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Eloria's Beginning: A LitRPG/GameLit Epic (Enter The louVRe Book 1)

Page 8

by Tom Hansen

  “Thank you.” Nitene’s hands shook as she reached for the shard, cradled within the protection Yantra. “I can now handle it without pain.”

  She stood, her legs wobbly. She stumbled once but caught herself on the table before finally standing erect. After a long breath, she put down the protected shard and cast a spell.

  Scarhoof felt the pull of the magic in the room draw to her. It was still new to him, feeling the magic. He’d grown up around it, of course, watched mages in battles and healers in action, but never this intimate.

  Still, he’d never felt it before. It was strange that he could have known that Nitene was casting a healing spell just by the feel of the magic.

  It felt like Mending Force, but different, more powerful. It also had a subtler edge to it, like a feather tickling your palm.

  Then it hit him. Bright green leaves swirled around them both in a spiral, dissipating above their heads. Both of their health bars filled up, and his exhaustion evaporated. His legs no longer wobbled.

  He sat , not able to put words to what he’d just seen and felt. She hadn’t just healed him; she’d healed them both and taken away all his aches and pains in one spell!

  He stood, testing his limbs for any residual signs of fatigue. Finding nothing, he queried her about the spell.

  She gave him a wry smile. “You’ll learn that one, one of these days, but be patient. The Way of the Shaman is a difficult path.”

  She picked up the shard and walked to the back room. “Thank you again, Matuk, I’ll come find you once I’ve done more research on this.”

  She disappeared around the corner, along with the mystique that hung in the air between them.

  Quest Update! A Spreading Sickness:

  You successfully healed Nitene while she put the shard into the protection Yantra. Check back with her later once she’s studied it further. (Gained 50 XP!)

  That reminded him of the other quests he needed to complete. He walked to the barn to investigate further.

  Chapter 07

  While he had been off running errands for Eldermother and helping Nitene with her Yantra, the rest of the village had pitched in and cleaned up the area around the barn.

  To his dismay, much of the muck had been cleaned up, destroying evidence that he might have been able to use to ascertain more about the Nagos. Elderly Tau’raj and younger Tau’ri shuffled and scurried about, ignoring him but for the occasional ‘coming through’ and ‘watch out there!’

  He watched them rush around for a moment, while his heart sunk. He realized that the longer he waited, the less likely he would be to find clues from this area. He wandered around to the back of the blackened wreckage. He was down on his knees, rooting through the burned dust of hay when a shadow came over him, blotting out the descending sun.

  “Whatcha lookin’ for?”

  The voice was Tau’raj, male, and deeper than his own.

  Scarhoof was surprised that he didn’t recognize it. He turned his head up, trying to keep back the growing irritation. He had a job to do, and someone was getting in his way.

  He stood, taking in the bull before him. He was taller, maybe a full handspan, with pinto brown and white skin. His white mane was short, but his horns were massive and white. One pointed up and the other pointed forward.

  There was something special about this Tau’raj, something Scarhoof had learned to sense over the years. This new bull was an adventurer, those that went on quests from the Spiritmother. His impatience quickly dissipated. This was the first adventurer that he had met since, well, since he became one himself. It had only been a day for him, but it had been a long and harrowing day. He knew he shouldn’t be so irritated, but he was.

  The stranger stuck out his hand, and Scarhoof took it, a rote greeting. They both bowed their heads, each keeping an eye on the other. It was unnerving for Scarhoof to be this close to anyone who was taller than he was.

  “My name is Matuk Scarhoof,” he said in a formal air.

  The other Tau’raj broke his grip and smiled. “Nice to meet you. I’m Xanovi Softjumper.”

  “Greetings, if you will please excuse me, I’m looking for something.” He turned and knelt back down.

  “What quest are you on? Can you share it?”

  Scarhoof turned, his head was beginning to hurt. “I’m on a mission of great importance for Eldermother. I’m not at liberty to say.”

  Xanovi laughed, taking a step back. He was still chuckling when he bent at the waist to be on eye-level with Scarhoof. “My apologies good Sir, I naren’t mean to offend, gov’ner. I shan’t be going now.”

  Xanovi spun on his hoof and headed through the wreckage toward the village.

  Scarhoof caught the words “damn role players” as the adventurer marched away, stomping in the packed dirt of the main street.

  Scarhoof shrugged and turned back to his task. There was no sense worrying about it when he had a mystery to solve.

  It became clear that the area closest to the barn wasn’t going to hold any clues, so he expanded his search, and soon found what he was looking for.

  As he stood at the barn, looking at the large corn field, he realized he wasn’t judging the scene correctly. Barns didn’t burn down on a daily basis in Sunset Cove, so he should look at the scene from a different perspective rather than someone who had helped build the structure years ago.

  He’d seen this field hundreds of time before, but now it was different. No longer just a source of food and work for the village, crimes had been committed here, and he couldn’t rely on previously held notions. Instead of seeing a field of corn that with silky threads glinting in the mid-afternoon sunlight, he looked at the spaces between the corn.

  Darkness. The field was thick and tall, five hands taller than he. Tau’ri often used these fields for hide and seek. If Tau’ri could use the corn as a hiding spot, couldn’t a Nagos determined to set fire to a barn?

  A quick search of the edge of the field showed that yes, his hunch was correct. Broken stalks showed where a large humanoid had hidden, just inside the protective row. Closer inspection showed dried blood on the stalks. The enemy was injured, and yes, there was another scale. Sonvey and Kardkaw had fought well, managing to injure the infiltrator as well as kill off his other companions.

  Scarhoof’s blood ran hot as he thought about Sonvey’s death and Kardkaw lying injured and unconscious. He flexed his hands, his knuckles burning from the strain, and he grabbed one of the corn stalks painted with blood and ripped it from the ground. Tearing off the top and roots, he stuffed the offending piece into his satchel.

  A thorough investigation found that the Nagos had laid in wait in one spot, then retreated to another spot after setting the barn ablaze.

  Standing back at the barn, he could now see it; the spot the Nagos hid, the path he took, and the slithering dash back to the protection of the corn field. Now that he knew what to look for. It was all very clear.

  Quest Update! Mysterious Blue Scale:

  Inform Eldermother of the Nagos tracks. (Gained 25 XP!)

  It didn’t take Scarhoof long to follow his previous path to the passionflower plant. He hesitated in his approach. “I’m watching you,” he said to the plant, feeling a little embarrassed that he was talking to an inanimate object.

  Looking around, he noticed that the bodies of the Kobolds he had killed were gone.

  There was no indication that they had been dragged off or otherwise carried. There were numerous prints in the sandy parts of the ground for sure, but nothing that indicated that this scene had been disturbed since he had been here. The bodies had just vanished, the bloodstained rocks the only evidence of any previous battle. The stains were faded, as-if days or weeks had gone by, rather than a couple of hours.

  The scene felt odd, like it had been tampered with, but he wasn’t able to find any evidence to support the notion.

  He was hunched over, staring at the place where the second Kobold had fallen, when he heard a noise in the distance.
It was definitely the chatter of Kobolds. They were coming this way!

  He hid behind the passionflower plant, which was massive enough that he wouldn’t be seen. He was pretty sure there were three Kobolds. They chittered and chattered in their high-pitched voices as they drew nearer to the plant.

  He glanced at the quest test, re-reading it to be sure he did everything correctly. He was here to accomplish a mission, and he didn’t want to waste any more time. Reaching into his satchel, he pulled out three of the pipettes. He glanced at the invisibility potion Eldermother had given him but decided that he wouldn’t need it this time.

  Jump out, stab them, and run away. He ran over the plan in his head.

  He said a silent prayer to Spiritmother, for the swift conclusion to this quest.

  He waited in silence until he could see one of their feet then leapt into action. He stabbed the first Kobold in the leg, shifting the blood-infused pipette to his left hand just as the quest counter went from 0 to 1.

  In one fluid motion, he pushed the shocked Kobold into the passionflower bush, and stabbed the second in the side.

  Quest Update! Killer Kobolds - 2/10 samples.

  Ignoring the update, he tripped the last Kobold and flipped the pipette backwards in his hand before stabbing the third Kobold in the shoulder.

  The third Kobold just stood there, stunned and shocked.

  Scarhoof, feeling very good about himself, roared at the three. They shrieked and ran back toward their cave.

  “Well, that was too easy.” He strutted around for a moment before getting his wits about him and heading off in their direction. He trailed the three back to their cave and huddled behind a boulder a hundred yards away from the mouth of the cave.

  A short while later, the sun behind him turned a golden orange and cast long shadows toward the entrance to Misty Cave. He glanced at the unconscious Kobold before him. The creature had the misfortune of wandering past his bush a minute earlier. He only needed six more pipettes, and he thought he knew how to get them.

  The wandering guard hadn’t noticed him because of the shining sunlight, and soon, the sun would dip low enough to cast the whole upper cove into deep shadow. He had a fifteen-minute window wherein the Kobolds wouldn’t be able to see him.

  This would be so easy it might be fun.

  Qrurg Hazeflaw was tired. He had been guarding the entrance to Weeping Cave for three hours now. His feets hurt, and he needed to wizz.

  The sun was in his eyes, beating down on him, burning his skin, and scorching his vision to an orange haze.

  Qrurg didn’t like doing guard duty when the sun sank. It hurt. But Biga Babbo would hit him on the noggin if he didn’t do his duty.

  Ko’Bllz, one and all.

  They recited it every day at prayer around Spirit Well. Biga Babbo was late this afternoon, and Ko’Bllz had to sit around for two sandhours before Biga Babbo began nightly prayer.

  To his side, Kox snored, and beside him, Kreg was drunk again. Qrurg didn’t like his job, but at least he was awake for it.

  Qrurg squinted, trying to make out the horizon. In the distance, he knew the Bovines were getting ready for a bonfire. Bonfire nights are good nights to sneak in and take things from the Bovines. They would head out in a couple sandhours, after Biga Babbo’s prayer. Tonight was a big night for Ko’Bllz.

  The sun continued to burn his eyes, but he kept looking. He couldn’t see Clagbrud, who had gone out to patrol the edge of the rocks. Clagbrud was usually very fast when he checked out the edge.

  Then, he saw him and Qrurg felt better. He wouldn’t have to go look for his friend. Clagbrud’s long arms and lumbering gate looked larger than normal. Probably something the sun’s shadow did to his eyes.

  Qrurg held his hand up in greeting, and to shield his eyes.

  Instead of holding his hand up in greeting, Clagbrud waved it back and forth.

  Qrurg blinked, the water from staring at the sun was making him see things.

  Beside him, Kox snorted loudly, and rolled over.

  “Kox! Are you sleeping again?” Guardboss Gekrusz yelled from just inside the entrance to the cave.

  Qrurg froze. Last time Guardboss found Kox sleeping, they were all beaten. It was better to fool Guardboss than let him find out. Besides, Guardboss was with a Lady Ko’Bllz right now and they weren’t supposed to speak to him.

  Still, Qrurg didn’t want to get beaten again. His feets already hurt, and his back ached from this morning.

  “No, I’m awake!” Qrurg replied, trying to sound high and squeaky like Kox.

  Guardboss didn’t say anything, but Qrurg could hear the sounds of mating coming from just inside the cave. Qrurg had only seen a Lady Ko’Bllz a few times, because they lived with Biga Babbo in the back of the cave. Qrurg thought they were the nicest looking Ko’Bllz. They had rough, leathery skin, and patches of hair growing all around their bodies. Qrurg wanted to touch a Lady Ko’Bllz, but he knew his hand would burn off if he touched one. Only Biga Babbo and governors can touch Lady Ko’Bllz.

  Clagbrud’s shadow grew larger, larger than it should have been and Qrurg wondered if Clagbrud was playing joke on him.

  But he was wrong. It wasn’t Clagbrud, it was one of the Bovines.

  Something stabbed Qrurg, but he barely felt it, like a prick from a Kona Plant.

  The Bovine glared at him, his massive horns so big they blotted out the sun. The bovine said something to him in a language he didn’t understand, then dodged to the side and stabbed Kox and Kreg.

  Kox woke up, his high-pitched scream piercing the sky as he was stabbed out of sleep.

  “Whassat?” Guardboss bellowed from just inside. “Kox, that you? Qrurg?”

  Qrurg tried to open his mouth but the Bovine grabbed his head with his hand and pushed him backwards, throwing him into the wall.

  His head hit, pain shooting through his skull, but Qrurg’s skull was thick, and he had been thrown into walls many times. He jumped back up and grabbed his club. He swung at the Bovine, hitting him in the leg, just above his hoof. The Bovine yelped, jumping and kicking out.

  Qrurg dodged to the left and swung again. The club slipped out of his hand as it connected with the Bovine’s thigh.

  The Bovine kicked again, connecting to the now-standing Kox, and sent him flying through the air. Qrurg winced. Kox’s limp body crunched into a Kona Plant ten yards away.

  Qrurg screamed and dove at the intruder. He grabbed his tail and climbed up his back. Qrurg was small but he would choke the Bovine to death for intruding on Weeping Cave!

  Guardboss came out, his eyes wide with alarm. The Bovine stabbed him too! What was the Bovine doing here? It wasn’t reaping day, was it? No, it was bonfire night, and Ko’bllz were going to go steal things from Bovine village!

  Qrurg kept climbing, clawing, and biting his way up the Bovine’s back. He reached the Bovine’s mane and grabbed it, pulling himself higher. He could see so far from here. Who knew Bovines were this tall?

  He reached the Bovine’s head and bit his ear, grabbing onto one of his horns for balance.

  The Bovine yelped in pain, and reached behind him to try to grab Qrurg, but Qrurg was fast! He scurried down his back then back up, biting him on his other ear. The bovine bled from both ears now and limped with each step.

  The Bovine yelled again spinning around and slammed his back into the cave wall, squishing Qrurg between the stone and the rock-hard back of the Bovine. He chanted, and a rush of green leaves whooshed over the Bovine’s body!

  Qrurg was very scared. He didn’t know the Bovines could do magic! He needed to scramble away, to get off the Bovine. He didn’t want to catch the Bovine Blight, but he was stuck. He was still squished against the rock wall and he couldn’t wriggle free.

  The Bovine spun around again, grabbing Qrurg by his flailing leg, and ripped him away. Tufts of the Bovine’s fur came off in Qrurg’s hands, which made him happy for the briefest moment before realizing the Bovine had thrown him into the other cave wall,
just above the Lady Ko’bllz.

  Everything went black, and the last thing he thought as he slid down the wall was how awful the Bovine smelled, and how nice the Lady Ko’bllz smelled.

  Chapter 08

  Blood poured from a dozen cuts, scrapes, and punctures in Matuk Scarhoof’s body as he staggered away from Misty Cave.

  His back hurt, his ears bled, and a fiery pain crept up his leg from where the Kobold had punctured him with the passionflower thorn club.

  Curses and squeals followed him in the distance, the rage of the upset Kobolds growing quieter as he ran to his village, escaping the horde.

  As their sounds died out he stopped to catch his breath.

  A brilliant display of light surged around Scarhoof.

  Quest Update! Killer Kobolds:

  Deliver the samples back to the Eldermother so she can test their blood. (Gained 25 XP!)

  The Way of the Shaman!

  By completing the quest with no loss of life, you demonstrate your willingness to follow the path to true balance. +1 Spirit.

  Level Up! You are now Level Three!

  +100 Health. +100 Stamina. +100 Mana. +1 Talent Point (Note: Talents will not be unlocked until Level 10). XP Needed for next level: 400.


  The minor bleed stopped with the level up, he pocketed the remaining pipettes into his satchel and looked back. He could just see the entrance of the cave and the dozens of irate Kobolds scurrying around.

  He took a moment to glance at the quest text that had just flashed at him as he ran.

  He’d heard of Spirit before, but he wasn’t sure what +1 Spirit meant, especially since he had no bars for it.

  Very strange.

  He made a mental note to ask Nitene next time he saw her. He also wondered about the Talent Points. He wasn’t sure what they were, but he remembered seeing this same message when he last leveled.


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