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Page 5

by Charles Arnold

  Willy’s hand moved on her breast. His fingers pinched her nipple and she felt his stiff cock push against her ass. He knew she was awake. “You ready to give it up?” he asked.

  She shook her head, “Please, Mr. Will, I’m so tired...I-I...can’t.”

  He twisted her nipple and pulled her tighter against him. “I’m sayin’ you can.” With his other hand he began to rub her clitoris which had become slick. She tried desperately to think of other things to stop the flow of heat to her vagina, to prevent her nipples from stiffening. It was no use. Without meaning to, she found herself pushing back against his cock. He whispered in her ear, “Say you want me to fuck your ass.”

  She shook her head, “ don’t...I don’t.”

  He slid his middle finger into her and continued to rub her clitoris with his thumb. She felt an orgasm beginning to build. Her breathing was quick. She moaned softly. Suddenly he took his hand away. She reached between her legs but he grabbed her wrist preventing her from touching herself. “Say it,” he repeated.

  It was several moments before she spoke, “Do it,” she said, “f-f...fuck my ass.”

  “I got a name and say please.”

  “Please, Mr. Will...fuck my ass.”

  Sam had awakened and was watching them while stroking his own hardening cock. Tommy also peered out from the bars of his cage, his hand on his full erection. Willy had thrown off the sheet and rolled Heather over so that she lay on her stomach. He grabbed the KY and moved behind her, spreading her legs. “Now,” he said, “get on your knees, but keep your face pressed against the bed. Lift your sweet ass.” She did as he ordered. “Good,” he said. He twisted the butt plug slightly and pulled it from her ass. Inserting the nozzle of the tube of KY into her anal opening, he squeezed the tube. She gasped. Willy grinned at Sam. “Even with the plug in there all day, this is still one tight asshole.”

  “Yeah,” Sam agreed, “I can see that. And virgin. You get to break her ass cherry,” he laughed.

  Willy leaned over her back, “The KY will make it easier but it’s gonna hurt at first. After awhile you gonna like it. Don’t you play with your pussy till I say so.” He positioned the tip of his cock against her pink sphincter. She flinched and let out a little cry. Slowly he began to ease his cock into her. She stifled a scream as she felt it sinking deeper. When his balls rested against her ass cheeks he waited several moments before withdrawing, waiting again and then pushing back into the passage. A small trickle of blood ran from her opening. She was crying now, her hands balled into tight fists. He leaned over her reaching around her back to twist her nipples. He whispered in her ear, “I could have rammed you so it would really hurt but I took it easy on you.”

  He moved back to a kneeling position. With both hands on her ass cheeks he began rhythmically to slide the length of his cock in and out of her, slowly at first then faster. “You can play with yourself,” he said. Quickly she reached between her legs to finger her pussy. Soon she began to move her ass in rhythm with his thrusts. He let out a loud cry and pumped his load into her. A few seconds later she came, yelling something unintelligible and fell forward squirming, her hand still between her legs.

  Before she had recovered Sam pushed Willy out of the way, lifted her hips and drove his cock into her slick passage. She screamed and collapsed under his weight. He pulled her hips back up and pounded his cock into her. After only a minute he grunted and filled her passage with his cum. She lay face down on the bed shaking and sobbing. The cum that seeped from her anus was tinted with red.

  They permitted her to rest the following day and night. But on the third day she was ordered to clean the cabin, empty Tommy’s bucket, make their meals, wash the dishes, and in the afternoon, suck their cocks. They insisted she wear the heels but refused to give her any clothes.

  “We want you naked, all the fuckin’ time naked,” Willy informed her. “We like to feel you up, don’t we, Sam?”

  Sam grinned, “Yeah them bare titties that stick straight out, no fuckin’ sag to them.”

  Willy nodded as he ran his hand over the rounded curve of her ass, “And this fine young ass. I like knowin’ it belongs to us, knowin’ that we can fuck it when we want.” He turned her to face him and slid a dirty finger into her anus. She gasped. “Ain’t that right?” he demanded.

  She had long ago stopped crying. There were no tears left. She continually thought of what they’d said about being allowed to keep her for only a week. “Yes, Mr. Will,” she said, “you can have me there whenever you want.”

  Willy tilted her head up, “And you startin’ to like it?”

  “Yes, it doesn’t hurt as much now.”

  “Kiss,” he said. She parted her lips for him. He slid his tongue into her mouth.

  That’s the way it went for the remainder of the week. They would sometimes finger her pussy during the meals. They sometimes pinched her nipples painfully. They required her to shower every evening and to continually refresh the lipstick and gloss.Tommy never spoke. She pushed his food through the bars of the cage and every morning emptied the bucket. When she was made to suck their cocks or to offer her ass to them, he would watch and jerk off.

  Each evening they took turns fucking her ass. Occasionally, one of them would wake her up in the middle of the night and fuck her ass again or have her suck his cock. She continued to finger herself. She had four or five orgasms a day, sometimes while she sucked their cocks and always when they fucked her ass. Toward the end of the week she was dismayed to realize that she’d begun to look forward to feeling their cocks in her ass. She could almost cum without touching herself. The men understood this. They would make her tease them and ask to be fucked.

  “Get us hot,” Willy would say. She would apply fresh makeup and stand between them cupping her breasts and offering them first to Willy then to Sam.

  “Suck my nipples,” she’d say. Or she would sit on Willy’s lap and touch her lips to his and dart her tongue into his mouth while spreading her legs so that Sam could finger fuck her.

  On the fifth night, after he and Sam had cum in her ass, Willy ordered her to push her ass against the bars of Tommy’s cage. “Tell him to clean you up. Tell him to lick our cum out of your hole,” Willy demanded. As soon as she’d done what they ordered, she felt Tommy’s tongue lapping her ass crack. She couldn’t see him but knew he was pulling his prick.

  On the morning of the seventh day, she was told to run a bucket of soapy water and given some old towels. They opened the cage door and ordered her to go inside and sponge bathe her husband. When she finished they threw in a pair of sweat pants and a hooded sweatshirt. “Get dressed, Tommy boy,” Sam said. “I fuckin’ hate to say it but today is movin’ day.”

  After Heather had taken her shower, Willy handed her a similar pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt as well as a pair of flip-flops. Around noon the men had brought three donkeys around to the front of the cabin. Heather and Tommy were lifted onto the back of the largest animal. Willy and Sam mounted the other two. The little procession started down the overgrown trail.

  After two hours, they came to a clearing. A helicopter was waiting for them. Two large black men dressed in brown coveralls escorted them into it. As soon as Heather and Tommy were buckled into their seats, each of the black men took a needle from a leather pouch and quickly injected both Heather and her husband. They were unconscious before the helicopter left the ground.

  Chapter Five

  The helicopter landed an hour later at a remote corner of the Sacramento airport where a small private jet was parked. Still unconscious, Heather and Tommy were loaded into the jet which took off immediately. The pilot radioed a message. Doctor Alexander Bruno, Heather’s uncle, looked at his Rolex, “They will be landing in three hours. Are the rooms ready?”

  Carmella Brewster nodded, “Yes, Doctor, I checked on everything.”

  “You will be there when she wakes?”

  “Of course, Doctor.”

  “I want to see her
before she comes to.”

  “I’ll buzz you when she’s ready.”


  Carmella left his office and walked down the long hall and along another hallway until she came to a separate part of the huge facility. She slid her pass card through the slot in the heavy metal door. It opened on what appeared to be a state-of-the-art operating room. There was a curtained bed on one side of the room. In the center was an operating table surrounded by several blinking monitors. In the ceiling above the table were powerful lights and a large blank screen. A similar screen was built into the ceiling above the curtained bed. A thin young Asian woman was tucking in the bed sheet. The wide leather arm and leg restraints made the task difficult.

  “They will arrive shortly,” Carmella said.

  “Yes, Madam,” the girl replied.

  “Are the quarters for the boy ready?’

  “Yes, I just now checked on them.”

  A quarter of a mile away in a building attached to the central facility Carmella’s son, Namba, stood quietly in the center of his room. He somehow sensed something was changing. He sniffed the air. Nothing yet. His room was not so much a room as it was a large, 20 X 20 foot cube shaped cell. The four walls were made of two inch thick Plexiglas as was the ceiling. The one-way glass enabled observers to see into the enclosure but Namba or anyone else inside it could not see out. Against one wall was a double mattress much larger than a king size. The mattress rested flat on the floor. It was covered in thick sheepskin. There were no sheets or blankets or pillows. Next to the bed was a door leading to a bathroom which contained an oversized toilet and a large shower stall. One wall was studded with pegs that protruded about six inches. Against the opposite wall was what appeared to be a chinning bar. Next to it hanging from the ceiling were two steel rings. The first impression was that it looked like a jungle gym for a giant adult. That impression would not have been wrong. A door led to the outside and two heavily treed acres. The trees had been planted twenty-two years ago at the time of Namba’s birth. They were a variety of fruit and flowering trees along with a scattering of oaks and pines. Paths covered with pine needles wound among them. In the center of this forested acreage was a lovely fresh water pond four feet deep. The acres were surrounded by a high, thick cinderblock wall topped with electrified barbed wire fencing. Of course, his glass quarters and the walled-in forest were equipped with numerous video cameras. From an elaborate control room Doctor Bruno and his staff could watch and hear him wherever he went.

  Namba was now twenty-two. Doctor Bruno’s experiment had not turned out as he had hoped. In some respects the creature was human. Although he hadn’t learned to speak, he understood most English words. He could make sounds which the Doctor and staff were soon able to interpret. He was intelligent and had shown some early signs of being creative. Unlike the bonobo apes from which he came, he grew to be six feet six inches tall and muscular. Like them, his fingers and toes were very long and quite strong. At his birth the doctor and the creature’s mother, Carmella, were dismayed to see that his features were much more simian than they’d expected. His forehead sloped to a flat nose with wide nostrils. His mouth too, was wide and apelike. His black lips were thick and rubbery. They had expected his cock to be much bigger, long and thick. In that, too, they were disappointed. It was not quite as long or thick as a normal white male’s cock. Although he had learned to masturbate, it was not with the frequency bonobos masturbated. From the start it was clear that he had a gentle nature, even an affectionate one. He was quick to understand and eager to please. The only problem they met with occurred whenever they attempted to clothe him. Even as an infant he would tear the clothes off as soon as they had dressed him. At one point about the time Namba was three years old, Doctor Bruno entertained the idea of destroying him and starting over. But within the next year, they discovered something remarkable about him. He could draw and paint.

  As an experiment Carmella had given him a photograph of Heather who was then an infant. She also set up a drawing board and gave him large sheets of paper, crayons, and pencils. Within an hour he had drawn a startling copy of the photograph. Through the years that followed he continued to draw, eventually moving on to paint. He could and sometimes did paint other things, but down through the ensuing years he was happiest painting likenesses of Heather. Over time, his paintings became quite artistic. Some were exact likenesses of the photographs of Heather but others were abstract, somehow more revealing of her character. The doctor and his assistants continued to be surprised by his growing artistic talent. As he aged he seemed to become more human. Doctor Bruno carefully noted each change and finally concluded his experiment had been successful after all. Certainly not as successful as he’d hoped, but the creature had become at least half human. He was sure that Namba’s seed planted in the womb of a young, healthy, beautiful white woman would result in the kind of superior crossbred creature he wished to create. A creature with the strength, agility, and passionate nature of the bonobo coupled with the beauty, sensitivity, and intelligence of his niece.

  However, Namba’s sex drive appeared to be limited.” Those who watched him on the monitors recorded the infrequent times he masturbated. He would be looking at a photograph or a painting of Heather or sniffing one of her soiled panties. He knew every detail of her face. Very soon he would know by her scent when she was near even before he saw her.

  As he grew into manhood physical changes occurred. His shoulders broadened and his waist narrowed. His stomach was flat and muscled. His arms and legs were well formed. He was extremely strong and exceptionally agile. He stood upright and most of the time carried himself like a man, like a young athletic man, albeit a very hairy one. His face, too, had changed, becoming less simeon and more human. He had learned to sit at his table and to eat from a plate and use utensils. He showered and brushed his teeth. But no matter how they tried to dress him, he refused to wear clothes.”

  All was going just as Doctor Bruno had planned, except for one thing he hadn’t counted on. The drug lords who controlled the region were continually at war with one another. The local authorities had been weak or too susceptible to bribes so all control had been ceded to the drug cartels. In the two years before Heather’s arrival one particularly vicious gang had defeated the others. Their leader, Alvero Ruiz, unlike those who’d preceded him, demanded extra tribute from Doctor Bruno and had become a frequent visitor. He’d planted Carlo, one of his men, as a janitor in the facility with instructions to report what went on there. Alvero Ruiz knew of Heather’s arrival an hour after the small jet landed.

  Carlo had grinned up at his powerful boss, “The American bitch is very pretty, I mean fucking beautiful!” he said.

  “How old?”

  “Early twenties. She’s choice, boss, choice white meat.”

  “You think she’d be a good addition to the stable?”

  Carlo laughed, “Jesus, boss, you got some hot lookin’ sluts in the stable, but this white bitch with her black hair and pointy tits, and sweet round ass would be the fuckin’ best!”

  Ruiz sat back in his chair and lit a cigar. “Let’s give her a little time to get used to the weather,” he said.

  Still unconscious Heather and Tommy were carried into the rooms that had been prepared for them. Heather was undressed, strapped to the bed and covered with a sheet. Carmella summoned Doctor Bruno. He looked down at his niece. Nodding at Carmella he said, “Remove the sheet.” He stood beside the bed for a long while admiring her naked body. “Magnificent,” he said, “Namba will be pleased.”

  He turned to Carmella, “When will she be ready?”

  “Give me a week.”

  “Good. The boy is secure and being tended to?”

  “Yes, Doctor.”

  “Clean him up, see that his wounds are treated, feed him but keep him drugged. I’d prefer not to have to have him eliminated, but should he become a problem...”

  “I think I can control him. I had him put into the quarters
next to mine. There’s a connecting door.” Maybe I’ll make him my boy toy.” Both the doctor and Heather’s huge black nanny laughed.

  During the following two days Heather gradually became aware of what had happened. However, she was kept partially sedated. Whenever she awoke Carmella was leaning over her speaking words she couldn’t quite understand. She’d been given no clothes. Her dreams were again filled with erotic images, but now they were of Namba.

  Sometimes she would lie awake for hours looking at the screen over her head. It, too, was filled with images of Namba. Often he would simply stare down at her. She would feel the heat spread from her stiff nipples to her crotch. When she touched herself there it was always wet. After awhile both the dreams and the videos would instantly arouse her. Just as Namba would masturbate while looking at photos of her, she would get herself off quickly when he appeared to her as she slept or when she gazed at his simian face in the screen above her. She was given lower doses of drugs so near the end of the week she was, except for the power of Carmella’s hypnosis, much like her former self.” She asked about Tommy once and was told that he had healed and eventually she would be permitted to see him. She was also informed that she’d been taken from the mountains of Northern California to her uncle’s facility in Mexico. “But why?” she asked Carmella.

  “To marry,” Carmella answered.

  “But I’m already married to Tommy,” she said, frowning.

  “The doctor examined you and discovered that you’re still a virgin. Your marriage to Tommy was never consummated.”

  Heather was disoriented and confused. She was still on low doses of drugs, “But why are you here, Carmella? And who is it I’m supposed to marry?”

  “I’ve worked for your uncle for more than twenty-five years. He’s the one who paid me to look after you from the time you were born until you went off to college.”


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