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The Cowgirl's Secret (The Diamondback Ranch Series #)

Page 16

by Novark, Anne Marie

  "Maybe that's why Georgie named me guardian. Florie only had boys, while I had the boys and you. But that's neither here nor there," Ruth said, twisting the napkin into a tight coil. "When Dallas and I were settling the estate, he suggested we keep Georgie and Frank's car and truck for the girls. The vehicles were practically brand new, and it would give the girls something to drive as well as a keepsake that had belonged to their parents."

  Tori's jaw dropped. "Dallas thought of that all by himself? My big bad brother? Come on, Mom. That's pretty hard to believe."

  Ruth frowned. "Now don't be tacky. Dallas might appear brusque and rigid on the surface, but beneath all that bluster beats a warm heart."

  "Yeah, right," Tori said with a snort. "I think Gillian deserves a lot of credit for warming up ol' Dallas. And little Zachary, too. Dallas is turning out to be a great dad."

  "Cameron's also a good father. He adores little Daniel. Well, how could he not? Daniel is adorable, after all." Ruth beamed with grandmotherly pride.

  "Yes, my nephews are adorable and my brothers are great. Let's get back to the twins and their birthday. What's your problem?"

  "Isn't it obvious?" Ruth took a sip of her tea. "We have to decide which twin gets the car, and which one gets the truck."

  "Hmm." Tori stared at her mother. "Well, since Molly is more of a girlie girl, she'd probably want the car. And since Maddie is more of a tomboy like Kelsey, the truck should go to her."

  Ruth looked thoughtful. "It would seem that way, but that's why it's a dilemma. Molly was closer to her father, so she might want the truck, while Maddie might prefer her mother's car. See? It's not as cut and dried as it first appears."

  "You're over-thinking this, Mom. Why not come right out and ask the girls? It doesn't have to be a surprise. In fact, I believe it would be better for the twins to make the decision, not us."

  Ruth grinned. "Look at you. How did my baby girl get to be so smart?"

  "What can I say? I grew up? Oh my God! Look at the time! I have to get to the Rocking C." She began helping her mother clean up the remnants of the picnic. "I'll help with the birthday any way I can. Just tell me what you want me to do."

  "Thanks, baby. I will need your help with the delivery of the car and truck. I'll need Sam Garza's help, too."

  Tori's hand tightened on the handle of the wicker basket she'd picked up. "Sam's help? What for?"

  "Well, now. He's tuning up the car and truck, cleaning them inside and out, and detailing them so they'll be good as new. Didn't he tell you?"

  "No . . . why would you think he had?" Tori asked cautiously. She knew her relationship with Sam would be revealed soon, but keeping it secret had become an ingrained habit. She wasn't ready to officially announce it just yet.

  "Oh, baby. I know something is going on between you two. Everyone knows. You danced a lot of dances together at Doc's retirement party. And the way Sam's eyes light up anytime you're in his vicinity . . . Something's going on for sure."

  "Nothing's going on, Mom."

  Ruth narrowed her blue eyes. "Victoria McCade! Don't you lie to your mama!"

  "Okay. All right." Tori finished stuffing everything back in the basket, keeping her eyes lowered, not wanting to see the rampant curiosity and concern in her mother's gaze. "Something is going on, but it's complicated. Very complicated."

  "Baby, haven't you learned by now that nothing in this life is easy? And loving a good man is definitely not easy, but it's worth it if you love a man as good as Sam Garza. You do love him, don't you?"

  Tori stared at her mother in amazement. How had she guessed? "Yes, I love him," she said softly. Her heart shifted in her chest when she thought about how much she loved him. Why was she so scared to make that final commitment?

  "Well, there you go then," Ruth said in triumph. "You love him. And he loves you. It shouldn't be all that complicated. Maybe you're over-thinking it like I was with the twins' birthday gifts. It's time to get on with your life, baby."

  "I'm trying, Mom. I'm going through a period of adjustment right now. Taking over the two veterinarian practices has been more challenging than I'd ever imagined."

  Ruth looked around the reception area. "Maybe you need an assistant. I don't know why Doc never hired anyone, and he only had this practice to deal with. Think about getting someone to help you. Besides Mary Ann, I mean. You don't have to do this all alone."

  Yes, she did. At least, she felt like she did. Tori wanted to carve out a place in the community that was hers and hers alone. Prove to everyone and herself that she had what it took to succeed in Doc Pritchard's practice. All of her careful plans had led up to this final step in her lifelong goal and dream of being a vet.

  Tori forced a smile for her mother's benefit. "I'll think about it, Mom. Thanks for your words of wisdom."

  "Anytime, baby. Anytime." Ruth hugged her, then stepped back. She lifted the bag of leftover donuts. "I'll leave these here for you to eat later." She set the bag on the counter. "Now, let's scoot. You don't want to be late for your appointment."


  Sam waited in the office of Kincaid's Garage, glancing up at the ancient clock hanging on the wall for the umpteenth time. Tori was due any minute to help him deliver the car and truck to the Diamondback Ranch for the twins' birthday party.

  His body hummed in anticipation of Tori's arrival. He only saw her for a couple of hours at most every night, but it wasn't enough. She was so busy, she had no real time off. He was fast losing patience with Tori's stubborn refusal to publicly acknowledge their relationship.

  While she'd been attending A&M, he'd played least in sight when she'd breeze into Salt Fork to visit her family. Oh, he'd seen her every time, but it was always on the sly, always in secret. Why had he put up with it? Damned if he knew.

  He'd kept his end of the bargain they'd made. He hadn't told a living soul about their past relationship, their shared history. He was ready to take up where they'd left off--when he'd asked her to marry him--before Tori had headed to A&M. He was more than ready. Much more than ready.

  Except now she was so damned busy, she didn't have a moment to call her own.

  She had no time for him, no time for herself. It was worse than when she'd been away at school. At least then, he'd had a deadline in mind that helped keep everything in perspective. He'd tried to the best of his ability to facilitate Tori's need to become a veterinarian and realize her dream.

  Well, he had dreams, too. He wanted Tori for his wife. He wanted to settle down and begin their life together. But first of all, he wanted everyone in Salt Fork to know they loved one another. He didn't want to hide their relationship anymore. It was time to come clean. Time to move forward.

  Moving to Salt Fork had been one of the best decisions Sam had ever made. He'd still been grieving for his mom, and dealing with going through her stuff and selling the house. He'd been emotionally drained, and Salt Fork had offered a new beginning for him, a chance to start over with a clean slate. The perfect place to wait for Tori during the years she'd attended vet school.

  He'd lucked out when he'd first driven into town and stopped at Kincaid's garage to buy some gas. Jessie Devine, now Jessie McCade, had been newly widowed. She'd been advertising for a mechanic to work in her garage, and since Sam had a knack for repairing engines, the job opportunity had been a stroke of good luck. He'd also been able to rent the apartment behind the garage, since Jessie lived outside of town on the small farm she'd inherited from her husband.

  Sam had set up shop in the apartment, where he could write code for his buddy's game company. Hell, he'd invested money in the start-up and so had a personal interest in the company himself. Between working on cars, tractors and trucks during the day and writing code at night, he'd been pretty busy during the years he'd waited for Tori to finish school. The people of Salt Fork had taken him into their hearts, and he'd set down roots and found a place to call home. A place to settle down and marry the girl of his dreams.

  Sam rolled his shoulde
rs trying to ease the tension in his neck. Enough was enough, damn it. It was time to end the charade.

  He glanced out the glass windows of the office and watched Tori's little compact turn into the service station. As if on cue, his body went on high alert, hardening at the sight of the young woman who'd stolen his heart. Sam rose from the desk and strode out to meet her.

  Tori smiled as she met up with him by the gas pumps. "Sorry, I'm late. I had an emergency at the C&L Ranch. Are you ready?"

  "I'm ready, all right." Sam couldn't stand it a moment longer. He pulled Tori into his arms and crushed her mouth in a hungry kiss. She held herself stiffly for all of three seconds, then melted under his onslaught.

  She tasted so sweet, so hot, so alive. He dragged his mouth away from her lips and smiled down into her passion-glazed eyes. "I'm more than ready, as you can see."

  Tori pushed out of Sam's embrace and swiped back her wild tangle of hair. "You really shouldn't kiss me like that out here in front of God and everybody." Her eyes were wide and she licked her lips, watching him warily.

  "Goddamnit, what's the matter with you?" He took hold of her shoulders and narrowed his eyes. "We had an agreement, babe. I'd wait here in Salt Fork while you finished school. Well, you have your diploma, you're back home and you're a licensed vet in a bustling practice. It's time for us to come out of hiding. We need to begin acting like a couple involved in a relationship."

  "I know, Sam. I know. I just need a little more time."

  "I've given you five fucking years. How much longer do you need?"


  Tori looked into Sam's angry brown eyes and tried unsuccessfully to still the fluttering in her chest. "I'm well aware that I've trespassed on your goodwill and patience. I don't blame you for being angry and frustrated. Believe me, I know how you feel."

  "I don't think so, sweetheart. Or else, you wouldn't be asking for more time."

  "You need to listen to me, Sam."

  "I'll listen to you after we make love. We need to make love. I know it was only last night, but I need to make love with you now."

  "Oh, Sam." Tori looped her arms around his neck and gave into the moment. They hadn't made love during daylight hours in months, and their time together at night was always rushed and cut short because she returned to the clinic to sleep in order to keep the gossip down. Yes, they needed to talk--and they would real soon--but first they needed to reaffirm their love for each other.

  Sam scooped her up in his arms and carried her to his apartment. He walked straight down the hall to his bedroom where he dumped her on the bed and followed her down onto the mattress.

  Supporting his weight on his elbows, his big body aligning on top of hers, Sam smoothed the hair out of Tori's face. The gentleness of the gesture and the fine tremors of his fingers as he unbuttoned her blouse melted the last of her resistance.

  She could feel Sam holding on to his control by only a thread. A familiar thrill shot through her system with the knowledge that he wanted her with such a fierce hunger. Well, she wanted him, too. They were going to be late for the party, but she couldn't worry about that now. It seemed unimportant compared to immediately joining with Sam in the most basic and primal way. To feel all that passion unleashed and directed toward her.

  Sam's eyes dilated and his finely chiseled nostrils flared. He dipped his head and sucked one of her sensitive nipples, and Tori dug her fingers into his crisp black hair.

  "Oh, God, Sam." Her voice was a whisper of a groan as she held him close. She wiggled her body against his hard length, bucking against him, needing to become one with him.

  He raised his head, a savage heat burning in the depths of his eyes. "Tori, I don't think I can take this slow. I need you too much, want you too much."

  Tori smoothed back the lock of hair that had fallen across his brow. "It's okay. Just hurry!"

  Sam unzipped the fly of his jeans and shucked them aside, along with his boxers. Tori scrambled out of her slacks and panties, moaning with pleasure when he shoved into her hard and deep. She wrapped her legs around his waist and met each powerful thrust with an upward thrust of her own, pulling back only to meet him again and again.

  Sam rose up on his knees, taking her body with him. Never missing a beat in the rhythm of their lovemaking, he licked the pad of his thumb and gently pressed it against Tori's most sensitive flesh. The combination of the hard thrusts and the feather-soft touch of his thumb nearly drove Tori out of her mind.

  "Sam, please!" She grabbed his shoulders to try to pull him closer, slamming her body upward against his shaft, opening her legs wide, seeking more exposure, more friction engendered by the rasp of his thumb on her sweet spot.

  Tori exploded into climax, all of her energy and concentration focused on that sensitive pressure point at the juncture between her thighs.

  "I can't hold out any longer, babe. I'm coming." Sam fell on top of her, clasping her wrists in one hand, dragging her arms above her head, holding her hostage, pounding his body into hers again and again until he found his own release, straining to get as close as possible, his breath ragged in Tori's ear.

  They lay together on the twisted bedcovers, each trying to hold on to the bliss for as long as possible. Each knowing there were still issues to resolve and reality to deal with. But they could wait for a little while longer. First, they had to catch their breaths while their passion-sated bodies slowly floated down from the ephemeral heights in the aftermath of their lovemaking.


  Sam found himself once again standing on the sidelines of a big party at the Diamondback Ranch, sipping beer and watching Tori. Always watching. Always wanting. Always waiting.

  "Oh, Sam dear! Don't just stand there. Come on over and sing Happy Birthday to the twins." Ruth McCade motioned for him to join the crowd gathered around the birthday girls.

  To his surprise, Tori met him halfway across the yard and took hold of his arm, a mischievous light dancing in her sapphire blue eyes. "Yes, Sam dear. Do join us by all means," she said in a soft voice.

  He was tempted to swat her shapely butt, except he didn't feel like the McCade brothers were ready to find out just yet how involved he was with their baby sister. All four men had glared at him when he and Tori had driven up in the truck and car--the two vehicles Ruth was presenting to the twins for their birthday.

  Sam wasn't in the habit of backing down from any of the McCade brothers, but this was neither the time nor the place to duke it out with them. Sam had no wish to spoil the twins' birthday party. The girls had been through enough sorrow losing both their parents at such a young age.

  Tori clasped his hand in hers as they stood near the twins and sang the birthday song. He wanted to laugh at the smoldering looks the McCade men were shooting at their sister and the go-to-hell stares thrown his way.

  "I don't think your brothers like the fact that we're together," Sam whispered in Tori's ear. He couldn't help inhaling deeply; her familiar scent was both comforting and arousing.

  "You leave my brothers to me. I didn't keep our relationship secret because I was afraid of them. I wanted to keep it secret, because they would have hassled us to death. I had to concentrate on my studies. I couldn't afford any distractions, remember?"

  He caught Austin's eye and dipped his head at him. "Maybe we should confront them together and make a united stand."

  Tori pulled back and looked at him with a funny expression on her face. "Protecting your lady fair from the fiery dragons?"

  Sam shrugged and squeezed her hand. "Something like that."

  She tiptoed and kissed him on the cheek. "That's very sweet, but I can handle my brothers myself."

  "I sure hope so, because now they look like they're ready to murder both of us."

  "Don't worry, big guy. I'll protect you."

  Sam raised his longneck in a mock toast toward the McCades. The time of reckoning was fast coming, and he was more than ready to meet the challenge.


oddamnit, Tori! The man is a good ten years older than you. What the hell are you thinking?" Dallas McCade paced back and forth in the kitchen of his mother's house. The birthday party for the twins was over, the guests had departed, and Molly and Maddie were test-driving their new car and truck. Everyone else was on clean-up duty.

  "Yeah. We don't know much of anything about Sam Garza," Tyler said. "He showed up in town one day and decided to stay and work at the garage. We don't know where he's from, we don't know anything about his family, and we don't know his background."

  "There's always been a mystery surrounding him," Cameron said thoughtfully. "Even Jessie doesn't know that much about him. Of course, she never pried into his business. Garza's always been reserved and guarded his privacy. As long as he did his job at the garage, Jessie was content to let matters stand as they were."

  Dallas stopped pacing and stood in front of Tori, scowling down at her. "I have a good mind to go talk to the man and get to the bottom of this."

  "Don't you dare!" Tori jumped up from the table and planted her hands on her hips. "I know all about Sam. We dated while I was still going to UTD. I know his background and his family. And he's not a mechanic. I mean he is and he isn't. He majored in computer science and writes programs and code."

  "Computer science?" Dallas looked taken aback. "Then what the hell's he doing working with Jessie at the garage?"

  "Yeah," said Cameron. "And what do you mean you dated when you were going to UTD? All this time you've never once mentioned that you knew him before."

  "Did he follow you to A&M?" Austin asked. "Did he follow you to Salt Fork? Has the bastard been stalking you? I'll kill the sorry son of a bitch."

  "Now, Austin. No need to get violent," Ruth said soothingly. "I'm sure Sam is a very nice young man."

  "He's not a young man, Mom. And we don't know if he's nice or not." Dallas stood in the middle of the kitchen with arms crossed and a frown marring his face. "We know nothing about him. Nothing."

  "Have you actually been seeing Garza behind our backs all these years?" Tyler asked. "Why did you keep it secret?"


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