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Grace of Gods Boxset: Reincarnated Greek Gods YA/NA Series

Page 15

by Kyleigh Castronaro

  “But don’t you think letting us influence our dynamic and reactions to our Gods with our mortal personalities damage the whole point of the reincarnation too?” Renae had piped up, her eyes wide with wondering.

  Atlas smiled gently and shook his head, “not at all, that’s the whole point. The Gods lost their direction the first time around. They forgot about the problems that were important for the mortals and became involved in their own affairs that they were lost to the minds of men. By returning you in the forms that you are, it’s through the influence of your mortal lives and the things you know about the outside world that, hopefully, will be able to help you this time around in not losing your way and leading the world to be a better place. At least, this was Zeus’ intention when he locked you all away.”

  Atlas gave a curt nod in Aidan’s direction to which everyone turned to look at him. He was completely unfazed by the attention and shrugged at them in a devil may care way before Atlas continued.

  “The point of this reincarnation is to return the powers of the Gods to Earth to restore some balance but also to not repeat history and have a do over.

  This is a fresh start for everyone and no matter how enticed you are by the idea of falling back into old habits and old rivalries, please try to remember this is a fresh slate for everyone.”

  Atlas failed to subtly turn the attention of the group on Griffin as though he was directly pointing out that the boy shouldn’t have been ignored up to this point because of who his God was.

  But frankly, I don’t think he could’ve been added back into the Olympians because his God was still too vengeful and too volatile to be around the others.

  Atlas gave us a chance to ask any more questions, his eyes flicking around the room waiting for anyone to say anything. For the most part everyone shifted uncomfortably, waiting for him to move on but I had a burning question that I knew I needed to ask; I knew, everyone needed this answer.

  “Why now?” My voice broke the silence and I felt myself burn with embarrassment as everyone turned to look at me.

  Atlas stared at me for a moment before nodding, “good question.” He said simply, looking around once more at the collection of youths in front of him. “I released the souls once before, during a chaotic time of revolution. I thought that perhaps since there was much strife and war the humans needed the Gods. But they didn’t, belief in the Christian God was still strong and the humans weren’t ready for your arrival.”

  “What happened?” Aidan asked, the first time since my arrival that he had acknowledged anything to do with me. Atlas turned to look at him for a moment before continuing.

  “I consulted the Fates, I had to find a way to return the souls to their slumber unharmed and while I did discover the right spell I also learned of a prophecy regarding the fate of the Gods.”

  Everyone’s attention piqued, people shifted closer to Atlas waiting for him to carry on: “Those of you familiar with Greek theology understand that the Moirai predict the outcome of all souls: even those of the Gods. When I mistakenly released the souls of the Gods the first time I set a chain of events into motion that would change the path you were meant to walk. Through the prophecy, I was given a timeline that your return had to meet to, hopefully, rectify the altered course. Only now will time tell if such a change has taken place.”

  “But when the Moirai cut the lines of life they cannot be altered.” Renae spoke up again, questioning Atlas.

  “This is true.”

  “Then how can you alter the course of this line?”

  He was silent for some time, mulling over his answer. Everyone in the group looked worried, wondering what this prophecy might entail but none of us wanting to know. I, for one, knew how Oedipus ended and knowing the prophecy hadn’t helped him. Perhaps it would be better to carry on blindly, it might be our only way of skirting fate.

  “Alright, most of you have at some point by now experienced the small burst of powers you’ve been given by your Gods.” Atlas broke the silence once more, totally changing the topic and leaving the conversation dead in the air. “Now I want you to take some time and channel that energy again and try to compel something in the room to move. Everyone should have this basic power, as it is simply a channeling of emotions, compressing it into the object of your desire and pushing it with the charge that should build from how you’re feeling. Of course, this works best with strong emotions like love or hate but if you can’t conjure ideas of that right now you can also use lesser emotions and still be able to move something. But don’t aim for something big.”

  Everyone separated into groups and I wanted to go over to Aidan and talk about this prophecy. Before I could even go anywhere Griffin had moved over to me, stopping at my side.

  “Hi, Savannah.” His voice alone managed to send shivers up and down my spine, causing me to freeze on the spot like a deer in the headlights. “Listen… I’m …” He didn’t even have long enough to finish his sentence because before I knew it Zane and Royce were at my side.

  “Move on freak, she’s not interested.” Griffin looked absolutely terrified for a second before there was something akin to anger, which flashed across his face. It took him another few seconds before he turned and moved away from us. Royce reached out, lightly touching my elbow.

  “You okay?” He asked kindly. I turned to face him.

  “Uh… Yeah.” I managed weakly, giving him a shy kind of smile before looking from him to Zane. “How did you guys know?”

  Royce shrugged, looking for the words he needed to explain before he simply said: “I guess I felt it.”

  Hera and Hephaestus must have been a lot closer than I had first assumed. I was sure from all the mythology they would have a tense relationship but mother and son, that was quite a strong bond.

  “Well, thank you. I appreciate it.” I smiled at him before nodding at Zane. “I’m Savannah.” He took my hand somewhat bewilderedly and shook it after a moment of holding onto it unnecessarily long.

  “Zane.” I looked back at Royce and decided that even if he had left me in the jaws of Charlotte earlier I could forgive him for being helpful today. Maybe he wasn’t strong enough to go against the crowd, or at least against Charlotte. Could I blame him? I wouldn’t want to if she weren’t already pitting me against her.

  “Well, we’re going to get back to practicing.” Royce nodded over to where a few other of the Olympians were trying to channel their love or hate and I smiled.

  “Yeah, of course. See you later.” I was sad to see them go, some part of me hoped that for once someone might stay instead of feeling pressured to remain visibly neutral.

  But I couldn’t blame them for it; Charlotte had twisted all the people in here to get her own way. They were scared. That, if nothing else, made me want to reveal to everyone exactly the kind of person she was.

  Chapter 16

  I was still smiling as they walked away and my eyes glanced over at Aidan, who was furiously concentrating on a chair in front of him. I figured he might be channeling something of what we'd been feeling the night before but from the look of intense concentration and the furrow between his eyebrows I thought better of it. Going over, I gently touched the small of his back to tell him I was there.

  "Go away Savannah." He said simply, surprising me considering the conversation we'd had the night before. The shock was evident on my face as my jaw slackened slightly and I tried to understand what I had done wrong. As far as I saw it he'd been the one to walk off on me this morning and leave me to arrive late to this "training”.

  "What" I resisted the urge to jump on the defensive as I was prone to do and bit my lip as I sought to understand him. He still hadn't turned to even look at me. In fact, he seemed to be actively avoiding looking me in the eye. I took this as an opportunity to be annoying by stepping in front of him and pulling the chair out of his eye sight.

  "I don’t get it Aidan... Last night, we-“ I frowned to myself, unsure of what I wanted to admit. If our conversati
on had meant much more to me did I want to give him that kind of ammunition? I shook my head: “I thought maybe we could be friends now. Or at least friendly to each other.” He turned, looking at me with such an unnerving look of hatred that I stepped back in surprise. I hadn’t done anything to deserve that kind of animosity.

  "You thought wrong okay, Queenie? Haven't you gotten it yet that I'm in it for me and no one else? Why would you ever believe anything that came out of my mouth when I was drunk? Are you that stupid and naive?" I was stunned at what he was saying but I wasn’t going to let him ruin our evening easily.

  "I think you’re too afraid to be open and vulnerable with someone. What happened last night frightened you, like the coward you are you're being an asshole and pushing yet another person away from you." I'd subconsciously leaned in closer to him only he could hear what I was saying to him.

  I could see his jaw tighten and the words that would come as a backlash to my own on the tip of his tongue. Charlotte suddenly appeared at our sides and slipped an arm through Aidan's. My face must have screwed up in displeasure because Charlotte simply smirked at me, reveling in pleasure that she'd managed to piss me off.

  But what she didn't know was that I was mad at Aidan for being a coward again and not putting her in her place.

  "Run along Savannah. No one wants you here." Aidan didn't say anything else, no doubt, because he felt the same, but for different reasons.

  "On the contrary..." I said simply, shooting a knowing look at her arm laced through his. Charlotte sneered slightly and took this moment to rebut rather petulantly: "at least I have someone who wants to put his arm around me. I don't take up space in beds and between legs unlike some people." She smirked, pleased with herself. As much as it stung to hear her say it, true or not, I told myself I couldn't let it get me down because I had ammunition she didn't.

  "Funny that..." I began," seems more like a case of pot calling the kettle black to me. Or should I elaborate? Virgin Goddess of wisdom?" She scoffed and had the audacity to wave a hand at me like I was a fly she was trying to swat.

  "Second chances and what not Savannah... I mean I don't recall mythologies about Hera being a whore, right?"

  My jaw tightened and I could feel the words crawling up my throat ready to be launched at her in a full-frontal assault. Maybe it would've been a verbal assault too if she hadn't kept going and pushing the topic more and more.

  "I heard rumors you've slept with dozens of men. Nicola and Hunter went through the images a couple days ago I don't know for certain. But Savannah, don't you have the slightest inkling of self-respect? You could be much better than a stereotypical piece of trailer trash with daddy issues. How old were you when he left? Three? They saw those images too, standing on the pavement crying as the car drove away. He didn't care about you, did he? Didn't even look back or call or ever care no matter how hard you tried? And you do try hard; it's pathetic how much effort you put into what is effortless for the rest of us. Atlas screwed up when he brought you here..."

  She went on and on, echoing the thoughts that went through my head all the time and I had to wonder how she knew. She said there were images but I have no idea what those were and if they were real... I knew she could manipulate my thoughts could she hear them and pretended that Hunter and Nicola had told her? Could she hear me now? Probably not over her longwinded speech...

  Before I knew it, the anger came out of nowhere like a wave slipping over me and she went flying across the room. Her back slammed up against the wall a good meter from the floor and my mind had her pinned there. I didn't know how I had such power but it seemed to be flowing through me and I loved every second of it.

  No longer focusing on shutting her up, I stormed toward where she remained firmly held on the wall and glared at her.

  "I might be all those things and more but at least I'm not a conniving bitch who manipulates everyone around her to get her way. At least when I have friends I don't use them and treat them like servants. You think you're better suited to be Queen compared to me... But you’re a spoiled little bitch with a silver spoon up her ass that everyone follows because they fear you. Look around: no one here likes you. Not even your "boyfriend" who told me he only slept with you he could have dibs on your virgini-" Before I could finish my sentence someone grabbed my shoulders and Charlotte dropped to the ground like a rag doll.

  "Enough." Aidan's voice was silky smooth in my ear and something told me by the sound of his voice he wasn't angry with me for what I'd done.

  I turned to face him, "enough?" I said incredulously. "You forced me to this point. After everything that happened last night, you come in here and pretend like I did something wrong. Standing there while she said all those things and then tell me enough? She deserves that and more!" I turned to look at Charlotte who was being helped up by Briar.

  “She deserves to look exactly on the outside, the way she does on the inside." The words came out of nowhere but it seemed to do the trick. Before our eyes, Charlotte's hair began to fall out in patches, her skin sunk into her face and the flesh started to rot. The smell emulating off her was disgusting and even Briar, in all her sweetness, shied away from her unable to stand it. Charlotte's eyes remained the same dark brown they had been but in them reflected the horror and the panic that no doubt gripped her as she realized what I'd done.

  No one said anything as we watched her and then she turned, running for the door and leaving us all there surprised even me.

  "How'd...?" Someone said, snapping the room out of its haze and we all looked around. Or, they all looked around at me. I felt bad, of course, but after what she'd done to me I felt justified for a reason.

  Atlas moved toward us and I wasn't sure if he was proud or mad.

  "Well, if you were wondering why I chose you for Hera...That is your answer there." He said simply to me, under his breath no one else heard.

  "But!" He said loudly, turning the others could see him. "Fighting amongst yourselves will not be tolerated from anyone. Especially now that you've all seen how powerful your magic is. You need to all learn to put petty differences behind you and move forward as a team. There must be unity between you because it was animosity between the Gods that led to problems last time. You have your first open court in two days you have two days to figure out all your issues and work together. Everyone."

  He paused to take in his captivated audience before nodding, "well... That's it for today. You can all go and practice on your own time. Don't forget, open court in two days..."

  Everyone started moving for the door and I stayed where I was for a moment having expected repercussions for my outburst. But when Atlas didn't say anything I started to make my way to the door.

  "Savannah, Aidan... Please stay behind." I turned back around, not at all impressed that he'd asked for Aidan as well. Crossing my arms I was determined to give Atlas my best defiant face he knew exactly how I felt. But he didn't care; he hardly looked at me like Aidan hadn't earlier. Was I growing invisible?

  "Aidan, you cannot encourage her. No matter how bemused he is by her, you must learn to control yourself and him in those situations or you do risk a civil war amongst the Gods." What was he talking about? Aidan hadn't helped me; he'd stopped me right when the going was getting good.

  Aidan shrugged and crossed his arms like me and Atlas sighed. "I guess I should be happy they’re working together but you two cannot go around pinning other Gods to walls like posters."

  Aidan snorted as I countered, "She deserved it. I’m sick of her thinking she’s high and mighty and better than me." I said, dropping my arms exasperatedly. "She needed to remember who the real Queen was, I reminded her." I stuck my chin out as a sign that I was sticking to my guns and Aidan laughed softly beside me.

  "Didn't I tell you Blondie that I get to choose who is my Queen?" I turned and looked at him, my mouth slacking in shock.

  "Even after that show you're still questioning who deserves to be the right-hand consort to the King of
the Heavens. Especially when Atlas was giving you credit you didn't deserve. That was all me but I didn't say anything"

  "That wasn't all you." Atlas said simply, nodding at Aidan as I turned to him in confusion. "The two of you, because of who your Gods are, are stronger together. You feed off each other’s emotions and both of you were mad enough to channel the power it took to do that to Charlotte.”

  "No. That was Savannah." Aidan said unconvincingly. Had it been the combination of our powers that had thrown Charlotte against the wall? I stared at him for a moment incredulously; realizing that yes, yes it had been. Great, he'd come to my aid once more after telling me I had to stop being useless and defend myself. It felt like every time I tried he was there to step in and do it for me.

  "Thanks Prince Charming." I said dryly, "was my “what you are on the inside” spell at least my own?" It wasn't exactly something I wanted to be proud of but I didn't want Aidan to take all the credit.

  "Oh yes, that was all you. Or Hera should I say. Only she would conjure such a spell. Which is probably why Zeus, Aidan, finally stepped in and drew a line. He finds his wife's jealousy amusing for only long."

  "This wasn't jealousy." Aidan said before I could. "I could feel what she was feeling and it wasn't jealousy. Charlotte abused her powers too; by looming into Savannah's mind and prying where she wasn't welcome she used that information to hurt her. Whether Zeus agrees or not, Charlotte got what she deserved."

  I was amazed as I turned to look at Aidan. What did it matter to him if what Charlotte had said hurt me? He hadn’t cared a moment ago. And not to mention he'd been trying hard not to get emotionally involved, that sounded more involved than anything else he'd ever said. I couldn’t keep up with which side of the argument Aidan was on. He was as hot and cold as I felt some days.


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