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Page 11

by Charles Arnold

  As she’d been instructed, she stood silently before him and bowed her head. After a few moments, he indicated that she should sit. With her head still bowed, she sat and folded her hands in her lap. When he spoke his voice startled her. It was very deep and resonant; a commanding voice. “They tell me you fuck apes,” he said.

  She felt herself blushing. “That’s not true,” she said.

  “I have video tapes of you fucking an ape so it is true.”

  They must have confiscated the tapes at her uncle’s compound. “That may look somewhat like an ape, Master Jorge, but he’s really a man...not a man exactly, but a cross between a bonobo and a man. My uncle was successful in crossbreeding a human with an animal. No one has done that before. He raised me with Namba, his creation.” Sensing the general’s impatience, she hurried on, “Namba is the most sensitive, kindest, loving husband a woman could ever wish for.”

  “The video shows he has a small prick and when he fucks you he cums quickly. Did he satisfy you?”

  Again she felt the color come to her cheeks, “He-he did in other ways.”

  “The ape was trained to eat pussy?”

  “No, not that either. But he was loving and devoted to me.”

  “Must have been a treat to get fucked by Ruiz and his boys?”

  Heather glanced up at him then lowered her head, “No, they were vicious. Unlike Namba, they’re real animals.”

  The General leaned back in his chair and observed Heather for several moments. “When you were young, you had a nanny who later became a sort of surrogate mother. Her name is Carmella,” he said.

  Heather was visibly shocked, “How did you...” she began.

  He smiled slightly, “When Ruiz first reported your arrival at your uncle’s facility, I became interested. When I learned why you were there, I became even more interested. After Ruiz took you, I had some special soldiers take this Carmella person and interrogate her. Ruiz has taken over your uncle’s compound. As far as I know you uncle and the others, even the bonobo escaped in his jet back to California. At that time we also obtained the tapes and other documents related to your history. I know quite a lot about you. Do the names Willy and Sam mean anything?”

  Heather felt herself blushing. “Yes, they kidnapped me and boyfriend.”

  “And fucked your ass and made you suck them off,” he interjected.

  She nodded and remembering the two viscous mountain men, felt her nipples stiffen. She was sure the General had noticed. “Is Carmella, is she...”

  “Yes, she’s fine. I’ve had her brought here. You will see her soon.

  “So you know everything?”

  “Yes. I even have transcripts of your descriptions of your dreams. I know that you have since childhood been subjected to powerful sedatives and years of hypnosis. You are a highly sensual woman and inclined to be submissive. Is this not so?”

  Heather bowed her head, “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Your boyfriend proved to be weak as did the ape. They were, as you say, loving and tender. That’s not what you need, is it, Ms. Bruno?” Heather sat with her head bowed and said nothing. The General’s lips formed a thin, momentary smile. He leaned forward, clasping his long fingers on the desktop, “If you think I took you away from Ruiz in order to send you back to your uncle you are sadly mistaken. I have not wasted my time and money investigating your past and bringing you here in order to be your benefactor. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. I recognized as soon as I saw your photographs and the videos of you fucking the ape, that you are unique in the world. You’re one of a kind; a beautiful young woman who not only fucked an ape for several months but also married him. I have a tape of the wedding ceremony. I know from having lived a long time that anything unique in the world is valuable, gold for instance. Anything that is both beautiful and one of a kind in the world is very, very valuable.” He leaned closer to her, “You, my dear, are the only woman alive in the world who is young, beautiful, and the wife of an ape.”

  Heather lifted her head to look directly at him, hey eyes flashing angrily, “But that’s not...” she began.

  He held up a hand cutting her off. “Did I ask you to respond!” he shouted.

  “No,” she said. He waited, “No, Master,” she whispered bowing her head again.

  “I have set up a training facility here designed specifically for you. You will be rigorously trained for about a month. Once each year I am required by a very exclusive organization I belong to, to invite members to an auction. These men are very valuable to me. They spend several days here, eating, drinking, gambling, and being entertained. These are among the richest men in the world. They come from Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, Russia, and America. Among them are my suppliers, the best of my distributers, wealthy customers, politicians, celebrities. Most have what one might call deviant sexual preferences. I can assure you that none are like your ape husband; sensitive, kind, and loving. You will service them during their stay. On their final night you will be sold to the highest bidder.”

  She jumped up her face red, her hands balled into fists, “I will not! Slavery ended hundreds of years ago. People are not things. You can’t buy and sell people!” She was prepared to go on, but anticipating this, he had pressed a button on his desk. Two strong matrons grabbed her, one quickly stuck her with a needle and she collapsed in their arms.

  Chapter Ten

  She slept for twelve hours her dreams haunted with the old visions and new ones she drove from her mind as soon as she awakened. To her astonishment when she opened her eyes Carmella was at her bedside. She thought for a moment that she was at home in the states and all that had happened, Willy and Sam, her uncle, Namba, Ruiz, and the General had been a dream.

  Carmella sensed what she was thinking, “No, Heather, not a dream. I’m here. They brought me here on the same night you were sent to the compound of the drug dealers.”

  “But why...” Heather began.

  “To continue to care for you.”

  “You mean to continue with the hypnosis, the power you have over me.”

  Carmella looked away for a moment then turned back, “That’s true, Heather, but had I not agreed to their demands they were ready to kill your uncle and Tommy and Namba.” Although your uncle and the others, including Namba, have escaped, General Cruiz can easily have them killed. Unless I do what I’m told and convince you to cooperate, things will be bad for the people we care about.”

  Heather’s first reaction was to defy them, to find a way with Carmella’s help to free Namba and the others. But she immediately realized that would be impossible. She knew she was in Mexico but had no idea exactly where. She knew the General’s estate and grounds were well guarded. She suspected that Ruiz would soon expand his operations and take over her uncle’s compound. There seemed to be no way out. Carmella was looking at her sadly. She patted the older woman’s hand, “There’s nothing to be done now but go along with what the General demands. I’m sure that sometime in the near future we will find a way to escape.”

  Carmella wasn’t as hopeful, but she smiled and said, “Yes, we’ll keep looking for a way. But I cannot fake what I’m supposed to do nor can you. Namba, your uncle, Tommy, and the rest are safe as long as we do as we’re told. The General always gets his way. He is very intelligent and can be a very cruel man, but I think he prides himself on keeping his word. He has promised me that if we, especially you, cooperate no harm will come to them.”

  Heather was thoughtful for a few minutes then she looked directly at Carmella, “I had the dreams last night, only they were worse and more powerful.” Color came to her cheeks, “This morning vagina was wet and my nipples were painfully hard. I woke up terribly aroused. I still am. That was your doing, wasn’t it?”

  Carmella nodded, “Yes, I’m to continue with that. Before you go to sleep you will take a sedative that will make you more receptive to my suggestions and will cause the dreams to be more vivid, more real.” S
he paused, then added, “I think you will be in a constant state of arousal. I know they plan to have you wear a small device that will make it impossible for you”

  “So that I will welcome any opportunity no matter how repugnant to be relieved, any chance to have an orgasm?”

  “Yes, that’s the plan.”

  Heather sighed and smiled weakly, “Well, I suppose it could be worse. I could still be a captive of Ruiz and forced to service his gang of murderers.”

  “That’s why the General ordered that you spend some time with Ruiz. He wanted you to know what is likely to happen should you resist his plans for you. He promised Ruiz that you would be sent back if you proved to be difficult. As I said before, the General keeps his promises.”

  “ Heather bit her lip and held back tears that were forming, “What is the plan that Master Jorge has for me?”

  “I don’t know all of it, but first there is to be a six week training period. This afternoon you will be fitted with the device I mentioned. You will be introduced to your instructors.” She took from a briefcase a sheet of paper and handed it to Heather. “Here is a list of the things you will be required to do and the things you will be required to learn.” She handed the list to Heather.

  1. Learn to tighten your vaginal and anal muscles so that you can, without moving, cause men to ejaculate.

  2.Learn a variety of oral techniques that will give exquisite pleasure to both men and women when you pleasure them with your mouth and tongue. You will also learn to deep throat and to swallow large amounts of cum.

  3.You will become acquainted with a variety of make up techniques, body oils and perfumes, revealing garments, and extremely high heeled shoes.

  4.You will learn to service women as expertly as you service men.

  5.You will learn to make daily exercise of not less than two hours a habit. You must keep your body in excellent condition.

  6.You will learn how to present yourself when you are on display and when you are serving your masters and mistresses.

  7.You will learn how to present yourself to the whip and how to endure it.

  As Heather read the list she felt a sinking sensation in her stomach and the tears began to well up in her eyes. She threw down the list, “Carmella, I won’t do this. I’m not a subservient slave. I’m a citizen of the United States. I’m a highly educated, strong, independent woman. There is no way I’m going to learn these things or do these things.”

  The older woman shook her head sadly. “The lives of those you most care about; your uncle, Namba, Tommy, even me are in your hands. The alternative to the training here is to be returned permanently to Ruiz. Think, dear Heather, think.” She turned and left, locking the door behind her.

  Heather flung herself down on the bed and cried until she drifted off into a restless sleep haunted by visions of Sam and Willy. Two hours later she was roughly awakened by Madam Celia, “Get up. The General wants to see you. Anita will tell you what to wear.” She turned and left. Anita approached carrying a short narrow white skirt, a very shear black blouse, and a pair of white strappy stilettos. Heather moved to the makeup table and began to apply mascara and lipstick. “Cover lips with gloss,” Anita said, “the General likes shiny lips.” Anita brushed Heather’s hair, “General wants you to bring list,” she said. She placed it on the table in front of Heather who folded it and looked up at the girl, “I’m ready,” she said.

  As before, General Jorge Cruiz was seated behind his desk. Heather approached with her head bowed and stood at the same wooden chair before his desk, waiting.

  “Sit,” he said. When she was seated he told her to look up. His pale blue eyes burned into her. “I trust you have been well treated,” he said.

  “Yes, Master.”

  “I see you’ve brought the list. Do you have any questions about it?”

  She was surprised that she’d been given a chance to object. “Master, my question is not about the list. I am an educated, cultured, wealthy American citizen. You cannot sell me as if I were a horse.”

  He interrupted, “If at that time I wish to sell you I will,” he said firmly. “A month from now we will host four of the most powerful men in the world. You will service them and perform for them. I’m sure since you are such a rare and consequently valuable woman they will offer huge sums in order to own you. I have no choice in the matter. You will be sold to the highest bidder. The buyers are some of the most powerful and richest men in the world. You will be sold to one of them. I have given them my word. I intend for you to be the most desirable and therefore the most expensive slave I’ve ever sold.” Heather bowed her head and felt tears begin to run down her cheeks. He continued, “The vigorous training you will receive over the next four weeks will insure that you are a most desirable acquisition. I assure you, at the end of the training period you will want to be the best. You will want to make me proud of you. You will want to bring the highest price.” Again he told her to look up. He leaned forward, “At first you will train hard because you know that to do otherwise will mean you will be sent back to Ruiz and will stay there. After awhile you will begin to realize who and what you are and will train even harder because you want to please me.” He paused and stared at her until she bowed her head again. “Now,” he said, “do you have any more questions?”

  “No, Master,” she said softly.

  “I understand that you are easily aroused and in constant need of clitoral stimulation?” It was a question.

  “Yes, Master. Since childhood I’ve been subjected to hypnotism administered by my caretaker, Carmella. I have erotic dreams, some of them are nightmares.”

  “You were also kidnapped by rough men in the California mountains and sexually abused by them for a week.”

  It had become obvious that he know everything about her past. “Yes, Master.”

  “How did you respond to the way they humiliated and abused you?”

  She considered lying but knew he would see through it, “At first I resisted as much as I could. They were filthy and crude, but gradually I began what they were forcing on me.”

  “You had orgasms when they fucked your ass?”

  “Yes, Master, always.”

  “Did you also orgasm when you sucked their cocks?”

  “Not always but I did if they permitted me to touch myself, which they did most of the time.”

  “We are not going to let you have orgasms or at least not often. After this meeting you will be taken to our little clinic. Very small highly magnetic disks will be imbedded in you labial lips, much like those decorative pussy rings but these are solid disks so small they’re hard to see. Over these we will clamp a tiny cage that covers your clitoris, thereby preventing you from masturbating or from having orgasms when you are fucked. Only a few of will have a remote that reverses the magnetic field so that the cage can be removed. It will be a special treat for you to be permitted to orgasm. You will work hard to deserve that treat. Do you understand?”

  As he spoke she could feel her vagina moisten and her nipples stiffen. “Yes, Master, I understand, but...but...will these magnetic disks be permanent?”

  “No a simple painless operation will remove them. By that time you will have disciplined yourself to abstain from orgasms unless it pleases your master to permit you to have them. Everything you do or do not do will derive from your desire to please your master.” He saw she wished to speak. “Yes, what is it?”

  “I don’t mean to question what you’ve just said, but I assume I’m not the first woman you’ve sold.” He nodded and indicated she was to continue. “The other women I expect were quite pretty and also submissive, but were probably uneducated. I suspect most were from destitute families. They would easily convince themselves that even as slaves they would be going to a better life than the one they have. As you know, I come from a wealthy family and have, until recently, led a privileged life. I earned two graduate degrees and upon finishing a dissertation would have
a doctorate. I’m intelligent and physically and emotionally strong.” He was about to interrupt but she hurried on, “Of course, I will do as I’m told for fear of being sent back to Ruiz, but I am not a horse and I am not a thing.” She leaned forward clenching her fists, “You will find that I am a fiercely independent and strong willed woman. I will not be sold like an object.”

  He smiled thinly at her but his eyes narrowed and she noticed a twitch in his jaw, “It is precisely because you are highly educated and possess an independent spirit that you will bring in the highest price. That and the fact that you have been intimate with an ape. Believe me, Ms. Bruno, your only desire will be to make me proud because you receive the highest bid ever. I assure you that by then without the aid of hypnosis or the fear of being sent to Ruiz, or the promise of orgasms, you will embrace the fact that your only purpose in life, and it is a high purpose indeed, will be to obey your master in all things, to give yourself to him unconditionally, and to pleasure him and his friends in any way he wishes. He will own you as surely as he owns the painting on his wall and the horse in his stable.”

  He pressed a button on his desk. Madam Celia entered and led her to the clinic. She felt herself trembling, not because of what they were about to do to her, but because she had begun to wonder if the General might be right. There was something about him that she’d never experienced with another man. The other’s had been physically forceful or had coerced her in some way. But his hard bright blue eyes and his deep authoritative voice made her feel weak and submissive. It must be how a puppy who wants to please its owner must feel. She reminded herself of what she’d told him about her intelligence and independent spirit. She resolved to be strong, to resist and somehow prevail.


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