and that was when the professor walked in.

  “What’s the riot all about?” Justin queried.

  “Miss Stuart has invited us for some drinks th
is evening,” someone piped in.

  “Oh, I see,” Justin turned to stare at Brenda, who was intentionally flirting with one of her classmates.

  During class, Justin and Brenda acted like nothing happened the day before. Justin did not call Brenda to recite and she didn’t volunteer. Even after classes, she left through the backdoor ignoring Justin.

  Justin was visibly bothered and he was not able to concentrate on work for the whole afternoon. That girl is a fiery animal, he decided, she stops at nothing to get what she wants. He knew it and yet, he was inexplicably attracted to her, like moth to a flame.

  He had been pacing restlessly for a whole hour until he could not stand it any longer. That girl can get into trouble by her stubbornness. She might just get laid by anyone she encounters in the party, he assumed. He raced to the party’s venue and was greeted by boisterous students.

  “It’s great you were able to come sir, Professor Walker is here, as well,” one student volunteered.

  “Have you seen Miss Stuart? He asked.

  “She’s with Professor Walker.”

  Justin’s heart did a somersault. Was she now flirting with John?

  The party was at its peak, with people in the dance floor and some in the swimming pool, all holding their glasses of wine or bottles of beer. There were some students necking at the pool, and he presumed that some were upstairs doing their ‘thing’ in the private rooms.

  Brenda was indeed with Professor Walker. She was beaming at him and listening intently.

  There were butterflies in Brenda’s stomach when she saw Justin come in. So, he cares after all, she mused, or was she wrong?

  “Justin,” John called out to him, “I thought you won’t be attending.”

  “There was nothing to do at home, so I came. They’re our seniors anyway,” he pretended to be unfazed, but Brenda can see through his façade. Liar! She seethed.

  “I was discussing with Brenda the Serology experiment I’ll be adding to the lab list,” John explained to Justin.

  “I see,” Justin said, trying to catch Brenda’s eyes, but she refused to look at him. “Then, I’ll see you around.”

  His footsteps were heavy as he left and plopped himself in the sofa at a near by area. He positioned himself in such a way that he had a good vantage point of where Brenda and John were seated.

  Justin’s heart bolted when he saw John touched her lips to remove an imaginary speck of food. Afterwards, they were touching their glasses for a toast, laughing merrily and cozily listening to each other’s stories.

  Justin was in pain. Did he truly care about her? He always had a soft spot where she was concerned. For all his strictness, he wanted her to graduate with a Latin distinction such as, Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude or Summa Cum Laude.

  He watched them closely as they talked earnestly. It was apparent that they were in the process of developing a great bond between them, and he felt a pang of jealousy consuming his soul. He knew then that he truly cared for her, and he had to talk to her before the night was over. He patiently waited for that chance.

  He saw that chance when Brenda stood up and made a beeline for the john. Justin blocked her path as she came out. He yanked her and forced her into a space behind the awnings. Without a word, he kissed her ardently, claiming her lips as his own.

  Brenda was astonished by his abrupt onslaught, and she tried to break away from his tight embrace but he was too strong for her. She laughed inwardly, so now, you have come to your senses, you jerk. Do you think I would wait for you forever? Unknowingly, she had responded to his kiss; her plans of taking revenge all forgotten as she clung to him and savored his kisses. They separated with difficulty.

  “I’m sorry Brenda for sending you home the last time. I was concerned of your welfare,” he disclosed, his eyes pleading.

  She had planned to ignore him but her emotions overpowered her and she replied by leaning on his muscular chest.

  “We can continue our discontinued lesson at my house tonight,” Justin suggested. Brenda nodded, speechless, and they sneaked out, not bothering to alert anyone.

  They held hands and contented themselves in caressing each other, controlling their passion because they knew that it would be wonderful to make love in his own room, without time constraint.

  However, it was just too much for them to bear. They couldn’t hold on any longer. Home was 5 miles away and they were caught in traffic.

  His dick had grown even bigger and it was straining from beneath his slacks. Justin stepped on the brakes when Brenda suddenly ran a finger along the length of his organ. Damn, he cussed, why can’t I resist this girl? She’s a glaring red light. But I want to fuck her right now. He had not been attracted to a female since his last affair with a colleague a year ago. He masturbated every now and then, nonetheless.

  “Shall I free the puppy from its jail term now?” Brenda crooned.

  Justin nodded; his face red with passion and his cock, huge as an asp, ready to nab its victim.

  She quietly unzipped him and released his angry organ, which sprang readily, protruding upwards, mightily. The throbbing, living piece of flesh captured her heart and soul. She gasped and stroked it tentatively, running her hands along the small engorged veins that snaked around it.

  The car finally started crawling forward again. There was still heavy traffic because it was rush hour. They were so horny they wanted prompt gratification. He was trying hard to focus his eyes on the road. But he couldn’t.

  She massaged his cock with her right hand, enclosing it in the warmth of her fingers. Her fingers went up and down his shaft, very gently, as the other hand twirled his balls, playfully. He was gasping for breath and raising his manhood towards her. He wanted more.

  Brenda stooped down and blew air into the tiny hole of his penis. He shuddered and groaned. The car was tinted and was not visible to anyone outside, and the din from their surroundings overcame his groans of delight.

  “Suck me,” he commanded. “Go on, suck me.”

  But Brenda didn’t do so. She pushed the foreskin of his penis and circled its crown with her tongue. Justin sucked in his breath as her tongue whipped that area, once, twice, thrice and again. He grabbed her hair in ecstasy. “Oooooh…” a throaty keening came ripping out of his mouth.

  Brenda sucked him then, gradually going deeper and more desperately, as she took in the juicy flesh until she felt him in her throat. Then her mouth moved up and down his shaft, suckling his cock leisurely. The car came to a stop once more and Justin closed his eyes to savor the delightful sensations coming from Brenda’s ministrations.

  His dick was enormous -around 10 feet - that Brenda nearly choked when Justin raised his hips to meet her mouth. It was just so huge; she could not take it all in. Instead, she used both of her hands and mouth to accommodate his organ. She gripped the base of his thick dick and massaged it with her fingers in a twisting motion as her mouth and tongue sucked and licked its upper portion – not an inch of his cock was left unoccupied. Over and over her tongue and fingers went up and down - gently, tenderly, incessantly.

  From what she had heard from friends, the penis was as sensitive as the clit of a woman, so her tongue and mouth rendered service to Justin’s cock just like how she wanted her clit to be venerated.

  Within a few minutes, Justin was beside himself in delight. He gripped the wheel tightly and strained for his climax, urging Brenda to go faster and deeper; his hands clutching her hair. “Ummmmm…ummmmm,” he groaned, the veins on his forehead bursting with his exertion, “oh holy shit, aaaaah . . . ,” he was teetering on the verge of his ejaculation.

  Brenda persisted with her blowjob, reverently exploring all the sensitive crevices of his mighty dick, not sparing his two precious balls in the process. She sucked each of them fondly, taking care not to exert excessive pressure. These two eggs are fragile; she smiled contentedly, twirling each of them with her tongue. Justin moaned and trembled in his seat.

  Traffic remained at a standstil
l as Justin continued groaning and murmuring unintelligible phrases until he vaulted and rammed Brenda’s head into his cock. He ejaculated profusely into Brenda’s seeking mouth, dripping some of it on the car’s seat.

  “Ooooh . . . God . . . yes . . . that was incredible!” he uttered hoarsely in between his rapid breathing. “For a virgin, you’re not bad.”

  “I’ve learned the theory from expert friends and I’ll have to learn from you about coitus,” Brenda purred, her moist pussy wanting to be fondled. “Can we continue the case study in your house?”

  Justin helped Brenda wipe themselves off the sticky semen. Its pungent odor pervaded the car that they have to use a car freshener to dissimulate its scent. They held hands afterwards, stroking each other alternately, as the cars started moving forward once again.


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