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Carolina Breeze, #1

Page 14

by Tamika Brown

  Calen broke the silence. “When’s our baby due?”

  Without glancing his way, she answered, “Early December.”

  She watched Calen do some calculating in his mind, but there was no doubt the baby was definitely his. “And it’s a boy? Have you picked out a name yet?”

  “Yes, the doctor is certain it’s a boy. I have some ultrasound pictures if you want to look at them.”

  “Yeah. Yeah, I would love that, if it’s not too much trouble,” he said as if he was embarrassed for asking with such enthusiasm.

  She stood, walked back into the house, then shouted to him, “I think I may have some wine in the cabinet. You’re welcome to it.”

  She continued upstairs to her bedroom to get the ultrasound pictures.

  While there, she changed into standard maternity wear, sweatpants and a t-shirt with fuzzy slippers.

  By the time she came back, Calen found the wine and was sitting where she left him.

  He lifted the glass of red. “I appreciate your selection. I don’t care too much for the dry white wine taste.”

  “I don’t usually, but I drink it every now and then.” Stopping beside his chair, I pass him the pictures, five in total.

  He set his glass aside to study them, turning the pictures around and around in his hands trying to make heads or tails of what he held in his hands.

  Finally, he glanced at Shayla. “I have no clue what I’m lookin’ at.”

  When he handed the pictures back, she took them with a merry laugh.

  He smiled at her softly. “You look wonderful pregnant. It’s nice to hear you laugh again.”

  Heat entered her cheeks, and she ignored the compliment as she pulled her chair next to his and pointed at the picture on top of the stack. “Because of the angle, you can see right between his legs and the turtle shell. It’s definitely a boy.”

  Then, she pointed out hands, feet, the head, and the baby’s butt, which brought tears to his eyes, then laugher. Warmth filled her chest. This was how it was supposed to be, right? He was supposed to feel this joy as well, crushing his chest, being the baby’s father.

  After the explanation of the pictures, he asked again, “What’s his name?”

  “Robert Jameer Calen, Jr.,” she answered.

  Now it was Calen’s turn to be taken aback. “You named him after me? But why?”

  “What do you mean why, Calen? He’s your son. Why would I do anything but?” she said matter-of-factly.

  “I just didn’t expect it since you tried to hide him from me,” he countered.

  She twisted a little uncomfortably in her seat at his statement but wasn’t upset about it. She figured she had it coming and was able to take whatever insults or sarcasm he could throw out.

  “I tried to hide it, as I said before, because I was scared. The last night we were together, I told you I loved you. I got no response.” Tears gathered as she thought about the night he left. “After it came out, I knew I had doomed our relationship. I assumed that the feelings weren’t mutual because you didn’t answer, then the phone rang. The next thing I knew, you were out of the bed, out of the door, and out of my life forever as far as I knew it.” As she recalled the memory, the hurt she felt at the time resurfaced.

  Calen grasped her hands and held them in his. “Shayla, I know I hesitated, and I’ve been beating myself up about it ever since. The truth is I was scared, too.” He took a breath and continued, “I didn’t know if we were moving too fast, and at the time, I really didn’t care. I did then and I do now, love you. I love everything about you. I had already decided to lay it all out, then we were interrupted. After I got the run-down on what was going on, I didn’t really believe it was the best time to voice it. Especially since I was about to leave you. Not only that but, we live in two different worlds. I’m in the military, career military. The only way I get out is if I’m dead, severely injured, or retire.” He paused to let it sink in before he continued.

  His words struck a nerve, but Shayla stayed silent, wanting to listen to everything he had to say first.

  “You’re this big shot, corporate powerhouse. How are we gonna make this work?” He stared her square in the eyes as he emptied his heart out to her.

  Tears welled up in her eyes, and he reached for her to come to his lap.

  He embraced her. “This wasn’t a mistake, us getting together in North Carolina. I’m not sure what’s next for us or this miracle growing inside you, but I want to be a part of it, if you’ll let me.”

  “I don’t know the answer to that, but part of my decision to keep you out of the loop was because we live different lives. I believed if I didn’t return your calls or have any contact with you, I could get you out of my system. But obviously, I was wrong because all I could do was think of you and what I was doing to you,” she said, on the verge of tears again.

  “I do love you. I love you so much, and I miss you. And I don’t regret anything we did in North Carolina because it resulted in our miracle.” He caressed the back of her neck as he pressed his lips to hers, and they shared a passionate kiss that melted away all the animosity, anger, and fear from both of them.

  “I know this is a lot to take in all at once, but I’m hoping you will forgive me for trying to shut you out. I truly and honestly believed it was for the best, the best for all of us.” She sighed. “But now I understand I was wrong. I was stupid, and I…”

  Her words cut off in mid-sentence because Calen had placed the most wonderful kiss upon her lips. “There. Now, what were you saying?”

  “I don’t remember,” she said as he kissed her again.

  They found themselves headed upstairs to Shayla’s bedroom.


  Once there, they began to affectionately and endearingly take each other’s clothes off.

  Calen made sure he took them off slowly and methodically because he was going to savor this moment with the mother of his child. He wanted to gaze at her in all her glory and love her the way she deserved, wholeheartedly.

  He smiled as he roamed over her naked body. She was so beautiful.

  He took in the fullness of her breasts; they had gotten larger as a result of the pregnancy. He placed a soft kiss on each of them, stepped back, took her in again, then inhaled deeply as he gathered in all the changes her body was going through.

  He still believed she was lovely.

  “God, you’re so beautiful.” He gathered her into his arms.

  He gently laid her on the bed and followed each trail of his hand with kisses. He lingered at her swelling belly. “I’ve never seen you as beautiful as you are right now, swollen with our child.” His showered kisses on her belly. Lowering with each one until she was writhing with need.

  He loved her with everything that he was.

  When he reached her V, she was ready for him. He found her clitoris and began to work it slowly in a circle bringing her to a frenzy. When his hand left her, she let out a groaned, as if she was missing his caress. His mouth immediately replaced it.

  She let out a gasp followed by a deep moan and grabbed the back of his head to guide his tongue even deeper inside her. He licked her clit, gathered it into his mouth, and gave it gentle sucks, alternating between licks and thrusts deep inside her with his tongue.

  She began to rock her hips to the motion of his tongue, and he knew her release was on the way. He knew just what she liked. During their time together, many nights, he just satisfied her with his tongue, his face full of her essence from her endless waves of orgasms. He held those memories close during all those months without her.

  But now, he was here for her to make more memories.

  Calen wanted to make this experience about her, easing off from his satisfaction to make sure she was content. He circled his tongue around her clit, taking it between his lips and sucking on it lightly with just the right amount of pressure. She writhed underneath him. Calen loved the familiar reaction from her; it meant she was close.

  He continu
ed to suck, alternating licks to bring her to the peak of release only to ease back, allowing the sensation to subside for a little while, then picking right back up again.

  Shayla began to rock back and forth on his tongue, making sure he hit all her right spots. Then, she grabbed the back of his head, tightening her thigh muscles around it as she let go with a shudder.

  Calen rose above her to kiss her deeply and entered her with one painstakingly slow thrust.

  He stopped mid-thrust as he realized he might be hurting the baby.

  She opened her eyes at his abruptness. “What’s wrong?”

  “Is this going to hurt the baby?” he asked through ragged breathing.

  “No, no, the baby can’t feel you. It’s protected. But I can feel it, and it’s wonderful,” she said with the most satisfied smile on her face.

  At that, Calen reached for her and rolled, pulling her on top of him without leaving the warmth of her body. She began to grind and rock on his hardness, driving him completely insane.

  He reached for her swollen breasts and caressed them, sitting up to put a supple nipple into his mouth. She let out a moan, the sensation too much for her, and another shutter escaped from her body as another orgasm rushed through her.

  Calen grabbed her shoulders and pulled her down hard on top of him meeting her with deep penetrating spears, and finally, his release came.

  She rolled away from him, snuggled into his arms, and greeted sleep with a warm smile.



  The sun set before either of them stirred from sleep.

  “Hi, beautiful, are you ready to rise?” Calen asked.

  She almost couldn’t believe what happened; she thought she was dreaming. He was really here. He knew about the baby and was angry at first but, quickly, became loving and concerned for her needs.

  “We’re hungry,” she answered, as he helped her up out of the bed.

  He slipped into the bathroom as she put on her robe. She heard the water in the shower turn on.

  When Calen returned a moment later, she smiled. “That is exactly what I need. A nice, hot shower and a nice dinner to cap this day off.”

  He came to her side of the bed and led her to the bathroom and the shower. It was big enough for both of them.

  Without a word, he disrobed her, kissed her shoulders, and nuzzled the back of her neck as they stepped into the shower. He let his hands do the talking.

  He turned her away from the water, so it wouldn’t beat directly on her but would cascade onto his head and shoulders. He kissed the back of her neck, made a trail down her spine, and slowly bent her over.

  He entered her from behind with a slow, deliberate thrust that sent a tingle to the nerve endings in the top of her head.

  She wanted him so bad, had wanted him from the first day she laid eyes on him on the beach. It was amazing to her he would still want her after all the changes her body had been through and was still going through.

  He picked up his pace, and she met every thrust. They would reach ecstasy together and lather each other, washing away all the hurt and pain from their earlier ordeal.

  They arrived at his hotel an hour and a half later after their shower together to have dinner at the place where they reconciled.

  When they entered the bar, they were both surprised to see Bryce and Tela hugged up at the same table in the corner they had dinner the night before.

  Calen and Shayla walked over to their friends with smiles reaching both their eyes’.

  Tela caught Shayla’s eye with a look of concern on her face.

  Shayla nodded to her and mouthed the words, he knows, to her.

  Tela immediately rose from her seat and grabbed her friend’s hand. “Excuse us fellas, lady’s room.”

  She dragged Shayla behind her.

  As soon as the doors to the ladies’ room closed, Tela turned to her with wide eyes. “What do you mean he knows? He knows what? He knows you’re pregnant?”

  “Yes, that’s what I mean. He came to my office this morning and waited for me while I was in a meeting. I had nowhere to run. He asked me what was wrong with me, why was I avoiding him, and I got all emotional and started crying. When he walked over to comfort me, I guess he kinda brushed against my stomach. I thought he’d found out then, but he didn’t say anything. I rushed off to the restroom. He had too much time to think about everything and put two and two together. The initial brush was what got him wondering, though.”

  “Oh, my God. What happened then?” she asked.

  “Tela, I was so terrified! I splashed water on my face, and when I came out of the bathroom, I ran smack into his arms,” she said with a sigh.

  “Yeah, romantic,” Tela said sarcastically.

  “Well, we kissed, and when he drew me into his arms he felt the hard, roundness of my belly. That must have given him his confirmation. Next thing I know, he’s giving ultimatums. I tell him I don’t love him, and he walks away. Said he wouldn’t bother me anymore.” This part of the story had her friend listening intently.

  “Well, what did you say?” she asked impatiently. Tela was not a patient person.

  “I was really going to tell him to move on. That I didn’t love him. I didn’t need him, but when I opened my mouth, it didn’t come out. I told him I did love him.” She let out a breath before she continued as she remembered Calen’s reaction. “Then, I saw him get angry. Tela if I’d didn’t know any better I would have sworn he was going to kill me. I had never seen him like that. I was a little afraid, to be honest. He asked why, if I loved him, I didn’t tell him I was pregnant. I didn’t say anything except I was scared. I mean what could I say?” She stared at the floor, remembering how confused and afraid she was at the time of the confrontation.

  “Well, it’s obvious you guys worked it out because you came in smiling like the cat that ate the canary,” she said, smiling.

  “Yeah, you can say that. I showed him the ultrasound pictures and told him the baby’s name, and he cried, Tela! He actually had tears in his eyes! Can you believe it? I believe it’s going to be okay. We’re going to be okay,” she said to her friend and gave her a hug.

  “I’m glad that’s over with. I can tell you guys are really in love with each other. I’m glad it worked out, and he’s excited about the baby,” she said, genuinely happy, hugged her friend tightly a few moments, and let her go.

  “So, what’s up with you and Bryce? Calen told me he confronted you in the elevator this morning. I’m wondering myself about your intentions,” she asked abruptly, changing the subject.

  “What do you mean my intentions? You make it sound as if I have to ask for permission to marry him or something. Trust me, I have no intention of ever doing that,” she said.

  “Well, I know you don’t.” Shayla chortled. “But I know you, and he seems like a really nice guy.”

  “Look, we’re just two people having a good time, enjoying each other’s company and good sex.”

  Shayla had forgotten how blunt Tela could be when it came to topics like men and sex. She stared at her friend, embarrassed she would talk about in a public restroom.

  “How many times have you two had sex?” she asked, wide-eyed. “Oh, never mind, I really don’t want to know. Look, if you gotta be usual Tela with him, please let him down easy. Calen is worried about him where you are concerned. He seems to know exactly what kind of woman you are.”

  “And what kind of woman am I?” Tela asked. She placed her hand on her hip to show her friend she better like the answer she gave.

  “Well, you know, when it comes to men, you’re kind of ruthless. But in a good way,” Shayla added quickly. “There were plenty of times when I wished I had your gumption with men. I could’ve avoided disastrous relationships if I had been.”

  Her friend didn’t say much, just acknowledged what she said was actually the truth. Tela also had a look on her face that Shayla didn’t recognize.

  Was it possible she really did like Bryce? Who kno

  Tela finally said, “Shay, I’m really happy for you. Now, let’s get back to those fine, fine men who are waiting on us.”

  They left the bathroom.


  Calen motioned to the bartender to send over a beer for him and sparkling water for Shayla and sat down beside his friend.

  “So, where have you been all day?” Bryce asked with a sly smile.

  “I’ve been with Shayla. I had to get to the bottom of what was eating at her, and I did. Man, you will never believe.” Calen couldn’t hold it in any longer, pride bursting from him. “She’s pregnant! I’m going to be a father.”

  “Really, man, no kiddin’? So, that’s why she’s been acting all funny? She was tryin’ to keep it from you. Dude what the freak! How could she do something like that?” Bryce said angrily.

  Calen appreciated the vehement reaction to what he had been going through.

  “Look, she was scared.” Calen jumped to Shayla’s defense to let his friend know everything was cool and not to be upset with Shayla. “She thought if she told me, I would reject her and the baby, say he wasn’t mine. Think of it like this. We didn’t know each other well. We only knew each other for those few weeks. I cannot say I blame her because when I realized she was trying to hide it, I did get angry. Man, I was so angry I had to walk away from her for a couple of minutes in order to regain my composure.”

  Calen filled Bryce in on some of the other details.

  “So, what now?” Bryce asked uncertainly.

  “I don’t know. I love her, and I believe I want to marry her.” He was thoughtful and careful with his next words. “But I don’t want her to think the only reason I’m suggesting marriage is because we have a child coming. I want it to be right. I guess, for right now, I hold off on asking her. I made up my mind I was going to ask her to marry me. That’s what I came here to do in the first place.” Calen felt a change in subject was in order. “So, you and Tela gettin’ pretty tight, huh?” It was not a question. Instead, he was stating the obvious. “You do know what you’re doing, right?”


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