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Page 13

by Charles Arnold

  “Appear?” she questioned.

  He frowned, “Yes, you’re right, ‘appear’ is incorrect. You are the most beautiful woman ever to be sold at these auctions.”

  “Perhaps Mr. Satomi will buy me then?”

  “Let us hope so.” He took a deep breath, “The four men will stay here five days. You will spend a night with each of them. During the day you will be given time to rest and to prepare yourself. On the first night they will probably want to have you whipped.”

  Heather felt her body trembling. She forced back the tears that were forming. “And the nights?”

  “You will do your very best to please your Master, even General Shuka. But if you wish to be sold to Mr. Satomi, then you must somehow convince him that he should outbid Shuka. Your future depends on pleasing Satomi.”

  “I wish I knew his desires. Will the blonde girl be with him?”

  “I’m sure she will. You may have to service her. All of the members bring a retinue with them, usually three or four security guards, often a woman who is sometimes their chief trainer. Of course, there’s the crew of their jets, but they are housed elsewhere and do not participate. Shuka, has a sort of voodoo woman who, I hear, is highly skilled in making what she calls potions and I call African drugs. He’s been known to bring a freak he keeps on his staff, a sort of half-wit very emaciated black with a long twisted cock. I’ve seen pictures of it. As a child his cock was cut frequently and stones or other objects were laid in the incisions and then sewed shut. His cock is covered with what appears to be large hard ingrown warts.”

  “I will be made to suck it and give myself to him?”

  “If he comes with Shuka, yes.”

  She was silent for a few minutes, “The auction itself. How is that done?

  “On the fifth evening all the members will gather in the great hall for dinner. The table faces a raised round pedestal. At the appointed time, the lights will go out. When they come on you will be standing on the pedestal perfectly made up and wearing a shear floor length gown and very high heels. I have an auctioneer who will conduct the bidding. It doesn’t take long, only a few minutes since we will have only four bidders. The highest bid ever was paid by Satomi. It was seven million.”

  “They can do that, then pay as much as seven million for a female slave?”

  “Yes, but more often they get what they want for two or three million.

  “After the bidding, do they all stay the night?”

  “No they will have alerted their flight crews. They’re gone within a half hour.”

  “And me?”

  “Madam Celia will inject you with a sedative. Six or seven hours later you will wake up in your quarters in some far away country.”

  “And you?”

  He was slow to answer, “I must confess I will miss you. I’ve come to admire and respect you. Video DVD’s of your training have been sent to me daily. I watch them at night. You’re a most remarkable woman. I wish with all my heart I could save you but to try would destroy me and you’d become a slave to one of these men anyway. My nephew, Martin, has also fallen in love with you, I believe.” He paused shaking his head sadly. “I’ll have to have him watched carefully before he tries to do something foolish to rescue you.”

  His speech surprised and confused her but she saw he was in no position to change things. She blinked, holding back tears, “I promise to be the best woman these men have ever bid on. I want you to be proud of me. I want you to get the highest price ever paid for a slave.”

  He reached across the desk to squeeze her hand, then pressed the buzzer. Madam Celia appeared to lead her back to her quarters.

  Chapter Twelve

  On the afternoon of the arrival of the four rich and powerful men who were to bid, Heather was required to stand naked on a pedestal in the main hall so that each of the bidders along with their servants and guards could examine her. She wore a slave collar and six inch heels. Around her ankles were thin leather cuffs with chains that attached to the pedestal so that her legs were parted. Madam Celia gave her final instructions, “You must clasp your hands behind your neck, push your breasts forward, arch your back, and keep your eyes lowered. You’re not to make eye contact with any of the buyers. Some may twist your nipples or finger your cunt. You must remain still, bow your head and close your eyes. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Madam Celia.”

  It was as Madam Celia had predicted. At first the men simply stood looking at her, surprised at how beautiful and desirable and submissive she appeared. Rashid slid his finger along the crease of her pussy and held it up, “She’s wet already!” he cried laughing.

  Aleem twisted both of her nipples which stiffened immediately. “Ahh, yes, wet and hot,” he nodded at the others.

  Neither General Shuka nor Mr. Satomi touched her, but it was obvious both were struck by her beauty. General Cruiz stood behind them. Shuka turned to him. “Have her whipped for our pleasure this evening before she goes to Aleem,” he said.

  After she was led back to her quarters she was met by Madam Celia. “Were they pleased with what they saw?” she asked.

  Heather smiled slightly, “Yes, they seemed to be.”

  “And how about you?”

  “I kept my head bowed and my eyes closed, but I did sneak a look. Except for the Japanese, they are all gross, especially the black general.”

  “General Shuka,” Madam Celia said. Heather nodded. “Shuka has a reputation as a monster.” She paused and stood looking at Heather for several moments. “I confess that watching how hard you trained and studied these past weeks has earned you my respect. I’ve become somewhat fond of you. It’s my sincere wish that you are not bought by Shuka.”

  Heather was given a sedative and permitted to sleep until early evening. Carmella and Anita prepared her for the whipping post. She bathed and they rubbed her body with the perfumed oil that made it glisten under the light. They helped her carefully apply heavy make up. Anita brushed her thick black hair. When they finished, all three women waited until Carmella’s phone rang. She hung up. “It’s time,” she said.

  Except for the white stilettos on her feet and the slave collar around her neck and the cuffs at her wrists and ankles, Heather was naked. She turned to Carmella, “Who is to whip me?” she asked.

  “I believe it will be a sadistic retarded boy Shuka keeps with him. It is said the boy has the longest most repulsive cock in all of Nigeria.” She thought for a moment. “I believe they call him Buru.”

  As they made their way down the long hall toward the dining room, she could hear the men laughing and speaking in loud voices. After her whipping they would be served a grand dinner. A short chain had been attached to the collar. Madam Celia led her into the room. The men grew silent for a moment then began murmuring among themselves as Heather took her place on a platform that had been erected along the far wall. Bolted to the platform was a post. Near the top of the post were several eye bolts. Two eye bolts were also attached to the platform on either side of the whipping post.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Heather noticed a very tall black skeleton-like figure standing at the side of the platform. He was naked. In his hand was a coiled leather whip. He grinned at her. Quickly she turned away but not before seeing his deformed cock that swung down almost to his knees.” Madam Celia threaded a rope through the wrist cuffs and then through one of the eyebolts. She pulled on the rope and secured it when Heather’s arms were stretched above her. Madam Celia then secured each of the ankle cuffs to the eyebolts in the floor of the platform. Heather’s legs were spread wide. Madam Celia stepped down from the platform and went to a far corner of the room.

  “Why are you here,” one of the men asked.

  “To be whipped,” Heather answered, “to be whipped for your pleasure,” she added.

  “Do you enjoy being whipped?”

  “No, no I-I...hate it. But...but it is my wish to give you pleasure and if watching me being whipped does that then I’m happy t
o be whipped.”

  “If you are sold to me,” she could tell it was General Shuka speaking, “my boy Buru will be one of your masters. Ask him to whip you.”

  Heather stared straight ahead, afraid to look at the hideous boy, “Please whip me,” she said.

  “Wrong,” Shuka yelled. “His name is Buru and he is your master.”

  “Please, Master Buru, whip me,” she said.

  General Shuka spoke louder, “Buru tells me he won’t whip you unless you agree to suck his cock in front of us after you are whipped.” Heather was silent. “Damn you, white bitch!” Shuka shouted.

  Heather flinched. After a moment in a small voice she said, “Master Buru, if you will please whip me, I-I...will suck your cock afterwards.” All the men laughed.

  Buru held the whip handle out to her. Dutifully she kissed it without looking at him. She heard him step away. One of the men yelled, “Push your ass back. Invite the whip.”

  She stood on her tiptoes and pressing her breasts against the post lifted her ass up and away from it. “Beg!” someone shouted.

  “Please, Master Buru, please whip me,” she said. She heard the whistle of the whip before the painful burning slash bit into her flesh. She was determined not to cry out.

  A second, and third, a fourth, the lash marks drawing blood. The fifth brought a muffled cry, by the eighth she was screaming. With the last crack of the whip she hung unmoving on the post.

  Madam Celia hurried to the platform to release the cuffs, lay her on the floor, and administer smelling salts. Gradually, Heather came around. Tears streaked her face.

  “You’re not finished yet,” General Shuka shouted. “Get on your knees and open your mouth.”

  Still dazed, Heather obeyed his orders not fully aware yet of what was to come.

  The room before her kept going in and out of focus. Then her view was blocked by someone standing in front of her. She felt a gritty finger on her lower lip. She opened wider. Then her mouth was filled with a rancid smelling cockhead. Automatically, she began to suck. Buru pushed her head down until she began to gag. She sucked harder.

  Soon she felt him jerk and her mouth was filled with hot spurts of his cum. She forced herself to swallow. He stepped away grinning. “Thank him,” someone shouted.

  She had trouble finding her voice, “Thank you, Master Buru for...for...letting me suck your...your cock,” she rasped.

  Both Madam Celia and Carmella hurried to the platform to lift Heather from her knees and help carry her out of the dining room to the sound of the men laughing and congratulating Buru. In her quarters both women applied a healing salve to the purple welts on her ass and back. Carmella gave her a sedative so that she slept until the next morning. She woke up sore but pleased to see that the whip marks had almost disappeared. Carmella was at her bedside. Heather was hesitant to ask but she needed to know, “Will they want me serve them today?”

  Carmella smiled, “No, dear. General Cruiz prevailed upon them to permit you to rest during the day since you are to spend the night with one of them. That’s how it will be for the next several days until the auction.”

  “And tonight?”

  “You are to go to the fat Arab, Aleem.”

  “He’s the one who transforms adult women into preteen age girls?”

  “Yes, he’s something of a pedophile except the slaves he keeps are at least eighteen. He puts them through a long training period until they begin to” think of themselves as little girls and behave as if they were. I’m told it’s actually how they see themselves.”

  “Depraved,” Heather said.

  “These men are all depraved, except for our General Cruiz.”

  After she ate and exercised and bathed, Heather was permitted to sleep until it was time to prepare for her night with Aleem. When she was awakened by Madam Celia she quickly noticed the clothes that had been laid out for her: a very short pleated skirt, a tight red sweater that buttoned up the front, and patent leather tap shoes. Carmella brushed her hair then tied it in pigtails with red ribbons. Although she was dressed like a little girl, they applied heavy make up: dark mascara, bright red lipstick and gloss. They also rouged her nipples. Heather looked in the mirror and laughed, “I look like a fourteen year old whore.”

  Madam Celia nodded, “For your sake I hope he likes you enough to outbid Shuka. There are worse things than becoming a child again.” She paused, “Much worse,” she added. “I suggest you try to give a good imitation of a fourteen year old. Do whatever he demands and call him Daddy.”

  The two women led her to Aleem’s quarters. The fat Arab was sitting in an ornate chair across from a canopied bed. He wore an open black silk robe which contrasted sharply with the wrinkled pale skin of his huge belly, his sunken chest, spindly legs and bare feet. As he stared at her, his pendulous lips stretched into a wide smile, “Ahh, yes!” he exclaimed. His voice was high pitched like a little boy’s would be. “I think you would be a fine addition, a truly fine addition!” He crooked a finger motioning her toward him. When she was standing in front of him, her head bowed, he said, “Do you know what your cunny is?”

  “Yes, Master,” she said

  “Tell me and let me see it.”

  “It’s my pussy.” She lifted the pleated skirt to reveal her hairless slit.

  “Ahhh, a very pretty cunny. My girlies will want to taste it. They will want you to taste their cunnies too. Would you like to do that? Lick and suck the cunnies of my two girlies?”

  “Yes, Master. I would like that very much.”

  “I see you’re wearing the tap shoes as I requested. Dance for me.”

  Heather looked up at him, “I’m sorry, Master, but I don’t...I don’t know how to tap dance.”

  He frowned, “Try, little bitch, try!” he shouted. Awkwardly, Heather did a few steps. “Spin,” he yelled, “so I can see your ass and cunny!” Holding her arms out, she turned as rapidly as she could causing the skirt to flair. “Stand still but keep tapping and bend over to show me your ass.” She did as he’d demanded. “Now, reach back and part your cheeks. I want to see your little bung hole.” Continuing to tap she pulled her ass cheeks apart. “Ahh, yes, just as I thought, rosy and tight. For my enjoyment my two girlies lick each other’s sweet shit holes. Would you like to lick theirs?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “And push your tongue in to taste them there?”

  “I would, Master.”

  “They will welcome you. A new playmate and an American. One of my girlies is from Puerto Rico and the other is a very black girlie from somewhere in North Africa.” He leaned forward smiling at her attempts to dance. “If you are sold to me I’ll arrange for you to take tap dancing lessons. One of my girlies plays the piano and the other is an excellent drummer. The three of you can put on little musical shows for me and my friends, before you eat each other’s cunnies.”

  After a few moments, he said, “You can stop tapping now. Come over here and sit on my lap. I want to tell you what your life will be like if I’m able to buy you.” Reluctantly she sat across his thighs, noticing that he had almost no cock, just a fat white sausage shaped penis no longer than his big toe. He put his arm around her waist pulling her close to him. He smelled strongly of sweat and garlic and whiskey. “Do you want to show your Daddy your titties?” She nodded. Quickly he yanked on her pigtails jerking her head back sharply.

  He leaned over her face, “You answer Daddy when he asks you a question. You never ever just nod your head. Now, say it, say what you want Daddy to do.” He let go.

  It took a moment before she could speak, “Please...Daddy, please let me show you my titties,” she said.

  “That’s better. So?”

  Slowly she began to unbutton the sweater until both breasts were exposed. Cautiously, she took his left hand and placed it on her breast. He pinched her rouged nipple, “Your nipples are hard. That must mean Daddy is making you excited, yes?”

  “Yes, Daddy. I-I...think I’m w
et, too. I mean my cunny is wet.”

  He looked at her for several minutes until she bowed her head. “I think you will be easy to train. If I’m fortunate enough to buy you your training will take only about three months. It’s a program of drugs and hypnosis and exercises that lead you back to your early teen years, let’s say about thirteen for you. At the end of the program that’s how you will see yourself, as thirteen and you will see me as your Daddy. Your only ambition in life will be to amuse and please your Daddy. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Master...I mean...yes, Daddy, I understand.”

  “Would you like to become one of my girlies?”

  “Yes, Daddy, I would very much like that.”

  “You should know I don’t fuck my girlies. They pleasure me by performing for me and my friends and by licking my testicles and sucking my penis.”

  “Would you like to lick my testicles now and suck my penis till I cum in your pretty mouth?”

  She slid off his lap and kneeled before him. His tiny fat white prick was limp. She looked up at him, “Please, Daddy, let me lick and suck.” He smiled and nodded. She lifted his prick with two fingers and bent down to lick the sweat from his sagging ball sack. When she felt his cock begin to stiffen she took it into her mouth. She had no trouble holding the entire length of it in her mouth while her nose was buried in this curly crotch hair. He made her suck for a long time before grunting and squirting small spurts of watery urine tasting cum into her mouth. She swallowed and looked up at him, her lips wet and glistening.

  He patted her on the head. “I must say you suck cock even better than my girlies and they are experts. As I said, I do not fuck my girlies but that doesn’t mean they don’t get fucked. My friends fuck them. Occasionally, I give them to my ten guards for a night. The girlies are exhausted and rather bruised in the morning, but they get very well fucked.” He paused and studied her, “I want you to join us. You want to be a member of our little family? You want to be thirteen again? Would you like that? Would you like to be thirteen? Would you like to please your sisters with your hot little tongue? Would you like to be fucked by ten big rough guards? Would you like to suck your Daddy’s penis every night before you sleep?”


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