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Held Down

Page 131

by Pamela Prim

  Slowly she cooled off. Hodges helped her to her feet and she stared around at them, bemused and still riding the waves of aftershocks from her multiple orgasms.

  She said, “Oh, I have some…” she grabbed her bag and found the wipes she carried in case she needed to wipe her face or hands and then she used them to wipe away the sticky and messy fluids gathered on her body. To her amusement they all helped her to wipe off before cleaning themselves. Their sudden tenderness, coupled with awkward silence that had dropped into the car was both sweet and strange.

  Cassie managed to mop up most of the mess on the floor and then she got into her clothes. Slay leaned against one wall, his face wearing a shocked and confused expression and she was positive that her face wore the same expression.

  Slay cleared his throat and Marks looked at his feet. Hodges hit the buttons again, his face showing exasperation. The smell of sex hung all over the air and they all gave each other helpless looks then looked away again.

  Marks asked, “Does anyone have any bars on their phone yet?”

  None of them did. Marks looked up at the small escape hatch and sighed then said, “We would probably get killed trying to climb out that way anyhow.”

  They all nodded.

  Hodges kicked the door panel. The sound of that blow was dull and very loud, and Cassie jumped slightly. She spotted a long splash of come in one corner and knelt to mop it up, her thoughts so chaotic all she could think to do was clean it away.

  The elevator took a sudden and unannounced drop. Cassie, attempting to stand, was tossed quite unceremoniously into Hodges, who caught her and gallantly kept her on her feet as the car stopped then fell again, a long slow slide that made terror steal through her body, sending her close to the edge of panic.

  Now that the elevator was moving and they were all hurriedly checking their zippers and tucking and smoothing their clothes she was afraid, and not just because any minute the elevator would either crash into some basement and kill them all or settle peacefully and open to allow them to leave, but because she’d realized the full implications of what had just occurred.

  The elevator stopped smoothly. Cassie, blinking and stunned, stood there, speechless. Her pussy was sore, her hands sticky, and her ass aching. There were muscles below her skin protesting in ways they never had before.

  The doors opened to show them the lobby, empty but for the security guard. Marks stepped out of the elevator and she followed as did Hodges and Slay. Not speaking they all headed for the door and the fresh air of the city streets just beyond.

  Cassie stood still for a moment, not sure what to do next. Hodges cleared his throat and said, “Well, I think we all need to come to an agreement here.”

  Cassie nodded eagerly. Slay said, with a wink, “How about what happens in the elevator stays in the elevator?”

  Marks looked at Cassie. His dark eyes met hers and he asked, softly, “Miss Wilson?”

  She pulled herself together and nodded briskly. “Yes, that’s a perfectly reasonable solution.”

  Relief filled her. She’d come to the same conclusion as they’d walked through the lobby. The wild free-for-all sex in the elevator had been the most exciting thing she’d ever done in her entire life, and she would always remember it but she’d never speak of it because Slay was married, and so was Marks. Not to mention he was her boss. And Hodges was a well-known womanizer with a major fear of commitment so she had no doubt that he would forget all about it long before he stepped into the doorway of the offices in the morning.

  “Gentlemen, I’ll see you in the morning.”

  She started to walk away and Marks said, “Please don’t be late, Miss Wilson.”

  She turned and her smile was warm and genuine. “I won’t be. I intend to lay a trail of breadcrumbs down those damn bland hallways.”

  Marks roared laughter and Hodges said, “I’ve always thought they should color-code the place, it’s that neutral. It’s so neutral it’s damn confusing.”

  Cassie nodded, “Precisely. Good evening.”

  They all parted, heading their separate ways and as she walked her pussy continued to throb and sting pleasantly. Her bottom had stopped stinging and as she walked she wondered if any of them were as sore as she was.

  She knew that it would be very sore tomorrow, and that she would probably be a little tired too, but she wouldn’t be late. She also wouldn’t be distracted by fantasies about Marks. He’d been as wonderful a lover as she had imagined he would be but now that she’d had her fantasy, and some she’d never even considered before brought to life she was no longer interested in them.

  Sex with three men in the elevator. It had been wild and thrilling and she’d never known her body could react that, would react that. But it had.

  But that didn’t mean she wanted to do it again.

  There was so many possibilities to sex, she mused as she walked along the crowded city streets, so why limit herself to just one possibility? There was no telling what she might get up to if she just gave herself a chance to find out.

  She smiled as she reached her apartment and saw the handsome man who lived down the hall coming out the door. She’d always been too shy to talk to him but that evening she had found she had a lot of courage and she smiled at him and said, “Lovely evening, isn’t it?”

  She thought he’d say something in passing and keep going. Instead he stopped and said, “Yes it is. Are you just getting in?”

  Suddenly aware of her missing stockings and mussed hair she faltered then took a deep breath and said, “Yes, I got stuck in an elevator at work.”

  His light blue eyes lit with sympathy. “You must work near where the earthquake hit then.”

  She nodded. “Yes, do you?”

  He nodded, “We had hell with our elevators for weeks. Hopefully they’ll get that fixed very soon.”

  “She laughed, “I imagine they will.”

  He held out a hand, “I’m Greg.”

  She took his hand and smiled, “I’m Cassie.”

  He said, “Listen, I have to meet some friends tonight but I’ve been wondering…well…if you aren’t busy or seeing anyone…would you like to go out to dinner sometime?”

  All the endless possibilities…

  “I’d love to,” she smiled.

  Greg smiled back, “Great. Um…I get off at six tomorrow. How about we talk then?”

  “That sounds perfect.” She watched him walk away and then let herself into the building. She deliberately skirted the elevator and took the stairs to her floor. Once in her apartment she drew a hot bath filled with fragrant bubbles, stripped off her clothes then sank into the jasmine and lily scented water, allowing the aromatic steam rising from it fill her nose and relax her body.

  She floated there, just letting the memories of the sexy, steamy tryst play out again. To her surprise she was hot, and in need of release just thinking of what had transpired. She let her fingers wander down her body, gliding to a stop right at her clit. She massaged it gently, wincing slightly at the little pain that came from it before it began to stiffen in a very pleasant way. She massaged it like the men had, delighting in the sensation. Her legs pushed against the back end of the small tub and her toes curled as a small but strong orgasm crested then ebbed.

  “Maybe I’m a slut,” she said softly to the ceiling. “Or maybe just a nympho. Or maybe I just had a lot saved up in there because I waited so long.”

  Her giggles filled the room and she used her toes to turn on the hot water tap, adding a little more heat to the silky waters in the tub. “I suppose it doesn’t matter either way. I intend to try out everything I can.”


  The next morning Cassie raced down the hallways, lost again. Her eyes darted right and left and she cursed under her breath. She’d stopped at the second floor to pick up files Marks would need later in the day and, naturally, as soon as she’d left the echoing room the paper files were kept in she’d taken some sort of wrong turn and wound up in another of
those disturbingly bland hallways lined with equally bland cubicles that always confounded her.

  She rounded a corner and came face to face with a stunning red haired woman who wore a look of utter puzzlement on her pretty face. She gave Cassie a desperate look and asked, “Do you have any idea to all of where they hid the elevators? I swear I’ve been here all of four days and I still can’t seem to figure this place out.”

  Cassie laughed, “I’m lost too, it’s still my first week and I always get turned around somehow too.”

  A slender hand came up and flapped at the air, “I can’t believe this. I’m all for a little sadism but this is just plain mean.”

  Cassie blinked, “I’m sorry.”

  Her smile grew wider, “Sorry, just thinking out loud. I’m Linda, and I’m up on the eighth floor.”

  “Me too,” Cassie said, “I’m Mr. Marks assistant.”

  Linda nodded, “Ah, your office is just a few doors down from mine. Maybe we can find them if we work together. I hope so anyway since it’s three minutes until nine and my boss is a bear about punctuality.”

  They managed to get past the cubicles. The people in them never looked up and Cassie had already learned the hard way asking them for directions was useless. They pretty much knew where the breakrooms on each floor were, where their cubicle was, and how to get to the nearest exit. And nothing else.

  They finally found the correct elevator that would allow them access to the eighth floor and when they got in and the doors closed Linda said, “Well, at least we won’t be more than a minute late.”

  “No, thankfully.” Cassie was pretty sure she might be able to get by with being a touch late now and then all things considered but she didn’t want to be. She wanted to do her job well so she could advance, and she knew that while she might be able to get by with things like being late with Marks that wouldn’t fly with her next boss, and she didn’t want to start allowing herself such bad work habits.

  The elevator ground to a halt. The light blinked fitfully. Cassie stared at it, her mind going black.

  Linda said, “Oh my God, don’t you dare you stupid bucket of bolts.”

  Cassie had a sudden fantasy, her and Linda on the floor of the elevator, her lips pressed firmly to the flesh between Linda’s thighs and her fingers inside Linda’s tight and wet pussy. Heat suffused her face and juices filled her panties. The very vividness of the fantasy made her breathless.

  The elevator issued a low grumble and roar and then started moving upward again. Linda sighed with relief and said, “Boy, that was a close one.”

  “Yes, it was.” Cassie smiled.

  The doors opened and the clock on the wall showed exactly one minute to nine. She and Linda hurried down the hallway quickly, each trying to get to their office before the clock could mark them as late. As she opened the door to her office Linda said, “Well I guess I’ll see you around.”

  Cassie smiled and said, “I hope so,” and dashed toward the door of her office, opening it and sliding into her chair just as the clock’s hand ticked right onto the twelve and nine.

  Marks opened the door between their sides of the office and she said, “I have those files for you, Sir, “in a calm and neutral voice.

  She proffered them and he took them, nodded and said, “Thank you, Miss Wilson, what’s on my calendar for this afternoon?

  She began to recite through his day but her mind was busy with other things. She was pleased to note she no longer had any need to fantasize about him, and she was glad because it meant now she could get her work done far more easily. He thanked her and walked back into his office and Cassie leaned back and smiled, wondering what might have happened if that elevator had frozen with her and Linda inside.

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  Story 59

  “It’s 1901, Miss Cavanaugh.” Garfield Lineman told her from across his desk. “A brand new year and a brand new century.”

  “So it is, Mister Lineman.” Serena replied, staring at the thick wad of papers the lawyer held in his chubby hands. It was a surprise for her, to get that call at her workplace from this lawyer. She had no idea that anyone would know where she worked, but lawyers had their ways of finding things out, didn’t they?

  “And what could be better to begin the new century with a nice fat inheritance.” The portly man grinned and spread out the several letters before her.

  “I had no idea my aunt had property.” She told the lawyer. “And even less that she would bequeath it all to me.”

  “Did you know her well, Miss Cavanaugh?” Lineman rubbed his round chin and stared at the letters on his desk.

  “Hardly.” Serena suppressed a laugh. “I have never seen her and was vaguely made aware of old Aunt Bianca from stories mother told me when I was a child. She said my aunt was an eccentric woman and that she lived very far away, all by herself. That’s all I know of her.”

  “Hm, and what is it that you do, Miss Cavanaugh?” The man peered intently at one sheet of paper after the next.

  “I’m studying to be in theatre, Mister Lineman.” She said with a sigh. “But in the meantime I barely make enough from my part time job as a steno for a newspaper editor to stay alive.”

  “Do you have any intimate man friends, or a fiancé?” He shuffled through more of the papers and kept peering at them intently.

  She let out a laugh this time. “No, sir, I do not. I’m not the type who would hunt for a man of means and settle into an advantageous marriage.”

  “Don’t mean to pry, miss...” The thickset man held up a hand in apology. “One of the conditions on this will require you to be unencumbered, that’s all.”

  “Yes, I have no encumbrances what so ever, Mister Lineman.” She replied with a shrug. Was it such a bad thing to have no one or nothing in the world that could mean something? What kind of a life did she live to not have any kind of encumbrance to keep her motivated.

  “Good.” The fat man looked up at her and grinned. “Cause the fine lady wished that her property and personnel be taken good care of at all times.”

  “Did she leave it all to me,” Serena sat upright. If there were such clauses, her inheritance might actually be of some value. “…or are there others I should know of… who might come to fight me over it.”

  “No, Miss Cavanaugh.” Lineman told her with confidence. “You are the only one on the Lady Morganton’s will. And she is very specific about her requirements, or else the property goes to her caretaker, a certain Mister Dumas, and three others who work under him.”

  “Do they know of this?” She felt anxious all of a sudden. “I mean, I don’t want them to have any ideas, you know, about bumping me off to get all of it.”

  “No, they don’t know any of this. As the Lady Morganton’s legal representative, only I have access to officially authorized matters on the estate.” The lawyer said with an air of importance. “How old are you, Miss Cavanaugh?”

  “Twenty… three.” She replied, eyeing him warily. “Is that old enough?”

  He laughed and made his fat jowls wobble. “Yes, indeed.” He said. “Eighteen and above is the legal age for any inheritance.”

  “And where is this… this inheritance?” She stared hard at the scrawled writing on the letters. “This Morganton Estate?”

  “Up in north country, mostly farmland and hills, a measured five acres of it.” Lineman replied and brandished a pen out at her. “Sign here, here and here, please. And then here.”

  She took the pen and signed each of the documents he laid out before her and Serena finally claimed her inheritance. Lineman smiled broadly and gathered up all the paperwork, then handed her some of them to prove her status as the new owner of the property.

  “What else should I know of this place?” She asked him as she stuffed the papers into her satchel.

  “A very remote region up north with few hardy mountain folk living there, in little settlements.” The lawyer told her. �
��Life it tough out there.”

  “Hardly a place for a soft natured city gal to venture out into, don’t you think?” She gave him a questioning look.

  “Well, you can always sell it to some locals for a tidy sum.” Lineman stood up and pushed his chair away. She took that as a signal for her to be on her way.

  “I see, but I would like to see the place for myself before that.” She stood up and stepped away from the desk.

  “Yes, that would be sensible. It’s only a night’s ride away.” He nodded and gently took her elbow. “And whatever you decide, my services are always available to you, Miss Cavanaugh.”

  “Yes, thank you very much, Mister Lineman.” She smiled and let him escort her to the door.


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